PROPOSED LOCALMITIGATION ANDENFORCEMENT PLANApproved by the Clark County Board of County CommissionersApril 20, 2021
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANOverview:The State of Nevada remains under an emergency as declared by the Governor. This declarationallows the state and its partners to respond to the global pandemic, as well as to seek federalresources and reimbursement for actions taken to protect the health of the residents and visitors ofour state. This statewide emergency will remain in place for the foreseeable future, which will allowstate and local partners to collaborate in addressing the challenges presented by this pandemic.On February 14, 2021, Governor Sisolak unveiled Nevada’s Roadmap to Recovery Transition Planwhich provides his plan to reduce current statewide COVID-19 mitigation measures and transitioncertain mitigation measures to t h e local authority. This will occur in a phased approach, with thetransition to local authority happening on May 1, 2021, at the earliest.While it is the Governor’s intent for this delegation of authority to remain in place throughout theremainder of the emergency declaration, factors such as increased viral spread, the unknown natureof various variants, and otherwise could result in increased baseline mitigation measures, or theState resuming control of some or all mitigation measures.In order to assume delegation of authority regarding specific local mitigation, Clark County hasdeveloped a Local Mitigation and Enforcement Plan that meets the requirements as outlined inNevada’s Roadmap to Recovery Transition Plan. Clark County is proposing that ALL “PROPOSEDLOCAL MEASURES” changes are effective May 1, 2021.The Clark County Local Mitigation and Enforcement Plan continues to highlight our regionalapproach of following our health and medical experts at the Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD).The Clark County plan ensures that our region continues to stay vigilant in protecting the health ofour residents and visitors to include following common-sense risk reduction measures andcontinuous comprehensive monitoring/analysis of disease burden factors such as hospital status, testpositivity rate, community testing numbers, and COVID cases per week while prioritizing efforts forherd immunity by incentivizing vaccinations. While it is Governor Sisolak’s goal of having everycounty reopen to 100% on June 1, Clark County is cautiously optimistic we will meet this goal ifSouthern Nevadans continue with current robust vaccination efforts.1 Page
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANCAPACITY AND SOCIAL DISTANCINGCURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSPROPOSED LOCALMEASURESEFFECTIVE MAY 1, 2021May operate at no more than 50% occupancybased on applicable fire code.Maintain at least six feet distance from others.CAPACITY restrictions in Clark County mayincrease to no more than 80% occupancybased on applicable fire code; AND SOCIALDISTANCING requirements in Clark County willbe reduced to 3 feet.CAPACITY restrictions and SOCIALDISTANCING requirements in Clark County willbe REMOVED when: 60% of the eligible population in ClarkCounty has received at least one dose of aCOVID-19 vaccine.Note: Eligible population is ages 16 and older.2 Page
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANPUBLIC GATHERINGS & EVENTSCURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSPROPOSED LOCALMEASURESLimited to no more than 250 individuals or 50 percent of firecodecapacity, whichever is less, under strict social distancingrequirements.CAPACITY--UPDATE PER DIRECTIVE 041 effective March 15, 2021:If a gathering space or venue wants to host more than 250individuals for an event, (live entertainment show,convention, trade show, etc.) it may have up to 50 percentof fire code capacity, so long as a Large Gathering PlanCertification Form is submitted and approved.NOT APPLICABLEPRIOR TO LOCAL AUTHORITYTRANSITION PLAN SUBMITTALLarge Gathering Plans Submitted PRIOR to May 1 for:LARGEGATHERINGPLANS Events taking place prior to May 1: LargeGathering Plan Certification Forms may besubmitted to the Nevada Department of Business& Industry (B&I) who will work in consultation withstate public health officials and other applicablestate agencies to review and potentially approvegatherings above 250 individuals, up to 50 percent. Events taking place May 1 – June 30 (afterpotential transition to Local Authority): LargeGathering Plan Certification Forms may be submittedthrough April 30 (or through whenever authoritytransitions to a county) to the Nevada Department ofBusiness & Industry (B&I) who will work inconsultation with state public health officials and otherapplicable state agencies to review and potentiallyapprove gatherings above 250 individuals, up to 50percent capacity.Applications Submitted after Transition to Local Authority:Large Gathering approval process will be determined bycounty authorities in accordance with its Local Mitigation andEnforcement Plan.NOT APPLICABLEPRIOR TO LOCAL AUTHORITYTRANSITION PLAN SUBMITTALNOT APPLICABLEPRIOR TO LOCAL AUTHORITYTRANSITION PLAN SUBMITTALREFER TO THE LARGEGATHERING VENUE COVID-19PREPAAREDNESS & SAFETYPLAN on Page 27.3 Page
