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PE N N STAT E ON L I N Ew o r l d c a m p u s . p s u . e d u. , World CampusOnline Programs inApplied Statistics

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T SOnline Programs in Applied Statistics . 3Master of Applied Statistics . 4Master of Applied StatisticsCurriculum. 5Graduate Certificate in AppliedStatistics . 6Graduate Certificate in Applied StatisticsCurriculum. 7“Basic statistical methods are increasingly important to manyprofessions. Penn State’s online programs in applied statisticswere developed to provide access to working professionals whootherwise would not be able to return to campus. You can acquirea broad knowledge in a wide range of statistical applicationareas while gaining an employable skill set that is in high marketdemand.”—Dr. James Rosenberger,Program Chair2 800 -252-3592

Online Programs in Applied StatisticsPenn State’s online Master of Applied Statistics and Graduate Certificate in Applied Statisticsprograms are designed to help you hone your research and data-analysis expertise. The skillsyou gain can be applied across many fields, including business, education, health, science,government, and technology—and can enable you to benefit your organization immediatelywhile helping you advance your career.Penn State World Campus Is PennState—OnlineOur online applied statistics courses are thesame academically challenging courses thatwe have taught on campus since 2001. Yet theyprovide you with the flexibility to study attimes and locations convenient to your busyschedule. Your courses are taught by the sameindustry-respected faculty who lecture oncampus. And they are committed to ensuringthat you receive a top-quality academicexperience online.Once you successfully complete therequirements for the master’s degree, you willreceive a diploma that is identical to the onereceived by any Penn State student, with nomention of online or distance education.“To me, there are numerous benefits of the applied statistics program offered throughWorld Campus. First, the graduate course work is focused on applied statistics, whichis very practical for everyday use. Understanding applied statistics can help you quicklydevelop your analytical skills, making you a more efficient and valuable employee.Second, I have been introduced to several statistical software packages that I had notpreviously worked with, allowing me to add numerous computer skills to my résumé.”—Kristy Foley, Master of Applied Statistics 3

Master of Applied StatisticsOur online 30-credit Master of AppliedStatistics (MAS) program is a professionaldegree designed for quantitatively orientedstudents from various backgrounds, and isbased on our successful and popular residentprogram. The MAS is also suitable forprofessionals who handle data in their currentpositions, and who are mainly interested inthe practical side of statistics.During your course work, you can gainexperience using industry-standard softwarepackages such as Minitab, R, and SAS;improve your data analysis proficiency; andeven have the option to prepare for the SASBase Programming Certification Exam.The curriculum will provide you withtraining in statistics focused on developingdata-analysis skills and exploring all coreareas of applied statistics, without delvingdeeply into the mathematical statisticsfoundations.You can complete the MAS program in aslittle as two years. Our goal is to provideyou with broad knowledge in a wide rangeof statistical application areas, as well as thepractical skills in statistics now so much indemand by government agencies, consultingfirms, and“We have worked closely with representatives frombusiness and industry to develop the applied statisticsprogram, as statistical analysis has become anindispensable component of many industries.”—Mosuk Chow, Senior Research Associateand Associate Professor4 800 -252-3592

Master of Applied Statistics CurriculumRequired Courses (15 credits)STAT 414—Introduction to Probability Theory(3 credits)STAT 415—Introduction to MathematicalStatistics (3 credits)STAT 501—Regression Methods (3 credits)STAT 502—Analysis of Variance and Designof Experiments (3 credits)STAT 485—Intermediate R StatisticalProgramming Language** (1 credit)STAT 500—Applied Statistics (3 credits)STAT 503—Design of Experiments (3 credits)STAT 504—Analysis of Discrete Data(3 credits)STAT 505—Applied Multivariate StatisticalAnalysis (3 credits)STAT 580—Statistical Consulting Practicum I(2 credits)STAT 506—Sampling Theory and Methods(3 credits)STAT 581—Statistical Consulting Practicum II(1 credit)STAT 507—Epidemiologic Research Methods(3 credits)Elective Courses (choose 15 credits)Statistical Learning (3 credits)STAT 508—Applied Data Mining andSTAT 464—Applied Nonparametric StatisticsSTAT 509—Design and Analysis of ClinicalTrials (3 credits)STAT 480—Introduction to SAS* (1 credit)STAT 510—Applied Time Series Analysis(3 credits)(3 credits)STAT 481—Intermediate SAS for DataManagement* (1 credit)STAT 482—Advanced Topics in SAS*(1 credit)STAT 483—Statistical Programming inSAS* (3 credits)STAT 484—The R Statistical ProgrammingLanguage** (1 credit)STAT 555—Statistical Analysis of GenomicsData (3 credits)*STAT 480, 481, and 482 are 5-week coursesthat can prepare you for the SAS BaseProgramming Certification Exam. STAT 483 isan equivalent 15-week course option.**STAT 484 and 485 are offered in 7.5-weekaccelerated format.Begin Your Application TodayTo apply to the master’s degree program, visit and click on“How to Apply.” You will need to provide the following: GRE scores TOEFL or IELTS score, if applicable statement of purpose online application form and nonrefundable fee three references two official transcripts from each institution 5

