Jazz Solo Transcription Excerpts - Cbsd


Jazz Solo Transcription ExcerptsCBW Jazz Ensemble Audition2017-2018Perform the following excerpts from classic jazz solos and include them in yourrecording. In most cases, there are no tempos and few articulations provided,so it is essential that you listen to the source recording. Specific info for thoserecordings is included on each audition page. All recordings are available fordigital purchase (iTunes or Amazon; approx. 1 per song) or to stream (AppleMusic or Spotify). Style is of the utmost importance here, so please listen asmuch as possible! All instruments’ excerpts are included here, so navigate tothe appropriate page to find the material specific to your instrument.Alto SaxTenor SaxBari umsVibes*If you would like a list of private teachers to help you prepare forthe audition, please contact Mr. Delson (ndelson@cbsd.org)or your current band director.

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2016-2017Jazz Alto Sax SoloPerformer: Phil WoodsSong Title: All the Things You AreAlbum artist(s): Modern Jazz QuartetAlbum title: MJQ & Friends- a 40th AnniversaryCelebrationavailable to stream via Apple Music or purchase in iTunes storeListen to the recording as much as possible to help internalize theAlto Saxsolo begins 2m25s into the recording.tempo, style of the performer, and nuance of the solo.

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018Jazz Tenor Sax SoloPerformer: Sonny RollinsSong Title: Valse HotAlbum artist(s): Sonny RollinsAlbum title: Plus 4available to stream via Apple Music or purchase in iTunes storePent Up HouseTenor SaxophoneB 7B‹7B 7A²B 7A²1 B‹7œ #œ## 4 Œ ‰ œ œ œœœùœœ œ#œ œ œnœ œ œ œ#œ œ œ œ œ Œ Ó& 4J œœœB‹7B 7B‹7### œ œ Ó&D‹7ŒE 7ÓE‹7B 7A²ù œ œ Œ ÓB 7A²Œ nœ œ œ œ #œ œD‹7### œ#œ œ œ nœœ œ œ œ ùnœ nœœœœ&nœ nœG7ŒB‹7Ó#œ#œœœB 7B‹7B 7A²B 7B‹7œ3œ#œnœœœ œœ œ œ œœœœœ œ œœ ###œœœ ¿nœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰œ&3Listen to the recording as much as possible to help internalize the tempo,style of the performer, and nuance of the solo.Audition material begins 2m58s into the recording.Note that the audition portion begins in the middle of the solo.

œ œ nœ œ œ& #C #min7 F #7œ ÿœ#Ó Œ ‰J&Jazz# BariSax SoloB min7Performer: Gerry MulliganSong Title: Bernie’s TuneAlbum artist(s): Gerry MulliganAlbum title: Bernie’s TuneÓŒ ‰œŒ3œœœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ nœ œ #œ œ #œ œœCBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018G9C #min7F #7œ #œ## œ # œ n œ œ n œ œ œ n œ œœœœ œœœœ store&available to stream via Apple Music or purchase in#iTunes&##Óœœœ œ œ œ.JB min7œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ #œ œ œ œ‰JŒ ‰ J‰JrœŸG 6E min7A min7D7G6E min7œœ## œ œ œ n œ # œ œ œ # œ œ Œ ‰ n œ œ œ œ œ œ œ b œ œœœnœ#œœJœœ #œ&A min7C #min7## Ó&D7G6E min7A min7D7G6F #7 jB min7G9œœœ œ œ œ œ nœœ œ œ ÿœœœœnœœŒ Œ‰ JŒ ŒœListen to the recording as much as possible to help internalize the tempo,style of the performer, and nuance of the solo.Audition material begins 0m57s into the recording.Note that the audition portion begins in the middle of the solo.

