B.C. Guidelines For Pool Design - British Columbia



B.C. GUIDELINES FOR POOL DESIGNPREFACEThe B.C. Pool Regulation, B.C. Reg. 296/2010 (pursuant to the Public Health Act) is an outcome-based regulation.This document, B.C. Guidelines for Pool Design, is intended to help designers, operators and regulators interpretthe regulation, with respect to pool design. The guidelines represent generally accepted standards of safepractices. Depending on the type of pool and the use to which it is put, higher design standards may be necessary.It is the responsibility of each pool owner to ensure optimum water quality and pool safety.In this document, “should” indicates a generally accepted design standard, whereas “must” denotes a requirementof the Pool Regulation, B.C. Building Code, B.C. Plumbing Code, B.C. Electrical Code or other applicableregulation(s). Where there is a discrepancy between any B.C. legislation and these guidelines, the legislation shallprevail.The guidelines may be reviewed and updated from time to time. Please visit the Ministry of Health’s Recreational1Water Quality website for updates.1http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/protect/ehp recreational water quality.htmlii

B.C. GUIDELINES FOR POOL DESIGNTABLE OF CONTENTSPreface . iiPART ONE: PERMITTING PROCESS . 11 Construction Permit . 11.1 Construction Permit Application Procedure . 11.2 Pool Repairs and Alterations . 11.3 Construction Permit Waivers . 12 Operating Permit. 2PART TWO: POOL DESIGN . 33 Pool Surround . 33.1 Pool Enclosure/Fences . 33.2 Decks and Deck Drains . 63.3 Flooring . 73.4 Lifeguard Stands . 93.5 Diving Boards and Platforms . 93.6 Decorative Rocks . 103.7 Landscaping . 103.8 Spectator Seating . 113.9 Accessibility . 114 Pool Basin. 124.1 Pool Basin Surfaces and Finishes . 124.2 Underwater Projections . 124.3 Pool Basin Floor Slope . 134.4 Pool Basin Colour and Patterns . 134.5 Depth Markings . 144.6 Steps, Stairs and Ladders. 144.7 Handrails and Guardrails . 155 Pool Facilities . 165.1 Change Rooms . 165.2 Plumbing Fixtures . 175.3 Temperature of Shower Water . 186 Utilities . 186.1 Natural and Artificial Lighting . 186.2 Electrical Requirements . 19iii

B.C. GUIDELINES FOR POOL DESIGN6.3 Air Quality, Humidity, HVAC Systems . 19PART THREE: CIRCULATION SYSTEM . 207 General . 207.1 Water Quality . 207.2 Water Circulation . 207.3 Circulation Equipment . 217.4 Cross-Connection Control . 227.5 Winter Hazards . 228 Pool Basin Equipment . 228.1 Pool Inlets . 228.2 Gutters and Skimmers . 238.3 Main Drain and Suction Entrapment Hazards . 248.4 Vacuum Cleaning Systems . 278.5 Other Entrapment Hazards . 278.6 Surge Capacity . 288.7 Maximum Bathing Load . 289 Pool Water Treatment. 299.1 Filtration . 299.2 Disinfection and Other Chemicals . 309.3 Gas Chlorination . 309.4 Onsite Chlorine Generation Systems (Salt Water Pools) . 319.5 UV Treatment . 319.6 Ozone Systems . 329.7 Measurement of Circulation . 329.8 Equipment Rooms . 339.9 Chemical Storage Areas . 3310 Pool Equipment . 3510.1 Pool Slides . 3510.2 Play Equipment . 3610.3 Moveable Bulkheads . 3710.4 Moveable Floors . 3811 Specialty Pools . 39iv

B.C. GUIDELINES FOR POOL DESIGNAPPENDICESAppendix A: Glossary of Terms . 46Appendix B: Application for Operating Permit: Pool Data Sheet . 48Appendix C: Application for Construction Permit . 49FIGURESFigure 1: Acceptable Distance from Climbable Features . 4Figure 2: Unacceptable Distance from Climbable Features . 4Figure 3: Latch Protection Detail for Latches less than 1.4 m above Ground . 5v

B.C. GUIDELINES FOR POOL DESIGNPART ONE: PERMITTING PROCESS1 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT1.1 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION PROCEDUREUnder the Pool Regulation, a person must not construct a pool unless he/she holds a construction permitand complies with the terms and conditions of the permit, if any. For information on the permittingprocess, contact your local health authority.An application for construction permit must be filled, signed, and submitted to a health officer. Includedin the application form are pool information sheets. The person applying for the construction permit shallensure the pool information sheets are duly completed by the project design professionals.Design professionals are design architects registered or licensed under the Architects Act and/or designengineers who are registered or licensed as a professional engineer under the Engineers and GeoscientistsAct. The pool information sheets will be considered as statements of fact to support the health officer’sevaluation and decision to issue a construction permit under the Pool Regulation s.5(3). Where theproject involves more than one design professional, each design profess

B.C. GUIDELINES FOR POOL DESIGN 3. PART TWO: POOL DESIGN . 3 POOL SURROUND 3.1 POOL ENCLOSURE/FENCES . Fences or other controlled-access barriers around pools are required to restrict access, minimize contamination of water by foreign materials, and reduce the risk of drowning, especially for young children.