NeuRA Magazine Winter 2013


theNeuRAIssue 5Winter 2013magazine Tda bRXT]RT ATbTPaRW 0dbcaP[XP TdA0 TSd Pd2 Take a look at our5NEW DEMENTIADETECTION APPWhy do some childrenBEHAVEAGGRESSIVELY?7Visualising fallsBEFORE THEYHAPPENSOLVING THE PUZZLEofpage 3

03 KGOWS participant Valerie Ardler04 The ACEmobile Appnews05 The new NeuRA building06 PhD student David Kennedy03DEMEDEMENTMENTIANTIA TTHRHREEHREE TTIMIMESIMESMOREMORE LIKLIKIKELELYELY IN LIANSANSCWT aPcT U ST\T]cXP X] 0Q aXVX]P[ Australians is three times that of0dbcaP[XP{b ] ] 8]SXVT] db d[PcX ] P cWaTT hTPa bcdSh X]c W f 0Q aXVX]P[ 0dbcaP[XP]b PVT WPb U d]S CWT : aX 6a fX]V [S FT[[ BcdSh U d]S cWPc 0[iWTX\Ta{b SXbTPbT fPb cWT \ bc R \\ ] RPdbT U [[ fTS Qh ePbRd[Pa ST\T]cXP P]S ST\T]cXP SdT c WTPS caPd\P ?a U C ]h 1a T P]S WXb cTP\ QT[XTeT cWT WXVWTa aPcT U ST\T]cXP R d[S QT Pbb RXPcTS fXcW P ]d\QTa U UPRc ab X]R[dSX]V SXbPSeP]cPVT X] TPa[h RWX[SW S P]S bhbcT\XR SXbTPbTb bdRW Pb SXPQTcTb WXVW Q[ S aTbbdaT P]S RPaSX ePbRd[Pa SXbTPbT cWPc bcaXZT X] \XS c [PcT [XUT 060201Message from ourwelcomeMOTOMOTORTOR NENEURURONURONSONS IMIMPOPORTPORTANRTANTANT INMUSCMUSCLESCLE FFATATIGATIGUEIGUEOne of the wonderful thingsabout the new NeuRAbuilding is that it encouragesscientists from differentareas of research – scientistswhose paths may never havecrossed – to come togetherand share ideas.Cover photo: Dr Stu Fillman andDr Tertia Purves-Tyson are conductingresearch into different aspects ofschizophrenia02 Prof Peter SchofieldWith these collaborations come freshTab TRcXeTb P]S cWT PQX[Xch c ]S ]Tf XTRTb U cWT dii[T} Pb h d fX[[ aTPS X] cWT PacXR[T ] da \d[cXUPRTcTS bRWXi WaT]XP aTbTPaRW ] PVT " BRWXi WaT]XP Xb P R \ [XRPcTS dii[T c b [eT Pb X]STTS PaT \P]h U cWT SXbTPbTb P]S SXb aSTab U cWT QaPX] P]S ]Tae db bhbcT\ ] fWXRW fT f aZ da eXbX ] Xb U a \ aT P]S \ aT bh]TaVXTb QTcfTT] aTbTPaRWTab c cPZT [PRT P]S U a cWPc fT ]TTS h da WT[8{S [XZT c Tab ]P[[h cWP]Z P[[ U h d fW WPeT WT[ TS RaTPcT cWXb bcPcT U cWT Pac aTbTPaRW b PRT 0[aTPSh \P]h U TdA0{b aTbTPaRWTab WPeT \ eTS X]c cWTXa ]Tf [PQ aPc aXTb cWP]Zb c h da bd ac CWT ]Tf aTbTPaRW QdX[SX]V W fTeTa Xb ][h PacXP[[h R \ [TcT fXcW Ydbc U da U cWT bTeT] ab ccTS dc P]S T dX TS SdT c [PRZ U Ud]SX]V0b fT[[ Pb cWT eXcP[ bd ac U V eTa]\T]c h d Pb P bd acTa PaT RadRXP[ c R \ [TcX]V cWXb QdX[SX]V da QdX[SX]V P TP[ Xb P aPaT acd]Xch c VXeT c P UPRX[Xch cWPc fX[[ T]PQ[T