
INDIANA SECTIONAWWA2021 Water Institutefor water & wastewater systemsContinuing EducationHours Available!December 6 - 8, 2021WaterWastewaterWell DrillersPump InstallersClerk TreasurersProfessional DevelopmentFrench Lick Resort & Conference Center8670 W State Road 56French Lick, IN 47432812-936-9300presented by theIndiana SectionAmerican Water Works Associationin cooperation with theIndiana Dept. of Environmental ManagementProgram Information for:Water & Wastewater OperatorsManagers & SuperintendentsWell Drillers & Pump InstallersProfessional EngineersBoard MembersUtility Business Office PersonnelIndiana Dept. of Natural Resources********************-- French Lick Resort Hotel Reservations -Hotel reservations should be made directly with the French Lick Resort& Conference Center in French Lick, IN online, at the 1163?gtid 2edcfa4d270cf2361f452bd927dd05a0The group rate will be applicable until November 11, 2021 or until theblock of rooms is sold out. Rooms reserved after the deadline aresubject to regular room rates.

MONDAY, December 6, 2021LOCAL TIMEBegins at 7:30a REGISTRATION1:00p-4:00EXHIBIT/EQUIPMENT EXPO SET-UPWATER OPERATOR CERTIFICATIONTEST REFRESHERCONTACT HOURS:w Water / ww Wastewater (Pending IDEM approval )We have applied as noted on each session.Final approval, once received, will be posted on ourwebsite and announced at the Conference.wd Well Driller / pi Pump InstallerEngineering PDH (approval based on IDEM approval)REGISTRATION FEE: Member 100; Non-Member 2008:00a - Noonw-4Water Operator Certification TestRefresher - Part 1Mike PhillipsNoon-1:00pLunch1:00 - 5:00w-4Water Operator Certification TestRefresher - Part 2Mike PhillipsBASICS IN WASTEWATER MATHFOR OPERATORSREGISTRATION FEE: Member 25; Non-Member 5010:00a - Noon Basics in Wastewater Mathww-2for OperatorsMike Novac, RCAPLEAD & COPPER RULE REVISIONSDEEP DIVE & ROUNDTABLEDISCUSSIONREGISTRATION FEE: Member 50; Non-Member 1001:00p - 5:00w-4/ww-45:00 - 6:00Lead & Copper RevisionsRoundtable DiscussionMarianne Bain, Greeley & HansonStacy Jones, IDEMMark Butler, Banning EngineeringTom Bruns, 120WaterJoe Madej, Seiler InstrumentsWELCOME SOCIAL HOUREXHIBIT HALLWASTEWATER SESSIONS - TECHNICALREGISTRATION FEE: Member 50; Non-Member 1001:00p -1:50ww-1Restoration of Obsolete Pumps toLike New ConditionTerry Thorne & Jim Kennedy,Horner Solutions1:50 - 2:50ww-1Improvements to Expand theCheeney Creek WWTP andUnanticipated ObstaclesSteve Gress, Donohue & Associates2:50 - 3:10Break3:10 - 4:00ww-1Conversion From Aerobic to Energy Reducing Anaerobic Processes The Warsaw WWTP ExpansionGary Ruston, Wessler Engineering4:00 - 5:00ww-1Chemical Acquisition & SubstitutionsKristine Harvey, Water SolutionsNETWORKING ACTIVITIESMonday, December 6, 2021Afternoon - 1:00pmSporting Clays ShootFrench Lick Sporting Clay Range(registration required)Early Evening - 5:00-6:00pmWelcome, Social Hour w/ Open Barin Exhibit HallTuesday, December 7, 2021Early Evening - 5:00-6:00pmVendor Reception in Exhibit HallNeed to know how many ContinuingEducation Hours you have?Visit Resources / Training & Resources /Near bottom

