COVID-19 Mitigation Plan



RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2PATH TO RECOVERY PLANCOVID 19 - Mitigation PlanThe Riverside Elementary School District with guidance from the Maricopa Department of PublicHealth, the Arizona Department of Public Health, the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) andthe Center for Disease Control (CDC), has established plans and strategies for the reopening of ourschools. This approach is built upon the guidance which are strongly aligned to therecommendations that have been provided by local, state and federal leaders. There is a strongfocus on the health and the physical requirements necessary to establish a secure and safeenvironment where our students can continue their education. This guide was created to outlineand prioritize the health and safety of our students and teachers as the district begins to prepare forthe 2021-2022 school year and beyond. Updates to this plan will be made as necessary.Mitigation Plan Goals for RESDMinimize the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.Maintain essential school services.Maintain continuity of learning for all students.Minimize social disruption for families and staff.

Task Force Members for RESD Mitigation PlanRESD District Leaders:Dr. Jamie Rivera, SuperintendentMr. Ruben Gutierrez, Associate SuperintendentMr. Jose Moreno, Executive Director of Business ServicesMs. Elisabeth Minzer, HR DirectorMs. Brittany Quisberg, HR SpecialistMs. Dayna Gilmore, SPED DirectorMr. Stacey Hawkins, Technology DirectorMs. Paloma Mungaray, SAIS Coordinator, Technology Secretary, Help DeskMr. Andy Valdivia, Maintenance and Transportation ManagerMs. Eva Chalabi, CNS ManagerMs. Cindy Sanchez, Riverside Traditional PrincipalMs. Martha Angulo, Riverside CoachMr. Marcus Piña, Kings Ridge Preparatory Academy Principal (Retired)Ms. Jessica Harrington, Kings Ridge Preparatory Academy PrincipalMs. Dawn Vasquez, Kings Ridge Preparatory Academy Asst. PrincipalMr. Rafael Sanchez, Maricopa Institute of Technology HeadmasterMs. Bonnie Graham, Online Learning CoachMr. Ken Turer, Arizona Online Instruction, DirectorRESD Nurses:Ms. Francisca Montiel, Riverside TraditionalMs. Rosa Corona, Kings Ridge Preparatory AcademyRiverside Traditional Staff:Ms. Andrea HanMs. Crystal PorrasMs. Christian AvilaMs. Melissa SotoMs. Elizabeth Beltran Ms. Elizabeth WalkerMs. Lorena MuñozMs. Jana DonahueMs. Andrea Buehrens Ms. Katlyn FieldMs. Megan CatheyMr. Jonathan GonzalezMs. Gloria Hernandez Ms. Wendy CamachoMs. Nancy Villalobos Ms. Ivy HolmesMs. Raquel BarajasMs. Shannon McElhanyMs. Amber BrownMs. Danielle Lopez-WestMs. Gretchen RankinRiverside Traditional Parents:Mr. Juan BasacaMs. Vanessa CampbellMr. Demetrius HolmesMs. Shontal McGintyMs. Brittany RobinsonMs. Monique GarciaKings Ridge Preparatory Academy Staff:Ms. Jessica GoberMs. Krysta PerezMs. Holly CartwrightMr. Thomas HowellMs. Whitney ReisMr. Miguel EcheverriaKings Ridge Preparatory Academy Parents:Ms. Safio AbdiMs. Noel ChilelMs. Melisa RuizMs. Angelica SalasMs. Molly CastanedaMs. Maryan AbdiMaricopa Institute of Technology Staff:Mr. Vahid HojrehMs. Nidhi SharmaMs. Marissa AmayaMs. Archana SunkaraMr. Yuksel AkMs. Amber StarrMr. Chakravarthy SunkaraMr. Clemente RicoMr. Mehulkumar GandhiMaricopa Institute of Technology Parents:Ms. Anna JordanMs. Lynette GuzmanMs. Amanda LacsonMr. Nathan MarkhamMs. Vanessa CampbellMs. Cindy HowardMs. Socorro AguilarMs. Bernabe OrnelasMs. Anita OrmsbyMs. Marisol HernandezMs. Gwendolyn Davis

