Petition For Release Of Mechanics Lien - Saclaw


saclaw.orgSacramento County Public Law Library& Civil Self Help Center609 9th St.Sacramento, CA 95814(916) 874-6012 Home Law 101PETITION TO RELEASE MECHANICS’ LIENRemoving an Expired Mechanics’ LienThis Guide includes instructions and sample forms. Additional copies of this guide may bedownloaded from: tors and subcontractors can record mechanics’ liensagainst a piece of real property for work they do on thatproperty. Although the lien automatically becomes invalid ifthe claimant does not foreclose within 90 days of recording,the lien will still appear on the title until it is released in writingor by court order.You may also need Related Step by Step Guides Serving Documents by Personal the contractor or subcontractor does not release the lienupon request, the owner of the property may petition the court for a release order (also calledexpunging the lien). California Civil Code (CC) §§ 8480-8488. The court will award the prevailingparty his or her reasonable attorneys’ fees, so you may wish to hire an attorney to do this. CC§ 8488(c).If you choose to file this Petition without an attorney, or cannot find an attorney to take the case, thisGuide will help you do it yourself. It outlines the steps, and includes sample forms.STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONSStep 1: Contact the Lien Claimant and RequestVoluntary Release of LienMail the lien claimant a written demand to remove the lien.Send the request by registered or certified mail, express mail,or overnight delivery. Send it to the claimant’s address asshown on any of the following: (1) the preliminary 20-daynotice, (2) the records of the Contractor State License Board,(3) the contract on which the lien is based, or (4) the claim oflien itself. CC § 8482.A customizable template for the Demand for Release may bedownloaded from this link:I need the liengone right away!You can obtain release of a lienright away by recording a lienrelease bond, guaranteeingpayment if the claimant laterprevails in court. CC § 8424.Contact your general contractor, ifany, or a surety bond agent forinformation. For more info, see§10.60 of California Civil Practice:Real Property Litigation,KFC 140 .Z9 .C34.Disclaimer: This guide is intended as general information only. Your case may have factors requiringdifferent procedures or forms. The information and instructions are provided for use in theSacramento County Superior Court. Please keep in mind that each court may have differentrequirements. If you need further assistance consult a lawyer.

saclaw.orgPetition to Release Mechanics’ Lien Home Law 101 Demand for Release of Mechanics’ release-demand.rtfYou may want to include a blank Release of Mechanics’ Lien (available on our website to make it easy for the claimant to fill out and record.Keep a copy of your Demand for Release of Mechanics’ Lien and the certified, registered, or otherreceipt as proof of your request. You will attach this to your Petition if the claimant does not voluntarilyremove the lien.You must wait at least 10 days after mailing before filing your Petition, to give the lien claimant time tocomply. CC § 8482.Step 2: Obtain a Certified Copy of the Claim of LienYou will need to attach this to your Petition. You can obtain a certified copy at the county recorder’soffice. In Sacramento this is located at 600 8th Street, Sacramento, 916-874-6334.Step 3: Prepare the Required Court PleadingsThere is no Judicial Council form for this procedure. Instead, the relevant documents must be typedon 28-line pleading paper. Customizable templates may be downloaded from these links: Petition for Release of Property from release-petition.rtfNotice of to-release-lien-notice.rtfProposed -release-order.rtfProof of Service of Petition to Release Mechanics Lien by release-pos.rtfIn addition, one Judicial Council form is required for all new cases, including this Petition: Civil Case Cover Sheet dfDownload the blank form from this link or filled-in forms with instructions are available at the end of this guide.Step 4: Copy and Assemble the DocumentsMake four (4) copies of your documents. One of these copies is to be served on the claimant; theoriginal and the other three copies are to be filed with the court. Staple each of the copies, but leavethe original unstapled. Sacramento County Superior Court uses an electronic filing system in whichdocuments are scanned in electronically. Stapled originals are not accepted because the staple willjam in the scanner, damaging both the document and the scanner.Note: You will have exhibits attached to your Petition (a certified copy of the Claim of Lien and a copyof the Demand for Release with proof of mailing). Sacramento County Superior Court requires thatthe exhibit pages in one of your three sets of copies be separated by a rigid sheet of card stock with atab identifying the letter of the exhibit on the bottom. Exhibit pages for the original and other