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018Jazz Trumpet SoloPerformer: Clifford BrownSong Title: Stompin’ at the SavoyAlbum artist(s): Clifford Brown & Max RoachAlbum title: Brown and Roach IncorporatedClifford Brown's trumpet solo over the chord changesto "Stompin' at the Savoy"available to stream via Apple Music or purchase in iTunes store1E '(' ' &F '(' ' )(''''(' 'from "Brown and Roach Incorporated" (1954) / transcribed by Tom Varner) ) ')% " % )" % ) . ) ) ) . ) ' ) ) " 3B E E E !% ) ) ) .) ') % .)"F B !') )) ) .) ) )).)))!))))))))).)))).).)))) ).) )3E /'0 *F .)!!B E 3) ) ) ' ) ) ) ) )*B E !) % ) ) ) ))))) ) ) *E E ) )% ! .)) ) ) &))))) ) .)) ) ).) ) )')A 3#D ) ' )'') ) ) % ) ') ) ) ) )) ) ') ) .) ) ') ) -) .) ) .)))( ''))help internalize the correctListen to the recording as much as possible" style of the performer, and. )tonuancetempo,of the solo.Trumpet solo begins 2m26s into the recording.F B B ) ) -) ) ) ) -) ) )' -).))-) -) .) ) -) ) ) -)'.)%"/'0 ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) )( '-) .) -).))-).)., ,3E '( ' ' * ') ) )F 3!% ') )) )B ) ))-)!*3) 3!') ) ) )E ) ) ))E * F #B

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018Jazz Trombone SoloPerformer: J.J. Johnson (Jay Jay)Song Title: ViscosityAlbum artist(s): J.J. Johnson (Jay Jay)Album title: The Eminent Jay Jay Johnsons, Vol. 2ViscosityTromboneavailableto stream via Apple Music or purchase in iTunes storeG‹7C7B ‹7E 7œbœ œœœœbœbœœbœœœ?4 ‰ J‰ JŒ4D ²9œbœ œ œD‹7(b5)? B 7E ‹7A 7b œ œ œ œ œ œ b œ œ œ. œ.‰ J‰ JŒG‹75? F‹7œ œ‰ JÓG7(b9)œ 13 A Œ„Š7? œ œJ B 7. b œ.œ œ œ bC7œJ b œ œ F‹7œbœ‰ J‰ŒE‹7(b5)œ ÓJœ‰ J bœD‹7(b5)G&7A7(b9)œ ‰ œ ‰ œ JJJœ C²Listen to the recording as much as possible to help internalize thetempo, style of the performer, and nuance of the solo.begins 0m49s into the recording. œ œ .œŒ ‰ JC7½b œ b œ œ œ œ œ nœ œûœœ‰ J‰ JÓBass solobœ‰ J ‰ b œJ

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018Jazz Flute SoloPerformer: Joe FarrellSong Title: SpainAlbum artist(s): Chick Corea w/ Return to ForeverAlbum title: Light as a Featheravailable to stream via Apple Music or purchase in iTunes storeSpain Solo FluteFluteGŒ„Š7(#11).# œ. œ&Cœ. œœ œ œ. œ‰ J ‰ J ‰ J ‰ Jœ #œ œ œœ œ œ b œ œ# œ œ œJ‰ Jb œ b œbœbœ b œ b œF 7Œ ‰ bœbœ bœ bœ bœ bœ& ÓE‹7œ. b œ. œ.# œ. n œ œŒÓ&Œ Ó A7œ. œ. b œ.b œ bœŒbœ bœ Óœ œ œ n œ G² œ#œœnœ#œœ #œ œ œ œ œ œ#œbœ‰Œbœœ œ œ œ#œ Œ& #œ œ JD²C 7F 7nœb œ œ #œ#œ œ nœ#œ œ nœ #œ œ œ œ#œ ¿ nœ -œ Œ Ó#œ#œ œœ -œ B7 œ œ œ # œ œB‹j#œœJ ‰ J & ‰ œ œj& Œ ‰ œListen to the recording as much as possible to help internalize the tempo,style of the performer, and nuance of the solo.Audition material begins 3m28s into the recording.Note that the audition portion begins in the middle of the solo.