RESD Path to Recovery PlanLevel ofCommunitySpread(as determinedby state andlocal healthofficials)InstructionalModel(as determinedby local schooldistrict)Response(as determinedby local schooldistrict inpartnership withlocaldepartments ofpublic healthand communitystakeholders)Substantial SpreadRiverside STEM2Online ModelTargeted ClosureIsolate and disinfectaffected areasShort-Term ClosureClose for facility-widedeep cleaningExtended ClosureClose buildings for atleast 14 daysHigh/Moderate emitigationstrategies(i.e. tancing(seeTargetedClosure)MinimalUse lfor f-ContainedModelSchool Buildings OpenImplement preventativepractices and additionalproactive process/protocols

RESD Path to Recovery PlanLevel of Community Spread(as determined by state and localhealth officials)Promoting Behaviorsthat Reduce SpreadSubstantial Spread Protocol(School Closure)Daily Screening School buildings are closed.Physical Distancing School buildings are closed.Staying Home when Appropriate School buildings are closed.Face Coverings School buildings are closed.School Supplies School buildings are closed.Signs and Messages School buildings are closed.Hand Hygiene School buildings are closed.Respiratory Etiquette School buildings are closed.High/ModerateSpread ProtocolMinimal/LowSpread ProtocolDaily Screening Staff members will be screenedand be provided temperaturechecks upon arrival to campus. Upon arrival at school, eachstudent will go directly to theirassigned classroom. Teachers will visually screeneach student and take theirtemperature with a non-contactthermometer.Daily Screening Staff members will be screenedand be provided temperaturechecks upon arrival to campus. Upon arrival at school, eachstudent will go directly to theirassigned classroom. Teachers will visually screeneach student and take theirtemperatures with a non-contactthermometer.Physical Distancing Students will be educated andreminded regularly by staffmembers to maintain 3-6 feetdistance between individuals atall times possible. To the greatest extent possible,students will remain with thesame groupings and with thesame staff throughout the day. In the middle grades, studentsmay remain in the classroom andcontent teachers will rotate todifferent classrooms in order todeliver instruction and minimizestudent movement. Recess times are staggered toallows for physical distancing.Physical Distancing Students will be educated andreminded regularly by staffmembers to maintain 3-6 feetdistance between individuals atall times possible. To the greatest extent possible,students will remain with thesame groupings and with thesame staff throughout the day. In the middle grades, studentsmay remain in the classroom andcontent teachers will rotate todifferent classrooms in order todeliver instruction and minimizestudent movement. Recess times are staggered toallows for physical distancing.

Class sizes will be reduced asmuch as possible within theconstraints of the number ofstudents enrolled and thephysical layout of the classroom.All classrooms have plasticdividers on all student desks.Staying Home when Appropriate Students and parents will beeducated that students must notcome to school if they have anyof the following symptoms: Fever or chills Shortness of breath or difficultybreathing Muscle aches Sore throat Headache Fatigue Congestion or runny nose Cough Vomiting Diarrhea New loss of taste or smell Parents will be assured thatstudents will have theopportunity to make up workmissed due to symptoms ofCOVID-19. Schools will not give outattendance awards for theduration of the COVID-19 healthcrisis. Class sizes will be reduced asmuch as possible within theconstraints of the number ofstudents enrolled and thephysical layout of the classroom.Staying Home when Appropriate Students and parents willcontinue to be educated thatstudents must not come toschool if they have any of thefollowing symptoms:o Fever or chillso Shortness of breath ordifficulty breathingo Muscle acheso Sore throato Headacheo Fatigueo Congestion or runny noseo Cougho Vomitingo Diarrheao New loss of taste or smell Parents will be assured thatstudents will have theopportunity to make up workmissed due to symptoms ofCOVID-19. Schools will not give outattendance awards for theduration of the COVID-19 healthcrisis.Face Coverings Students and staff will beencouraged to wear a face mask

Face Coverings The Riverside Elementary SchoolDistrict requires masks to beworn at all times before, during(with the exception of breakfastand lunch time) and after schoolby all staff members, studentsand visitors to our campuses.Shields in addition to face masksare considered optional. Only students and staff whorequire accommodations due toa disability will be considered foropting out. An alternativeaccommodation will be made. PPE materials will continue to beavailable to staff, students andparent upon request. All students riding a school buswill be required to wear a maskwhile riding the bus. Training on the correct usage offace masks has and will continueto be provided to all staff andstudents. Posters demonstratingthe correct usage of face masksare displayed around ourcampuses as a reminder.School Supplies Each student will have their ownstudent supplies at theirtable/desk. School supplies should not beshared among students. Wherea school supply or piece ofequipment must be shared by when physical space does notallow for maintenance of 3-6 feetof space between individuals.Students will not be required towear a face mask during physicalactivities and when socialdistancing is maintainable,though they may voluntarily wearface coverings at any time.PPE materials will continue to beavailable to staff, students andparent upon request.School Supplies Each student will have their ownstudent supplies at theirtable/desk. School supplies should not beshared among students. Wherea school supply or piece ofequipment must be shared bystudents (for instance, a pencilsharpener), the item must bewiped down with disinfectantafter each use.Signs and Messages Each school will post signs inhighly visible locations (i.e.,school entrances, restrooms)that promote everydayprotective measures anddescribe how to stop the spreadof germs, such as by properlywashing hands and properlywearing face mask covering.