saclaw.orgPetition to Release Mechanics’ Lien Home Law 101copies may be on pleading paper with the exhibit’s letter typed on the bottom, above the footer. TheLaw Library’s Circulation Desk sells exhibit tab card stock.Step 5: File Documents in Court, Pay Filing Fee, and Ask Clerk for a Hearing DateFile your documents at the filing window at 813 Sixth Street (Hall of Justice) in downtownSacramento. While you are there, the clerk will assign you a department and a hearing date within thenext 30 days (CC § 8486). Because the clerk may have a number of dates available, be sure to bringyour schedule with you so you can choose a date that works for you. Fill this in on all copies of theNotice of Hearing and file the original and three copies of that as well. Make sure that you receive astamped copy of each document to serve on the lien claimant, and a copy for yourself.As of the date of this guide there is a 435 filing fee, unless your fees are waived. Current fees canbe found on the Sacramento County Court Fee Schedule ( If you qualify for a fee waiver, you may file a request with the court. For moreinformation, see our step-by-step guide on “Fee Waivers” ( on ourwebsite at.Step 6: Have the Petition and Other Documents ServedAt least 15 court (business) days before the hearing: Havesomeone (NOT YOU) serve a court-stamped copy of alldocuments on the lien claimant, either in person or by certified orregistered mail (return receipt requested). For mail, you can useany of these addresses: (1) the preliminary 20-day notice, (2) therecords of the Contractor State License Board, (3) the contract onwhich the lien is based, or (4) the claim of lien itself.You are required to serve the notice 15 court days before thehearing, plus five calendar days for mail time. If you do not, thecourt will deny your petition.The person who is serving your papers for you must complete acustomizable Proof of Service of Petition to Release MechanicsLien by Mail. You can download a template of this form from thelink in Step 3, above.Tip: ConsiderPersonal ServiceYou can have the papersserved by personal serviceinstead of mail if you choose.This will shave 5 days off therequired notice, and makes iteasier to prove that thecontractor actually receivedthe papers. See our guide onPersonal Service for moreinformation.Photocopy the certified or registered mail receipt. Write “Exhibit A” on the bottom of the copy, andstaple the copy to the Proof of Service. Make at least two copies.File the original Proof of Service, and two copies, with the Court. Make sure this is done at leasta few days before the hearing.Step 7: Review Tentative Ruling at 2:00 p.m. the Court Day before the Hearing;Schedule Argument by 4:00 p.m. if NecessaryPursuant to Local Rule 1.06, the court will make a tentative ruling on the merits of your matter by 2:00p.m. the court day before the hearing. You then have two hours to request oral argument, if youchoose to do so. You may read the tentative ruling online or may obtain the tentative ruling over thetelephone by calling (916) 874-8142 to have a deputy clerk read the ruling to you. For

saclaw.orgPetition to Release Mechanics’ Lien Home Law 101information Sacramento County’s tentative rulings, and accessing them online, visit the SacramentoCounty Court’s page on Tentative Ruling Information.Closely review the tentative ruling. Since you are asking the Court to issue an order removing thelien, you are looking for your Petition to be “GRANTED.” If the court does not grant your request, yourPetition will be “DENIED.” Even if your Petition is granted, be sure to read the tentative ruling verycarefully, since it may contain other important information or instructions.If neither party requests oral argument by 4:00 p.m., the court will simply make the tentative ruling theorder of the court, and no oral argument will be permitted. If a party requests oral argument, the courtwill make its ruling after the oral argument, either in court or by mail a few days later.Step 8: Attend the Hearing, if NecessaryIf the tentative ruling indicates that the Petition is granted, and the claimant does not notify you thats/he plans to appear, you do not need to attend the hearing. The court will simply adopt the tentativeruling as its final order. Unless the court order indicates that you will need to submit a new Order, theProposed Order that you submitted will be signed by the court and sent to you by mail.If either you or the other party requests oral argument, or if the court orders you to appear, be at thecourt (813 Sixth St. in downtown Sacramento) before the start time, prepared to present anyadditional evidence and arguments to the judge.Step 9: Record the Signed Order Releasing Lien at the County Recorder’s OfficeIf the judge signs the Order, obtain a certified copy from the court clerk. Record the certified copy at theCounty Recorder’s office. This extinguishes the lien.FOR MORE INFORMATIONOn the WebThe Contractors’ State License Board offers a number of useful and informative guides, pamphlets,and forms for consumers, including “What to Do If a Mechanic's Lien has Been Filed against You.”The California Land Title Association has a series of “Consumer Library” articles on its website,including one on mechanics’ liens: “Title Reporter Series: Mechanics' Liens.”At the Law LibraryCalifornia Forms of Pleading and Practice KFC 1010 .A65 C3 (Ready Reference)Sections 361.32 and 361.163 deal with petitions for the release of mechanics liens.Electronic Access: On the Law Library’s computers, using the Matthew Bender CD.IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS GUIDE, OR IF YOU NEED HELP FINDING ORUSING THE MATERIALS LISTED, DON’T HESITATE TO ASK A REFERENCE LIBRARIAN.H:\public\LRG-SBS\SbSs\Petition for Release of Mechanics kf

