THE CITY RECORD. - New York University


THE CITY RECORD.OFFICIAL JOURNAL.VOL. XXVI.NEW YORK, MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1898.NUMBER7,749.James J. Hearne—Asliing application blank.William B. White—Asking application blank.George F. Duyster—Relative to claim against Patrolman August Feigel.Application of John II. Lozier for increase of pension was referred to the Chief Clerk forreport.Communication from the District Attorney asking payment of 363.99, expenses and disbursements of Detective Sergeant Charles A. Formosa, for extradition of l'asquale Capella, alias PasqualeCapelli, was referred to the Auditors for examination and report.The following Laze: Cases were Referred to the Corporation Counsel:N. Y. Supreme Court—The People ex rel. Dennis J. Riley, Michael J. Pennell and William C.Scholes. Writs of certiorari.Supreme Court, Queens County—The People ex rel. John I-I. Abrahams, William J. McVayand Merman Knebel. Motion for mandamus.Fifth District Court—Eph. Guispan vs. the Property Clerk.THE FOLLOWING COMMu NI CATIONS WERE REFERIrI:D TO TILE CHIEF OF POLICEPOLICE DEPARTMENT. At a meeting of the Board of Police of the Police Department of The City of New York, heldon the loth day of October, 1898.Present—Commissioners York (President), Sexton and Abell.The minutes of October 3 were read and approved.Leave of Absence was Granted to:Detective Sergeant Thomas F. Adams, L)etective Bureau, six days, if pay is released.Patrolman William 11. Smith, First Precinct, 3o days, half pay, sick.The following 31ask Ball Permits were Granted:S. Weiner at Wendel's Assembly Rooms, October 15, fee 25'S. Weiner at Wendel's Assembly Rooms, October 17, fee 25.John Fischer at Tammany Hall, October 15, fee 25.R. Meyer at Webster 1-tall, October 15, fee 25.J. Schifferdecker at Military Hall (Brooklyn), October 8, fee to.THE FOLLOWING REPORTS, ETC., WERE ORDERED ON FILE:Chief of Police—Leave of absence under the rule.Corporation Counsel—Proof of contract for enrollment books.Conunissioners of the Sinking Fund—Authorizing renewal of lease Thirty-ninth PrecinctStation-house.Department of Parks—Granting permission to place telephone booth on Harlem River Drive.way.Department of Parks (2)—Acknowledging communication relative to lighting walks in BronxPark.H. S. Kearny—Acknowledging receipt of communications relative to steam plant of Fortyninth Precinct and Sixty-ninth Precinct Station-houses, and as to removal of police wires.Bureau Clothing and Equipment—Report for August.Board of Surgeons—On examination of Patrolman Edward F. Loftus.Joseph D. Hart—Asking permission to examine minutes of trial of John B. Ilaug h. Denied.Contagious disease in family of Sergeant Nathaniel Shire, Fifteenth Precinct ; PatrolmanWesley R. Corine, Fifty-fifth Precinct ; Patrolman James Giblin, Thirty-eighth Precinct.Death of Patrolman Charles A. Sheridan, Eleventh Precinct, at r2 A. 1., 6th instant ; Patrolman James Bulger, Sixth Court, at 5 P. ii., 7th instant ; Patrolman Charles H. Boyle, Twentyfourth Precinct, at 6.45 A. H., 8th instant ; Patrolman Thomas C. Johnston, Forty-eighth Precinct,at 10.45 P. rt., 8th instant ; Patrolman Henry F. Buschman, Seventy-eighth Precinct, at 3 A. M.,8th instant.H. Stewart—Asking promotion of Sergeant James Donovan.John Thomas—Asking permission to place bootblack stands