students (for instance, a pencilsharpener), the item must bewiped down with disinfectantafter each use.Signs and Messages Each school will post signs inhighly visible locations (i.e.,school entrances, restrooms)that promote everydayprotective measures anddescribe how to stop the spreadof germs, such as by properlywashing hands and properlywearing a cloth face covering. Schools will broadcast regularannouncements on reducing thespread of COVID-19 on eachschool’s PA system. All signs will be posted inEnglish and Spanish.Hand Hygiene All students will wash their handswith soap and water for at least20 seconds or will use handsanitizer with at least 60%alcohol at the following times:o upon arrival at school (handsanitizer if there is no sink inthe classroom)o after being outside forphysical activityo before and after luncho prior to leaving school forhome Schools will broadcast regularannouncements on reducing thespread of COVID-19 on eachschool’s PA system.All signs will be posted inEnglish and Spanish.Hand Hygiene All students will wash their handswith soap and water for at least20 seconds or will use handsanitizer with at least 60%alcohol at the following times:o upon arrival at school (handsanitizer if there is no sink inthe classroom)o after being outside forphysical activityo before and after luncho prior to leaving school forhomeo after sneezing, coughing, orblowing nose Posters will be displayed aroundthe campuses remindingstudents of proper handwashingtechniques.Respiratory Etiquette Staff and students will continueto cover coughs and sneezeswith a tissue. Used tissues will be thrown inthe trash and hands washedimmediately with soap and waterfor at least 20 seconds.

after sneezing, coughing, orblowing nosePosters will be displayed aroundthe campuses remindingstudents of proper handwashingtechniques.o Respiratory Etiquette Staff and students will beprovided proper training incovering coughs and sneezeswith a tissue. Used tissues will be thrown inthe trash and hands washedimmediately with soap and waterfor at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readilyavailable, hand sanitizer thatcontains at least 60% alcohol canbe used. Posters will be displayed aroundthe campuses remindingstudents of proper respiratoryetiquette.Accommodations for SPEDStudents The Riverside Elementary SchoolDistrict’s Department ofExceptional Student Servicesworks with all district staff toensure appropriateaccommodations for studentswith disabilities are provided inaccordance with state and localrecommendations. If soap and water are not readilyavailable, hand sanitizer thatcontains at least 60% alcohol canbe used.Posters will be displayed aroundthe campuses remindingstudents of proper respiratoryetiquette.Accommodations for SPEDStudents The Riverside Elementary SchoolDistrict’s Department ofExceptional Student Servicesworks with all district staff toensure appropriateaccommodations for studentswith disabilities are provided inaccordance with state and localrecommendations. The Riverside Elementary SchoolDistrict’s Department ofExceptional Student Servicesencourages the continued use offacemasks and/or face shieldsfor students with disabilities. Related services are encouragedto provide push-In services andcohorts to maximize minimalcontact between students.

The Riverside Elementary SchoolDistrict’s Department ofExceptional Student Servicesencourages the continued use offacemasks and/or face shieldsfor students with disabilities.Related services are encouragedto provide push-In services andcohorts to maximize minimalcontact between students.