saclaw.orgPetition to Release Mechanics’ Lien Home Law 101ATTACHMENTS: FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONSDemand for ReleaseBefore starting your Petition you must send a demand for release to the lien claimant. There is noJudicial Council form for this procedure. A customizable template may be downloaded from this link: Demand for Release of Mechanics’ release-demand.rtfPetition and Related PapersThere is no Judicial Council form for this procedure. Instead, the relevant documents must be typedon 28-line pleading paper. Customizable templates may be downloaded from these links: Petition for Release of Property from release-petition.rtfNotice of to-release-lien-notice.rtfProposed -release-order.rtfProof of Service of Petition to Release Mechanics Lien by release-pos.rtfIn addition, one Judicial Council form is required for all new cases, including this Petition: Civil Case Cover Sheet dfDownload the blank form from this link or filled-in forms with instructions are available at the end of this

saclaw.orgPetition to Release Mechanics’ Lien Home Law 101Instructions:a. Petition for Release of Lien(1) Download the Petition template from the link above and customize it per the instructions atthe end of this Guide.(2) Attach the certified copy of the claim of lien, which you got in Step 2, to the Petition as“Exhibit A.” Attach your copy of the Demand for Release of Mechanics’ Lien with proof ofmailing, which you created in Step 1, to the Petition as “Exhibit B.”(3) Sign the Petition (including the verification at the end).b. Notice of HearingDownload the Notice of Hearing template from the link above and customize it per the instructions atthe end of this Guide. Leave the hearing date, time, and department blank for now.c. Proposed Order Releasing LienDownload the Proposed Order template from the link above and customize it per the instructions atthe end of this Guide. The judge will sign it if s/he grants the Petition.d. Civil Case Cover Sheet (CM-010)Download the Civil Case Cover Sheet form from the link above and complete it per the instructions atthe end of this Guide. This is a standard form required in all new cases.e. Proof of Service of PetitionAfter the Petition and related documents have been served (Step 6), fill out the Proof of Service andhave the person who delivered or mailed the documents sign it. If it was served by mail, attach a copyof the certified return receipt as “Exhibit A.” File the proof of service in court at least a few days beforethe

1234ORFAMAY OWNER123 Main St.Sacramento, CA 95814916-555-1212ORFAMAY OWNER, IN PRO PER5This section tellsall parties when6 to beand wherefor the hearing.7 get thisYou shouldinformation fromthe clerk when you8reserve yourhearing date.910111213SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIAFOR THE COUNTY OF SACRAMENTOIn the Matter ofORFAMAY OWNER,Petitioner,vs.SAMUEL SUBCONTRACTOR,Respondent.)))))))Case No.: 34-14-00005555PETITION FOR RELEASE OFPROPERTY FROM LIENDate: April 15, 2014Time: 9 a.m.Dept: 54Judge: Christopher E. KruegerDate Action Filed: March 10, 201414State whetheryou are theowner of the15Petitioner alleges:property orwhether youhave some161. Petitioner is the owner of real property (“theother interest(life estate,17tenancy, etc.).Sacramento, California and described as follows:18This “legal19description”can be found20 toon the deedyour property.212223property”) located at 123 Main Street,Lot 14 of Blackacre Addition to the City of Sacramento, as delineated on the map ofsaid addition, recorded January 30, 1965, in Book 625, Page 013065 .2. At all times relevant herein, Respondent Samuel Subcontractor was, and now is,an individual residing in Sacramento County engaged in the business of subcontracting as aIdentify thelien claimant’sroofer and claims to have contributed to the work of improvement on the property.form ofbusiness and-1PETITION FOR RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROM LIEN county ofresidence, ifan individual.