bRXT]cXbcb c R ] dTa da \ bc WPaa fX]V SXbTPbTb U a STRPSTb c R \T C ]S dc W f h d RP] WT[ [TPbT RP[[ " ''' (?a UTbb a ?TcTa A BRW T[S PhD DSc4gTRdcXeT 3XaTRc a P]S 24 About NeuRASubscribeCreditsNeuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) is a not-for-profitresearch institute based in Sydney, Australia. Our goal is toprevent, treat and cure diseases, disorders and injuries of thebrain and nervous system through medical research.u or call 02 93999 10000.Find out more at neura.eedu.auIf you would like to subscribe to our magazine, go toubscribe/magg. You can also details to orcall 1300 888 0119.Editoor: Maryke Steffensograpphy: Anne GrahamPhoto?Pbc aTbTPaRW Pc TdA0 WPb bW f] cWPc X] b \T ZX]Sb U TgTaRXbT cWT UPX[daT U cWT QaPX] Xb Ydbc Pb X\ acP]c Pb UPX[daT U cWT \dbR[Tb X] VT]TaPcX]V \dbR[T UPcXVdT ATRT]c aTbTPaRW X]SXRPcTb cWPc ]Tda ]b X] cWT b X]P[ R aS cWPc R ]ca [ \dbR[Tb \ c a ]Tda ]b P[b [Ph P] X\ acP]c a [T 0bb R ?a U 9P]Tc CPh[ a P]S R [[TPVdTb WPeT bW f] cWPc fWT] \ c a ]Tda ]b WPeT c aT aT TPcTS[h SdaX]V TgTaRXbT cWTh QTR \T [Tbb aTb ]bXeT c X] dc CWXb \Ph \TP] cWPc cWT QaPX]{b cPbZ SdaX]V TgTaRXbT Xb \PST WPaSTa QTRPdbT TgcaP SaXeT Ua \ cWT QaPX] Xb aT dXaTS c ZTT cWT \ c a ]Tda ]b aX]V P]S cWT \dbR[Tb R ]caPRcX]V 04NEWNEW DEDEMEMENTMENTIANTIA DDETETECETECTIECTIONTION AAPPPPNEURNEU A BUURUILILDIDINGDINGG IISS THTHEEPEOPPEOPLEOPLE’SLE’SS CHOCHOHOICICEICECWT ]Tf TdA0 QdX[SX]V ] 1PaZTa BcaTTc AP]SfXRZ STbXV]TS Qh 2 g AXRWPaSb ] 0aRWXcTRcb WPb f ] cWT ! " AP]SfXRZ 2Xch DaQP] 3TbXV] ?T [T{b 2W XRT 0fPaS CWT Ph a U AP]SfXRZ 2 d]RX[[ a C ]h 1 fT] bPXS AP]SfXRZ 2 d]RX[ aTRTXeTS P[\ bc e cTb U a cWT ?T [T{b 2W XRT 0fPaS X]SXRPcX]V T [T fTaT X]cTaTbcTS X] VaTPc PaRWXcTRcdaT P]S STbXV] P]S ZTT] c WPeT cWTXa bPh PQ dc fWPc cWTh [XZT X] cWTXa ]TXVWQ daW Sb02050] X?PS R \ PcXQ[T 0 cWPc bRaTT]b T [T U a ST\T]cXP fX[[ b ] QTR \T PePX[PQ[T CWT aTbd[c U R [[PQ aPcX ] QTcfTT] ?a U 9 W] 7 SVTb P]S D: R [[TPVdTb cWT 024\ QX[T 0 Xb QPbTS ] cWT 0SST]Qa ZT{b 2 V]XcXeT 4gP\X]PcX ] a 024 cWT V [S bcP]SPaS cTbc U a bRaTT]X]V PcXT]cb fXcW cT]cXP[ ST\T]cXP CWT R ]eTabX ] U cWT T] P]S P Ta cTbc X]c P SXVXcP[ bT[U bR aX]V 0 \TP]b P fXST aP]VT U WTP[cWRPaT bcPUU fX[[ ] f QT PQ[T c a eXST P] TPa[XTa P]S \ aT PRRdaPcT SXPV] bXb c PcXT]cb fXcW dc cWT ]TTS U a bRaTT]X]V X] P b TRXP[Xbc RT]caT