TUESDAY, December 7, 2021LOCAL TIMEBegins at 6:45aREGISTRATION7:00a-5:30pEXHIBITS OPEN!Exhibits and Expo HallTECHNICAL/GENERAL SESSIONS7:45a - 8:00Welcome, Opening CeremoniesCONCURRENT SESSIONSUTILITY BOARD MEMBERS / MANAGERS /SUPERINTENDENTS8:00a - 9:00w-1/ww-1Board Basics: Part 1Vicki Perry, RCAP9:00 - 10:00Break8:00 - 9:00w-1/ww-1Remote Tank ChlorinationAmanda Withers,Crawford Murphy & Tilly10:00 - 11:00w-1/ww-1Board Basics: Part 2Vicki Perry, RCAP9:00 - 10:00Break - EXHIBITS OPEN!11:00 - Noonw-1/ww-110:00 - 11:00w-1/ww-1Large Building FlushingScott Dompke, M.E. Simpson CompanyBoard Training: SustainableManagementVicki Perry, RCAPNoon-1:0011:00 - Noonw-1/ww-1Hydraulic ModelingJim McNulty & Scott Wothke,Strand AssociatesAwards Lunch (ticket required)Dessert served in Exhibit Hall1:00 - 2:00w-1/ww-1Board Training: Project DevelopmentVicki Perry, RCAPNoon - 1:00Awards Lunch (ticket required)Dessert served in Exhibit Hall2:00 - 3:00w-1/ww-11:00 - 2:00w-1/ww-1IFA Regional MeetingSarah Hudson,Indiana Finance AuthorityScott Ham, Silver Creek WaterWell Maintenance & EnsuringLongevityKatelynn Shail, Peerless MidwestPlease, join us in the Technical/General SessionRoom for afternoon sessions2:00 - 3:00w-1/ww-1Utility Federal Funding Update:American Rescue & Infrastructure ActJeff Rowe, Baker Tilly3:00 - 4:00Break - EXHIBITS OPEN!Mark your Calendar4:00 - 5:00w-1/ww-1IDEM Agency UpdatesBruno Pigott, CommissionerIndiana Dept. of EnvironmentalManagement2022 Spring ConferenceApril 11-14, 2022UPCOMING EVENTSMarriott, downtown, Indianapolis, IN5:00 - 6:00RECEPTION - EXHIBIT HALLCONCURRENT SESSIONWELL DRILLERS & PUMP INSTALLERS8:00a - 11:50wdpi-3/w-3Well Drillers / Pump Installers, Part 1IDNR and OthersNoon - 1:00Lunch in Room (ticket required)Awards1:00 - 4:00wdpi-3/w-3Well Drillers / Pump Installers, Part 2IDNR and Others2022 Annual Golf OutingJuly 27, 2022Eagle Creek Golf Club, Indianapolis, INOperator Boot CampAugust 10, 2022Miami Co. Community FairgroundsPeru, IN2022 Water InstituteDecember 4-8, 2022French Lick Resort & Conference CenterFrench Lick, IN

WEDNESDAY, December 8, 2021LOCAL TIMEBegins at 7:30a REGISTRATION8:00 - 8:50w-1Water Loss Audit RefreshersAaron Horbovetz,M.E. Simpson Company10:30 - 11:20w-1Financial Resiliency for WaterUtilities Post-PandemicDoug Baldessari, Baker Tilly8:50 - 9:40w-1Ethics & Water ProfessionalsRao Chitikela, RC-WEE SolutionsWilliam Ritter, University of Delaware11:20 - 12:10w-1Cybersecurity / Emergency ResponsePlanningEleisha Shelton & Mike Novac, RCAP9:40 - 10:30Break - EXHIBITS OPENLast chance!1:15ADJOURNTAKE ADVANTAGE. First time INAWWA Conference attendee? Apply for a Gambold Education Fund (GEF) Grant that covers a full conference registration(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), sleeping room at the headquarters hotel for Monday and Tuesday night, lunch on Monday andTuesday, all social activities, and an INAWWA shirt. A minimum of four grants will be awarded.Take advantage by applying for a Gambold Education Fund Grant. Bringing your Board members or your Mayor? One Board Member or Mayor, per system, is entitled to one complimentary lunch oneither Monday or Tuesday.Take advantage of this benefit to encourage participation of your Board or Mayor. Need contact hours or PDHs? Depending on the topic, our conference sessions will award contact hours for: Water Operators,Wastewater Operators, Well Drillers, Pump Installers, Clerk-Treasurers, and Professional Engineers.Take advantage of the opportunity to earn approved hours to keep your certification(s) current. Want to see various equipment options first hand? We have added an Equipment Expo as part of our Exhibit Hall. Our Exhibit Hall /Equipment Expo will begin with Monday evening’s reception and will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday. We are even offering anExhibit Hall / Equipment Expo only registration option — no sessions, no contact hours.Take advantage of the Exhibit Hall / Equipment Expo opportunity. Want to stay at the headquarters hotel?Hotel reservations should be made on-line with the French Lick Resort & Conference Center in French Lick, IN by following Passkeyaddress: 2edcfa4d270cf2361f452bd927dd05a0The group rate, 129/night plus tax will be applicable until November 11, 2021 or until the block of rooms is sold out. Roomsreserved after the deadline are subject to regular room rates.Note: The group rate covers the Sunday before (December 5) and also Wednesday night (December 8) for those wishing to extendtheir stay.Take advantage of this great room rate at our headquarters hotel. Want to meet with your regulatory agencies? Representatives from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM),Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), and other agencies will be in attendance.Take advantage of the opportunity to discuss your needs and issues. Want to interact with your peers? Networking opportunities with your fellow operators and sales and service providers available duringbreaks, lunch, receptions, and evening hospitality activities.Take advantage of these times to share challenges, discuss solutions, and get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere whilelearning from one another’s shared experiences Scheduling issues? Join us for the full conference, just a couple of days, one day, or a half a day.Take advantage of our flexible registration options.