3. On October 1, 2013, in the Official Records of Sacramento County, California,1Respondent recorded a claim of mechanics lien against the property. The lien was recorded2The info in thisin the official records of the County Recorder in book number 1203, page number 100113.paragraphis3on the ClaimThe claim of lien was in the amount of 5645.92 for labor, services, equipment, or materialsof Lien.4To attach thefurnished by Respondent for a work of improvement. A certified copy of the claim of lien withclaim of lien,5photocopyitand write proof of mailing is attached here marked Exhibit A and incorporated by reference.“Exhibit A” on6the bottom ofthe page.4. Respondent failed to bring an action to enforce the lien within 90 days after the78recordation of the claim of lien, as required by Civil Code § 8460. No action has been filedto foreclose the lien; no extension of credit has been recorded; and the time period duringCheck the9appropriatewhichboxes, or erase10 of theany partparagraph thatdoes not apply.11125. Respondent isunable orunwilling execute a release of the lien orcannotbe found with reasonable diligence.6. On February 20, 2014, Petitioner sent Respondent a written demand to remove1314suit can be brought to foreclose the lien has expired.the lien byregistered or certified mail;express mail; orovernight delivery. Thedemand was sent to the Respondent’s address as shown onthe preliminary 20-dayCheck the15appropriateboxes, or erasenotice;the records of the Contractor State License Board;the contract on which theany part of the16paragraph thatthe claim of lien itself. A true and correct copy of the written demand isdoes not apply.lien is based; or17Attach a copy ofattached here marked Exhibit B and incorporated by reference.the writtendemand18andproof of mailing7. Respondentdid not respondresponded as follows:as “Exhibit B.”19On February 23, 2014, Respondent telephoned Owner and stated that since he had20not not been paid, he would not remove the lien.Describe21thelien claimant’sresponse to the22WrittenDemand forRelease23ofLien.-2PETITION FOR RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROM LIEN

8. Petitioner has not filed for relief under any law governing bankruptcy, and there12exists no other restraint to prevent Respondent from filing to foreclose the lien.WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays for judgment against Respondent as follows:31. That the real property described above be released from Respondent's claim of45lien;62. Costs; and73. Such other relief as may be just.891011Dated:By:SignatureOrfamay OwnerIn Pro Per121314151617181920212223-3PETITION FOR RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROM LIEN

1VERIFICATION2I, Orfamay Owner, am the petitioner in this proceeding. I have read the foregoing34petition and know the contents thereof. The same is true of my own knowledge, except as to5those matters which are therein alleged on information and belief, and, as to those matters,6I believe it to be true.I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the78foregoing is true and correct.9Date10111213DateFill in your name,and date and signthe Verificationsection. Thisindicates that youare swearingunder penalty ofperjury that thefacts stated in thepetition are ION FOR RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROM LIEN

County recorder stamp1234567891011Make an Exhibit page for the certified copy of themechanics’ lien by photocopying the lien andwriting “Exhibit A” on the bottom of the page.12Important: Sacramento County Superior Courtrequires that the Exhibit pages in one of yoursets of copies be on a rigid sheet of card stockwith a tab identifying the letter of the exhibit onthe bottom. Exhibit pages for the original andother copies may be on pleading paper with“Exhibit A” typed on the bottom, above the footer.131415Note: The Law Library Circulation Desk sellsexhibit tab card stock.16171819Exhibit tab inone copy only20Write exhibit letteron other copies2122Exhibit A23Ex. A-5PETITION FOR RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROM LIEN

