AFI Flight Procedures Programme - ICAO


International Civil Aviation OrganizationAFI Flight Procedures ProgrammeSeminar/Workshop preparation sessionResource Requirements and BudgetDakar, 24-25 March 201424 March 2014

RESOURCES REQUIREMENTSAFI FPP Phase I of Programme commence 2nd June 2014– Following resources planned to achieve the programme objectives for Phase I:Flight Procedure Programme (AFI-FPP) hosted by ASECNA, Dakar, Senegal– seconded by DGAC France for 3 yearsappointed by ICAOMoU signed between ICAO and France. Job description in Appendix to AFI-FPP ProDocChief, Procedure Designer, minimum 1 procedure designer, 1 administrative staffand 1 IT staff–– Office requirements specified in Appendix to AFI-FPP Programme Document (ProDoc)AFI-FPP Manager––– Expected to last at least through 2017seconded by ASECNA as Host Administrationfor duration of the Programme. Job descriptions in Appendix to AFI-FPP ProDocChief, Operational Training, 1 Data Specialist–24 March 2014seconded by States in ESAF area. Job descriptions in Appendix to AFI-FPP ProDoc2

RESOURCES REQUIREMENTSAFI FPP Other technical staff, including additional procedure designers– For seconded personnel–– including 5 licences, maintenance and personnel training for the duration of the Programmeprovided by DGAC FranceAssociated middleware–– Participating States or Donors nominate appropriately qualified candidatesnominations evaluated by ICAO WACAF RD in coordination with ESAF RD and AFI-FPP ManagerAutomated Procedure Design Software–– seconded by Participating States or seconded/provided by Donorsand maintenance for the duration of the Programmeprovided by ASECNAAFI-FPP build its capacity to provide assistance, training, quality assurance, procedure andairspace design, and operational approval to the Participating StatesOther specific fields may be identified during the programme implementation.Additional staff will be requested as necessary to meet the demand.24 March 20143

RESOURCES REQUIREMENTSAFI FPP Host Administration, ASECNA By 15th May 2014, ASECNA as the Host Administration will provide thefollowing:– Suitable office space and furniture as defined in Appendix to ProDoc– Computer equipment and Information Technology equipment (telephone,Internet) as defined in Appendix to ProDoc– Procedure design and charting equipment as defined in the Appendix toProDoc– Suitably equipped classroom(s) for AFI-FPP training courses held in Dakar,Senegal– The classroom could be located in AFI-FPP office or in any other buildingproposed by ASECNA24 March 20144

RESOURCES REQUIREMENTSAFI FPP Active Participating States Active Participating States will provide the following:– Annual contributions covering the cost of programme as indicated in the annual budget of the Programme– Participation in the meetings of the Steering Committee as Member States with the right to vote24 March 20145

RESOURCES REQUIREMENTSAFI FPP All Participating States Participating States will provide the following:– Accord AFI-FPP personnel, who are considered Officials of ICAO, rights andprivileges associated with UN and specialized agencies Officials status– Support AFI-FPP by contributing expertise/resources, related to needs of AFIFPP– Authorize release to AFI-FPP of aeronautical data from third parties including AIP, and electronic terrain and obstacle data, as well as appropriatetopographic mapping data and charts pertaining to their State for the purposes ofthe Programme, in particular for the design of instrument flight procedures and forquality assurance assistance– Bear expenses of duty travel of AFI-FPP staff as required supporting AFI-FPPactivities in their States– Complete all remaining necessary steps to publish instrument flightprocedures developed wholly or partly within the AFI-FPP framework as publicprocedures in their State Aeronautical Information Publication24 March 20146

RESOURCES REQUIREMENTSAFI FPP ICAO ICAO will provide the following:– International Personnel AFI Flight Procedure Programme Manager––––24 March 2014Mission travel of ICAO HQ/RO personnel for monitoring purposesAdministrative and other services for handling of ProgrammeFinancial account management and budgetary control of the programmeTechnical support to the Programme experts in the performance of theirduties and undertake monitoring missions7

BUDGET 2014AFI FPP Maximumexpenses018600RevenueWORKSHOP ACTIVITY– MinimumexpensesWORKSHOP, Nairobi, Implementation PBN Plan, 3 days, sponsored . .TRAINING ACTIVITY–TRAINING COURSE, Lagos, OPS approval, 4 days, sponsored . .880016800–INITIAL PANS-OPS TRAINING, Dakar, 4 weeks . 027000–PBN TRAINING, Dakar 3 weeks . .021050PERSONNEL ACTIVITY–INSTRUCTOR TRAINING, Toulouse, France, 1 week .79007900–MISSION TRAVEL .04300–EQUIPMENT 30003000–APS CONTRIBUTION 0–ACTIVITY INCOMES design (2 airports), 2 activities .20600–TOTAL24 March 20141970098650206008

BUDGET 2015AFI FPPIn US Thousand Dollarsscenario Estimated tribut.per StateNumber 05030101010018070024 March 2014pessimisticprobableworkable9

BUDGET 2015AFI FPPIn Thousands US DollarsEstimatedAnnualcostsSAFE Fund andcontributionDonorcontrib.APScontrib.per StateNumber of 301010100180700Probable/workable24 March 201410

AFI FPPThank youAFI-FPP, the Flight Procedure Programme for you and with you24 March 201411

AFI FPP 24 March 2014 2 RESOURCES REQUIREMENTS Phase I of Programme commence 2nd June 2014 - Expected to last at least through 2017 Following resources planned to achieve the programme objectives for Phase I: Flight Procedure Programme (AFI-FPP) hosted by ASECNA, Dakar, Senegal - Office requirements specified in Appendix to AFI-FPP Programme Document (ProDoc)