Convenience Store Business Plan Business Plan Upmetrics


B U SI NESSP LAN2020 - 21 SafeMart GroceryJohn Doe10200 Bolsa Ave, Westminster, CA, 92683(650) 359-3153support@upmetrics.co

Table of ContentsExecutive Summary3Objectives3Mission3Keys to Success3Financial Summary4Net Income4Business Overview5Company Ownership5JOHN DOE5Company History5Past Performance7Products and Services8Products and services8Market Analysis9Industry Analysis9Market Segmentation9Market Analysis9Target Market Segment StrategyService Business AnalysisCompetition and Buying PatternsWeb Plan9101011Website Marketing Strategy11Development Requirements11Strategy and Implementation12SWOT Analysis12Competitive Edge13Marketing Strategy13Sales Strategy14Sales Forecast14Milestones14Management16Personnel PlanFinancial PlanImportant Assumptions1617171 / 23

Break-even Analysis17Projected Profit and Loss17Projected Cash Flow19Projected Balance Sheet20Business Ratios21Appendix23Sales Forecast23Personnel23Profit and Loss23Cash Flow23Balance Sheet232 / 23

Executive SummarySafeMart Grocery LLC is a small town supermarket located in Denver,Colorado.Being a sole community provider, the market offers grocery products to thelocal community and surrounding area of approximately 4,000 citizens. Oftenreferenced as a pillar of the community, the community's viability is dependentRead More upon the success of their local market. Without a successful pillar, such as theStart Writing here.Objectives1. Expand building to increase product selection and services.2. Replace existing equipment in the facility to provide an energy-efficientenvironment.3. Introduce the deli/coffee shop by creating a commercial kitchen,involving local patrons to prepare local favorites.Read More 4. Restore the building’s historical charm by providing necessary buildingupmetrics.coStart Writing here.MissionSafeMart Grocery LLC is committed to satisfying customers by providing abroad selection of high quality and competitively priced products as well asexceptional customer service. The focus of SafeMart Grocery LLC is to createan environment that is warm, friendly, and clean. We are committed to ouremployees by treating them with respect, fairness, and integrity and exposingthem to an atmosphere that fosters teamwork and professional development.Read More Start Writing here.Keys to Success2020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery3 / 23

The keys to success for SafeMart Grocery LLC are:Quality products and friendly service.Maintaining an existing loyal customer base.Creating a positive relationship within the community.Read More Start Writing here.Financial SummaryNet IncomeSalesGross MarginNet ar2Year2Financial YearSalesGross MarginNet ar23100002000001500002020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery4 / 23

Business OverviewThe building that is currently home to SafeMart Grocery LLC was originally thelocal community bakery The building was constructed in the 1920s and thentransformed into the general mercantile store in the 1950s and continued assuch until the 1980s. Because of distributor requirements to order certainquantities, the store dropped non-food items and continued to sell only fooditems, health/beauty, and household goods.Read More Start Writing here.Company OwnershipJOHN DOEOwner - johnd@example.comSafeMart Grocery LLC is a limited liability corporation owned and operated byJohn Doe each with a 50% share of ownershipupmetrics.coCompany HistorySafeMart Grocery LLC was purchased by the current owners John Doe(s) in March 2007. The annualsales were approximately 500K with a net income of approximately 15K. After installing newshelving, increasing product selection, and including bi-weekly sales, SafeMart Grocery LLC has morethan doubled annual sales and has shown a net income of approximately 60K for the past two years.Past PerformanceYear1Year2Year3Sales 733,439 1,159,101 1,220,803Gross Margin 125,004 297,359 333,947Gross Margin %17.04%25.65%27.35%Operating Expenses 257,014 234,971 269,735Inventory Turnover15.3719.0617.44Balance SheetYear1Year2Year3Current Assets2020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery5 / 23

