Online Library Management System - IOSR-JEN


Ashutosh Tripathi & Ashish Srivastava / IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)www.iosrjen.orgISSN: 2250-3021Vol. 2 Issue 2, Feb.2012, pp. 180- 186Online Library Management SystemAshutosh Tripathi & Ashish SrivastavaDepartment of Electronics and Communication & E-LearningAmity School of Engineering and TechnologyAmity University Rajasthan, Jaipur-302002ABSTRACT: The paper titled Library Management System is Library management software for monitoringand controlling the transactions in a library .The paper "Library Management System" is developed in javawhich mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding new member, new books, and updating newinformation, searching books and members and facility to borrow and return books."Library Management System" is a windows application written for 32-bit Windows operating systems,designed to help users maintain and organize library. This software is easy to use for both beginners andadvanced users.INTRODUCTION:The purpose of theapplication is automation of library ,it providefacilities to student or member to search for therequired books and it allows the administrator orlibrarian to Issue & return books to students andcan create & delete membership of students. Thesoftware Library Management System has fourmainmodules.Insertion to Database Module - User friendly inputscreenExtracting from Database module - AttractiveOutputScreenReport Generation module - borrowed book list &AvailablebooklistSearch Facility system - search for books andmembersafter conducting the feasibility study we decided tomake the manual Library management system to becomputerized.PROPOSED SYSTEM: Proposed system is anautomated Library Management System. Throughour software user can add members, add books,search members, search books, update information,edit information, borrow and return books in quicktime. Our proposed system has the followingadvantages.SYSTEMANALYSISEXISTINGSYSTEM: System Analysis is a detailed study ofthe various operations performed by a system andtheir relationships within and outside of the system.Here the key question is- what all problems exist inthe present system what must be done to solve theproblem Analysis begins when a user or managerbegins a study of the program using existingsystem.In our existing system all the transaction of booksare done manually, So taking more time for atransaction like borrowing a book or returning abook and also for searching of members and books.Another major disadvantage is that to preparing thelist of books borrowed and the available books inthe library will take more time, currently it is doingas a one day process for verifying all records. So User friendly interface Fast access to database Less error More Storage Capacity Search facility Look and Feel EnvironmentAll the manual difficulties in managing the ion.SYSTEMREQUIREMENTS:Thismanagement system can be used in windows 98Windows2000, Windows XP and Windows NT,supported for other platform such as AppletMacintoshandUNIX.The system must be running Windows 98,Windows 98 or Windows NT4.0 operating systemwww.iosrjen.org180 P a g e

Ashutosh Tripathi & Ashish Srivastava / IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)www.iosrjen.orgISSN: 2250-3021Vol. 2 Issue 2, Feb.2012, pp. 180- 186and must meet the following hardwarerequirements. For Windows 95 based computers, a 486 / 66MHzorhigherprocessorwith8MB For Windows 98 based computers, a 500/88MHzor higher processor with 32 Mb of RAM For Windows NT based computers, a 488 / 66MHz or higher processor with 16 MB of RAM For Windows 200 based computers, a 700/850MHz or higher processor with 512 MB of RAMSYSTEM//alert (value);If (value null){Alert("Password and Conform Password didn't match)compass .focus (); Return false;{Alert ("Password and ConformPassword didn't match) Con pass. Focus ();Output of step1: the output of step1 is shownbelow is a login page consist of field nameMid (member id) & password user can login toonline library by filling correct mid & password.IMPLEMENTATION:Implementation is the stage in the paper where thetheoretical design is turned into a working system.The implementation phase constructs, installs andoperates the new system. The most crucial stage inachieving a new successful system is that it willwork efficiently and effectively.Step1: to design a code for login page so that usercan login into online library by filling correctusername and password.CODING OF LOGIN PAGE title Registration Page /title script type "text/ java script” language "javascript" Function Co-Validation (){Variablemid document.Regform.mid;Variable pass;Variableconpass document.Regform.con pw;If (mid. value ""){Alert ("Enter mid");Mid. Focus ();Return false;}If (pass. value ""){Alert ("Enter password");Pass .Focus ();Return false;}If (Con pass. value ""){Alert ("Enter Conform Password");Con Pass .Focus ();Return false;}Variable pass1 pass .value;Variable pass2 compass .value;Variable value pass1. Match (pass2);Step 2: to design a code for welcome page foronline libraryCODING OF WELCOME PAGE html head title Library management system /title /head body b g color "pink" % String mid (String) request getAttribute("mid");% font size "20" color "black" I Welcome to Online Library / I /font font size "5" color "blue" Br A h ref "aboutus.html" About Us /a Br a h ref 'View profile' ViewProfile /a a h ref 'View profile' ViewProfile /a Br a h ref "editprofile.jsp" EditProfile /awww.iosrjen.org181 P a g e

