Supernatural: At The Core Of His Life Was A Mystery— The .


At the core of his life was a mystery—When the javelinas were out of sight, Bill rose and ran over aridge, then followed a game trail to the bottom of the canyon. Ashe ran, he thought about the best way to move the wild pigs upthe canyon floor so his friends could get a clear shot at them.Suddenly a tremendous explosion shook the earth. Dust roseinto the air as rocks the size of mop buckets tumbled down thecanyon slopes. For an instant, Bill thought someone had shothim. Looking toward the western sky, he saw a white pyramidapproaching him faster than a supersonic jet. Then he realized itwas a constellation of angels. They were powerful beings clothedin white armor, with their wings swept back and their armsstretched forward. Bill sucked in his breath, and before he couldexhale, these angels surrounded him and somehow (not with theirhands) they lifted him into the air.—a mystery whose time had come. . .Supernatural:The Life of William BranhamBook Six(1960–1965)Copyright 2010By Owen JorgensenAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any formwithout first obtaining written permission from the author.ISBN 0-xxxxxxx-5-4Published by:Supernatural Christian BooksP.O. Box 695Coulee City, Washington 99115 USA

AcknowledgmentsIn a project of this magnitude, it is understandable that I should owemany people a debt of gratitude for their help. First I want to thank PearryGreen for his initial encouragement and support. I also want to thankSaundra Miles, David Buckley, Jay Weber, Jinjoo Kim, and all the otherpeople who spent many hours editing and proofreading the sixmanuscripts in this series. Incorporating their suggestions into the textimproved the accuracy of this biography and made it a better book. Also,I want to thank Steven and Kathie Strooh, who recorded this biographyfor all those people who would rather listen than read. I must certainlythank those people who have translated this biography into Chinese,Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese,Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, and other languages. Finally, my thanks tothe Lord Jesus Christ for His never-failing love and care through the 20years it took me to finish this biography of William Branham.–Owen Jorgensen, 2010Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, andthrough us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.–2 Corinthians 2:14 (NKJV)ContentsForeword. .5The Revelation of Jesus Christ. 7The Nature of God Explained. .27Wilderness Visions Fulfilled. .45His Rifle Explodes. .64A Vision of Angels. .80The King’s Sword. .96Breaking the Seals. .107His Last Great Temptation. .144Sermons like Thunder. .159Stopping a Blizzard. .174Earthquake. .192Eliezer’s Mission. .210The Dove and the Eagle. .239His Last Days. .255Afterword:. .278Endnotes and Sources. .281Bibliography. .288

etc. With stories, I simply gathered all the facts I could find, selected which onesto use, arranged them in the order they happened, and then wrote them out asclearly as I could. Sometimes I needed to do some detective work, but it wasminimal. Book Six is different. Yes, it is filled with stories about his life—amazing stories. But there is more. I called Book Six “The Prophet and HisRevelation” because from 1960 to 1965 the dramatic events of his life can’t beunderstood apart from his teachings. Still, I kept in mind I was writing abiography and not a doctrinal dissertation. I wanted to concentrate on the storyand not get sidetracked with doctrinal explanations. To accomplish this objectiveI chose to summarize key sermons that he preached.Summarizing these selected sermons turned out to be a time-consuming task.First I had to study all his sermons in this time-frame, and then decide whichones should be included in this biography. Then I read through these selectedsermons again, found their central themes and summarized their main points.Often I included some edited quotations from the text, so the reader can see howhe presented this material. (At the back of this book I list the sources for thesequotations so those people who want to read them verbatim can find them.) Thismethod, for the most part, keeps the storyline moving steadily forward.However, William Branham preached two doctrinal series that were so central tohis message that I dealt with them in more detail. In December of 1960 hetaught a series on the seven church ages, and in March of 1963 he preached onthe seven seals, both subjects found in the book of Revelation. My summaries ofthese two series are as brief as I could write them and still have them makesense.Today, as I understand it, there are millions of people who believe WilliamBranham delivered a message from God to the world. Certainly, this book is nota perfect representation of that message because it is impossible to write asummary that perfectly represents the whole. That is why there is a whole. But agood summary can refresh a dim memory, as well as stimulate new interest. It isalso an excellent way to get an overview of a broad subject. I have tried my bestto write an accurate, balanced summary. I hope this book will encourage you tolook further into William Branham’s message.PrefaceHere are the final 14 chapters in my biography of William Branham. Somepeople have written books that have 96 pages. I wrote a book with 96 chapters.When I started this project in 1987, I didn’t plan on writing such a longbiography. My original idea was to make it around 400 pages. But when Iplunged into the research phase, I found so much fascinating material, it wasdifficult to decide what to put in and what to leave out; so I decided to write atlength and then trim it down when I finished.By 1993 I had written 500 pages, which covered William Branham’s lifefrom 1909 through 1950. Since he died in December of 1965, I knew I had along ways to go. However, wanting some feedback on my work, I mailed a copyof what I had written to Pearry Green, Pastor of Tucson Tabernacle in Tucson,Arizona. Because Pearry Green had been a close friend of William Branham, Ifigured he would give me an honest review.When the manuscript arrived at Tucson Tabernacle, Pastor Green was notthere, so his secretary left it on his desk. Later that day he stopped by his officeto check his mail, saw the manuscript, and read the first page. He told me hestayed at his desk and read through the night until he finished all 500 pages. Afew days later he called me to give me his opinion, and eventually he becamemy first publisher. It was Pearry Green’s idea to publish this biography in partsas each part was completed. That was a good idea because it would take meanother 17 years to finish the whole project.Supernatural: The Life of William Branham, Book Six took me far longer towrite than the previous five books in this series. Books One, Two, Three, Fourand Five are mostly composed of stories—this happened, then that happened,BOOK 6

