Jeld Wen Siteline Contemporary Catalog - Cunningham Doors & Windows



A BOUT JELD -W ENDED I CAT I O N FRO M DAY O N ESince 19 6 0, w hen J EL D -W EN b egan w ith one millwork plant, we’veb e en d edic ated to craf ting w indow s and patio do or s that enhancethe b eaut y and func tionalit y of your home. To day, we continue thattradition w ith pro duc t s that are durable and worr y-fre e. It ’s theresult of innovation as a driving force in all that we do.I n addition to resp onsible refores t ation prac tices, we reus e andre c ycle as much of our raw res ources as p os sible. I nnovation is als oat the hear t of our d esign and manufac turing pro ces s. W ith J EL D W EN , you c an ex p e c t pro duc t s that are more than jus t b eautifulon the out sid e. T he inner workings of our w indow s and do or s areengine ered to func tion for year s to come.2J E L D - W E N .CO M

TA BLE O F CO N TEN T SAU R A L A S T P I N E4I N T RO D U C T I O N6CH O OS I N G YO U R W I N D OW S9Ca s e m e nt a n d Aw n i n g10Specialt y Shapes11CH O OSI N G YO U R PAT I O D O O R S12Sliding / Folding13L o w - F r i c t i o n G l i d e r 14M u l t i -S l i d e15Sw i n g i n g16I n s w i n g w i t h H y d r o l o c k Te c h n o l o g y17OPTIONSPatio Door Hardware18Co l o r20Window Hardware22Co nt e m p o r a r y G l a z i n g B e a d & D i v i d e d L i t e sGlass, Spacers, and Blink Blinds2323SP ECI F I C AT I O N SProduct Detail Matrix26Wa r r a nt y29S I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S3

T R A D I T I O N A L T R E AT M E N TAuraLast pine is a patented wood product thatprovides protection against wood rot, waterdamage, and termites. This water-based processfortifies wood all the way to the core, providingan exclusive level of protection you’ll only findthrough JELD-WEN.S U R F A C E O N LYSURFACE TO CORETraditional treatment s cover jus t the sur face.Aura L as t p enetrates to the core using a propriet ar yS e e p a g e 45 fo r war rant y info r mat i o n.4J E L D - W E N .CO Mvacuum - pres sure pro ces s.

EASY ON THE ENVIRONMENTWater-based process releases up to 96percent fewer volatile organic compounds(VOCs) during the manufacturing processthan traditional solvent-based methods.W E T W E AT H E R P R O T E C T I O NWhatever the climate, AuraLast pineprotects against water damage and rot likeno other. Whether it’s humidity, stormsor dampness, AuraLast pine standsup to the rigors of wet weather.TERMITE PROTECTIONTermites can be devastating to windows anddoors, but not to those built with AuraLast pine.It safely and effectively repels termites,preserving the beauty of your investment.S I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S5

DE TAIL S THAT MAKEALL THE DIFFERENCET he result of more than a d e c ad e of res earch andd evelopment, J EL D -W EN Siteline w indow s and patio do or sare d esigned to b e more than b eautiful. T hey are made tob e reliable and ef ficient and are backed by a warrant y thatgives you p eace of mind.I N N OVAT I O NCa s e m e nt s fe a t u r e r e c e s s e d s a s h fo r h e i g ht e n e dd e t a i l a n d e n e r g y e f f i c i e n c y.P ROT EC T I O NB u i l t w i t h s u p e r i o r A u ra L a s t p i n e p r o t e c t i o na g a i n s t w o o d r o t , w a t e r d a m a g e, a n d t e r m i t e s .S e e p a g e 4 f o r m o r e i nf o r m at i o n .V ER S AT I L I T YAv a i l a b l e w i t h a w o o d o r a l u m i n u m c l a d e x t e r i o r,with ex tensive finish and hardware choices.I m p a c t o p t i o n s a v a i l a b l e fo r m o s t s t y l e s .CO N FI D EN C EB a c ke d b y a 20 -Ye a r L i m i t e d Wa r ra nt y o n e a c hw i n d o w o r p a t i o d o o r, p l u s a L i m i t e d L i fe t i m eWa r ra nt y o n A u ra L a s t p i n e.S e e p a g e 35 f o r m o r e i nf o r m at i o n .6J E L D - W E N .CO M