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANPRIVATE GATHERINGS & EVENTSCURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYPrivate social gatherings are restricted to 10people indoors and 25 people outdoors.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESPrivate social gatherings are restricted basedon CDC vaccines/fully-vaccinated.htmlFOOD & BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS:Restaurants & Bars, Pubs, Wineries, Distilleries, and Breweries (those that serve food and those that do not).This includes all restaurants and bars within gaming properties.CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYMay allow indoor dining at no more than 50%occupancy based on applicable fire code, understrict social distancing requirements.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESIndoor dining may operate at no more than80% occupancy based on applicable firecode, under strict social distancingrequirements. Capacity restrictions and socialdistancing requirements may beremoved when criterion under the“Capacity and Social Distancing” sectionof this Plan is met.No occupancy limits for outdoor dining**, aslong as all social distancing requirements arefollowed.RESERVATIONSReservations NOT REQUIREDNo occupancy limits for outdoor dining**,as long as all social distancing requirements(if applicable) are followed.Reservations NOT REQUIRED4 Page
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANSEATINGNo more than 6 patrons per table with socialdistancing requirementsSeating of patrons may be increased to nomore than 12 patrons per table with socialdistancing requirements (if applicable).Patrons sitting at a table or booth must only beserved via table service.Patrons sitting at a table or booth must onlybe served via table service.BAR SEATINGPatrons may be served at bar tops if spaced 6ftapart and bar top parties should be limited to nomore than 2 persons.Buffets will remain prohibitedSELF SERVICEBUFFETS(Section added byClark County)Patrons may be served at bar tops understrict social distancing requirements (ifapplicable), and bar top parties should belimited to no more than 4 persons.Buffets are permitted to operate. Food maybe presented in a buffet style self-service if: Each station is supervised by anemployee. Hand sanitizer is offered to the patronsprior to obtaining tableware. Service utensils are changed out everyhour. Patrons and employees practiceadequate social distancing (if applicable).5 Page
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANADDITIONALMEASURESStrongly encouraged to continue curbside, delivery,and/or carry out operations. Restaurants and barsare encouraged to try to expand outdoor seatingoptions, and local governments are encouraged towork with these businesses to meet this goal.Strongly encouraged to continue curbside,delivery, and/or carry out operations.Restaurants and bars are encouraged to tryto expand outdoor seating options, and localgovernments are encouraged to work withthese businesses to meet this goal.Restaurants and bars should continue to havehand sanitizer available and should be conductinghealth screenings and/or temperature checks.Restaurants and bars should continue to havehand sanitizer available.Congregating Areas – Prohibited(Section added by Clark County)Food Table Preparation – Prohibited(Section added by Clark County)Congregating areas can open. Until 60%of the eligible population in Clark County hasreceived at least one dose of a COVID-19vaccine, areas designated for dancing isprohibited.Preparing food table side (e.g. tablesideguacamole) is permitted if the patrons donot consume food at time of preparationand all are wearing adequate face coverings.For additional guidance from SNHD see“Food Establishment Guidance”**Outdoor dining means dining in an area that is not enclosed or surrounded by a roof and rigid wall structures or non-rigid materials,such as fabric or vinyl. For example, a tent with walls is considered “indoors” because it restricts natural air flow and ventilation. Areascovered by a structure without walls, such as an overhead canopy, sunshade, or awning, are considered “outdoors.”6 Page
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANPLACES OF WORSHIP:CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 50% occupancybased on applicable fire code.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 80%occupancy based on applicable fire code. Capacity restrictions and socialdistancing requirements may beremoved when criterion under the“Capacity and Social Distancing” sectionof this Plan is met.ADDITIONALMEASURESCLICK HERE FOR NEVADA COVID-19 SAFETYGUIDANCE FOR PLACES OF WORSHIPREFER TO NEVADA COVID-19 SAFETYGUIDANCE FOR PLACES OF WORSHIPGYMS, FITNESS/DANCE/YOGA STUDIOS, MARTIAL ARTS STUDIOS & SIMILARESTABLISHMENTS:CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 50% occupancybased on applicable fire code.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 80%occupancy based on applicable fire code. Capacity restrictions and social distancingrequirements may be removed whencriterion under the “Capacity and SocialDistancing” section of this Plan is met.7 Page