Ashutosh Tripathi & Ashish Srivastava / IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)www.iosrjen.orgISSN: 2250-3021Vol. 2 Issue 2, Feb.2012, pp. 180- 186 a h ref "editprofile.jsp" Edit Profile /a a h ref "chngepassword.jsp" ChangePassword /a a href "bookavailability.jsp" BooksAvailability /a /font /body /html center h2 My Profile /h2 table border "3" TR TH m name /TH Td % m name % /TD /TR TR TH m email /TH TD % m email % /TD /TR TR TH m gender /TH TD % m gender % /TD /TR TR TH m add TH TD % m add % /TD /TR TR TH m contact /TH TD % m contact % /TD Output of step2:the output of step2 is given below is a welcomepage which contain all the links of online librarysuch as View Profile, Edit Profile, ChangePassword, Books Availability. User can use theservice provided by online library by clicking onthis links /TR /table /center /body /html Output of step3: output of step3 is a page which isdisplay the profile of login user.Step3: to design a code for View Profile web pageso that user can view his profileCODING OF VIEW PROFILE PAGE% %@page language "java" % %Array List (Array List) request. Get Attribute("view User Record");String m name (String) list .get (0);String m email (String) list .get (1);String m gender (String) list .get (2);String m add (String) list .get (3);String m contact (String) list .get (4);% Html body b g color "pink" Step 4: to design a code for change password pageCODING OF CHANGE PASSWORD PAGE Html Head www.iosrjen.org182 P a g e

Ashutosh Tripathi & Ashish Srivastava / IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)www.iosrjen.orgISSN: 2250-3021Vol. 2 Issue 2, Feb.2012, pp. 180- 186 title JSP Page /title /head body b g color "pink" h2 I type your new password /I /h2 form name "change password form"action "change Password" p Password inputtype "password"name "pw" /p p confirmpassword inputtype "password" name "con pw" /p inputpassword"/ /form /body /html type "submit"value "change form name "Book Stock" action "stock" p b title input type "text" name "b t" /p p b author input type "text" name "b a" /p Br input type "submit" value "search"/ /form /body /html Output of step5: output of step5 is given below isa web page from which user can search for booksin library by specifying book title & book authorOutput of step 4: the output of step 4 is givenbelow through which user can changehis password.Step 6: to design a code for admin login page sothat admin or librarian can login to admin page byfilling correct username & password.CODING OF ADMIN LOGIN PAGEStep5: to design a code for check booksavailability form so that user can search for therequired Books in library are available or not. html head CODING OF BOOKAVAILABILITY FORM html head Title JSP Page /Title /head body b g color "pink" h2 I typebooktitleauthor /i /h2 OR title JSP Page /title book body b g color "pink" form name "admin form" action "admin"/ h3 I please type your username &password / I /h3 p username input type "text" name "un" /p www.iosrjen.org183 P a g e