RESD Path to Recovery PlanLevel of Community Spread(as determined by state and localhealth officials)Maintaining HealthyEnvironmentsSubstantial Spread Protocol(School Closure)Cleaning and Disinfection Only areas occupied will becleaned and disinfected.Shared Objects School buildings are closed.Ventilation HVAC filters will be closelymonitored and changed duringschool closure.Water Systems All water fountains will beclosed.Classroom Arrangements School buildings are closed.Communal Spaces School buildings are closed.Bathrooms School buildings are closed.Front Office Floor decals will be placed onthe floor 6 feet from the frontoffice desk and signage willHigh/ModerateSpread ProtocolMinimal/LowSpread ProtocolCleaning and Disinfecting Custodial staff will be assignedschedules for increased cleaningof high touch surfaces andbathrooms throughout the dayby using EPA approveddisinfectants. All frequently touched surfaces,such as door handles, sinks anddesks will be cleaned anddisinfected daily. Students classrooms will bedisinfected by afternooncustodians and all othercommon areas will bedisinfected by maintenancepersonnel throughout theregular work day schedule. Bus seats and windows will bedisinfected after each use (e.g.,after the morning routes andafter the afternoon routes). Every Wednesdays andoccasional Saturdays will beutilized to deep clean anddisinfect all school campuses. The highest standard of workperformance will be required forthe safety of all students and staffmembers.Cleaning and Disinfection Students classrooms will bedisinfected by afternooncustodians and all othercommon areas will bedisinfected by maintenancepersonal throughout the regularwork day schedule. All operations will be intensifiedto better address all aspects ofcleaning and disinfecting. Astrong emphasis will be placedminimizing contamination. Bus seats and windows will bedisinfected after each use (e.g.,after the morning routes andafter the afternoon routes). The highest standard of workperformance will be required forthe safety of all students and staffmembers. Electrostatic sprayers are usedon all school busses andclassrooms. Sports equipment and any othershared items (if they are beingused) will be cleaned betweenuses by teachers and/orcustodial staff utilizing district-

direct visitors not to come closerthan the floor decals allow.A glass/plexiglass divider isplaced in front of each frontoffice desk. Electrostatic sprayers are usedon all school busses andclassrooms.Sports equipment and any othershared items (if they are beingused) will be cleaned betweenuses by teachers and/orcustodial staff utilizing districtprovided approved cleaningproducts.Shared Objects Prohibit the sharing of objectsthat would be difficult to clean ordisinfect.Ventilation Protocols are established basedon CDC and ADE Guidelinesalong with any federal, state orlocal orders. HVAC filters will be monitoredmonthly and changed asscheduled. The EMS HVAC system has beenprogramed to open to maximumcapacity for the maximum freshair intake.Water Systems Prohibit use of water fountains.Installed new bottle friendlywater faucets in each classroomand new water fountain fillingstations in key areas.provided approved cleaningproducts.Shared Objects Discourage the sharing ofobjects that would be difficult toclean or disinfect.Ventilation Normal HVAC OperationsWater Systems Prohibit use of water fountains.Install new bottle friendly waterfaucets in each classroom andnew water fountain fillingstations in key areas.Classroom Arrangements All classrooms will be arrangedto best distance students andteachers.Communal Spaces No more than one class at a timemay be on playgroundequipment. Students can play outside forphysical movement with socialdistancing will be encouraged atall times during outside play. Teachers will be encouraged tobe creative in employingtechniques to maintain socialdistancing during unstructuredtime.

Classroom Arrangements All desks will face the samedirection rather than facing eachother. Large tables for groups ofstudents will not be used unlessthey are the only option, in whichcase a table divider will beutilized. Students will not be physicallygrouped to work together,however, teachers areencouraged to use technologyto facilitate group work andgroup learning whereappropriate for the age, subjectand capabilities of the students. Students will be given waterbottles to minimize touching ofwater fountains.Communal Spaces Individual classes are assigned aspecific time slot and location totake their students outside forrecess with social distancingmaintained at all times. Students may not useplayground equipment. Separate classrooms may notmingle during outside activitytime.Bathrooms Students will enter bathrooms ingroups no larger than theBathrooms Bathrooms will be cleanedregularly throughout the day. Students will be directed tomaintain social distancing inbathrooms. Posters reminding students ofproper handwashing techniqueswill be placed in all bathrooms.Front Office Social distancing markers areplaced on the floor 6 feet fromthe front office desk and signagewill direct visitors not to comecloser than the tape markings. A glass/plexiglass divider is nowlocated in every front office inthe district.

number of stalls/urinals in thebathroom.Students will be directed tomaintain social distancing inbathrooms and wear their facemask at all times while in thebathroom.Posters reminding students ofproper handwashing techniquesare placed in all bathrooms.Front Office Social distancing markers areplaced on the floor 6 feet fromthe front office desk and signagewill direct visitors not to comecloser than the tape markings. A glass/plexiglass divider is nowlocated in every front office inthe district. All visitors are required to havetheir temperature checked uponarrival.