V ER SAT I LE DESIGN P OSSI BI L I T I ESSiteline w indow s and patio do or s are designed and craf ted to fe elat home in any resid ential s et ting. S e e for your s elf over the nex t fewpag es. W hich s t yle is clos es t to your vision for your home?S I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S7

CO N T EM P OR ARY S T Y LET he simplicit y, minimalism, and natural element sof contemp orar y archite c ture are elegantly emb o diedin Siteline’s clean, uniform lo ok and fe el.8J E L D - W E N .CO M

CHOOSINGYOUR W INDOW SConsid er placement and app earance, availablespace, and your preferences for view s andventilation. W hatever you’re lo oking for,Siteline has a s olution.S I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S9

CA SEMEN T A N DAW N I NG W I N DOWSPERFORMANCESiteline’s design includes heavierhardware and greater thermalperformance to help you achieveMa ximize ventilation and add a clean, mo dernbetter efficiency.accent to any ro om in the hous e.AESTHETIC APPEALBoth styles feature recessed sashfor architectural interest and energyefficiency, plus contemporaryglazing profiles.10J E L D - W E N .CO M

SPECI A LT Y SHAPES(FI X ED, R A D I US, A N D GEO M E T R I C)R a d ius a n d g e o m e t r i c w in d o w s , ava ila b l e a s f i xe do r o p e rat in g uni t s , a d d d is t in c t i o n a n d va r i e t y toa ny ro o m in yo ur h o us e.S I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S11

CHOOSING YOURPATIO DOOR SW ith Aura L as t pine or cladding out side, Siteline patio do or s provid e multiple color and s t yle s ele c tionsw ith s olid craf t smanship and durabilit y built in.12J E L D - W E N .CO M

SL I DI NGPAT I O DOOR SCO N S I S T E N C YChoose wide or narrow stile designsto match your windows and complementyour home’s design aesthetic.Simple, elegant, and built to last, these doors slidealong horizontal tracks that don’t take up anyadditional floor space.ALSO IN FOLDINGSiteline folding patio doorsare also available.See page 34 for more information.S I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S13

LOW- FRI CT I O N GL I DER The first product of its kind to deliver the benefits of awall system at a price comparable to that of a sliding door.S I ZEEASEPERFORMANCEConfigurations of 1- 4 panels, each asInnovative rollers let active panelsRobust design earns performance ratingslarge as 7’ wide and 10’ tall, maximizeshift outward and glide effortlessly,up to PG50, depending on panel size andnatural light and panoramic views.then draw back toward the frameconfiguration.for a superior seal.14J E L D - W E N .CO M

M U LT I -SL I DEThis unique luxury offering creates openings up to 57' wide, filling the homewith natural light and blurring the line between indoor and outdoor living spaces.OPTIONSO P E R AT I O NAPPEAR ANCEPanels up to 5' wide and 9' tall, withAcetal wheels deliver smooth,Narrow 3" stiles and rails providestacking or pocketing configurations; upquiet operation, even withmore glass, more natural light,to six panels in a single direction, or 12extreme panel weights.and better views.panels parting from the middle.S I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S15

S W I NGI NGPAT I O DOOR Sw ith s w inging patio do or s that are available in a variet yof configurations, including French do or s.BIGGER VIEWSPERFORMANCEACC E S SInswing doors feature narrow stilesThe energy- ef ficient fiberglass sill allowsInswing and outswing patio doors area n d r a i l s ( j u s t o v e r 3” i n w i d t h) t owater to drain away while preventinga v a i l a b l e w i t h a n o p t i o n a l A DA - c o m p l i a n tminimize sight lines and maximizehigh winds and rain from coming in.s i l l fo r w h e e l c h a i r a cc e s s i b i l i t y.light and views.16Create an impres sive, s ophis tic ated entranceJ E L D - W E N .CO M

I NS W I NG PAT I O DOOR W I THHY DRO LOCK T ECH N O LOGYF eaturing a red esigned sill w ith H ydrolo ck te chnolo g y,thes e do or s d eliver robus t water manag ement that matchesor surpas s es indus tr y- leading p er formance ratings.H Y D R O LO CK T E CH N O LO G YI N N OVAT I O NR AT I N G SP a t e n t- p e n d i n g f i b e r g l a s s s i l l a n dP G 45 r a t i n g o n 1- a n d 2- p a n e l s y s t e m s u pc o r n e r ke y d e s i g n c o n t i n u a l l y m o v e st o 3 6" p a n e l w i d t h; P G 35 r a t i n g o n 1- a n dw a t e r a w a y f r o m t h e h o m e.2- p a n e l s y s t e m s g r e a t e r t h a n 3 6" p a n e lwidth and 3- and 4 -panel systems.S I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S17