01 These MRI images show the brains of people withschizophrenia. Person A has low inflammation,while Person B has high inflammation andshows ‘shrinking’ in brain areas implicated inschizophrenia (marked by the crosshairs).02 Dr Stu Fillman and Dr Tertia Purves-Tyson at workin the new building.featurestorySolvingTHEPUZZLENeuRA researchers are approaching the puzzle of what causesschizophrenia from many different angles.01D X] cWT BRWXi WaT]XP ATbTPaRW ;PQ 3a Bcd 5X[[\P] P]S 3a CTacXP ?daeTb Chb ] Z] f schizophrenia is not going to be a simple puzzlec b [eT 5X]SX]V dc fWPc RPdbTb bRWXi WaT]XP Xb ] c P] TPbh [Xcc[T bc ah } bPhb Bcd CWTXa aTRT]c SXbR eTaXTb PQ dc cWT a [T U cWT X\\d]T bhbcT\ P]S cWT Pac cTbc bcTa ]T [Phb X] cWT STeT[ \T]c U cWT SXbTPbT fX[[ W TUd[[h d]R eTa ]Tf SadV cPaVTcb P]S X\ a eT cWT caTPc\T]c U bRWXi WaT]XP8c{b ] c TPbh QTRPdbT bRWXi WaT]XP S Tb ] c WPeT Ydbc ]T RPdbT bc [XZT[h Xc{b P ePahX]V R \QX]PcX ] U VT]Tb W a\ ]Tb ]Tda caP]b\XccTab P]S cWT X\\d]T bhbcT\ cWPc X]cTaPRc c RPdbT cWT SXbTPbT FXcW cWXb X] \X]S BA; aTbTPaRWTab [TPS Qh ?a U 2h]SX BWP]] ] FTXRZTac PaT RPaahX]V dc P \d[cX a ]VTS PccPRZ ] cWT SXbTPbT THETHE ROROLELE OOFF ININFLFLAMFLAMMAAMMATIMATIONTION8] P\\PcX ] dc bX\ [h h da X\\d]T bhbcT\ aTb ]SX]V c P] PccPRZ Xb ]T bdb TRcTS RPdbT U bRWXi WaT]XP Bcd P]S WXb R [[TPVdTb WPeT aTRT]c[h U d]S cWPc Pc [TPbc # U T [T fXcW bRWXi WaT]XP WPeT WXVWTa cWP] ] a\P[ X\\d]T PRcXeXch X] cWT QaPX] FT fTaT PQ[T c bW f cWPc cWTaT fTaT T[TePcTS [TeT[b U X] P\\Pc ah \ [TRd[Tb X] cWT QaPX] X] P[\ bc WP[U cWT T [T fXcW bRWXi WaT]XP } bPhb Bcd CWTh WPeT P[b U d]S cWPc cWTbT X]SXeXSdP[b fXcW WXVW X] P\\PcX ] P[b bW f P zbWaX]ZX]V{ X] P ]d\QTa U QaPX] PaTPb X\ [XRPcTS X] cWT SXbTPbT bXV]X RP]c[h \ aT b cWT] cWTa X]SXeXSdP[b fXcW bRWXi WaT]XPCWT ]Tgc bcT Xb c bTT fWTcWTa P SadV cWPc SP\ T]b S f] cWT X] P\\PcX ] \ bc [XZT[h P] P]cXQ Sh cWPc QX]Sb c X] P\\Pc ah \ [TRd[Tb aTSdRTb bh\ c \b H d RP]{c ]TRTbbPaX[h bPh cWPc X] P\\PcX ] Xb P RPdbT U bRWXi WaT]XP Ua \ da f aZ } bPhb Bcd 1dc P[[ cWT SXUUTaT]c aTbTPaRW cWPc fT{aT S X]V X] cWT [PQ bTT\b c QT [X]ZTS c X] P\\PcX ] X] b \T fPh }0302“Finndinng out what caauses schizophreenia is not an eassy, little story.”TESTTESTOSSTOSTEOSTEROTERONERONE AANDND SSCHCHIZCHIZOPIZOPHROPHRENHRENIAENIA8] PSSXcX ] c X] P\\PcX ] P ]d\QTa U R[dTb point to testosterone as another culprit in theSTeT[ \T]c U bRWXi WaT]XP FT Z] f cWPc \T] PaT \ aT [XZT[h c STeT[ bRWXi