in station-houses.S. B. Barnett—Commending Police Force for services at funeral of Rev. Dr. John Hall.John Zimmerman—Recommending that Patrolman Andrew Sussman he detailed inEngineer's Department.Bernard F. McManus—Inclosing bill for 350, for services in constructing photograph gallery.Notify him to proceed as required by law.Joseph M. Price—Protesting against appointment of certain Election Inspectors. The Boarddirects the Clerk to acknowledge the receipt of said communication, and to state to Mr. Price thatthe officers were appointed after the usual examinations that are held by the Superintendent ofElections, and the only manner in which their appointment can be revoked is through chargesbeing preferred and a trial being had thereon by the Board.Twentieth Precinct—On anonymous complaint of saloon No. 334 West Thirty-sixth streetand Patrolman Dean.Forty-ninth Precinct—Report relative to Patrolman Martin White.Seventy-third Precinct—Report relative to sickness of horse "Joe," No. 283.Send Caine:.Chief of Police—Relative to ambulance wagon in the Park.Inspector Brooks—On complaint of Benjamin F. Spellman against Patrolman William Ilawe.Nineteenth Precinct—On complaint of Jacob Horwitz of robbery at No.487 Sixth avenue.Twenty-sixth Precinct — On complaint of E. S. Mailler of lack of police protection.Forty-ninth Precinct—On Complaint of William G. Bridgrnan, noise at No. 329 Atlanticavenue.Forty-ninth Precinct--On complaint as to disorderly houses.Bureau Information—On inquiry of Tillie Moulster as to her brother. To Mayor.Weekly financial statement of the Comptroller was referred to the President.the following Communications were Referred to the Treasurer :Eimer & Amend—Inclosing check for 5o, donation to Pension Fund, for services of CaptainHasslacker, Eighteenth Precinct, at fire September 5. Accepted with thanks.Hyacinth Ringrose—Notice of assignment of salary by James B. Wistar.Foley, Wray & Taylor—Notice of liens against salary of the following named—Treasurer towithhold pay and notify attorneys :Francis P. Dolan.John E. Denham.Charles O. Edwards.Frank W. Faust.Michael Gregory.Michael J. Flannery.George J. Kerwint.Andrew A. Klippert.Jesse G. Murfitt.John J. Murphy.Theodore Adee.John J. Ackerman.Harry McVay.William J. Manley.Frank McGowan.Walter S. Chapman.Frank Dukes.William R. Brennan.Cornelius O'Leary.Robert Peden.George F. Ring.Charles M. Smith.Frank \Vekerle.Charles Woessner.Michael J. Ryan.Everett A. Nostrand.John T. Peacock.Cor. J. McNamara.James F. Hawen.James E. Guina.Patrick Green.John Fraser.James Ennis.John W. Dusenbury.Win. J. Doherty.John R. Collins.Wm. H. Bonner.Daniel Byrne.Edward Bohmke.Application of Margaret Carroll, for the position of Bed-maker, was referred to the Committeein Repairs and Supplies.The following Applications were Referred to the Committee on Pensions.Annie Sheehan and Sarah J. Nixon for pension.Mary Murtha, Mary McNally, Josephine R. Haughney and Annie T. Logan for increase of,ension.Jane Mooney and Bridget Tracey for reconsideration of application for pension.Patrolman David W. Dill, Sixty-first Precinct, for retirement.The following communications were Referred to the Chief Clerk to Answer:Corporation Counsel—Asking copy of proceedings in case of William A. Taylor.Asking that answer be verified in cases of James W. Trainor and HenryG. Firnison.Civil