PATIO DOORHA RDWA RECo nte m p o ra r y d e s i g n a n d a ra n g e of ha rd wa ref inis h e s e nsure t hat yo ur S i te lin e w in d o w sa n d p at i o d o o r s w ill a li g n b e au t i full y w i t hyo ur h o m e.W H I T BY CO N T EM P O R A RY

B EL M A R T R A N S I T I O N A LBelmar SwingingWhiteSatinNickel*Belmar SlidingBronze**Whitby SwingingWhitby SlidingBlackFinishes will perform at or above PVD-tested finishes.*Plated finish**Finish will not change over timeActual colors may vary from samples shown to due printing process and/or differing monitor calibrations.S I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S19

COLORP e r s o na lize yo ur w o o d o r a lum inumcla d w in d o w s a n d p at i o d o o r s w i t h 27e x te r i o r f inis h e s a n d 12 inte r i o r f inis h e s .Cus to m co l o r s a n d P V D F p rote c t i o n a rea ls o ava ila b l e.BRILLIANT WHITE20J E L D - W E N .CO M

DOVEI N T E R I O R PA I N T nutKodiakCharcoalAmericanoI N T E R I O R S TA I N SFruitwoodCordovanEXTERIOR CLADDING COLORSBone nutBronzeLuxuryBronzeBlackActual colors may vary from samples shown to due printing process and/or differing monitor calibrations.S I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S21

W I N DOW HARDWAREW I N D O W H A R D WA R E O P T I O N SCasementand AwningWhiteS TA N D A R D F O L D E DNESTING HANDLEDI V I DED L I T ESAdd architectural interest to yourJELD-WEN Siteline wood andclad-wood windows with optionaldecorative grilles. Our SimulatedDivided Lites (SDL) offer square,flat detailing that complements thelook of most contemporary homes.Contemporary SimulatedDivided Lites (SDL)22J E L D - W E N .CO MSatinNickelBlackActual colors may vary from samples shown to due printingprocess and/or differing monitor calibrations.Bronze

E X T ERI OR T RI MW I TH 3 1/ 2” FL ATCO N T EM P OR ARYGL A ZI NG BE A DOur contemporary glazing bead (or glassstop) features a square profile with cleanlines on the inside of the windowand a diagonal profile on the outside.3 1/2" FlatSPACER SS TA N D A R DTHERMOPLASTICFor even more versatility, spacer bar color optionsenhance the appearance of your windows.Our insulating glass may now be ordered with astate of the art black thermoplastic spacer that“disappears” into the window while providing thebest thermal performance and the lowest seal failurerates of any spacer on the market.STAINLESSSTEELBLACKGRAYBL I N DS BE T W EEN GL A SSSelect Siteline windows and patio doors can beoutfitted with blinds that are mounted between theglass panes to deliver a clean, modern design. Thisstreamlined offering is available in six different colorswith performance glass options. Enclosed blindsnever need dusting, and there are no exposed cords.S I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S23

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JEL D -W EN ARCH I T ECT U R A LSERV I CES GROU PEXPERT ASSISTANCE WITH ARCHITECTURALLY-DRIVEN PROJECTSThe JELD-WEN Architectural Services Group provides a varietyof services to assist and support our industry partners workingon architecturally-specified projects, including high-end residential,multi-family residential, light commercial, and contemporary design.D E S I G N C O N S U LTAT I O N Working with Architects to choose the right system Creation of window schedule that fits design intent Shop drawings available for all products provided Professional product recommendationPROJECT SUPPORT Specification review and markup Delivery sequencing Change order facilitationPRODUCT DESIGN One-off trim Color match New shapes Custom pieces Large/small sizes Special windowsS I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S25

