Divine Comedy (1320) - HyPoint


Email: hypoint2021@gmail.comPhone: 91 7012491205Divine Comedy (1320) Author: Dante AlighieriBegan in c. 1308 and finished in 1320Originally written in Latin (in Tuscan Dialect)14,233 linesDivided into three partsPartNameNo. of CantosIntroductory canto 1PART IINFERNO (Hell)33PART IIPURGATORIO(Purgatory) 33PART IIIPARADISO(Heaven)33TOTAL: 100 Cantos The Divine Comedy is called "the Summa in verse" as Dante has drawnmuch of the roman catholic theology from Thomas Aquinas's work "SummaTheologica”.

Email: hypoint2021@gmail.comPhone: 91 7012491205 Rhyme scheme: Terza Rhyme The poem written in the first person tells the journey of the speaker a daybefore Good Friday to the Wednesday after Easter in the year 1308. Virgil, a Roman poet guides him through Hell and Purgatory. Beatrice, Dante's ideal woman guides him through Heaven. The structure of the 3 realms follows a common numerical pattern of 9 1total of 10There are 9 circles in Inferno followed by Lucifer contained at its bottom.Nine rings in mount purgatory followed by Garden of Eden crowning thesummit.In Heaven 9 celestial bodies are followed by the Empyrean containingthe very essence of God. The last word in each of the Divine Comedy is “Stelle” which means “Star”. Dante only named his work “Comedìa" (Comedy), later in the 16th centuryconsidering the religious nature of the work it was named as “DivineComedy” Giovanni Boccaccio. The first print of the work with the title“Divine Comedy” appeared in the year 1555. InfernoThe journey of Dante starts a day before goof Friday. He is 35 yearsold, who seems lost in the dark woods (symbolizing sin), he sees asunlit mountain, but unable to move forward as he blocked by threefrightening beasts Lion, Leopard, and She-Wolf ( all symbolizing sinsof human).He's unable to find the right way to salvation (reach the sun-litmountain), during this time Virgil appears and says he has come tohelp Dante move through the journey. Beatrice from Paradiso hasasked Virgil to guide Dante through Hell and Purgatorio. Even thoughDante is first hesitant he decides to move further as he could meet hisideal woman, Beatrice.An earthquake happens, Dante faints when he wakes up he is found inthe first circle Limbo 1. Limbo

Email: hypoint2021@gmail.comPhone: 91 7012491205 Consists not of sinners, but people who are not baptized; either theylived before Christ when baptism had not yet spread, or they never gotbaptized Dante and Virgil meet many Greek and Roman philosophers, poets,and artists, such as Homer, Ovid, Socrates, Cicero, and even JuliusCesar. 2. Lust The second circle holds people who were lustful throughout theirlives. They are punished by strong winds blown over them, throwingthem back and forth. Cleopatra, Tristan, and Helen of Troy are a few sinners found in thiscircle. 3. Gluttony Encounter souls whose sin is gluttony. A worm-monster, Cerberus,watches over them. They are punished with icy, slushy rain that poursall over them without stopping. The protagonist meets the soul of Ciacco, his political opponent fromFlorence. 4. Greed Encounter people who hoarded their possessions, and those who spentsumptuously. The punishment is to carry the heavy load to the top ofthe mountain. Clergymen, popes, and cardinals—all of whom have been greedythroughout their lifetime are found here. 5. Anger In this circle of hell, Dante and Virgil encounter people who are guiltyof wrath and fury. Those found guilty of being angry and impatientare immersed in the River Styx or simply are forced to fight amongeach other on its surface. They gurgle the water of the river, struggle,and drown. The water is made up of a black toxic liquid and they areleft there to suffer. Dante encounters another political enemy of his, Filippo Argenti, whoconfiscated his possessions when he was banished from Florence. Hetries to climb up into a boat but gets pushed away.

Email: hypoint2021@gmail.comPhone: 91 7012491205 6. Heresy The sixth circle of Inferno is for heretics – people who have contraryopinions to Christian beliefs. There, they lie in tombs that burn themalive. Dante talks with Farinata degli Uberti, a political leader and hiscontemporary, who did not believe in God. He also sees Epicurus,Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, and Pope Anastasius II. 7. Violence All the souls who commit suicide are kept in the seventh circle andbecome trees. There, their leaves are eaten by harpies, which cause thetrees a lot of pain. There he sees Pier della Vigna who killed himself. To get from the seventh to the eighth circle of Inferno, Virgil andDante get help from Geryon – a giant Monster of the Fraud. He has adragon-like body and wings, the paws of a lion, and a human face. 8. Fraud This circle is divided up into ten Bolgias – ditches with bridgesbetween them, that are placed around a circular well. Each Bolgia hasdifferent kinds of people whose sin is fraud. They encounter panderers, seducers, sorcerers, false prophets, corruptpoliticians, hypocrites, thieves, evil counselors and advisers,alchemists, counterfeits, and perjurers. Pope Boniface VIII, Dante’spolitical enemy, is among the sinners they meet in this circle. 9. Treachery This circle is made up of a lake – Cocytus. The sinners here aresubmerged in ice, only their heads stick out. As Dante and Virgil proceed through the lake, they see the giantfigure of Lucifer, also stuck in ice. Lucifer is the Prince of Hell. Hehas three mouths, and in each of them he holds a sinner: Judas,Brutus, and CassiusTo get out of Inferno Dante and Virgil must climb Lucifer's body. Theymanage to crawl out of the hole and find themselves on an island wherethey see a lot of bright stars, and Mt. Purgatory. This ends the Dante'sInferno book.