Service Board—Asking age limitations for Surgeons.Asking record of Patrick J. Dunne.S. Greenberg—Asking information as to Dennis Cahill.Commissioner of Bridges—Relative to shorter hours for Police on the Bridge.J. L. O'Brien—Alleging that Olympia Hotel is a disorderly house.John F. Doyle—Asking, that Liberty street he kept clear of crowds.Patrolman Charles R. Raymond, Nineteenth Precinct—:\sking transfer.Property-owner—Complaint that Seventeeulh Ward is overrun with cafe saloons.Sufferer—Complaint of iEtna Loan Association.Jr lief ort.Mayor—Complaint of Julia Prodgers of interference with her business.Mayor—Inquiry of Eliza Ross as to William Barloss.Winthrop Parker—Complaint of sidewalk obstructions, Ninetieth street and West End avenue.Jacob iMannheim—Complaint of lack of police protection, Henry and Clinton streets.Dora Schwartz—Complaint of boys in Seventy-sixth street.George R. Read—Asking appointment of Thomas Ferris as Special Patrolman.Staford & Whitaker—Asking appointment of J. V. McMullen as Special Patrolman.Stafford & \Vhitaker—Asking appointment of Arthur ii. Conway as Special Patrolman.K. Bernhardt—Asking appointment of 1Villiam Thompson as Special Patrolman.Shaw, Baldwin & Co.—Asking appointment of Joseph E. Mount as Special Patrolman.Charity Organization Society—Asking appointment of Patrick Powers as Special Patrolman.Metropolitan Messenger Company—Asking appointment of Dennis W. Day as SpecialPatrolman.S. J. Goldsmith—Asking appointment of Sam Davis as Special Patrolman.A. Stewart \Valsh—Asking appointment of Frank Collins as Special Patrolman.Pincus & Brennan—Asking appointment of William Cummings as Special Patrolman.The Clairf of Police Rup 'rted the Jr/lancing Transfers, etc.i.oundsman John J. Curley, from Seventieth Precinct to Sixty-fifth Precinct."William Govghran, from Sixty-fifth Precinct to Seventieth Precinct.Patrolman Jovita J. Johnson, Twenty-first Precinct, detail L'ellevue Hospital grounds.Philip Leins, Fifth Precinct, detail guard patrol wagon,Inspector John J. Harley, from Sixth District to Third District." John 11. Grant, from Second District to Sixth District."Donald Grant, from Third District to Eleventh District." Nicholas Brooks, from Eleventh District to Second District.Roundsmau Richard J. Holmes, from Central Office to Seven'y-fourth Precinct.Patrolman Stephen W. Ryan, from Nineteenth Precinct to Twenty-.sixth Precinct.Calvin Nash, from Twenty-sixth Precinct to Nineteenth Precinct."Mortimer Stover, front Central Office to Sixty-fourth Precinct.''John Wolf, Jr., from Thirty-first Precinct to Twenty-seventh Precinct."Jerome Reines, from Twenty-seventh Precinct to Thirty-first Precinct.Sergeant Washington Mullin, from Sanitary Company to Thirty-first Precinct.Frank Mangin, from Forty-second Precinct to Sanitary Company--Boiler Squad."John W. Cottrell, from Seventy-sixth Precinct to Forty-seventh Precinct.Bernard Gallagher, from Forty-seventh Precinct to Seventy-sixth precinct, in command."Richard Coffey, from Thirty-sixth Precinct to Twenty-seventh Precinct.William C. Egan, 'twenty-seventh Precinct, detail char e of horses and equipments.Itoundsman Anton Adler, from Forty-second Precinct to First Precinct, remanued as Roundsman."Edward Taylor, Forty-second Precinct, assigned as Master of Boat.Patrolman Anderson M. Stebbins, Forty-second