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018Jazz Clarinet SoloPerformer: Eddie DanielsSong Title: Fiesta MojoAlbum artist(s): Arturo SandovalAlbum title: Dear Diz (Every Day I Think of You)Listen to the recording as much as possible to helpinternalize the tempo, style of the performer, and nuanceof the solo.Clarinet solo begins 3m14s into therecording.FiestaClarinet in BbAh 88 (in 2- cut time)œœœ#œnœ#¿œ# C ‰ j œ œ œ ¿# œœ&G7C 7. -- .‰ œJ ‰ œJ œ œŒ œ œ œ nœF ‹7B7E‹7B7œœœœbœ# n œ #œ œ#œ œ œb œnœ œ œ j ‰ ‰ J œ #œnœ œb œ œ œnœ œb œ œb œ œ œ&nœnœ3DŒ„Š7G 7G7Bnœœ œœ#œ #œ#œ#œ œnœ œ# œ #œ#œ nœ #œ œJ ‰Œ&C 7œ nœnœŒ œ33(lay back)(lay back)œœœœ œB7E‹7nœ. b œ. . œ. .œœœœœœ#œ #œœ #œ#œ œ ‰ œj b œ.& ‰ œJ œ3F ‹7A7DŒ„Š7.bœnœbœ#œ œ œ #œ œ œ œ# œ. nœ. #œ. œ. œ œ&3G 7œ.œ. œ # œ œ œ œ œ œ.33

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018Jazz Piano SoloPerformer: Hiromi UeharaSong Title: I Got RhythmAlbum artist(s): Hiromi UeharaAlbum title: Beyond Standardavailable to stream via Apple Music or purchase in iTunes storeListen to the recording as much as possible to help internalize the tempo,style of the performer, and nuance of the solo.Audition material begins 1m09s into the recording.Note that the audition portion begins in the middle of the solo.

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018Jazz Guitar SoloPerformer: Jim HallSong Title: You’d Be So Nice to Come Home ToAlbum artist(s): Jim HallAlbum title: Conciertoavailable to stream via Apple Music or purchase in iTunes storeElectric GuitarB 6A‹7(b5)D7(b9)G‹7A‹7(b5)D7(b9)œ œœb4&b œœœ œ œj œj œœœ‰ #œœnœœJw4G‹7bb&F‹7œ #œ œ ÓB 7Œ ‰ œ nœ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œbœœœœœJE Œ„Š7A‹7(b5)D7(b9)b&b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ #œ œ ŒG‹7E‹7(b5)œœnœœbnœœ œ œ& b ‰ œj # œ œ œ œ œ œnœ œ ӌӜnœA7(b9)bœœbœœnœœ#œ‰J œ3D7(b9)G‹7A‹7(b5)nœ #œœ b œ nœœœbb Œ &Listen to the recording as much as possible to help internalize theGuitar solobegins 0m30s into the recording.tempo, style of the performer, and nuance of the solo.

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018Jazz Guitar SoloListen to the recording as much as possible to helpinternalize the tempo, style of the performer, and nuancePerformer: Jim HallSong Title: You’d Be So Nice to Come Home ToAlbum artist(s): Jim HallAlbum title: Conciertoof the solo.Guitar solo begins 0m30s into therecording.Electric Guitar tabB 6A‹7(b5)4 4 3j G‹7j‰Œ‰Ó12 12121413121315F‹71314 15B 71311E Œ„Š77Œ10 111113 11111210 101313 1313A‹7(b5)D7(b9)131010 108888 10 11G‹711j8 10ŒŒ‰579 1010Ó7 �7(b5)15j13 14 15 16 13‰15Œ9 10 1315 Ó13 1211 131312 12Tabs are provided to help developing readers on guitar and bass feel moreconfident in their audition. Reading standard notation and chord changes,however, is necessary to participate in Jazz Ensemble. If you place in the group,please make sure you are a fluent reader prior to September, 2016.12