Across 23 years I have spent around 12,000 hours working on Supernatural:The Life of William Branham. I have written over 440,000 words in my effort toput his life into perspective, and I still feel like I haven’t done justice to hisstory. In fact, I have only scratched the surface of his extraordinary experiencesand his message. Perhaps this is how John felt when he finished writing abiography about his friend, Jesus of Nazareth; he ended his biography with thesewords:And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were writtenone by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books thatwould be written. Amen. (John 21:25 NKJV)Perhaps the poet was thinking of this Bible verse when he penned:Could we with ink the ocean fill,And were the sky of parchment made;Were every stalk on earth a quill,And every man a scribe by trade;To write the love of God aboveWould drain the ocean dry;Nor could the scroll contain the whole,Tho’ stretched from sky to sky.I am like one of the scribes in that poem, a scribe with a word-processor whohas spent over two decades writing about the love of God as expressed in thisone man’s life. William Branham was an example of how a Christian shouldlive. What first attracted me to his sermons was that he elevated Jesus Christhigher than anyone else I had ever heard. I still feel that way. William Branhamshowed me that Jesus Christ is right here, right now—and that Jesus carespassionately about you and me. What greater legacy could anyone leave?–Owen Jorgensen, 2010BOOK 6

ForewordWILLIAM BRANHAM is not the first man in history to say that hetalked with an angel; but few men, if any, have shown more proof thatsuch a claim is true. Between 1946 and 1954, he demonstrated thesupernatural gospel of Jesus Christ to millions of people—not throughradio or television, but directly, through large evangelistic campaigns inAmerica, Europe, Africa, and India. The people who attended his faithhealing campaigns marveled at his gift of discernment, and theprophecies and miracles that followed. During these eight years he ledover 500,000 people to faith in Christ. Over a million people receivedphysical healings through his prayers. Beyond this, his ministry inspiredhundreds of men and women to start faith-healing ministries of theirown.Paradoxically, as 1954 came to an end William Branham feltdissatisfied. He thought his supernatural gift should have revolutionizedthe Christian world, broken down denominational barriers, and broughtall Christians together in oneness of spirit, purpose, and doctrine. It hadnot. Why? Perhaps it was because too many Christians didn’t understandBible prophecy, especially as it pertained to their own lives. Worse yet,many Christians didn’t even understand the basics of their faith—likewho Jesus Christ is, what He promised, and how He expects His peopleto live. To remedy this problem, Bill began teaching more doctrine in hisevangelistic campaigns. This decision produced some unexpectedresults. During 1955, attendance at his faith-healing campaigns declinedsharply. Evidently, people welcomed miracles as long as they didn’t haveto change their own ideas. Some people felt he should concentrate ondivine healing and let people with more education teach doctrine. By theend of 1955, attendance at one California campaign had dropped so lowthat William Branham seriously considered quitting evangelism. Godchanged his mind by showing him a vision that explained his pastministry, and suggested that his future ministry would be even greater.In this vision Bill was fishing from the shore of a lake. The angel toldhim how to catch the bigger fish. After casting his line, Bill wassupposed to pull gently, which would attract the little fish to his lure.Then he was supposed to pull a little harder and scare the small fishaway. That would attract the attention of the bigger fish. His third pullwas supposed to be quick and strong to set the hook firmly in the jaw ofa big trophy fish.This vision was an allegory of his ministry. The angel explained thatthe first pull began in 1946 when Bill discerned sickness by touching aperson’s hand and detecting the vibrations of any germ-caused disease.The second pull started in 1949 when he began to discern sickness andother problems by seeing them enacted in a vision. The third pull of hisministry was approaching.Then the scene changed. Now Bill was standing in the air, lookingdown on a crowd assembled inside a huge tent or cathedral. It lookedlike one of his faith-healing campaigns, only much larger. A littlewooden building stood on the platform to the right of the pulpit. ThePillar of Fire descended into that small building and the angel of theLord said, “I’ll meet you in there. This is the third pull. Unlike the firsttwo pulls of your ministry, the third pull won’t be a public show.”During January of 1958, William Branham conducted a faith-healingcampaign in Waterloo, Iowa. At a breakfast for ministers, he spoke aboutthe day in 1933 when a supernatural light appeared above him and avoice said, “As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming ofJesus Christ, so are you sent with a message to forerun His secondcoming.” Then he told the ministers about the night in 1946 when anangel appeared to him and told him that God had ordained him to take agift of healing to the peoples of the world. Quoting the apostle Paul, Billdeclared, “I have not been disobedient to the hea

Supernatural Christian Books P.O. Box 695 Coulee City, Washington 99115 USA. Acknowledgments In a project of this magnitude, it is understandable that I should owe many people a debt of gratitude for their help. First I want to thank Pearry Green for his initial encouragement and support. I also want to thank Saundra Miles, David Buckley, Jay Weber, Jinjoo Kim, and all the other