Precinct, assigned as Pilot of Bolt.David O'Connor, from Sixteenth Precinct to Thirty-seventh Precinct, detail officeReceiver of Taxes, Crotona Park.'Thomas Gleason, from Forty-first Precinct to Thirty-seventh Precinct, detail officeReceiver of Taxes.Sergeant William Zwingman, from Fiftieth Precinct to Fifty-seventli Precinct."Albert McDonald, from Eighth Precinct to Fifth Precinct."VVilliatn i'IcCullagh, from Fifth precinct to Eighth precinct.Roundsman William Butler, from Twenty-eight Precinct to Twelfth Precinct.William Bauer, from Twelfth Precinct to Twenty-eitihtlt i'recinct.Patrolman George Broderick, from Seventeenth Precinct to Fourth Court.Frank J. Burns, from Twenty-first Precinct to Sixth Precinct."Joseph Sexton, from Sixth Precinct to Twenty-first Precinct.',Michael Darcy, from Fifty-fifth Precinct to Forty-seventh Precinct.''\\'m. 1I. Thompson, from Fiftieth Precinct to Forty-fourth Precinct."Thomas Roche, from Forty-fourth Precinct to Fiftieth t Precinct.'.Henry A. Marks, from Twenty-second Precinct to Forty-sixth Precinct."Henry Netuchaffer, from Thirty-first Precinct to Tenth Precinct.,'Patrick J. O'Sullivan, from Twelfth Precinct to Thirteenth Precinct."Joseph Gugillis, from Seventy-eighth Precinct to Seventy-fourth Precinct.John Prussean, from Seventy-fourth Precinct to Seventy-eighth Precinct.Charles Fried, from Ninth Precinct to Thirtieth Precinct.John Sheehan, from Forty-sixth Precinct to Fourth Precinct.John Murphy, from Fourth Precinct to Forty-sixth Precinct.Joseph P. Lockwood, from Sixty-second Precinct to Sixty-third Precinct."Robert Peleski, from Sixty-third Precinct to Sixty-second Precinct.Robert A. Wilson, from Forty-sixth Precinct to Fifty-third Precinct."Job Deacon, from Fifty-third Precinct to Forty-sixth Precinct.James McGee, from Twentieth Precinct to Twelfth Precinct."Alex. McGibney, from Twelfth Precinct to Twentieth Precinct."Charles A.Liebers, from Tenth Precinct to Thirty-first Precinct.Norman C. Sly, from Seventh Precinct to Third Court."John Reinhart, from Twenty-sixth Precinct to Seventh Precinct.James Buckridge, from Thirteenth Precinct to Twelfth Precinct.Sergeant Geo.F Rifcslider, from Sixty-sixth Precinct to Seventy-fifth Precinct, aid to DeputyChief Clayton.Patrolman Basil G. Harper, from Fourth Precinct to Boiler Squad.Roundsman Harry Nugent, from Second Precinct to Twenty-fourth Precinct, Acting Sergeant.Patrolman John J. Barrett, from Thirtieth Precinct to Sixteenth Precinct, remand to patrol.John J. Bryan, from Sixteenth Precinct to Thirtieth Precinct, detail driver patrolwagon."Alfred Shuttleworth, from Forty-sixth Precinct to Fifty-fourth Precinct, detailGates Avenue Court."John Tomany, Fifty-seventh Precinct, detail Wallabout Market."John D. Thornford, from Fifty-second Precinct to Sixty-sixth Precinct, detailBarren Island."Christian Holderlein, Fifty-ninth Precinct, detail Fifth Court, Brooklyn."Henry Nichols, from Seventy-second Precinct to Fifty-fifth Precinct, dismounted.Henry Flath, from Fifty-fifth Precinct to Seventy-second Precinct, mounted.George A. Whitford, Fifty-seventh Precinct detail Wallabout Market.Emory Coddington, Sixty-seventh Precinct, detail guard patrol wagon."Robert C. Ellis, from Central Office to Nineteenth Precinct.Irving Houghtaling, from Nineteenth Precinct to Central Office, Property Clerk' Office.