123456789Make an Exhibit page for the Written Demandand proof of mailing by photocopying them andwriting “Exhibit B” on the bottom of the first page.10Important: Sacramento County Superior Courtrequires that the Exhibit pages in one of yoursets of copies be on a rigid sheet of card stockwith a tab identifying the letter of the exhibit onthe bottom. Exhibit pages for the original andother copies may be on pleading paper with“Exhibit B” typed on the bottom, above the footer.111213Note: The Law Library Circulation Desk sellsexhibit tab card stock.14151617181920Exhibit tab inone copy only2122Numberexhibit pagesif more than 1Write exhibit letteron other copiesExhibit B23-6PETITION FOR RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROM LIENEx. B1

12345678910111213141516171819Numberexhibit pagesif more than 1202122223-7PETITION FOR RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROM LIEN

Insert your name, mailingaddress, and phone number.“In Pro Per” means you arerepresenting yourself.12Enter address ofthe court whereyou will be filingyour petition.345The “case name” is yourname vs. the lienclaimant’sname/business name.67Check“Unlimited.”891011121314151. Check “is not”complex.162. Check“nonmonetary;17declaratoryorinjunctive relief.”18 “1” for3. EnterCheck“Otherpetition.”number ofcauses19ofaction.4. Check20 “is not”a class actionsuit.21Print name and dateSignature2223-8PETITION FOR RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROM LIEN

123ORFAMAY OWNER123 Main St.Sacramento, CA 95814916-555-121245ORFAMAY OWNER, IN PRO PER6 tellsThis sectionall parties whenand where7 to befor the hearing.You should8 get thisinformation fromthe clerk when you9reserve yourhearing date.101112131415SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIAFOR THE COUNTY OF SACRAMENTOIn the Matter ofORFAMAY OWNER,Petitioner,vs.SAMUEL SUBCONTRACTOR,Respondent.))))))))))Case No.: 34-14-00005555NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITIONFOR RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROMLIENDate: April 15, 2014Time: 9 a.m.Dept: 54Judge: Christopher E. KruegerDate Action Filed: March 10, 2014To Respondent Samuel Subcontractor:16Insert the date,time, and17departmentPlease take notice that on April 15, 2014, at 9 a. m., in Department 54 of the abovenumber as above,and include18 theentitled Court, located at 813 6th Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, California, Petitioner willstreet address ofthe branch of the19 theappear and request that the honorable court order the release of the Mechanics’ Lien oncourt wherehearing will be.20property located at 123 Main Street, Sacramento, California.21This request will be based on the Petition for Release of Property from Lien attached to this22Notice of Hearing, and on the evidence and arguments to be introduced in the hearing.23-1NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROM LIEN

1234567891011Pursuant to Local Rule 1.06 (A), the court will make a tentative ruling on the merits of thismatter by 2:00 p.m., the court day before the hearing. The complete text of the tentativerulings for the department may be downloaded off the court's Web site. If the party does nothave online access, they may call the dedicated phone number for the department asreferenced in the local telephone directory between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. onthe court day before the hearing and receive the tentative ruling. If you do not call the courtand the opposing party by 4:00 p.m. the court day before the hearing, no hearing will beheld.DateDated:By:SignatureSignatureORFAMAY OWNERIn Pro Per121314151617181920212223-2NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR RELEASE OF PROPERTY FROM LIEN

The area above thehorizontal line is forthe Recorder’s Officeto stamp when yourecord the Order.Recording requested by:12Insert your name andmailing address on theleft.And when recorded, mail to:3456RECORDER’S USE ONLYORFAMAY OWNER123 Main St.Sacramento, CA 95814916-555-1212This section7 tellsall parties whenand where to beORFAMAY8for the hearing.You should get this9 frominformationthe clerk when youreserve 10yourhearing date.OWNER, IN PRO PERSUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIAFOR THE COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO11121314151617In the Matter ofORFAMAY OWNER,Petitioner,vs.SAMUEL SUBCONTRACTOR,Respondent.)))))))Case No.: 34-14-00005555[PROPOSED] ORDER RELEASING LIENDate: April 15, 2014Time: 9 a.m.Dept: 54Judge: Christopher E. KruegerDate Action Filed: March 10, 2014The petitioner’s petition for an order granting the release of the real property describedbelow (“the property”) from the lien of the respondent was heard on April 15, 2014.Petitioner appeared in pro per, and respondent appearedin pro per18(name). Oral and documentaryLeave blank (youdon’t know19who theother side’s attorneybeen received and considered by the court, and good cause appearing,may be). The judge20will fill it in.212223-1ORDER RELEASING LIENby counselevidence having