PRO DUCT DE TA I L MATRI XHardwareHardware FinishesGlass OptionsSizes: MinMaxGrillesCasementAwningGeometricNesting handleNesting handleN/A9 Finishes9 Finishes9 Finishes50 Choices50 Choices50 Choices18" x 18"36" x 84"18" x 18"60" x 48"18" x 18"108" x 78"GBG: 5/8" Flat, 23/32" Contoured,1" ContouredBead: 7/8", 1 1/8", 1 3/8", 2 5/16"Putty: 5/8", 7/8", 1 1/8",1 3/8", 2 5/16"Contemporary: 5/8", 7/8",1 1/8", 1 3/8", 2 5/16"Combination SDL available:mix and match designsGBG: 5/8" Flat, 23/32" Contoured,1" ContouredBead: 7/8", 1 1/8", 1 3/8", 2 5/16"Putty: 5/8", 7/8", 1 1/8",1 3/8", 2 5/16"Contemporary: 5/8", 7/8",1 1/8", 1 3/8", 2 5/16"Combination SDL available:mix and match designsGBG: 5/8" Flat, 23/32" Contoured, 1" ContouredBead: 7/8", 1 1/8", 1 3/8",2 5/16" Putty - 5/8", 7/8",1 1/8", 1 3/8", 2 5/16"Contemporary: 5/8", 7/8",1 1/8", 1 3/8", 2 5/16"Combination SDL available:mix and match designsPerformanceRating36" x 72" - PG 50, WZ3 - PG 50/-6548" x 48" - PG 50, WZ3 - PG 50/-6584" x 84" - PG 50, WZ3 - PG 50/-65ConfigurationsSpecial Mulls, Transoms, Bays & Bows,MultiplesSpecial Mulls, Transoms, MultiplesSpecial Mulls, MultiplesSpacer ColorBlack (Standard), Gray & SilverBlack (Standard), Gray & SilverBlack (Standard), Gray & SilverBlink BlindsWhite, Tan, Sand, Espresso, Silver Moon,Slate GrayWhite, Tan, Sand, Espresso, Silver Moon,Slate GrayWhite, Tan, Sand, Espresso, Silver Moon,Slate GrayOther options available, including impact-rated options (depending on operating type) and screens.For more information, please see your JELD-WEN representative or visit E L D - W E N .CO M

HardwareSwinging Patio DoorsSliding Patio DoorsLow-Friction Glider Multi-SlideHarleston , Whitby , Belmar Harleston , Whitby , Belmar Hoppe RecessedHardware Finishes10 Finishes10 Finishes3 Finishes3 FinishesGlass Options50 Choices50 Choices4 ChoicesLow-E23 5/8" x 79 1/2"43" x 98 1/2"(Panel Size)30" x 79"48" x 96"(Panel Size)39” X 79 1/2” (1-Panel Size)291 1/8” X 122 1/2” (4-Panel Size)62 1/2" x 80 3/8"148" x 96"(Panel Size)Openings up to 57'Sizes: MinMaxGrillesGBG: 5/8" Flat, 23/32" Contoured,1" ContouredBead: 7/8", 1 1/8", 1 3/8", 2 5/16"Putty: 5/8", 7/8",1 1/8", 1 3/8", 2 5/16" Contemporary:5/8", 7/8", 1 1/8", 1 3/8", 2 5/16"Combination SDL available:mix and match designsPerformanceRatingInswing: PG 35,PG 50 Limited WaterOutswing: PG 50 WZ3 availableGBG: 5/8" Flat, 23/32" Contoured,1" ContouredBead: 7/8", 1 1/8", 1 3/8",2 5/16"Putty: 5/8", 7/8", 1 1/8",1 3/8", 2 5/16"Contemporary: 5/8", 7/8",1 1/8", 1 3/8", 2 5/16"Combination SDL available:mix and match designsBead: 7/8”Putty: 7/8”Contemporary: 7/8"Bead: 7/8"Putty: 5/8", 7/8"2-Panel Wide Stile - PG654-Panel Wide Stile - PG252-Panel Narrow Stiles - PG404-Panel Narrow Stiles - PG25PG35 & PG50 (Pending Configuration & Sizing)PG35 & PG50 (Pending Configuration & Sizing)ConfigurationsX, OX, XO, OXXOSidelites & Transoms availableOX, XO, OXXOTransoms AvailableFixed, OX, XO, OOX, XOO, OXO, OXXO6 panels in one direction or 12 panelsin bi-parting direction w/ pocketing optionsSpacer ColorBlack (Standard), Gray & SilverBlack (Standard), Gray & SilverBlack, Gray, SilverBlack, Gray, SilverBlink BlindsN/AWhite, Tan, Sand, Espresso, Silver Moon,Slate GrayN/AN/AS I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S27