THE CITY RECORD .4766Patrolman Alexander Ilowry, from Fifth Precinct to Thirtieth Precinct.Martin J. Cregan, from Thirtieth Precinct to Fifth Precinct, detail Printing HouseSquare.Roundsman Abraham Ouick, Twenty-first Precinct, remand to regular duty.Martin Smith, 'llventy-tint Precinct, detail to Bellevue l lospital.Sundry temporary details, extensions, etc.Resolved, That Patrolman John W. McCormack, First Precinct, he transferred from FirstPrecinct to Sanitary Company. Ilealth Squad.Resolved, That full pay while sick be granted to the following officersPatrolman John Murphy, Fourth Precinct, from July S to lulu t6, 1898.John Murphy, Fourth Precinct, from August to to September 1, iSgS.Louis Schmidt, Fifth Precinct, from August 24 to September 1, 1898.Byron C. Lewis, Twelfth Precinct, from September is to September 19, 1S9S. On recommen,lation of the Auditors, it wasResolved, That the following bills be approved and referred to the Comptroller for paymentAccount Election ExpensesDentz Lithographing Company, maps . 573 50Gwynne & Richardson, hardware, etc .777 00J. Kenna, expenses .William J. Lahey, expenses .t 605 402 6oJ . K. Neal, autograph stamp .J. W. Pratt Company, sample ballots . .I 70275 00A.Unz & Co., enrollment books . .Wyckoff, Seamans Sc Benedict, repairing typewriter .935 00MONDAY, OCT013EIINo. 812. Martin Schroeder,No. 813. Thos. Brady,expenses . .„No. 817. Chas. Jones, man hire .57 50. .No, S16. Win. 11. Funston,No.818. John Killilea, expenses . .No. Sig. George Leeson,.No. 820, Michael II. Lynch, expenses . .No. 821. George \V. McCluskey, expenses .No. 822. Thos, J. Madden,.No.823. Geo. W.Pepperted,No. 824. Neil \V. Ruddy, expenses .No. 825. AndrewJ. Wines,expenses .240 00 2,581 8oAccount Primary Elections, iS9S-Flushing Journal, advertising . .277 20Flushin g Daily Times, advertising .Long Island Star Publishing Company, advertising .Newtown Register, advertising. .New York Journal and Advertiser, advertising .New York -News Publishing Company, advertising .New York Press Company (Limited), advertising .The Republican, advertising .Standard Electric Printing House, advertising .352 25274 6o282 00944 40727 8o970 8o120 40120 4029 4117 952 00125 0031 7710 556 455 265, t 14 40The following proposals for supplying horse equipments were opened, read and referred to theChief Clerk for report :The Peters' Harness and Saddlery CompanyMark \V. Cross & Co.4S pairs fenders and boots, at 3.50192 saddles, at 15 each. 2,880 00168 00229 saddle cloths, at 5.8o each . 1,328 20per pair .262 bridles, at 6.50 each. 1,703 00229 00163 35162 15162 15999 20980 00272 008 69 1,239 52American Railway Supply Company, shields per contract .120 girths, at 2 each.4S pairs fenders and boots, at 5 272 0010 co13 503 65229 pads, at 1 each .Citizen. advertising . 8 t6. . .No.814. 1Vtn. Browne,No.815. 1Vtn.J. Deevy,per pair .Brooklyn. .10 00Brooklyn Daily Eagle, advertising .Brooklyn Daily Tines. advertising .Brooklyn Union Publishing Company, advertising .Commercial :ldvertiser, advertism .Daily Telegraph Company, advertising .Far Rockaway Journal Company, advertising .31, 1898. 5,171 90Buck & Mehlhach240 00--56,620 20George Worthington192 saddles, at 17,50 each . 3,360 00229 saddle cloths, at 5.75 each. 1,316 75262 bridles, at 56.50 each.1,703 00229 pads, at each .120 girths, at 2.25 each.48 pairs fenders and boots, at 4per pair .251 90192 saddles, at 21.35 each . 4,099 20160 3 00229 saddle cloths at .7c each.262 bridles, at 6.25 each.229 pals, at 85 cents each.120 girths, at 2.85 each . 