WaT]XP P]S cT]S c WPeT P f abT R dabT U cWT SXbTPbT Pb fT[[ bPhb CTacXP FT P[b Z] f cWPc h d]V \T] PaT Pc cWTXa WXVWTbc aXbZ U STeT[ X]V bRWXi WaT]XP SdaX]V PS [TbRT]RT P cX\T fWT] cTbc bcTa ]T [TeT[b PaT Pc cWTXa WXVWTbc B P[[ cWPc [TPSb db c da f aZX]V Wh cWTbXb cWPc cTbc bcTa ]T X] b \T X]SXeXSdP[b \Ph cX cWT\ eTa cWT TSVT SdaX]V PS [TbRT]RT X]c bhRW bXb P]S bRWXi WaT]XP } bWT bPhb TdA0 aTbTPaRWTab WPeT aTRT]c[h SXbR eTaTS W f cWXb \XVWc WP T] CTacXP P]S WTa R [[TPVdTb U d]S cWPc cTbc bcTa ]T RWP]VTb cWT bT]bXcXeXch U cWT a ST]c QaPX] c S P\X]T P QaPX] RWT\XRP[ cWPc X] TgRTbb RP] caXVVTa bhRW cXR bh\ c \b 8] cWTa f aSb Xc z aX\Tb{ cWT bhRW cXR PcWfPhb X] cWT QaPX] X] T [T P[aTPSh bdbRT cXQ[T c STeT[ X]V bRWXi WaT]XP FWX[T Xc{b ] c ]TRTbbPaX[h P RPdbT U cWT SXbTPbT Tg [PX]b CTacXP Xc R d[S PRc [XZT P bTR ]SPah zWXc{ cWPc RPdbTb bh\ c \b c P TPa X] P[aTPSh bdbRT cXQ[T T [T CWT abc zWXc{ Xb b \TcWX]V cWPc{b V X]V fa ]V X] cWT STeT[ \T]c U cWT QaPX] b P VT]TcXR ePaXPcX ] a P] X]UTRcX ] X] cWT \ cWTa SdaX]V aTV]P]Rh cWPc [TPSb c WXVW X] P\\PcX ] } bWT bPhb da Wh cWTbXb Xb cWPc cTbc bcTa ]T X] PS [TbRT]RT R d[S QT cWT bTR ]S zWXc{ }CWT ]Tgc bcT Xb c cTbc P SadV P[aTPSh bW f] c WPeT P]cX bhRW cXR TUUTRcb X] PcXT]cb X] a ST]cb to see if its mechanism of action is to counteractcWT TUUTRc U cTbc bcTa ]T ] cWT bcaXPcP[ S P\X]T bhbcT\ cWTaTQh SP\ T]X]V cWT QaPX]{b bT]bXcXeXch c S P\X]T CWXb R d[S [TPS c cWT STeT[ \T]c U SadVb \ aT b TRX RP[[h cPaVTcTS c cTbc bcTa ]TSaXeT] TUUTRcb ] cWT S P\X]T bhbcT\ cWPc f d[S W TUd[[h aTSdRT bhRW cXR bh\ c \bFWX[T Q cW Bcd P]S CTacXP PaT f aZX]V ] bT PaPcT a YTRcb TPRW SXbR eTah QaX]Vb cWT\ R[ bTa c d]STabcP]SX]V W f TPRW Pac U cWT dii[T cb c VTcWTa 8c S Tb]{c UTT[ [XZT fT{aT f aZX]V ] ]T b\P[[ R a]Ta U cWT SXbTPbT } bPhb Bcd 8c UTT[b [XZT fT{aT f aZX]V ] b \TcWX]V RT]caP[ }Scan this code to find out moreabout the Schizophrenia ResearchLab’s work.C ]S dc W f h d RP] bd ac cWXb aTbTPaRW R ]cPRc NeuRA on 1300 888 019 or

Communicating withfrom theNeuRAFoundationNeuRA02 9399 1000DONATION & RESEARCHVOLUNTEER FORMThank you for making a uraustraliaFT{S [XZT c PRZ] f[TSVT cWT bd acTab PRa bb 0dbcaP[XP fW WPeT \PST P SXUUTaT]RT c cWT [XUT U 7T[T] P]S cWTab bdUUTaX]V Ua \ ?PaZX]b ]{b SXbTPbT CWP]Z h d U a h da VT]Ta db S ]PcX ]b c fPaS cWT TdA0 0dcd\] P TP[ UTPcdaX]V cWT eXcP[ f aZ U ?a U 6[T]SP 7P[[XSPh P]S WTa cTP\ Pb cWTh