123THE COURT FINDS:1. All the allegations of the petition are true;2. Service of the petition and the order fixing the date for the hearing was made in4compliance with the law.5IT IS ORDERED:671. The petition is granted.2. The real property described below is released from the lien of respondent, upon the8The info in recordation of a certified copy of this order.paragraphs3,94, and 5 is in3. The lien of respondent was recordedthe Claim ofLien. 1011121314on October 1, 2013.4. The lien was recorded in the recorder's office of the County of Sacramento, City ofSacramento.5. The lien was recorded in the official records of the County Recorder in book number1203, page number 100113.6. The real property is located at 123 Main Street, Sacramento, California and15This “legaldescription”can bedescribed as follows:16foundon the deed toyour property.17Lot 14 of Blackacre Addition to the City of Sacramento, as delineated on the map of said18addition, recorded January 30, 1965, in Book 625, Page 013065 .19Dated:20Leave date andsignature areablank for the judgeto fill in.21Judge:2223-2ORDER RELEASING LIEN

1234ORFAMAY OWNER123 Main St.Sacramento, CA 95814916-555-1212ORFAMAY OWNER, IN PRO PER5This section tellsall parties6 whenand where to befor the hearing.7You should get thisinformation from8 when youthe clerkreserve yourhearing9date.101112SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIAFOR THE COUNTY OF SACRAMENTOIn the Matter ofORFAMAY OWNER,Petitioner,vs.SAMUEL SUBCONTRACTOR,Respondent.13141516)))))))))Case No.: 34-14-00005555PROOF OF SERVICE OF PETITION FORRELEASE OF MECHANICS LIEN BYMAILDate: April 15, 2014Time: 9 a.m.Dept: 54Judge: Christopher E. KruegerDate Action Filed: March 10, 2014Marty Mailer declares:I am over age 18, not a party to this action, and reside in Sacramento County at 45617Oak Street. On March 12, 2014, I deposited in the United States mail at Sacramento,18California a copy of the following documents:1920212223Petition for Release of Mechanics’ LienNotice of Hearing[Proposed] Order Releasing LienCivil Case Cover Sheet

12345678in a sealed envelope, with postage fully prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to:Samuel Subcontractor789 Industrial Blvd.Sacramento, CA 95814A copy of the certificate of mailing is attached to this declaration as Exhibit A.I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoingis true and correct.Dated:By:Marty Mailer91011121314151617181920212223This is claimant’s address asshown on any of the following:(1) the preliminary 20-daynotice, (2) the records of theContractor State LicenseBoard, (3) the contract onwhich the lien is based, or (4)the claim of lien itself.

12345678Make an Exhibit page for the copy of the returnreceipt or certified mail receipt by photocopyingthe receipt and writing “Exhibit A” on the bottomof the page.910Important: Sacramento County Superior Courtrequires that the Exhibit pages in one of yoursets of copies be on a rigid sheet of card stockwith a tab identifying the letter of the exhibit onthe bottom. Exhibit pages for the original andother copies may be on pleading paper with“Exhibit A” typed on the bottom, above the footer.1112Note: The Law Library Circulation Desk sellsexhibit tab card stock.13141516171819Exhibit tab inone copy onlyWrite exhibit letteron other copies20Exhibit A212223Ex. A


documents on the lien claimant, either in person or by certified or registered mail (return receipt requested). For mail, you can use any of these addresses: (1) the preliminary 20-day notice, (2) the records of the Contractor State License Board, (3) the contract on which the lien is based, or (4) the claim of lien itself.