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Other Special Coverages CoverageNotes JELD-WENWINDOWCoverage& dis for wooddecay and/ortermite damagein pine wood components.AuraLastWood ProductsSingle-Family OURWarrantycoverage outsideCanada, the contiguous 48 states and Alaska isWARRANTYTO YOU.Residence: ascontingent upon approval from the JELD-WEN Customer Care Department. Pleaselong as toyoucreateown lastingcontactus. for your home. This warranty is effective for all JELD-WEN windowJELD-WEN Products1 are designedvalueand occupyand patio door Products (exceptUnited yourCollection products) manufactured on or after June 1, 2019 for use in the United Statesresidenceand Canada. Any previous warrantieswill continue to apply to products manufactured by JELD-WEN prior to this date. Foradditional information, includingcare andCommercial:20maintenance instructions, installation instructions, and previous warranties, refer or iberglassDoorAs long as youExceptSlabs as set forth in the SpecialownCoveragesand occupysection below, we warrant that if your JELD-WEN Product exhibits a defect in materialor workmanship within the timeperiodsfrom the date of manufacture as specified below, we will, at our option, repair, replace oryourresidencerefund the purchase price of the Product or component part. Skilled labor2 (where deemed necessary by us) to repair or replace anyFactoryPrefinishon10yearsShould the factory prefinish be proven defective, we will at our option refinish thecomponent is provided as specified below.Custom Fiberglass Doorsdoor or pay up to 350.00 per opening to the current owner.Electric OperatorsWood& MetalCompositeVinyllaborand MetalAluminumCoverageincludesreplacementparts and skillednecessary toreplace theWoodClad Vinyloperator Cladfor oneyear.1 yearBasic ProductCoverageRetractableRollScreens5 yearsOwner-Occupied Single-Family Residence20 yearsHow To Get Assistance10 years; glass iscovered for 20yearsas long as youown and occupyyour residence10 yearsBasic Product Coverage20 years10 years10 years2 yearsIf you have a problem with your JELD-WEN Product, contact the dealer/distributor or contractor from whom you purchased yourCommercial (Other than Owner-Occupied Singleproduct or contact us directly:Family Residence)2In theUnited States:Skilled LaborCoverageIn Eastern Canada:2 yearsJELD-WENCareJELD-WEN Service10DeptMail:Transferability- theCustomermaximumlength of anyyearscoverageAttn:whenWarrantyyou sell Claimsyour residence or it90, rue IndustrielleBox 1329Saint-Apollinaire,Quebecbecomes P.O.occupiedby other than the originalownerKlamath Falls, OR 97601Canada GOS 2EOIn WesternCanada:2 yearsJELD-WENService Dept10 years550 Munroe AvenueWinnipeg, ManitobaCanada R2K 4H3Special(Applies to both Owner-Occupied888-JWHelpU800-463-1930 and Commercial)888-945-5627Phone: CoveragesIn Ontario Canada2 years1 yearJELD-WEN ServiceDept10 yearsNon-transferable90 Stone Ridge RoadVaughan, OntarioCanada L4H 3G9800-440-2714The followingSpecial Coverages apply to special product features and options;not all options are availableon all products or in lass OptionsCoverageNoteswpgservice@jeld-wen.comE-mail: jeldwenwarranty@jeld-wen.comTriple-Glazed Glass Units20 yearsIncludes the glass panes and the insulating Glass Units10 years Glazings5 yearsIncludes laminated glass units other than ImpactGard, and glass options not listedin our product literature, e.g., leaded or decorative glass.We can respond quickly and efficiently if you provide the following: a) product identification (from the original order/invoice, spacercode,permanentlabel, or the windowidentificationnumberon cornerof glass),b) how tocontactyou, ofc) thewhereBlinds/ShadesBetween10 yearsIncludesthefoundseal, externalcontrolmechanism,andoperationthe addressshade/blind.thetheproductGlass can be inspected, and d) a description of the apparent problem and the product (photographs are helpful).StressWeCracks1 