REGISTRATION FORM - 2021 Water Institute: December 6 - 8, 2021Please print or type one form for EACH ATTENDEE!PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 29THAttendee Information:Billing Information:NameTitleGuest’s name; if attendingAddressCity St ZipTelephone FaxEmailCompany NameBilling ContactAddressCity St ZipTelephoneFaxEmail invoiceI will be submitting contact hours for Water Please print clearlyWastewater Well Drillers/Pump Installers Engineer PDHs None Purchase Order #Check all you plan to attend:MONDAYWater Op Certification Refresher, Part 1 & 2 (8:00a - 5:00p)Member 100.00Non-Member 200.00 Math for Wastewater Operators (10:00a - Noon) 25.00 50.00 Lead & Copper Rule Roundtable (1:00p - 5:00) 50.00 100.00 Wastewater Technical Sessions (1:00p - 5:00) 50.00 100.00 TUESDAY & WEDNESDAYTuesday & Wednesday ———————————————— 125.00 250.00 Technical/General Sessions Utility Board Members/Managers/Superintendents EXHIBITS/EQUIPMENT EXPO ONLY - Tues/Wed ———————————— 50.00 (No session attendance/no credit hours awarded)Tuesday ONLY ”——— 75.00 150.00 Technical/General Sessions Utility Board Members/Managers/Superintendents Well Drillers & Pump Installers, Part 1 & 2Wednesday ONLY ”—– Technical/General SessionsMEALSMonday LunchAttendee 25.00Guest 25.00Monday ReceptionAttendee No FeeGuest No Fee 50.00Tuesday LunchAttendee 25.00Guest 25.00 100.00 Tuesday ReceptionAttendee No FeeGuest No FeeOne BOARD MEMBER or MAYOR per system is entitled to (1) COMPLIMENTARY Monday Lunch or (1) COMPLIMENTARY Tuesday LunchGAMBOLD EDUCATION FUND DONATION (GEF)MAIL: Indiana Section AWWAPO Box 127Brownsburg, IN 46112 213-2796866-215-5966Email credit card (CC) receipt:CC#: Exp.: -NAME ON CARD: Security :SIGNATURE: Billing Zip Code:Or a secure link can be emailed upon request. Bill us Pay onsitePRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 29THPlease submit, by email, cancellation request.No refunds after December 3, 2021.Questions MaryJane PetersTelephone: 866-213-2796; Cell: 812-340-1868Email:

2021 Operator of the YearThese awards are to be presented at the2021 Water InstituteonTuesday, December 7, 2021One of the highlights of the Water Institutewill be the recognition of Two Water and Two WastewaterTreatment Operators Small Systems Operators Large Systems OperatorsOne Water One Wastewater(less than 10,000 population)One Water One Wastewater(more than 10,000 population)To nominate your utility person, completethe form and send a letter giving detailedinformation (accomplishments, etc.) insupport of your nomination. Final selectionwill be based upon this information.2021 Operator of the Year Nomination FormNomineeTitleCertification (s)Length of serviceSmall System: WATER WASTEWATER (less than 10,000 pop.)Large System: WATER WASTEWATER (more than 10,000 pop.)Name of SystemAddressTelephoneSubmitted byNameTitleIT IS NECESSARY THAT WE RECEIVE A SUPPORTING LETTER GIVING DETAILS!Nomination Deadline: November 8, 2021!Mail — IRWA, PO Box 127, Brownsburg, IN 46112Questions? MaryJane Peters — 866-213-2796Email — MaryJane.Peters@inawwa.orgor Fax — 866-215-5966Gambold Education FundGRANTS AVAILABLESporting ClaysShootMonday, December 6, 20211:00pmFrench Lick Sporting Clay Range(registration required)Visit our website,, orcall office 866-213-2796 to registerTo assist first time attendees to an INAWWAconference, GEF grants are now available.Awardees of a GEF grant will receive a fullconference registration (Monday-Wednesday),offered meals, two nights stay at the French LickResort and an INAWWA shirt. No travel costs willbe paid or reimbursed. Please visit our website, or call MaryJane, 866-213-2796for an application.Application Deadline: NOVEMBER 8, 2021INDIANA SECTION AWWAToll FreeTelephone - 866-213-2796Fax - 866-215-5966