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018Jazz Bass SoloPerformer: Jaco PastoriusSong Title: Bright Size LifeAlbum artist(s): Pat MethenyAlbum title: Bright Size LifeBright Size LifeJaco Pastorius Fretless Bass soloversionavailable to stream via Apple Music or purchase1976in iTunesstoreAlbumq 164Straight feel A Gmaj7 Bbmaj7b5 3 D/CD5Pat Methenytranscribed by Tom CoppinBbmaj7b5 3G/A 3 Bbmaj7b5 sl Gmaj79 3D/C3D3 DG/B1317G/A Listen to the recordingas much as possible to help internalize nuance of the the tempo, style of the performer, and solo.Bass solo begins 2m19s into the recording. Jaco performs on an electric bass on this recording. You mayF/Gsl use an electric or acoustic bass in your audition.This run is grouped in 4, and is actuallya 16th note passage that dragsD 21 3 sh shA7325D3 Bbmaj7b5 33Gmaj7 29G/A3 D/CA7Dmaj7

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018Jazz Bass SoloPerformer: Jaco PastoriusSong Title: Bright Size LifeAlbum artist(s): Pat MethenyElectricBass title: Bright Size LifeAlbumavailable to stream via Apple Music or purchase in iTunes storeGŒ„Š7B Œ„Š7(b5)3Ajj16 14416 141241614 143Œ ‰121412 14 1412 14 14 12 141613 13 13D²D²/CB Œ„Š7(b5)- .3G²/Ajj 1414 14 1412 15 14Œ ‰0 14 14 12 14Œ ‰ 16Œ Ó1614 16Œ GŒ„Š7. B Œ„Š7(b5)-.- .3j 18 19 1811 12 16 14 16 91415‰191415 15 1515 Ó1718 173D²153D²/CG²/BD²j11 12 11‰12 12 1412 14 12 1412 14 12 12 121212101210 910107 712 12 99Tabs are provided to help developing readers on guitar and bass feel moreconfident in their audition. Reading standard notation and chord changes,however, is necessary to participate in Jazz Ensemble. If you place in the group,please make sure you are a fluent reader prior to September, 2016.Listen to the recording as much as possible to help internalizethe tempo, style of the performer, and nuance of the solo.Bass solo begins 2m19s into the recording.Jaco performs on an electric bass on this recording. You mayuse an electric or acoustic bass in your audition.

CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2017-2018Jazz Vibes SoloPerformer: Joe LockeSong Title: You Don’t Know What Love IsAlbum artist(s): Joe LockeAlbum title: Very Earlyavailable to stream via Apple Music or purchase in iTunes storeVibraphoneYou don't know&bbbb 4&bbbb4 bbbb jœœ œœœ œ bœ œœœ œ œœ jœœ œœœ œ bœ œœ œœ jœn œœœœœœ œ œœ 3œœ œ œ œ œœ‰ n œœ - jjbj& b bb œœœ œ œ œ nœœœ œœœ œ œ œ œjœœ &nnwwww3 jœœ œœœ œ bœ jœœ œœœœ bœjœœ œœ œœ b œœ Jœ nœ Listen to the recording as much as possible to help internalize the tempo,style of the performer, and nuance of the solo.Audition material begins as soon as the recording does(0m1s).Note that the vibes audition is the performance on an intro and melody,not an improvised solo. Please prepare the music as it appears above.œœ nnœœ bb œœ œœn œ n œ Ó .n œœœ .b œœn œœœœœ.

Jazz Drums SoloPerformer: Art BlakeySong Title: Sincerely DianaAlbum artist(s): Art Blakey and the Jazz MessengersAlbum title: A Night in Tunisiaavailable to stream via Apple Music or purchase in iTunes storeListen to the recording as much as possible to help internalize the tempo,style of the performer, and nuance of the solo.Audition material begins 5m20s into the recording.Note that the audition portion begins in the middle of the solo.CBW Jazz Ensemble Audition: 2016-2017

Album artist(s): Chick Corea w/ Return to Forever Album title: Light as a Feather available to stream via Apple Music or purchase in iTunes store Listen to the recording as much as possible to help internalize the tempo, style of the performer, and nuance of