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANGYM/STUDIOLOCKERROOMSLocker rooms may be open but MUST belimited to 50 percent capacity. Single stallshowers may be utilized.Community showers, saunas, vapor baths, salttherapy rooms, hot tubs, spas, and othercommunal areas remain prohibited.Locker rooms MAY be opened at no morethan 80% occupancy based on applicablefire code, under strict social distancingrequirements (if applicable). Single stallshowers may be utilized.Community showers, saunas, vapor baths,salt therapy rooms, and other communalareas may open and must operate underthe conditions described below in the “Poolsand Hot Tubs - Saunas, Steam Rooms andOther Facilities” section.Hot tubs and spas may open and mustoperate under the “Pools and Hot Tubs”Guidance as described below.ADDITIONALMEASURESEquipment MUST be moved or designatedinoperable to ensure a minimum of six feet ofsocial distancing between users.Equipment MAY be moved or designatedinoperable under strict social distancingrequirements (if applicable), to ensure socialdistancing between users.Equipment that is not moved or designatedinoperable, may be used with the followingconditions: The number of occupants is limited tothe number of individuals that canmaintain adequate social distancing (ifapplicable). Staff and/or supplies are present so thathigh touch surfaces can be adequatelycleaned after each use. The facility should increase ventilation tothe maximum extent possible to ensureoutside air is cycled through the space. Routine cleaning and disinfection ofequipment.8 Page
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANPOOLS AND HOT TUBS:(This category added by Clark County)CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 50% occupancybased on applicable fire code.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESPools, spas, and hot tubs may operate at nomore than -80% occupancy based onapplicable fire code, under strict socialdistancing requirements. Capacity restrictions and social distancingrequirements may be removed whencriterion under the “Capacity and SocialDistancing” section of this Plan is met.POOLLOCKERROOMSAND BATHHOUSESLocker rooms may be open but MUST belimited to 50 percent capacity. Single stallshowers may be utilized.Locker rooms and bathhouses may open at nomore than 80% occupancy based onapplicable fire code, under strict socialdistancing requirements (if applicable). Singlestall showers may be utilized.Hot tubs and spas may open and mustoperate under the guidance of this section.9 Page
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANSAUNAS,STEAMROOMSAND OTHERSIMILARFACILITIESCommunity showers, saunas, vapor baths, salttherapy rooms, and other communal areasremain prohibited.Community showers, saunas, vapor baths,salt therapy rooms, and other communalareas may operate under the followingconditions: The number of occupants is limited to thenumber of individuals that can maintainstrict social distancing (if applicable). Staff and/or supplies are present so thathigh touch surfaces can be adequatelycleaned after each use. Post signs that advise users:oTo not use the facility if ill or notfeeling well;oPractice social distancing (ifapplicable); andoWear face coverings/masks. The facility should increase ventilation tothe maximum extent possible to ensureoutside air is cycled through the space. Routine cleaning and disinfection mustcontinue. Other recommendations/best practicesinclude:o Limit use to single persons or groupsof people who are in the samehousehold.o Allow time between uses for fresh airto circulate in.ADDITIONALMEASURESEmployees and patrons must wear facecoverings, except:oooolifeguards conducting bathersurveillance,in an aquatic venue, hot tub, or spa,moving directly between theirseating and an aquatic venue, hottub, or spa, oractivity eating or drinking.10 P a g e
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANWater Parks:Water parks shall control access to the publicto ensure that occupancy does not exceed80% capacity based on applicable fire code,under strict social distancing requirements (ifapplicable).Water parks shall limit locker room access torestroom usage only.All employees must wear face coverings tothe maximum extent practicable.Food sold at concessions at water parks mustconsumed in a designated area under strictsocial distancing requirements (if applicable).Surfaces are cleaned and disinfected byemployees after a party leaves afterconsuming the food.For additional guidance from SNHD see“Aquatic Facilities Guidance” P a g e
