Science Support Committee - HASTI - HPS Chapters


Science Support Committee –HASTIMarcum Martz, CHPMedical College of WisconsinNorth Central Chapter, HPS

Recent History HPS Science Support Committee(formerly Science Education Committee) Produce “Radiation Awareness” PowerPoint for HPS Website, other multi-mediainformation for science teachers.Move participation from National ScienceTeacher’s Association (NSTA) Conventionsto regional.

Last Year SSC supported NCCHPS at the WI andMN state science teacher’s convention. Provided funding and the HPS booth.Future plan to support chapters whocan participate in conventions.

Current Events Beth Kay joins the SSC in 2008;“New Kid” Syndrome in full effect.Hoosier Chapter will be participating inHASTI (Hoosier Association of ScienceTeachers, Inc) Convention, February2-4, 2009.2009

OK, Calm Down NCCHPS had been discussing ScienceTeacher Workshops from when I firstjoined in 2000 and always soliciting help to finalize acurriculum.This went on until 2004.

WAPT 2004 Wisconsin Association of PhysicsTeachers, middle school to college-levelteachers.If you schedule it, they will come

Format – 6 Hours Morning: 15-30minute Power PointlecturesAfternoon: 2-3 hourhands-on workshop

Subsequent Workshops28-29 March 2008Duluth, MNAs part of the MnSTASpring Conference13-15 March 2008Lake Geneva, WIAs part of the WSSTAnnual Convention8 December 2007River Falls, WIUW-River Falls ModelScience Academy28 October 2006Wausau, WIWAPT Annual Meeting11 August 2006Rochester, MNRochester Area MathScience Partnership

State Teacher Conventions Format 1-hour lectures2-3 hour workshopsBooth in the vendor area3-4 people required from the chapter

A Few Tips Lectures Narrowly-focused topicsHPS science teacher slides are useful astemplatesUse the expertise of your chaptermembers! Paul Ward – Research UsesDan Miron – Cardinal HealthPaul Schmidt – WI Rad Health

Lecture 1 Fundamentals of Radiation RadiationUnitsNatural BackgroundRecommended as a primer for teacherswith no radiation physics background.2 presenters, 25 minutes each.

Lecture 2 Health Physics inResearch, Medicineand Education Included 10 minuteson careers

Workshops Plan several activities Vernier Lab Pro kitsBa-Cs GeneratorConsumer ProductsCloud ChamberCDV-700 metersCheck the schedule to make sure you’renot competing with a popular tour!

Vernier Logger Pro Kit

The Booth Lots of free stuff! WI Rad Healthbrought 30 CDV700sHandoutsRadioactive Goo!700 conventionattendees, we met50% of them.

Conclusion Don’t Panic Don’t Hesitate to Contact NCCHPS formaterials HAVE FUN!

Recent History HPS Science Support Committee (formerly Science Education Committee) Produce "Radiation Awareness" Power Point for HPS Website, other multi-media information for science teachers. Move participation from National Science Teacher's Association (NSTA) Conventions