RESD Path to Recovery PlanLevel of Community Spread(as determined by state and localhealth officials)Substantial Spread Protocol(School Closure)Maintaining HealthyOperationsAssemblies, Visitors, Field Trips School buildings are closed.Identifying Small Groups andKeeping Them Together School buildings are closed.Designated COVID-19 Point ofContact The school nurse will be thedesignated COVID-19 point ofcontact with the principal as theirback-up.Communication Systems A communication systemutilizing emails, text messages,phone calls, social media androbocalls will be implementedwhen contacting the followinggroups:o Parents/Guardianso Studentso EmployeesBack-up Staffing Plan School buildings are closed.High/ModerateSpread ProtocolMinimal/LowSpread ProtocolAssemblies, Visitors, Field Trips School-wide assemblies will beheld virtually with studentgroups remaining in theirclassrooms. No visitors and/or volunteers willbe allowed without principalapproval. Parent volunteers will not beutilized in the classroom duringthe COVID-19 health crisis. Field trips will be canceled. Teachers will use virtual learningopportunities (such as virtualtours of museums) to enhancestudents’ educationalexperiences.Assemblies, Visitors, Field Trips School-wide assemblies may beheld with student groupsmaintaining appropriate socialdistancing. Nonessential visitors andvolunteers may continue to beprohibited. If parent volunteers and visitorsare allowed, they will be limitedin number and must agree toadhere to the District’s socialdistancing and other protocols. Field trips will be permittedONLY if the area to be visited isat a Step Three of communitymitigation.Identifying Small Groups andKeeping Them Together Student groupings will be asstatic as possible by having thesame group of children staytogether and with the same staff(all day for young children, andas much as possible for olderchildren). Schools will limit mixing betweengroups, whenever possible.Identifying Small Groups andKeeping Them Together Student groupings will be asstatic as possible by having thesame group of children staytogether and with the same staff(all day for young children, andas much as possible for olderchildren). Schools will limit mixing betweengroups, whenever possible.

Staff Training In accordance with CDCguidelines, all staff will beprovided safety protocol andprocedures training at thebeginning of the school year andthroughout the school year.Isolate Those Who are Sick School buildings are closed.Designated COVID-19 Point ofContact The school nurse will be thedesignated COVID-19 point ofcontact with the principal as theirback-up.Designated COVID-19 Point ofContact The school nurse will be thedesignated COVID-19 point ofcontact with the principal as theirback-up.Communication Systems A communication systemutilizing emails, text messages,phone calls, social media androbocalls will be implementedwhen contacting the followinggroups:o Parents/Guardianso Studentso EmployeesCommunication Systems A communication systemutilizing emails, text messages,phone calls, social media androbocalls will be implementedwhen contacting the followinggroups: Parents/Guardians Students EmployeesBack-up Staffing Plan Each school will be assigned onepermanent substitute to supportany absent staff member.Back-up Staffing Plan Each school will develop asubstitute plan utilizing internalcoverage. District substitutes and asubstitute vendor can be utilizedto cover teacher absences.Staff Training In accordance with CDCguidelines, all staff will beprovided safety protocol andprocedures training at thebeginning of the school year andthroughout the school year.Isolate Those Who are Sick Students should not come toschool if they are sick and theirparents should notify schoolofficials (the designated COVID19 point of contact) if their childStaff Training In accordance with CDCguidelines, all staff will beprovided safety protocol andprocedures training at thebeginning of the school year andthroughout the school year.Isolate Those Who are Sick Students should not come toschool if they are sick and their

becomes sick with COVID-19symptoms, test positive forCOVID-19, or has been exposedto someone with COVID-19symptoms or a confirmed orsuspected case.Students with COVID-19symptoms (such as fever, cough,or shortness of breath) will beimmediately placed in anisolated room or area while atschool waiting to be picked up.Students who are sick will besent home or to a healthcarefacility depending on howsevere their symptoms are.Any student with visiblesymptoms of runny nose, cough,shortness of breath, or vomiting,or one who has a fever above100.4 degrees will be taken tothe health office.Parents may be contacted forpick-up with the followingEXCEPTIONS:o If the student has a runnynose and the nurse/healthaide observes that there areno other symptoms, thenurse/health aide willcontact parent to inquire asto whether the student hashad any other symptoms orthere have been any COVID19 exposures in the homeand if not, student mayreturn to class. parents should notify schoolofficials (the designated COVID19 point of contact) if their childbecomes sick with COVID-19symptoms, test positive forCOVID-19, or has been exposedto someone with COVID-19symptoms or a confirmed orsuspected case.Students with COVID-19symptoms (such as fever, cough,or shortness of breath) will beimmediately placed in anisolated room or area while atschool waiting to be picked up.Students who are sick will besent home or to a healthcarefacility depending on howsevere their symptoms are.Any student with visiblesymptoms of runny nose, cough,shortness of breath, or vomiting,or one who has a fever above100.4 degrees will be taken tothe health office.Parents may be contacted forpick up with the followingEXCEPTIONS:o If the student has a runnynose and the nurse/healthaide observes that there areno other symptoms, thenurse/health aide willcontact parent to inquire asto whether the student hashad any other symptoms orthere have been any COVID-