7,093 655065342 0048 lairs fenders and boots, at 5.05 per pair. .242 40 8, t t8 75270 00192 001,637194E. hloward Ilrowne-192 saddles, at 531.77 each. 6,099 84229 sad lle cl- ths, at 10.73 each.2,457 17262 bridles, at 9.63 each .229 pads, at S 1.47 each .2,523 o6336 63The Peters' Harness and Saddlery Company120 firths, at 4.35 each.522 00192 saddles, at 20.80 each . „ 3,993 6o48 pairs fen, lers an,l boots, at 7.83229 saddle cloths, at 6.70 each . 1,534 30per pair .375 84262 bridles, at 7.50 each. 1,965 00119 40Staten Islander, advertising . .229pads,at teach.22900120 00Star Publishing Company, advertising . 12,31 4 54120 girths, at 2.35 each.282 0082 005tampf & Steurer, adverti;ing .980 00The Sun, advertising. .Resolved, That the following resignations be accepted932 40Tribune Association, advertising . .Patrolman Patrick C. Murray. Sixty-seventh Precinct.543 5 0Westchester Independent, advertising .Special Patrolmen David H. \Viegand, Sam Davis, Dennis W. Ilay, William I3aldock, JohnGavagan and Jesse E.1'etter.Resolved, That the appointment of William Blunden as Special Patrolman, be and is hereby 9,458 00revoked.Account Police Station RentResolved, That the following persons be and are hereby appointed Special Patrolmen in the 50 16 service of the parties named :Mrs. Annie F. Foley, stable, Thirty-second Precinct, August. 1898.Clement Kurtzman, for Sam. T. Jack.Resolved, That the following bills be approved and forwarded to 1Vm. McKinney, Auditor ofWilliam A. Terwilliger, for James 71. Connolly.Borough of Brooklyn, for payment :Eugene Sweeney, for E. J. McKeever.William Nlclbraiih, for William 11. Earle.Account Police Station-house RentsJames Rowan, for C. M. Day.James Campbell, Patrol Stable, Forty-ninth Precinct, to August 31, IS98. 150 00Resolved, That the returns to writs in the cases of William Streubel, Joseph IT. Garvey, PatrickEleanor C. Dickerson, Station-house, Sixty-eighth Precinct, to August 31, 1898.250 00Joseph Litchenstein, Station-house, Sixty-fifth Precinct, to August 31, t89S.18 00 J. Gaynor, Lawrence Kane and Jaynes 11. Harris, be verified by the signatures of the President and11'm. M. Miller, Station-house, Sixty-sixth Precinct, to November 1, 1898.60 00 Chief Clerk, and forwarded to the Counsel to the Corporation.The follosains -1 plicalions fbr Aalvance to Grade tuere Denied: 478 00Patrolman henry D. Adriancc, Seventy-ninth Precinct."Thomas Hynes, Twenty-filth Precinct.Resolved, That the following bill be approved and forwarded to Francis R. Clair, Auditor,Peter Flanagan, Seventy-eighth Precinct.Borough of Queens, for payment :"Daniel McCarthy, Forty-ninth Precinct.Patrick J. Hart, Forty-ninth Precinct.Account Police Station-house Rent"John Fallon, Sixty-seventh Precinct.James Duffy, Station-house, Seventy-fifth Precinct, September, 1598. 6o 00''John J. Drum, Seventy-second Precinct.,'John Kee, Fourth Precinct.Resolved, That the following bills be approved and forwarded to Walter H. Holt, Auditor,James F. McLaughlin, Fiftieth Precinct.Borough of Richmond, for payment"James H. Boyle, Fitty-fifth Precinct.Account Police Station-house Rents"Alfred Bromfleck, Fifty-ninth Precinct.Chas. E. Griffith & Son, Station-house, Eightieth Precinct, to -November, 1, zSgS. 87 50Michael 11. McGrath, First Precinct.Edward M. Muller, Station-house, Eightieth Precinct, Second Sub-station,"John J. IIeffernan, Fourth Precinct.ovemberN1, 1898 . .375 00John F. Ryan, Seventh Precinct.Patrick