yearApplies to sealed glass units installed in windows and patio doors. Laminated glassWhatWill Doglazings are excluded.CoverageincludesandskilledUpon receiving your notification, we will send outandan specialacknowledgementwithin threebusinessdays toreplacementthe contact,glasswhichyouhavelabor2tonecessaryto replaceactionthe glass.Stresscracksoccurwhenoftheglass developsaprovided. We will investigate your claim and will begintake appropriatewithin30 daysafterreceiptnotification.If yourcrack feewithoutof impact.warranty claim is denied, we may charge an inspectionfor ansignonsiteinspection that is required or requested by the toBasicto Productsorderedwith tdoubleor thickerglass. Not covered:IfAccidentalyour claimGlassis approved, andSamewe chooserepairAppliesor replacethe productor a componentofstrengththe product,the replacementproduct/Breakage will be provided inProductCoveragedamageattributableto actsnature (, hurricane,etc.), civildisorder,componentthe samespecificationas theoriginal productor ofits nearestequivalentcurrent product.Replacementabove swallsor foundationscomponents/products are warrantedthe balanceof the originalwarrantyor 90ofdays,whicheveris longer. or improperOccupied orinstallation, construction job-site mishaps, storage, or handling. Special glazingsIf the claimed nonconformity is Commercial)warp of a door periodup to twelve (12)and ImpactGard glass are not covered by this glass breakagewarranty.months from the date of claim. It is not uncommon for a temporary warp condition to occur as the door slab adjusts to local humidityandtemperaturedeferral will not Notesbe counted against the warranty period.FinishOptions conditions. This CoverageCoverage is for peeling, checking, cracking, or exhibiting excessive chalk, fade orcolor change3.JELD-WEN is not liable for damage,failureClador poorproductperformancedue to:AAMAproduct2603/2604:productsinstalledwithin onemile of a salt-water source (for example, ntrequireadditionaland Normal wear and tear, including normal wear and tear of weatherstrip; natural weatheringof surfaces.Variancein r to ourfull care and maintenance instructions.of natural wood parts, andAnodized:natural 5 yearsClad Finish on MetalAAMA 2605: 30Clad ExteriorsyearsWhatThis Warranty Does NOT Cover FactoryNormalInteriorwear andtearonto hardwareand naturallyoccurringto hardware(e.g.,Shouldcorrosiontarnishing).Finish1 yearCoverageis changesfor peeling,checking,finishesor cracking.the orfactoryinterior finish wewillatouroption,replaceor refinish Exposure to chemicals (e.g. brick wash) or a harsh environment (e.g. salt spray or airborne pollutants) unless otherwisestatedabove.the component or product, or offer a refinish credit up to 50 per opening for Misuse, abuse or failure to properly finish and or 100 per opening for patio doors. This coverage applies to factoryapplied r is not a finish Alteration or modification to the Product (e.g. customerappliedtintsor films,paintfinishes,security systems).coat. Any cause beyond the reasonable control of JELD-WEN (e.g. fire, flood, earthquake, other acts of nature, and acts of third 3partiesColoredLaminated10 yearsCoverage is for peeling, blistering, or flaking, and excessive color change . Thisoutsideandof ourcontrol).Surfaces on Vinyl andcoverage does not extend to discoloration, polish, surface damage, or alteration CompositeFailure to providewhere stormfactordoorsProductsan adequate overhang for fiberglasscaused doors;by thedamageuse of causednatural byorextremechemicaltemperaturesolvents orbuildupan environmentalare present. For general guidelines, see our “AppropriateProtectioncausing suchdamage. for Exterior Doors” in our product literature or at; for specific information pertaining to your structure, consult your contractor or other building professional.Continued on next pageContinued on next pageS I T E L I N E W I N D O W S & PAT I O D O O R S29