oIf the student has healthinformation on file thatconfirms a diagnosis ofasthma or other respiratorycondition and thenurse/health aide observesthat there are no othersymptoms, the nurse/healthaide will contact parent toinquire as to whether thestudent has had any othersymptoms or there havebeen any COVID-19exposures in the home and ifnot, student may return toclass.Covid-19 Coordination with Stateand Local Health Agencies andOfficials The District Director of HumanResources along with the districtnurses attend weekly Covid-19webinars provided by theMaricopa County Department ofPublic Health to keep informedof the most recent guidance onCovid-19 for schools. District nurses are in constantcontact with CDC and theArizona Department of HealthServices to monitor the spread ofCovid-19 within our schoolcommunity. A bi-monthly Health AdvisoryCommittee comprised of theSuperintendent, Associateo19 exposures in the homeand if not, student mayreturn to class.If the student has healthinformation on file thatconfirms a diagnosis ofasthma or other respiratorycondition and thenurse/health aide observesthat there are no othersymptoms, the nurse/healthaide will contact parent toinquire as to whether thestudent has had any othersymptoms or there havebeen any COVID-19exposures in the home and ifnot, student may return toclass.Covid-19 Coordination with Stateand Local Health Agencies andOfficials The District Director of HumanResources along with the districtnurses attend weekly Covid-19webinars provided by theMaricopa County Department ofPublic Health to keep informedof the most recent guidance onCovid-19 for schools. District nurses are in constantcontact with CDC and theArizona Department of HealthServices to monitor the spread ofCovid-19 within our schoolcommunity.

Superintendent, district nurses,all school principals and the HRdepartment meets to beupdated on Covid-19 spread inour and surroundingcommunities and to review andmake revisions on our mitigationplan as needed. A bi-monthly Health AdvisoryCommittee comprised of theSuperintendent, AssociateSuperintendent, district nurses,all school principals and the HRdepartment meets to beupdated on Covid-19 spread inour and surroundingcommunities and to review andmake revisions on our mitigationplan as needed.

RESD Path to Recovery PlanLevel of Community Spread(as determined by state and localhealth officials)TransportingStudentsSubstantial Spread Protocol(School Closure)High/ModerateSpread ProtocolMinimal/LowSpread ProtocolDistrict/School Considerations District vehicles will be used todeliver meals to students andfamilies during school closure. Designate area where meals willbe delivered will be locatedwithin district boundaries. Dates, times and personalresponsible for the transportingof meals will be established. Non-Negotiable: All personalmust wear proper PPE andpractice social distancing duringvehicle transportation andduring the distribution of meals.District/School Considerations Hand sanitizer for students andbus drivers will be provided. Bus drivers will be required towear a face mask when on aschool bus. Students and bus drivers will bevisually screened for symptomsof illness and utilize spacedseating (to the extentpracticable). Clean and disinfect frequentlytouched surfaces on the bus atleast daily. Protocols for loading/unloadingstudents at a bus stops will beestablished to minimizecongregation of students fromdifferent households.District/School Considerations Implement standard operatingprocedures while takingpreventative measures such as:o providing hand sanitizer forstudents and bus driverso having bus drivers andstudents wear a face masko inspecting buses prior tostudents returning and aspart of a regular rotationo cleaning and disinfectingfrequently touched surfaceson the bus at least dailyo airing out buses when not inuseBus Driver/Aide School buildings are closed.Student Bus Stop School buildings are closed.Signage School buildings are closed.Seating School buildings are closed.Bus Driver/Aide Will be required to wear properPPE (face mask, shields, glovesetc.) and to disinfect the busbefore routes and between andafter bus routes.Bus Driver/Aide Will be encouraged to wearproper PPE (face mask, shields,gloves etc.) and to disinfect thebus bef

PATH TO RECOVERY PLAN COVID 19 - Mitigation Plan The Riverside Elementary School District with guidance from the Maricopa Department of Public Health, the Arizona Department of Public Health, the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC), has establish