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANGAMING FLOORS:Capacity and mitigation measures for gaming areas will NOT transition to local control after May 1 and willremain under the authority of the Nevada Gaming Control Board. Uniform, statewide mitigation measureswill continue to apply to gaming areas.After May 1, other businesses located within a gaming property will be subject to the applicablecounty’s capacity and other mitigation measures applicable to that type of business, per the approved LocalMitigation and Enforcement Plan. For example, a retail clothing store located within a gaming property shallfollow the mitigation measures for retail stores that are set forth in the county’s plan.ARCADES, RACETRACKS, BOWLING ALLEYS, MINI GOLF, POOL HALLS,AMUSEMENT & THEME PARKS, and SIMILAR ACTIVITIES:These venues have many high-touch surfaces and are common venues for group gatherings, or gatherings that wouldpromote food/drink consumption or other activities that would require mask removal. A responsible and staggered approachis strongly recommended by public health officials.CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 50% occupancybased on applicable fire code.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESCapacity requirements may be no more than80% occupancy based on applicable firecode, under strict social distancingrequirements. Capacity restrictions and social distancingrequirements may be removed whencriterion under the “Capacity and SocialDistancing” section of this Plan is met.ADDITIONALMEASURESHigh-touch surfaces should be avoided (remainclosed if applicable/possible) and cleanedfrequently.High-touch surfaces should be cleanedfrequently and social distancing (if applicable)between groups.Food and drink should be contained to areasdesignated as restaurants/food courts and shouldadhere to requirements in place for those types ofestablishments.Food and drink should be contained to areasdesignated as restaurants/food courts andshould adhere to requirements in place forthose types of establishments.12 P a g e
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANLIBRARIES, MUSEUMS, ART GALLERIES, AQUARIUMS & ZOOS:CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 50% occupancybased on applicable fire code.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESCapacity requirements may be no more than80% occupancy based on applicable firecode, under strict social distancingrequirements. Capacity restrictions and social distancingrequirements may be removed whencriterion under the “Capacity and SocialDistancing” section of this Plan is met.ADDITIONALMEASURESAll interactive and/or hands-on exhibits must beclosed. High-touch surfaces should be avoidedand cleaned frequently.All interactive and/or hands-on exhibits mayopen and must be cleaned at least once perhour. High-touch surfaces should becleaned frequently.Food and drink should be contained to areasdesignated as restaurants/food courts and shouldadhere to requirements in place for those types ofestablishments.Food and drink should be contained to areasdesignated as restaurants/food courts andshould adhere to requirements in place forthose types of establishments.13 P a g e
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANBODY ART & PIERCING ESTABLISHMENTS:CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements per existing Directives.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 80%occupancy based on applicable fire code. Capacity restrictions and social distancingrequirements may be removed whencriterion under the “Capacity and SocialDistancing” section of this Plan is met.APPOINTMENTSServices shall be provided by appointment only,and customers waiting for an appointment mustwait outside and practice social distancing.Services shall be provided by appointmentonly.No body art or piercing may be done around thenose or mouth.Piercing is permitted around nose andmouth. The employee is required to wear aface mask and face shield while workingaround or in the mouth and nose.Establishments with walls/partitions betweenstations or chairs may utilize all stations, but nomore than 1 customer can be at a station atany given time.Establishments with walls/partitions betweenstations or chairs may utilize all stations, butno more than 1 customer can be at astation at any given time.ADDITIONALMEASURESEstablishments without walls/partitions betweenstations/chairs may only seat clients every otherstation or chair or arrange stations or chairs to amin of 6ft apart.Establishments without walls/partitionsbetween stations/chairs may only seat clientsunder strict social distancing requirements.(if applicable).For additional guidance from SNHD see“Body Art Guidance” P a g e