Email: hypoint2021@gmail.comPhone: 91 7012491205 Purgatorio (Purgatory):Dante and Virgil move upward to the mountain of Purgatorio.The mountain is on an island, the only land in the southern hemisphere.The mountain has 7 terraces corresponding to seven roots of sinfulness.The classification of sin is more psychological i.e., based on the motif,unlike Inferno where it's based on actions.For sinful actions, they have to go to hell and for sinful motifs, they haveto go to purgatory.Love a theme throughout the work is particularly important for theframing of sin on the mountain of purgatory.While the love following from God is pure. It becomes sinful if they flowthrough man.Man uses love for improper or malicious ends and that can lead to sevendeadly sins. Which is depicted in 7 terraces. The first terrace is of Pride. There, Dante and Virgil see penitentscarry heavy weights up the mountain of humility to cure them oftheir pride. The second terrace is dedicated to Envy. The envious penitentsthere are treated by having their eyelids sewn shut with iron wire.Voices shout examples of punished envy to intensify the effect. The third terrace has to do with Wrath. The penitents here aretreated with black smoke that gets into their eyes and makes themblind. The fourth terrace is of the Slothful. They are punished by runningwithout stopping, or any rest. On the fifth terrace, they punish greedy and avaricious souls. Thepunished are tied by their feet and arms, face down on the ground.To rid themselves of these sins, they must shout examples ofpoverty and generosity.

Email: hypoint2021@gmail.comPhone: 91 7012491205 The sixth terrace is dedicated to Gluttony. Here, penitents cleantheir souls by experiencing extreme hunger and thirst. The seventh and final terrace is of Lust, where the penitents walkin flames and shout out examples of chastity. Below the seven purges of the soul contains the ante-purgatory. Itcontains the excommunicated from the church and the Laterepentant who died violently before receiving their rights. The addition of the Garden of Eden at the summit, equaling ten.Dante's illustrative examples of sin and virtue draw on classicalsources as well as the Bible and contemporary political events.Allegorically the Purgatorio represents the Christian lives. Paradiso (Heaven) The first sphere is of the Moon. Beatrice explains to Dante thestructure of the universe. She says that the Moon is the home for soulsthat broke their vows. Their words lacked courage and cannot betrusted. The second sphere is Mercury. There, Dante and Beatrice meetJustinian, who explains the history of Ancient Rome. This sphere issituated too close to the sun, it represents those who did good deedsfor fame and glory. The third sphere is Venus. There, Dante encounters Charles Martel ofAnjou. He talks to Dante about the importance of societal diversityand improving its function by the inclusion of people with differentbackgrounds. The fourth sphere is the sphere of the Sun. There, St. Thomas, alongwith another eleven souls, explain to Dante the importance of notjudging hastily and being aware of prudence. The fifth heavenly sphere is Mars. It has to do with warriors who diedfor their faith and God. There, Dante meets Cacciaguida, who tellshim about the noble past of Florentines, and Dante’s mission in

Email: hypoint2021@gmail.comPhone: 91 7012491205delivering all the knowledge he has gained on his journey to Florenceand its citizens. The sixth sphere is Jupiter. It is a place of kings who display justice. Agiant eagle speaks to Dante of divine justice and the rulers of the past,such as Constantine and Trajan. The seventh level of heaven is the sphere of Saturn. It is dedicated tothose who live by temperance and pray vigorously all their lives. Hewitnesses people who climb up and down a golden ladder. Here,Dante meets St. Peter Damian, who lectures him on the corruption ofclergy and predestination. They discuss the moral decline of theinstitute of the church. The eighth level is called the Fixed Stars. Here, Dante and Beatricefind the Virgin Mary and other Biblical characters, such as Adam,John, Peter, and James. They explain to Dante the complexities ofHeaven and Eden. The ninth sphere is known as the Premium Mobile. It is controlled byGod specifically and therefore affects all the lower spheresaccordingly. It is the place where angels live. Beatrice explains toDante the story of the creation of the universe and angels’ lives. Theyslowly ascend to Empyrean, the highest place in heaven. Once theyget there, Dante becomes covered in light, and it allows him to seeGod and the Holy Trinity.

The Divine Comedy is called "the Summa in verse" as Dante has drawn much of the roman catholic theology from Thomas Aquinas's work "Summa Theologica". Divine Comedy (1320) Email: hypoint2021@gmail.com Phone: 91 7012491205 Rhyme scheme: Terza Rhyme The poem written in the first person tells the journey of the speaker a day .