J. O'Sullivan, Twelfth Precinct.62 4 50"Henry Hoch, Fifteenth Precinct."Edward F. Loftus, Sixtieth Precinct.On recommendation cf the Auditors, it wasResolved, That the following officers be advanced to grades, their efficiency and conductResolved, That the following bills be approved, and the Treasurer authorized to pay thehaving been satisfactory :same :Patrolman Richard J. Holland, Seventh Precinct, to First Grade, September 30, 1898.Account of ContingentRichard B: Bevier, Fourth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, 1898."No. 768. \\'m. S. liuckridge, expenses . . 10 17"Louis Rappolt, Eighth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, 1898.No. 760. Robert S. Peterson,.500"William J. Seip, Fourteenth Precinct, to Second Grade, September 29, 1898.N7 40"\Villiam Stockinger, Twenty-fourth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, 1898.No. 77!. Kate Travers, meals to prisoners .55 20Henry A. I'feiff, Twenty-fifth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, 1898."No. 772. \1'm.C.IIofman, trucking . .3 00"James Murphy, Twenty-fifth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, iS9S No. 77 . .9 50"John C. Borries, Twenty-eighth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, t8g8.No. i74 3 25"1W'tn. B. McManus, Thirtieth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, 1898.No. 775. P. H. Keahon, newspapers . .32 65"WVm. E. Cashman, Thirty-first Precinct, to Second Grade, October 2, 1898.No. 776. HenryMarks,Thomas J. Farrell, Thirty-second Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, 1898.No. 777. George O'Connor, expenses . .6 30"Nicholas J. Kennedy, Thirty-third Precinct, to Second Grade, October, 3, 1898.No. 778. Daniel Blake,"James A. Scott, Bicycle Squad, to Second Grade, October 3, 1895.9 00.No. 779 .5 00"James Reilly, Twelfth Precinct, to Second Grade, September 21, 1888.No. 780. John Conroy, . .3 26Charles Edwards, Fifty-third Precinct, to Second Grade, July I, 1898."-o. . . .3 58Peter A. Clarke, Sixtieth Precinct, to Second Grade, July 1, 1898.".No. 7S2. John W. Cottrell,. . .Henry B. Dupue, Fifty-second Precinct, to Second Grade, July 15, 1898."No. 783. Thos. F. Farley,.'8 00John P. Foley, Eighteenth Precinct, to Second Grade, September 29, 1898."No. 784. John F. Gardiner,30HenryW. Lehnkuhl, Bicycle Squad, to Second Grade, September 29, 1898."No. 7S5. Richard Gray,Patrick Kenny, Twenty-sixth Precinct, to Second Grade, September 29, 1898.".No, 7S5A.4 00Frank A. Nolan, Thirty-sixth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, 1898.":. .No.786. \Vm. Hardick,28 00Frank Reinisch, Jr., Twent:eth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, 1898.No. 787. \Vm. R. Haughey,.57 10James A. Mallon, Thirty-sixth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, 1898."No. 788. John P. Leary, '.r2 30William F. Maher, Twenty-sixth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, 1898.".No.789. .6 ooDavid J. Sheehan, Ninth Precinct, to Second Grade, October 3, 1898.N o. 790. James A. Murray,. . .6 coJacob Hack, Thirty-third Precinct, to Second Grade, September 29, 1898.No. 791. Chris. C. O'Brien,. . . . . . . .4 00Alonzo C. Hubbard, Twenty-sixth Precinct, to Second Grade, September 29, 1898No. 792. James K. Price,20 50.Frederick Meeks, Forty-ninth Precinct, to Second Grade, September 20, 1898.No. 793. John B. Smith.185Henry J. Donohue, Fifty-ninth Precinct, to Second Grade, Aut ust Ig, 1898.:.No. 794. Mm. H. Van Keuren,40 00Peter E. Donnelly, Fifty-ninth