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANSPAS, MASSAGE THERAPY & MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS:Industries regulated by professional licensing boards covered in Title 54 of the Nevada Revised Statutes will continue to followthe statewide baseline standards for COVID-19 mitigation measures and any mitigation measures promulgated by theirrespective regulatory bodies, in addition to local measures.CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements per existing Directives and protocolsestablished by the Nevada State Board ofCosmetology and Nevada State Board ofMassage Therapy.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements per existing protocolsestablished by the Nevada State Board ofCosmetology and Nevada State Board ofMassage Therapy. Capacity restrictions and socialdistancing requirements may beremoved when criterion under the“Capacity and Social Distancing” sectionof this Plan is met.APPOINTMENTSADDITIONALMEASURESServices shall be provided by appointment only, andcustomers waiting for an appointment must waitoutside and practice social distancing.Out-call and/or in-home service may be providedwith observation of same protocols as in theestablishments.Establishments, including day and overnight spas,that may operate for aesthetic and massage servicesmust prohibit the use of steam rooms, saunas,portable saunas, vapor baths, salt therapy rooms, hottubs, and any other communal facilities.Services shall be provided by appointmentonly.Out-call and/or in-home service may beprovided with observation of sameprotocols as in the establishments.Establishments, including day andovernight spas, that may operate foraesthetic and massage services may permitthe use of steam rooms, saunas, portablesaunas, vapor baths, salt therapy rooms,and any other communal facilities andmust operate under the conditionsdescribed above in the “Pools and HotTubs - Saunas, Steam Rooms and OtherFacilities” section.Hot tubs and spas may open and mustoperate under the “Pools and Hot Tubs”Guidance described above.15 P a g e
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANHAIR SALONS, BARBERSHOPS, NAIL SALONS & BUSINESSES THAT PROVIDEAESTHETIC SKIN SERVICES:Industries regulated by professional licensing boards covered in Title 54 of the Nevada Revised Statutes will continue tofollow the statewide baseline standards for COVID-19 mitigation measures and any mitigation measures promulgated bytheir respective regulatory bodies, in addition to local measures.CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYAPPOINTMENTSADDITIONALMEASURESMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements per existing Directives andprotocols established by the Nevada StateBoard of Cosmetology and Nevada Barbers’Health and Sanitation Board, as applicable.Services shall be provided by appointment only,and customers waiting for an appointment mustwait outside and practice social distancing.Out-call and/or in-home service may be providedwith observation of same protocols as in theestablishments.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements per existing protocols establishedby the Nevada State Board of Cosmetologyand Nevada Barbers’ Health and SanitationBoard, as applicable. Capacity restrictions and socialdistancing requirements may beremoved when criterion under the“Capacity and Social Distancing” sectionof this Plan is met.Services shall be provided by appointmentonly.Out-call and/or in-home service may beprovided with observation of same protocolsas in the establishments.Salons & barber shops with walls/partitionsbetween stations or chairs may utilize all stations,but no more than 1 customer can be at astation at any given time.Salons & barber shops with walls/partitionsbetween stations or chairs may utilize allstations, but no more than 1 customer canbe at a station at any given time.Salons and barber shops without walls/partitionsbetween stations/chairs may only seat clientsevery other station or chair or arrange stations orchairs to a min of 6ft apart.Salons and barber shops withoutwalls/partitions between stations/chairs mayonly seat clients under strict socialdistancing requirements (if applicable).16 P a g e
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANRETAIL STORES:CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 50% occupancybased on applicable fire code.PROPOSED LOCAL MEASURESMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 80%occupancy based on applicable fire code. Capacity restrictions and socialdistancing requirements may beremoved when criterion under the“Capacity and Social Distancing” sectionof this Plan is met.RETAIL &GROCERYSTORESW/OVER 50,000sq. ft. capacityMUST have "counters" at all public entrances tomanage capacity.MUST have health screening signage at publicentrances.MUST have "counters" at all publicentrances to manage capacity (if applicable).MUST have health screening signage atpublic entrances.Encouraged to conduct temperature screeningsbefore entry.17 P a g e
