Design And Implementation Of Library Management System


International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)Volume 182 – No. 13, September 2018Design and Implementation of Library ManagementSystemAcheampong SamuelAmpofo GodfredXu HeNanjing University of Post andTelecommunicationChinaNanjing University of Post andTelecommunicationChinaProfessorNanjing University of Post andTelecommunicationChinaABSTRACTThe project is very useful for those who want to know aboutThe Library Management System is an application for assistingLibrary Management System.a librarian in managing a book library in a university. Thesystem would provide basic set of features to specifications for the systems based on the client’s statement ofneed. Library management system is a typical managementLibrary is regarded as the brain of any institute; manyinstitutes understand the importance of the library to s). LMS support the general requirement of thelibrary like acquisition, cataloging, circulation.Information system (MIS), its Development include theestablishment and maintenance of back-end database andLibrary project system that offers many flexible andfront-end application development aspects. For the formerconvenient features, allowing librarians and library users torequire the establishment of data consistency and integrity ofmaximize time and efficiency. Library System gives the allthe strong data security and good libraries. As for the latterdetailed information about students, staff and books. It willrequires the application fully functional, easy to use and so on.track on the how many books available in library and booksissued to the students. It shows popular book among theKeywordsManagement System, Data Security, management informationSystem1. INTRODUCTIONThe project titled Library Management System is LibraryManagement software for monitoring and controlling thetransactions in a library. The project “Library ManagementSystem” is developed in php, which mainly focuses on basicoperations in a library like adding new books, and updatingnew information, searching books and members and returnbooks.students. It will provide book lost in library. It keeps therecord of the suppliers and book binders. It generates MISreports for management. Our software is customizable for anylibrary requirement.2. METHOD AND MATERIALS2.1 Development MethodologyIn software engineering, a system development methodologyrefers to the framework that is used to structure, plan, andcontrol the process of developing an information system.Software development methodologies define the processes weuse to build software. These methodologies are also referredThis project of “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT” of gives us thetocomplete information about the library. We can enter themethodology follows a series of steps unique to its type, torecord of new books and retrieve the details of booksensure success in the process of software development.available in the library. We can issue the books to the studentsand maintain their records and can also check how manyasSoftwareDevelopmentProcessModels.EachA software process is a set of related activities that leads to theproduction of a software product.books are issued and stock available in the library. In thisproject we can maintain the late fine of students who returnsThere are a lot of software processes but they all include fourthe issued books after the due date.activities:Throughout the project the focus has been on presenting Specificationinformation and comments in an easy and intelligible manner. Development18

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)Volume 182 – No. 13, September 2018 Validation Evolutionrepresented as spiral rather than a sequence of activities and itincludes best features from the waterfall and prototypingmodels. In addition, it introduces a new component called:These are fundamental to software engineering. A widerisk-assessment. Each loop in the spiral represents a phase,variety of Software Development methodology has evolvedthus the first loop might be concerned with system feasibility.over the years. Each of these methodologies has its ownThe next loop might be concerned with the requirementsrecognized strengths and weaknesses. The following are thedefinition and the next with system design, and the like.most widely used methodologies for software development.2.1.4 Prototyping Method2.1.1 Waterfall MethodA prototype is a version of a system or part of the systemThe waterfall model is a sequential approach, where eachthat’s developed quickly to check the customer’s requirementsfundamental activity of a process represented as a separateor the feasibility of some design decisions. Prototypes arephase, arranged in linear order. This model requires planninguseful when a customer or the developer is not sure of theand scheduling activities before starting working on them, it isrequirements, the algorithms efficiency, some business rulesplan-driven.or even response time.Plan-driven process is one in which all the activities are firstThe four basic process activities of specification, development,planned, and then each progress is measured against the plan.validation, and evolution are organized differently in theThe Agile process on the other hand involves planningrespective development processes. In the waterfall model,incrementally and it is much easier to change the processes tothey are organized in sequence, but are interleaved inreflect a change in requirement.incremental development method. The type of software, thepeople, and organizational structures involved determines how2.1.2 Incremental Methodthese activities are carried out. For example, specifications forThe Incremental method of development is based on the ideaof developing an initial implementation, exposing this modelto user to receive feedback. This model evolves in the form ofextreme programming are written on cards. Tests areexecutable and developed before the program itself. Evolutionmay involve substantial system restructuring or re-factoring.versions as the requirements change until an acceptableThis project uses the Incremental method in developing thesystem has been developed.application because the preferences of the users keep2.1.3 Spiral Methodchanging.The spiral model is a risk-driven method where the process isFigure 2.0 Incremental Development Methodology2.2 Database Designcomputer. Databases are structured to facilitate the storage,Database is any collection of data, or information, that isretrieval, modification, and deletion of data in conjunctionspecially organized for rapid search and retrieval by awith various data-processing operations. A database is stored19