Precinct, to Second Grade, August 19, 1898.No. 795. Owen E. Treanor,.15.To Second Grade, from July 1, 1898.No. 7. .15 9oPatrolman Louis Ashauer, Fourth Precinct.No. 797. John W. Wormell,. .5 90No. 798. Frederick S. Play, meals for prisoners .James Brett, Fourth Precinct.20 70No. 799. Stephen M. Bogart,.Thomas Blake, Fourth Precinct.14 00No. Soo. Jos. Cobb,Patrick Carroll, Fourth Precinct.22 50No. Sot. Jos. Faumler,"James Cash, Fourth Precinct. .4 20No. 802. John C. Frick,Thomas Courtney, Fourth Precinct.2 20No. 803. Gustav Loeb,Luke B. Duryee, Fourth Precinct.".2 75No.804. James McGrath,John Dowling, Fourth Precinct.1 95No. 8o5. H. A. Riebesehl,Patrick Doyle, Fourth Precinct.23 10."No. 8o6. Max Zehden, board officers .John Fisher, Fourth Precinct.265 86.No.807.Joseph Furlong, Fourth Precinct.o 00.No. Sob. William Dexter, cartage .J ames Farren, Fourth Precinct.g2 00No. Sag. Edward M. Cassidy, expenses .Thomas F. Graham, Fourth Precinct.I1 toNo. 810. Edward J. Manchester,10 80ames Gaffney, Fourth Precinct.o. 770.Daniel Strauss,":'. 781.No. 811, Walter L. Thompson,".8 00Patrick Howley, Fourth Precinct.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1898.Patrolman James Kane, Fourth precinct.'Phomas Kent, Fourth Precinct.Adam Klein, Fourth Precinct.William Lidgate, Fourth Precinct.George Lautcrburn, Fourth Precinct.Francis Mathicz, Fourth Precinct.John Mulrenan, Fourth Precinct.Daniel McAuliffe, Fourth Precinct."Peter McKeon, No. r, Fourth Precinct.Peter McCauley, Fourth Precinct."Peter McKeon, No. 2, Fourth Precinct."Daniel O'Kane, Fourth precinct."William N. Robenson, Fourth Precinct.Patrick J. Smith, Fourli Precinct."John J. Shanley, Fourth Precinct.Patrick Sullivan, Fourth Precinct."Joseph Taylor, Fourth Precinct."Joseph C. \Vills, Fourth Precinct."Michael Broderick, Fourth Precinct."'Thomas Brady, Fourth Precinct."George Buckridge, Fourth Precinct."Henry J. Cauley, Fourth Precinct.Terence Curley, Fourth Precinct."William Cox, Fourth Precinct."Daniel Donnelly, Fourth Precinct.Hugh Digney, Fourth Precinct.Michael English, Fourth Precinct."John T. Farrell, Fourth Precinct.Matthew FLtnagan, Fourth Precinct."James Greacen, Fourth Precinct."Edward A. Gardiner, Fourth Precinct.John Goss, Fourth Precinct."Edward Harkins, Fourth Precinct.John Kenny, Fourth Precinct.Patrick P. Keating, Fourth Precinct."James 1I. Loony. Fourth Precinct.Stephen F. Lewis, Fourth Precinct."John Murphy, Fourth Precinct."Peter It. Murray, Fourth Precinct."James Meehan, Fourth precinct."Thomas McKenna, Fourth Precinct.Nicholas McGec, Fourth Precinct."Patrick McCarkle, Fourth Precinct.Edward J. McLeod, Fourth precinct.''Michael J. O'Brien, Fourth Precinct.''Mortimer Ryder, Fourth Precinct.Christian Steffens, Fourth Precinct.Thomas E. Stack, Fourth Precinct.August F. Tunimel, Fourth Precinct.Peter If. Trotter, Fourth precinct.James Wade, Fourth Precinct.Cosmo F. Farrell, Forty-third Precinct.Charles P. Edelman, Sixty-fourth Precinct.John J. Reilly, Sixty-fourth Precinct.Luke Owens (Oct 8 adv.), License Squad.Henry Flath, Fifty-fifth Precinct.Edward J. Mulvaney, Forty-seventh Precinct.Patrick J. Murray, Forty-seventh Precinct.Jos

Wesley R. Corine, Fifty-fifth Precinct ; Patrolman James Giblin, Thirty-eighth Precinct. . Jane Mooney and Bridget Tracey for reconsideration of application for pension. Patrolman David W. Dill, Sixty-first Precinct, for retirement. . " Nicholas Brooks, from Eleventh District to Second District. Roundsmau Richard J. Holmes, from Central .