bcaXeT c fPaSb P RdaT U a cWXb STQX[XcPcX]V SXbTPbT these QR codes tosee multimedia contentrelated to our research.CALLING ALLCWT TUUTRcb ] cWT R \\d]Xch U T [T fW WPeT]{c [TPa]TS W f c R ]ca [ cWTXa PVVaTbbXeT X\ d[bTb PaT b fXSTb aTPS cWPc 8 cWX]Z cWXb Xb ]T U cWT \ bc eP[dPQ[T fPhb cWPc \T]cP[ WTP[cW aTbTPaRW RP] WT[ R \\d]XcXTbWHY MIGGHT THTHESSE KIDS BEBEHAVVINNG AGGREESSIVELY?CWT ZXSb fW PaT PVVaTbbXeT TeT] fWT] RP[\ UcT] P TPa Pb d]T\ cX ]P[ P]S RP[[ db c fPaSb cWTa T [T{b UTT[X]Vb P]S UcT] bTT\ c WPeT SXU Rd[ch TeT] aTR V]XbX]V fWT] cWTa T [T PaT PUaPXS FT{aT ] c bdaT Qdc cWT a Q[T\ \Ph QT X] cWT STeT[ \T]c U cWT b RXP[ QaPX] 1PQXTb get so much positive reinforcement fromWPeX]V ThT R ]cPRc fXcW cWTXa aX\Pah RPaTVXeTa Qdc fXcW cWTbT ZXSb \PhQT cWPc fPb]{c cWT RPbT 8c{b ] c ]TRTbbPaX[h cWPc cWTh fTaT \XbcaTPcTS* P [ c U cWTbT ZXSb R \T Ua \ TaUTRc[h ]XRT UP\X[XTb P]S WPeT bXQ[X]Vb fW PaT S X]V Ydbc ]T 5a \ cfX] bcdSXTb fT RP] bTT cWPc Xc bTT\b c QT \dRW \ aT VT]TcXR cWP] T]eXa ]\T]cP[ CWXb ch T U QTWPeX da R d[S QT aT[PcTS c P SXUUTaT]RT X] cWT fPh cWT QaPX] STeT[ b [XZT X] cWTa SXb aSTab bdRW Pb PdcXb\8] da bcdSh fT fP]c c bTT fWPc cWTXa QaPX] PRcXeXch Xb [XZT fWT] cWTh bTT cWTa T [T{b T\ cX ]b 8U h d Tg [XRXc[h PbZ cWT\ c Ph PccT]cX ] c cWT ThTb S Tb cWTXa QaPX] PRcXeXch QTR \T \ aT ] a\P[. FT P[b fP]c c Z] f XU cWTXa PQX[Xch c XRZ d ] UTPa X\ a eTb Qh [TPa]X]V c Ph PccT]cX ] c cWT ThTb P]S fWTcWTa cWXb Xb b \TcWX]V fT R d[S dbT cWTaP TdcXRP[[h05Step 2: My gift: 50CWXb SXU Rd[ch bTT\b c QT aT[PcTS c cWT UPRc cWPc cWTh S ]{c bTT\ c Ph PccT]cX ] c cWT ThTb fWXRW Xb ]T U cWT \PX] [PRTb fT VTc X]U a\PcX ] PQ dc fWPc P] cWTa Tab ] Xb UTT[X]V B \PhQT cWTh{aT Ydbc ] c XRZX]V d ] cWTa T [T{b UTPaWH Y MIGGHT TH EYY NOT LOOOK ATPEOOPLLE ’SS E Y ES?cardTo read more about Helen’s story,visit Rhoshel Lenroot is using brain imaging to understand why somechildren behave aggressively.0b P RWX[S bhRWXPcaXbc ]T U cWT \ bc R \\ ] aTbT]cPcX ]b 8 bTT Xb ZXSb fXcW PVVaTbbXeT QTWPeX da CWT \PY aXch U cWTbT ZXSb PaT PVVaTbbXeT QTRPdbT cWTh UTT[ cWaTPcT]TS a P]Vah Qdc cWTaT Xb P bdQ Va d U X]SXeXSdP[b fW WPeT PVVaTbbXeT QTWPeX a TeT] fWT] cWTh PaT RP[\ Ch XRP[ caTPc\T]cb S ]{c f aZ fT[[ U a cWTbT ZXSb P]S cWPc{b fWh Xc{b X\ acP]c c d]STabcP]S fWPc \XVWc QT SXUUTaT]c PQ dc cWT\ FT fP]c c Z] f fWTcWTa ZXSb fXcW cWT cf ch Tb U PVVaTbbXeT QTWPeX ab PaT aTP[[h SXUUTaT]c ] P QX [ VXRP[ [TeT[ P]S XU b fWTcWTa cWXb \XVWc QT X\ acP]c X] W f cWTh PaT [XZT[h c aTPRc c caTPc\T]cbStep 1: How I choose to give my gift:CWT cTP\ fX[[ ] f cPZT cWTXa ]Tgc bcT X] cWT VWc cTbcX]V P SadV cWPc \Ph bPUT[h zcda] UU{ P] X] P\\Pc ah X\\d]T aTb ]bT cWPc WPb QTT] [X]ZTS c cWT a VaTbbX ] U ?PaZX]b ]{b SXbTPbT CWXb X\ acP]c aTbTPaRW Xb \PST bbXQ[T Qh h da ]V X]V bd ac mottorcycle ridersWHAT LEDD YOUU TO CONDUCTTRESEARCHH INN TH IS A R EA?BesHelp us See it Through to a CureVisa 100Mastercard 250orAmerican ExpressDiners023 h d aXST P \ c aRhR[T a bR cTa. 0aT h d fX[[X]V c cPZT Pac X] P bdaeTh PQ dc h da Tg TaXT]RTb Pb P aXSTa. FT PaT bTTZX]V [XRT]bTS aXSTab PVTS ' c R \ [TcT P] ][X]T bdaeTh cWPc fX[[ WT[ db d]STabcP]S UPRc ab Pbb RXPcTS fXcW \ c aRhR[T RaPbWTb FT PaT [ ZX]V U a SXUUTaT]RTb QTcfTT] aXSTab X]e [eTS X] P RaPbW P]S cW bT fW WPeT aXSST] bPUT[h X] cWT PaTP fWTaT cWT RaPbW RRdaaTS CWXb X]U a\PcX ] fX[[ WT[ db STeT[ bPUTch bcaPcTVXTb U a aXSTab c Pe XS RaPbWTb X] cWT UdcdaTTo register to take part in this study,please visit: Prof Rhoshel Lenroot with a test imageused to represent fear02 Mark Kazzi interviews motorcycle riderStevan Nikollin03 Helen is one of the 80,000 Australiansliving with Parkinson’s disease04 Researcher Pascal Segalin042P] h d WT[ TdA0 c BTT Xc CWa dVW c P 2daT. CWT TdA0 5 d]SPcX ] X]eXcTb h d c R ]bXSTa P] TgcaP R \\Xc\T]c c VXeT fWPc h d PaT PQ[T TeTah \ ]cW Pb P cPg STSdRcXQ[T S ]PcX ] FT cWP]Z cWT \P]h T [T fW QT[XTeT X] cWT X\ acP]RT U \TSXRP[ aTbTPaRW P]S P[aTPSh VXeT X] cWXb fPh Step 3: How to make a donation6 Mail this coupon in the reply paid envelope6 Call us on 1300 888 019 to make a donation over the phone6 Make a secure online donation at Fax this form (02) 9399 1082ATVd[Pa VXeX]V Xb P R ]eT]XT]c fPh c \PZT P \TP]X]VUd[ P]S [ ]V cTa\ R \\Xc\T]c c da ]Tda bRXT]RT aTbTPaRW 1h bd acX]V db X] cWXb fPh h d PaT WT[ X]V da bRXT]cXbcb [P] UdcdaT aTbTPaRW a YTRcb fXcW RTacPX]ch P]S cPZT PSeP]cPVT U ]Tf aTbTPaRW acd]XcXTb A message from the NeuRA Foundation: From 2013, the NeuRA Foundation may co-operatewith other like-minded reputable Australian charities to promote out work to our respective donors.If you’d prefer that NeuRA does not share your information with other charities, please phone us on1300 888 019, email us at or write to us using the enclosed envelope.5 a TgP\ [T Ydbc ! TPRW \ ]cW ' RT]cb P SPh fX[[ Ud]S cWT P]P[hbXb U P Q[ S bP\ [T RaXcXRP[ c SXbR eTaX]V cWT RPdbT U SXbTPbT P]S RaTPcX]V ]Tf caTPc\T]c bbXQX[XcXTb H d RP] VXeT Qh RaTSXc RPaS a QP]Z RaTSXc d]X ] STQXc C Y X] RP[[ db ] 1300 888 019, a eXbXc da you for generously supporting our research into diseasesof the brain and nervous system.06