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)Volume 182 – No. 13, September 2018as a file or a set of files on magnetic disk or tape, optical disk,and medium scale businesses that do not really need advancedor some other secondary storage device. The information infunctionality on their websites. HTML is free, supports allthese files may be broken down into records, each of whichbrowsers on the client’s machine, easy to use and understandconsists of one or more fields. Fields are the basic units ofhence, the choice in building the structure of my web storage, and each field typically contains informationpertaining to one aspect or attribute of the entity described bythe database. Records are also organized into tables thatinclude information about relationships between its variousfields.CSSCascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used todescribe the presentation of a document written in HTML orXML (including XML dialects such as SVG or XHTML). CSSdescribes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper,Database Design is a collection of processes that facilitate thein speech, or on other media. CSS is one of the core languagesdesigning, development, implementation and maintenance ofof the open web and is standardized across browsers accordingenterprise data management systems. The main objectives ofto the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) specification.database designing are to produce logical and physical designsmodels of the proposed database eaklytyped,2.3 MaterialsDevelopment Toolsprototype-based,In this project, a number of development tools would beprogramming language that, when applied to an HTMLused to complete this project. They are listed as follow.document, can provide dynamic interactivity on websites. ItPhpPHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext ing language. JavaScript is a full-fledged dynamicwould be used in conjunction with Django to ensure validationrules on the front-end of the a widely-used open source general-purpose scriptingBootstraplanguage that is especially suited for web development andBootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web frameworkcan be embedded into HTML. The best things in using PHPfor designing websites and web applications. It contains HTMLare that it is extremely simple for a newcomer, but offersand CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons,many advanced features for a professional programmer. Don'tnavigation and other interface components, as well as optionalbe afraid reading the long list of PHP's features. You can jumpJavaScript extensions. Unlike many web frameworks, itin, in a short time, and start writing simple scripts in a fewconcerns itself with front-end development only. Bootstraphours. What distinguishes PHP from something likewould be used to design the styling of the application alongsideclient-side JavaScript is that the code is executed on the server,CSS. Bootstrap is important in the application for the followinggenerating HTML which is then sent to the client. The clientreasons:would receive the results of running that script, but would not know what the underlying code was. You can even configureEasy to use: Anybody with just basic knowledge ofHTML and CSS can start using Bootstrap.your web server to process all your HTML files with PHP, andthen there's really no way that users can tell what you have up adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops.your sleeve.HTML Mobile-first approach: Mobile-first styles are part ofthe core bootstrap framework.HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the code that is usedto structure a web page and its content. HTML is used toResponsive features: Bootstrap's responsive CSS Browser compatibility: Bootstrap is compatible withspecify whether a web content should be recognized as aall modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internetparagraph, list, heading, link, image, multimedia player, form,Explorer, Safari, and Opera).or one of many other available elements or even a new elementthat you define. It is the globally accepted programminglanguage for formatting web pages. It is mostly used by smallPhotoshopAdobe Photoshop is the predominant photo editing and20

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)Volume 182 – No. 13, September 2018manipulation software on the market. Its uses ranges from fulllayer. This layer passes the information which is given by thefeatured editing of large batches of photos to creating intricateuser in terms of keyboard actions, mouse clicks to thedigital paintings and drawings that mimic those done by hand.Application Layer. For example, login page of Gmail whereIt is a graphic designing tool that enables picture manipulationan end user could see text boxes and buttons to enter user id,and editing. Photoshop would be used to design user interfacespassword and to click on sign-in. In simple words, it is toand the various images that would be required in developingview the application.the system. Application Layer:2.4 Systems Analysis and DesignIt is also known as Business Logic Layer which is also knownSystem analysis and design deal with planning theas logical layer. As per the Gmail login page example, oncedevelopment of information systems through understandinguser clicks on the login button, Application layer interactsand specifying in detail what a system should do and how thewith Database layer and sends required information to thecomponents of the system should be implemented and workPresentation layer. It controls an application’s functionality bytogether. System analysis and design solve business problemsperforming detailed processing. This layer acts as a mediatorthrough analyzing the requirements of information systemsbetween the Presentation and the Database layer. Completeand designing such systems by applying analysis and designbusiness logic will be written in this layer. In simple words, to perform operations on the application.System analysis and design is the most essential phase in the Data Layer:development of a system since the logical system designThe data is stored in this layer. Application layerarrived at as a result of systems analysis which is in turncommunicates with Database layer to retrieve the data. Itconverted into physical system design.contains methods that connects the database and performs2.4.1 General System ArchitectureThe architecture of applications is usually broken into logicalrequired action e.g.: insert, update, delete etc. In simple words,it is to share and retrieve the data.chunks called "tiers", where every tier is assigned a role. AThere are four categories of application architectures which“tier” can also be referred to as a “layer”.all have the four layers explained above. The categories of theThere are threelayers involved in the application namely Presentation Layer,Business Layer and Data Layer. Each layer is explained indetailed below:application architecture are:2.4.2 N-Tier ArchitectureIt is similar to three tier architectures but number of Presentation Layer:application servers are increased and represented in individualIt is also known

The project titled Library Management System is Library Management software for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library. The project “Library Management System” is developed in php, which mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding new books, and updating new information, searching books and members and return books. This project of “LIBRARY