Ashutosh Tripathi & Ashish Srivastava / IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)www.iosrjen.orgISSN: 2250-3021Vol. 2 Issue 2, Feb.2012, pp. 180- 186 p password inputname "pw" /p Br Br inputvalue "login" /body /html type "password" Br Br a h ref "seeissue.jsp" ISSUE STATUS /a /font /body /html type "submit"Output of step 6: the output of step 6 is givenbelowStep 7: to design a code for admin home pagewhich consist of links such as issue books, returnbooks, add booksCODING OF ADMIN HOME PAGE html head title JSP Page /title /head body b g color "pink" center h2 WELCOME TO ADMIN PAGE /h2 /center Br font size "5" color "blue" a h ref "issue.jsp" ISSUE BOOKS /a Br Br a h ref "return.jsp" RETURN BOOKS /a Br Br a h ref "status.jsp" ADD BOOKS /a Output of step 7: output of step 7 is given belowadmin can access the services of issuing, returning&adding of books by clicking on the respectivelinksStep 8: to design a code for book issuing form sothat admin can issue books to student by fillingDetails like ISBN no. of book member id, issuingdate & due dateCODING OF BOOK ISSUING FORM html head title JSP Page /title /head body b g color "pink" center h2 BOOKS ISSUING FORM /h2 /center form name "issuing form" action "issue" p b ISBN no input type "text" name "Is b n" /p p mid input type "text" name "mid" /p p issue date input type "text" name "date" /p p duedate inputtype "text"name "date" /p input type "submit" value "issue"/ /form www.iosrjen.org184 P a g e

Ashutosh Tripathi & Ashish Srivastava / IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)www.iosrjen.orgISSN: 2250-3021Vol. 2 Issue 2, Feb.2012, pp. 180- 186 /body /html Output of step 8: the output of step 8 is givenbelow is a book issuing form.Step 10: to design a code for book addition formCODING OF ADD BOOKS FORMStep 9: to design a code for book returning form sothat admin can return the books by filing Thedetails deposited date, ISBN no, mid.CODING OF BOOK RETURNING FORM html head title JSP Page /title /head body b g color "pink" Center h2 Book Returning Form /h2 /center formname "returnbookform"action "return" p mid input type "text" name "mid" /p p bISBNno inputtype "text"name "ISBN" /p p deposited date input type "text"name "deposited" / /p Br Br input type "submit" value "return"/ /form /body html head title JSP Page /title /head body b g color "pink" formname "bookscollection"action "insert" p bISBNno inputtype "text"name "ISBN"/ /p p b title input type "text" name "booktitle"/ /p p b author input type "text" name "bauthor"/ /p p b publisher input type "text" name "bpublisher"/ /p p bprice inputtype "text"name "pc"/ /p p totalcopies inputtype "text"name "total copies"/ /p p date of arrival input type "text"name "date"/ /p input type "submit" value "insert"/ /form /body /html Output of step 10: the output of step 10 is thebook addition form by which admin can add booksto online library by filling book title, book author,available copies etc.Output of step 9: the output of step 9 is givenbelow is a book returning form by which admin canreturn book of member.www.iosrjen.org185 P a g e

Ashutosh Tripathi & Ashish Srivastava / IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)www.iosrjen.orgISSN: 2250-3021Vol. 2 Issue 2, Feb.2012, pp. 180- 186References 2. Database Programming with JDBC andJava by O'Reilly3. Head First Java 2nd Edition4. SULT: the combination of all the above webpages result in a web application named LibraryManagement System, which works as onlinelibrary.Library. Several user friendly coding have alsoadopted. This package shall prove to be a powerfulpackage in satisfying all theneed.CONCLUSION: This paper is only a humbleventure to satisfy the needs in a made within alimited time frame at the beginning of the softwarepaper and should be updated regularly as the paperprogresses requirements of the organization.www.iosrjen.org186 P a g e

the library will take more time, currently it is doing as a one day process for verifying all records. So after conducting the feasibility study we decided to make the manual Library management system to be computerized. PROPOSED SYSTEM: Proposed system is an automated Library Management System. Through