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANSELF-SERVEFOOD/BEVERAGEOPTIONSRetail stores, including grocery stores, may offerlimited self-service food and drinks with mitigationmeasures in place.**Retail stores, including grocery stores, mayoffer limited self-service food and drinkswith mitigation measures in place.Salad bars, salsa bars, olive bars, condimentstations and bulk food bins can take place if: Each station is supervised by anemployee. Hand sanitizer is offered to the patronsprior to obtaining tableware. Service utensils are changed out everyhour. Patronsandemployeespracticeadequate social distancing (if applicable).SAMPLINGProhibitedFood sampling at grocery stores andfarmer’s markets can resume if facecoverings are replaced as soon as sample isconsumed.Strongly encouraged to promote and continueonline or call-in ordering, curbside, delivery, and/orcarry out operations.Strongly encouraged to promote andcontinue online or call-in ordering, curbside,delivery, and/or carry out operations.(Section added byClark County)ADDITIONALMEASURESFor additional guidance from SNHD**These locations can allow for social distancing by strictly limiting the number of customers at one time. Recommended mitigationpractices include but are not limited to: limiting number of individuals using food and drink stations at one time; using individual ordisposable utensils and serving ware wherever possible; and providing hand sanitizer and recommending usage before touching anycommunal surfaces.18 P a g e
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANCANNABIS - Medicinal & Recreational Establishments:After May 1, Medicinal and Recreational Marijuana Establishments will remain under the authority and regulatorycontrol of the Nevada Cannabis Compliance Board (CCB). However, capacity and mitigation m e a s u r e s forMedicinal and Recreational Marijuana establishments will fall under the category of “Retail Stores” within eachcounty For example, if a county decides to set a capacity limit of 50 percent for retail stores in its LocalMitigation and Enforcement Plan, marijuana establishments will also be at 50 percent capacity.INDOOR MALLS:CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYADDITIONALMEASURESMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 50% occupancybased on applicable fire code -- including nomore than 50% capacity within eachindividual retail store, which must comply withall retail business restrictions.Strongly encouraged to promote and continueonline or call-in ordering, curbside, delivery, and/orcarry out operations.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements and at no more than 80%occupancy based on applicable fire code. Capacity restrictions and social distancingrequirements may be removed whencriterion under the “Capacity and SocialDistancing” section of this Plan is met.Strongly encouraged to promote andcontinue online or call-in ordering, curbside,delivery, and/or carry out operations.19 P a g e
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANCOMMUNITY & RECREATIONAL CENTERS:CURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSCAPACITYMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements at no more than 50% occupancybased on applicable fire code.PROPOSED LOCALMEASURESMay operate under strict social distancingrequirements and at no more than 80%occupancy based on applicable fire code. Capacity restrictions and social distancingrequirements may be removed whencriterion under the “Capacity and SocialDistancing” section of this Plan is met.BUILDING ELEVATORSCAPACITYCURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSPROPOSED LOCALMEASURESThe number of passengers in an elevator is limitedto 4.Elevators can increase to 8 passengers if: The exhaust fan is operated atmaximum flow. Instructions posted in the elevatorlobby of each floor advisingpassengers to:o Minimize talking whiletraveling between floors, ando Space themselves to promotesocial distancing (ifapplicable).20 P a g e
PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLANYOUTH AND ADULT RECREATIONAL SPORTS:Current state guidance does NOT govern professional sports leagues or college division level sports. The NIAA retainsauthority over when high school sports will resume and the guidelines under which competition will resume, consistent withSection 7 of Directive 028 and Sections 5 and 7 of Directive 034.TOURNAMENTSCURRENT STATEWIDE STANDARDSPROPOSED LOCALMEASURESTournaments for permissible sports (pursuant toDirective 034) allowed to resume no earlier thanMarch 15.Leagues and tournaments for non-contact type sportssuch as bowling, darts, billiards, and other similar sportsthat occur indoors do not need to submit aPreparedness & Safety Plan. Those leagues andtournaments must meet all social distancing (ifapplicable), occupancy and face covering requirements.Tournaments must be approved by applicableState authorities prior to competitionsthrough submission of a Preparedness &Safety Pla
Approved by the Clark County Board of County Commissioners April 20, 2021 PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLAN . 1 P a g e PROPOSED LOCAL MITIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT PLAN . Patrons may be served at bar tops if spaced 6ft apart and bar top parties should be limited to no more than 2 persons. Patrons sitting at a table or booth must only