Graduate Certifcate in Applied StatisticsRegardless of your professional background,obtaining a Graduate Certificate in AppliedStatistics can help you improve your dataanalytic skills. The certificate programconsists of 12 credits of course work(6 required and 6 elective), allowing youto choose the statistics courses that meetyour specific needs. You will also havethe opportunity to learn elements of SAS,Minitab, and other statistical softwarepackages.The program blends practical and theoreticaldata analysis and can give you the tools andknowledge you need to handle and analyzedata for your organization. The coursecurriculum is based on our resident programand was developed to give you a solidbackground in the fundamentals of statisticsthat extends beyond a software program’scapabilities or features.You can gain an excellent skill set that isuseful in fields such as business, education,health, science, government, and technology.You can also acquire skills to applyimmediately in your workplace, helping tomake you a more valuable problem-solver foryour organization. In addition, based on youracceptance into the master’s degree program,the credits you earn in the certificate programmay be applied to the master’s 808 0 0 - 252 - 3592

Graduate Certifcate inApplied Statistics CurriculumRequired Courses (6 credits)STAT 500—Applied Statistics (3 credits)STAT 501—Regression Methods (3 credits)From the following list, choose the coursesthat will help you best meet your professionaldevelopment goals:Elective Courses (choose 6 credits)STAT 414—Introduction to ProbabilityTheory (3 credits)STAT 464—Applied Nonparametric Statistics(3 credits)STAT 480—Introduction to SAS* (1 credit)STAT 481—Intermediate SAS for DataManagement* (1 credit)STAT 482—Advanced Topics in SAS*(1 credit)STAT 483—Statistical Programming in SAS*(3 credits)STAT 484—The R Statistical ProgrammingLanguage** (1 credit)STAT 485—Intermediate R StatisticalProgramming Language** (1 credit)STAT 502—Analysis of Variance and Design ofExperiments (3 credits)STAT 503—Design of Experiments (3 credits)STAT 504—Analysis of Discrete Data(3 credits)STAT 505—Applied Multivariate StatisticalAnalysis (3 credits)STAT 506—Sampling Theory and Methods(3 credits)STAT 507—Epidemiologic Research Methods(3 credits)STAT 508—Applied Data Mining andStatistical Learning (3 credits)STAT 509—Design and Analysis of ClinicalTrials (3 credits)STAT 510—Applied Time Series Analysis(3 credits)*STAT 480, 481, and 482 are 5-week courses thatcan prepare you for the SAS Base ProgrammingCertification Exam. STAT 483 is an equivalent15-week course option.**STAT 484 and 485 are offered in 7.5-weekaccelerated format.Begin Your Application TodayTo apply to the graduate certificate program: visit click on “How to Apply” review the technical requirements andprerequisites complete the online Penn State GraduateSchool 7

For More InformationContact 2-3592 (toll free within the United States)814-865-5403 (local and international)814-865-3290 FaxStudent Services Hours(inquiries and registration)8:00 a.m.–9:30 p.m. ET Monday–Thursday8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. ET FridayClosedSaturday and SundayAdmissions Counseling Hours8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. ET Monday–Thursday8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. ET FridayClosedSaturday and SundayPenn State World CampusThe Pennsylvania State University128 Outreach BuildingUniversity Park PA 16802This publication is available in alternative media on request.Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicantswithout regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.Produced by Outreach and Online Education Marketing U.Ed. OUT 16-0226/16-WC-0430ajm/smbCopyright 2015 The Pennsylvania State University

that can prepare you for the SAS Base Programming Certification Exam. STAT 483 is an equivalent 15-week course option. **STAT 484 and 485 are offered in 7.5-week . —Advanced Topics in SAS* (1 credit) STAT 483 —Statistical Programming in SAS* (3 credits) STAT 484 —The R Statistical Programming Language** (1 credit)