COVID-19 SAFETY PROTOCOLSINDIANA SECTION AWWAWe have planned this in-person event in response to requests from our members, an understandingof the desire to stay connected, and keeping in mind the well-being of our friends and colleagues.The health and safety of our members and attendees is our #1 Priority!! Safety protocols which follow State and local guidelines will be observed. Masks are optional for vaccinated attendees. You may bring your own or a disposable one will beprovided to you. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the facility and at the Indiana Section AWWAregistration desk. We will have the entire conference center at the French Lick Resort, which includes two largeballrooms, the large exhibit facility, and numerous meeting rooms. We will have plenty of room tospread out and social distance. Our exhibit / equipment expo hall will have an abundance of space to spread out the exhibits andequipment to allow for social distancing.With the ever-changing Covid-19 environment, our plans adhere to current guidelines as issued byGovernor Holcomb’s office. If those change, we will adapt as necessary and keep you informed.FRENCH LICK RESORT - Preparing for your TripThe health and safety of our guests has always been our #1 priority. As you prepare for your visit, please beaware of our current protocols at the resort. For the comfort and safety of all our guests, our resort venues are open to overnight hotel guests, casinoguests and golf guests only. Fully vaccinated guests are now welcome to enjoy most resort amenities without a mask. We will not require proof of vaccination, but instead ask for guests’ respectful cooperation with this policy. Masks arerequired for all guests at casino table games, regardless of vaccination status. Wristbands are required for guests in all hotels and resort venues. Please be aware some resort venues and amenities may be operating with limited availability. For the bestexperience, please call ahead to dining establishments and other amenities. alet parking is available again at all resort hotels, and bell staff will be available to assist you. Our bell staffsanitizes carts after each use.For more information: for additional protocolsor call 888-936-9360.

French Lick Resort(888) 936-9360- Lodging Information -Return Service RequestedFirst ClassUS PostagePAIDPrinting PartnersIndiana Section AWWAPO Box 127Brownsburg, IN 46112INAWWA EXECUTIVE BOARDCHRIS HARRISON, DirectorCommonwealth EngineersJEFF CUNNINGHAM, ChairM.E. Simpson Company, Inc.JOHN CRIDER, Chair-ElectCity of BerneINAWWA / IRWA — OUR FUTURE TOGETHERIndiana Section American Water Works Association (INAWWA) and IndianaRural Water Association (IRWA) joined forces under the INAWWA name in2020. This has resulted in a strengthened INAWWA that is now the largestnon-profit association serving the State’s water industry.Safe drinking water and a reliable water infrastructure are key drivers for healthycommunities and a healthy economy. Together, the merged INAWWA is:The Voice for Indiana Water TMJAIMIE FOREMAN, Vice ChairCity of CarmelED NUGENT, Past ChairUtility Supply CompanyNEAL MCKEE, Secretary-TreasurerCity of AndersonLARRY MCINTOSH, Asst. Secretary-TreasurerJackson County Water UtilityDEREK SNYDER, NW District TrusteeNIES Engineering, Inc.BEN ELDRIDGE, NE District TrusteeMillersburg WaterRYAN SMITH, Central District TrusteeIndiana American Water, NoblesvilleSHAWN KLUESNER, SW District TrusteeE.J. PrescottHotel Reservations - Hotel reservations should be made directly with the French Lick ResortJULIE BERRY, SE District TrusteeMidwestern Engineers, Inc.& Conference Center in French Lick, IN on-line, at the following address:TROY ELLESS, Small System Trustee NorthUtility Management and gtid 2edcfa4d270cf2361f452bd927dd05a0MARK SCHMITTER, Small System Trustee SouthWashington Twp Water AuthorityThe group rate will be applicable until November 11, 2021 or until the block of rooms is soldout. Rooms reserved after the deadline are subject to regular room rates.Note: The group rate covers the Sunday before (December 5) and also Wednesday night(December 8) for those wishing to extend their stay.INAWWA STAFFMONIQUE RIGGS, Executive DirectorSTACI ORR GARDNER, Director of OutreachMARYJANE PETERS, Dir of Finance & AdminMEGAN FLEMING, Administrative Coordinator

French Lick Resort & Conference Center 8670 W State Road 56 French Lick, IN 47432 812-936-9300 presented by the Indiana Section American Water Works Association in cooperation with the Indiana Dept. of Environmental Management Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources ***** Continuing