Other Special Coveragesdamage in pinewood components.AuraLastProtection forontiguous 48 Woodstates Productsand Alaska isN Customer Care Department. dence: aslong as you ownand occupy yourresidenceCoverage is for wood decay and/or termite damage in pine wood components.Warranty coverage outside Canada, the contiguous 48 states and Alaska iscontingent upon approval from the JELD-WEN Customer Care Department. Pleasecontact us.Commercial: 20yearsCustom Fiberglass DoorSlabsAs long as youown and occupyyour residenceive, we will at ouroptionrefinishontheFactoryPrefinishcurrent owner.Custom Fiberglass Doors10 yearsShould the factory prefinish be proven defective, we will at our option refinish thedoor or pay up to 350.00 per opening to the current owner.1 yearCoverage includes replacement parts and skilled labor necessary to replace theoperator for one year.illed labor necessaryreplace theElectric toOperatorsRetractable Roll Screens5 yearsHow To Get Assistancector from whomyoupurchasedyourwith your JELD-WEN Product, contact the dealer/distributor or contractor from whom you purchased yourIf youhavea problemproduct or contact us directly:In Ontario CanadaIn the United States:In Eastern Canada:In Western Canada:In Ontario CanadaJELD-WENServiceDeptJELD-WENCustomer CareMail:90 Stone Ridge RoadAttn: Warranty ClaimsVaughan, OntarioP.O. Box 1329Canada L4H 3G9 Klamath Falls, OR 97601JELD-WEN Service Dept90, rue IndustrielleSaint-Apollinaire, QuebecCanada GOS 2EOJELD-WEN Service Dept550 Munroe AvenueWinnipeg, ManitobaCanada R2K 4H3JELD-WEN Service Dept90 Stone Ridge RoadVaughan, OntarioCanada L4H the originalspacerand efficiently if you provide the following: a) product identification (from the original order/invoice, spacerWe order/invoice,can respond quicklyto contact you,c) theaddress label,whereor the window identification number found on corner of glass), b) how to contact you, c) the address wherecode,permanentphotographs arethehelpful).product can be inspected, and d) a description of the apparent problem and the product (photographs are helpful).What We Will Dos days to the contact,which youUpon receivingyourhavenotification, we will send out an acknowledgement within three business days to the contact, which you haveys after receiptof notification.yourprovided.We willIfinvestigateyour claim and will begin to take appropriate action within 30 days after receipt of notification. If yourired or requestedby you.warrantyclaim is denied, we may charge an inspection fee for an onsite inspection that is required or requested by you.he product, thereplacementproduct/ and we choose to repair or replace the product or a component of the product, the replacement product/If yourclaim is approved,ivalent currentproduct. Replacementcomponentwill be provided in the same specification as the original product or its nearest equivalent current product. Replacementys, whichever components/productsis longer.are warranted for the balance of the original product warranty or 90 days, whichever is longer.oor slab for a Ifperiodup to twelve(12)the claimednonconformityis warp of a door slab, we may defer repairing or replacing the door slab for a period up to twelve (12)he door slab adjustslocalhumiditymonthstofromthedate of claim. It is not uncommon for a temporary warp condition to occur as the door slab adjusts to local humidityand temperature conditions. This deferral will not be counted against the warranty period.What This Warranty Does NOT CoverJELD-WEN is not liable for damage, product failure or poor product performance due to:f surfaces. Variancein colortexture Normalwearorandtear, including normal wear and tear of weatherstrip; natural weathering of surfaces. Variance in color or textureof natural wood parts, and natural tarnishing of copper cladding are not considered defects., corrosion or tarnishing).Normal wear and tear to hardware and naturally occurring changes to hardware finishes (e.g., corrosion or tarnishing).utants) unless otherwiseabove.(e.g. brick wash) or a harsh environment (e.g. salt spray or airborne pollutants) unless otherwise stated above.Exposurestatedto chemicals Misuse, abuse or failure to properly finish and provide systems). Alteration or modification to the Product (e.g. customer applied tints or films, paint finishes, security systems).cts of nature, andactsof thirdpartiesAnycausebeyondthe reasonable control of JELD-WEN (e.g. fire, flood, earthquake, other acts of nature, and acts of third partiesoutside of our control).mperature buildupwheredoors Failureto stormprovidean adequate overhang for fiberglass doors; damage caused by extreme temperature buildup where storm doorsour product literatureor at www.jeldare present.For general guidelines, see our “Appropriate Protection for Exterior Doors” in our product literature or at www.jeldctor or other buildingprofessional. for specific information pertaining to your structure, consult your contractor or other building;Continued on next page30J E L D - W E N .CO MContinued on next page

Improper installation not in conformance with JELD-WEN installation instructions (note: see for current installationinstructions); operational problems and problems related to water and/or air infiltration/leaking as a result of i

4 JELD-WEN.COM AuraLast pine is a patented wood product that provides protection against wood rot, water damage, and termites. This water-based process fortifies wood all the way to the core, providing an exclusive level of protection you'll only find through JELD-WEN. Traditional treatments cover just the surface.