Past PerformanceYear1Year2Year3Cash 30,563 57,400 80,328Inventory 39,594 50,851 50,851Other Current Assets 3,656 3,595 44,492Total Current Assets 73,813 111,847 175,671Long-term Assets 85,255 86,031 94,357Accumulated Depreciation 85,255 86,031 94,357Total Long-term Assets 0 0 0Total Assets 73,813 111,847 175,671Accounts Payable 0 0 22,301Current Borrowing 0 0 35,000Other Current Liabilities (interest free) 13,548 0 3,706Total Current Liabilities 13,548 0 61,007Long-term Liabilities 0 0 39,454Total Liabilities 13,548 0 100,461Paid-in Capital 182,454 43,025 43,025Retained Earnings( 339,454) 45,179 2,041Earnings 217,265 23,643 30,145Total Capital 60,265 111,847 75,211Total Capital and Liabilities 73,813 111,847 175,671303030Long-term AssetsCurrent LiabilitiesOther InputsPayment Days2020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery6 / 23

Past PerformanceSalesGross MarginNet ar2Year2Financial YearSalesGross MarginNet ar23100002000001500002020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery7 / 23

Products and ServicesSafeMart Grocery LLC is a small community grocery store that offers storebrand and national brand products. We offer a meat department where freshcuts are available daily and there are no pre-packaged meats for sale. Thestore offers home delivery for local residents that are unable to travel to thestore for grocery items. Because of the diversity of the community, gourmetspecialty items, and natural/organic food products are available. SupportingRead More "local" is a firm belief of the owners and therefore; has partnered with localStart Writing here.Products and servicesupmetrics.coATM servicesPurified water treatmentGrocery ItemsmachineCopying and faxingmachines2020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery8 / 23

Market AnalysisIndustry AnalysisDenver, Colorado is located approximately 70 miles from Denver and 90 milesfrom Denver, which is appealing to many home and property buyers who prefercountry charm while being close to certain amenities. Denver and thesurrounding community consist of a diverse population. In the 1950s/60sDenver was noted as the Pinto Bean capital, but due to drought and limitedannual rainfall, the pinto bean farms have dwindled over the years. A numberRead More of cattle and a few sheep ranches make up the majority of the surroundingStart Writing here.Market SegmentationDenver residents - This segment consists of permanent residents with anaverage household size of 2.5 people. The age ranges from infants to retireeswith 57% being age 25 and older. Their average household income is 29,072.upmetrics.coDenver residents - This segment consists of permanent residents withReadan More average household size of 3.1 people. The age ranges from infants to retireesStart Writing here.Market AnalysisPotential CustomersGrowthYear1Year2Year3Year4Year5CAGRDenver otal3.00%3,3073,4063,5083,6133,7223.00%Target Market Segment Strategy2020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery9 / 23

Most residents in the target segments have become accustomed to driving toDenver, Denver, or Denver for most of their grocery, hardware, and other needs.The larger chain stores such as Wal-Mart, Denver, etc. have attractedresidents because of product selection, cost, one-stop-shopping, etc. SafeMartGrocery LLC is used primarily as a secondary store for such items as a gallonof milk, a bag of flour, or a loaf of bread.Read More Start Writing here.Service Business AnalysisSafeMart Grocery LLC seeks to be a one-stop-shop for the local community,whether it be copying, faxing, shipping, or just daily shopping, we want localresidents to know that we will be able to provide for their diverse needs in astore with them in mind.Read More Start Writing here.The customer base of SafeMart Grocery LLC is very diverse in that there is agroup of general customers that just purchase store brand and national brandproducts, another group of high-end customer who requests select gourmetproducts, such as capers, anchovies, specialty sugars, and the like and thecost for these items is approximately 150.00/month, and finally, healthychoice customers who request a selection of natural/organic products,theMore Readcost for these items is approximately 2000.00/month. In order to maintainCompetition and Buying PatternsStart Writing here.2020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery10 / 23