infocusPREDICTING thelikelihood of FALLSThese images were createdby two of our falls researchvolunteers as they walkeddown a hallway.CWTh fTaT Q cW fTPaX]V PRRT[Ta \TcTab STeXRTb that sense movement,b TTS P]S SXaTRcX ] ] cWT WTPS P]S Pa d]S cWT fPXbc The elegant image on the[TUc fPb \PST Qh P WTP[cWh '! hTPa [S e [d]cTTa Note the regular pattern U \ eT\T]c* VaTT] Xb cWT WTPS caPYTRc ah P]S Q[dT Xb cWT T[eXb caPYTRc ahThe chaotic image on theaXVWc fPb \PST Qh P] '! hTPa [S e [d]cTTa fW WPb WPS aTRdaaT]c UP[[b cT cWT \PaZTS SXUUTaT]RTb X] cWT irregular movements of thee [d]cTTa{b WTPS3a PccWTf 1a SXT ?a U BcT WT] ; aS P]S R [[TPVdTb PaT R ]SdRcX]V cWXb aTbTPaRW c bTT fWTcWTa RWP]VTb X] W f cWT WTPS P]S Q Sh \ eT fWX[T fP[ZX]V RP] aTSXRc cWT [XZT[XW S U b \T ]T UP[[X]VWith the incorporationof accelerometers intoTeTahSPh a SdRcb bdRW Pb \ QX[T W ]Tb fT \Ph QT PQ[T c R [[TRc P]S PbbTbb SPcP aT\ cT[h cWPc RP] QT dbTS c P[Tac WXVW aXbZ people of the potential of anX\ T]SX]V UP[[ 0QQ aXVX]P[ PVTXX]VV 2WWa ]XR PXX] 3T\T]cXPP 3TaTTbbXX ] 3hb[TgXP 5P[[[[bb XX]] cWWTT T[[SSTa[hh 5a ]c cT\ aP[[ ST\T]cXPP 78E Pbb RXXPcTS ST\TT]cXPP cc a ]TTda ]]T SXbbTPbbT dbR[R T UPPcXVVdT T ?PaaZX]b ]{b SXbTPbT T B[TT P ] TP BRWXi Xii WaT]XPP B X]]P[ R aSS X]]Ydah Bca ZT ATbcc[TTbb [TVb bh]SSa \T 0Q aXVVX]P[ PVTX]V 0[iWWTX\\Taa{b SXS bTPPbT 0dcXb\\ 1P[P]RRTT SXbb aSTSTab 1XX]]VTVT SaX]]ZX]]V 1X [PPa SXbb aSTa 2WX[SS X]Ydahh 2Wa ]XR PX] 3TT\T]ccXP 3TaaTTbbXX ] 3hb[TgTgXPP 5PP[[b X]] cWT T[STa[a[hh 5a 5a ] ]c cT\ aaP[ ST\T]cXPP 788E PPbbb RXXPcTS ST\T]ccXPP c a ]Tdaa ]T SSXbbTPbTT dbRR[TT UUPcXVVdT ?PaaZX]b ]{{bb SSXXbbTPbT B[TTT P ] TP BRWXi i WaaTT]XP BBX]]P[ RR aS X]YX]]Ydahh Bca ZT AATbc[TTbb [[TVb bbh]Sa \T To make a donation in support of our research, call 1300 888 019 or go to

If you would like to subscribe to our magazine, go to scribe/magg. You can also email your details to or call 1300 888 0119. About NeuRA Subscribe Editoor : Maryke Steffens Photooggrra pphhy: Anne Graham Credits Cover photo: Dr Stu Fillman and Dr Tertia Purves-Tyson are conducting