Web PlanSafeMart Grocery LLC's website will be the virtual business card and portfoliofor the market, as well as its online home. The web site will provide informationabout the market (mission, vision, etc.) and to be a resource for nutritionallyrelated topics. There will be links to "sign up" for news and updates, accesscurrent sales ad, local and surrounding community events with a food/nutritionflare, educational resources regarding buying local, organic, pesticide-free,etc. Read MoreStart Writing here.Website Marketing StrategyA large segment of the local community do not have access or the knowledgeto access the internet, thus, an internet-only blitz would reach the Internetsavvy people of the community. Several customers have suggested an emailblitz (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) with new items and updates at the market.There are residents from several local communities that shop at the market.Read More Targeting those audiences with mailers would inform them with news/updatesupmetrics.coStart Writing here.Development RequirementsWebsite development has been discussed; however, never implemented. Thedomain name is reserved for web site development.Considerable thought has been given to the content of the web page and theservices of a local webmaster have been engaged to discuss the web pagevision.Read More Start Writing here.2020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery11 / 23

Strategy and ImplementationWe have clearly defined the target markets and have differentiated ourselvesby offering a unique solution to our customers’ needs. Our sales and marketingstrategy will be a combination of community mailers as well as Internet emailblasts. Reasonable sales targets have been established with animplementation plan designed to ensure the goals set forth below areachieved.Read More Start Writing here.SWOT Analysisupmetrics.co2020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery12 / 23

StrengthsWeaknessesFinances - We have positive cash flow,net income, and approximately 35Kreserve for emergencyInferior cooling and freezer unitscurrent systems have limited capacityfor products and frequently breakdown.Building - We are located on a majorhighway, 1920's historic building withcharm and ambianceShopping experience - store is in needof interior and exterior upgrades toimprove consumer's overall shoppingexperience.Product Selection - We have the basicgrocery needs for a variety ofconsumersInability to compete with larger nationalchains.Owners attributes/values - detailoriented, hard-working, educationalbackgroundLimited grocery deliveries - The marketreceives deliveries only twice weekly.Meet Department - customers comefor miles around to purchase fresh-cutmeat dailyOpportunitiesS WO TOffering prepared foods and a deli forconsumersGrowing population within thecommunityIndoor/outdoor dining for consumersThreatsLarger store chains - The larger storechains have attracted customers andcan be a distraction to increasingsales.Emerging local competitors- If thecommunity continues to grow, thiswould be a prime location for DollarGeneral or a similar type of store toopen.Price increases by suppliers - Whengas prices are escalating, suppliersadd fuel surcharges and pricesincrease to the point consumers had tochoose whether or not to purchase anitem.Competitive Edge2020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery13 / 23

The market is the only grocery store in the community. The momentum forsuccess is strong in the market and the community continues to voicesupport.Read More Start Writing here.Marketing StrategyEstablish web site that is available to all who have the ability to access it, alsoprovide email blasts and mailers to target segments that announce newproducts and demos.Read More Start Writing here.Sales StrategyA bi-weekly sales and is distributed in advance of the sale. The bi-weekly andis created by a distributor and has pre-planned sale items with an option toinclude your sales items as well. Prior to purchasing the business, we engageda graphics design artist to develop the business logo and logo colors. Mostrecently, we engaged a sign company to create the store sign. Plans includebusiness cards, web pages, and letterheads.Read More Start Writing here.Sales ForecastAlthough the business is relatively new, sales have increased by approximately 100K each year. Byintroducing prepared foods and a deli, the owner anticipates a greater increase in sales revenue.Year1Year2Year3Food Items 1,200,920 1,250,000 1,300,000Non Food Items 154,186 160,000 165,000Sales2020 - 21 Bu sin ess P la n Sa f eMa rt Grocery14 / 23

Year1Year2Year3Prepared Foods 5,036 6,000 7,000Total Sales 1,360,143 1,416,000 1,472,000Food Items 49,667 55,000 60,000Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales 49,667 55,000 60,000Direct Cost of SalesMilestonesThe building and equipment are in desperate need of upgrades. With the receipt of grant funding tomake the necessary improvements, the business can expand the services and products whileenhancing the shopping experience. By

SafeMart Grocery LLC is a small town supermarket located in Denver, Colorado. Being a sole community provider, the market offers grocery products to the local community and surrounding area of approximately 4,000 citizens. Often referenced as a pillar of the community, the community's viability is dependent upon the success of their local market. Without a successful pillar, such as the .