WELCOME TO GUERIN PREP!We’re glad you are here. We wouldlove to meet with you in person to offeryou a tour and discuss the opportunitiesGuerin has to offer. You are alsoencouraged to visit us at one of ourOpen Houses in October and takeadvantage of a Shadow Day.THE PATH TO WHO YOU AREbegins here.WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON BEINGCATHOLIC, CO-ED, AND COLLEGE PREPAs a Catholic School, our faith is front andcenter of all we do. We celebrate mass together,pray together every day, and have a vibrantCampus Ministry. Love, mercy, and justice arenot just words, they are present throughout theculture here.We are a true College Preparatory school.We are proud that our graduates have a 100%college acceptance rate. The Class of 2019 alsoreceived over 5.6 million in college scholarships.OUR MISSIONSharing in the mission of the Sisters of Providence,Guerin College Preparatory High School, a CatholicLearning Community, committed to works of love,mercy, and justice, is dedicated to the education andfaith development of young women and men and tothe cultivation of individual values and skills.Being a co-ed school offers advantages oversingle-gendered schools. In a co-ed environment,young men and women – who have successfullystudied shoulder-to-shoulder in elementaryschool – learn to work together as adults withmutual respect and cooperation. This sets thefoundation for success in the co-ed environmentsof college, career, and life!
NEW! ACADEMY PROGRAMSNewDISCOVERYOURACADEMY PROGRAMSCOMPUTER SCIENCE ACADEMYThe Computer Science Academy (CSA) isdesigned to introduce students to the majorcomponents and computer science principles thatdrive all we see and do on our devices. From webdesign, application development, network security,and video game design, a student will developtheir critical thinking and problem solving skillsto build a robust programming knowledge base,as well as graduate with a portfolio of their work.potential.Through the CSA, students will: Explore the basics of application development,through block-based design, scripting,object- oriented development, and codingfor multiple platforms. Learn modern day web design. Using CSS,AJAX, HTML5, and PHP, students will developmodern, flexible websites and web apps thatleverage current technology to greatly enhancethe availability and exposure of their work. Understand how a computer network functions,be able to identify attack vectors, learn howto mitigate a cyber threat, and properly protecta network. Identify an industry in the field they would liketo pursue outside of the classroom. Develop a digital portfolio of their work.INNOVATIVE ACADEMY PROGRAMS OFFER:PROFESSION-BASED LEARNINGGuerin Prep Innovation Academy faculty willdevelop real-world, project-based learningopportunities with business and communitypartners to prepare students for collegeand career. DePaul University will supportestablishing business and community partnersfor the school.GOSPEL VALUES, SELF-DISCOVERYAND EXPLORATIONGuerin Prep Innovation Academy studentsrealize their strengths and passions byexploring and experiencing potentialprofessions through career speakers,mentorships and internships. DePaul Universitywill support establishing the connections.PROFESSIONAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENTGuerin Prep Innovation Academy studentsdevelop skills such as effective communication,time and project management, and professionalworkplace behavior through seminars, groupwork, and career-based learning opportunities.ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSETGuerin Prep Innovation Academy studentsactively participate in creative thinking andproblem solving, fostering entrepreneuriallearning and design thinking.Through the flexibility of the CodeHS curriculumand pathways, a student can gain exposure inone or more areas of focus, starting as early asFreshman or as late as a Junior. These pathwaysare intended to help a student determine whatconcentration of the CSA would be most beneficialto pursue post-graduation.FINE ARTS ACADEMYThe Fine Arts Academy of Guerin Prep isdesigned to provide students of all skill levelswho have expressed a passion for the arts theopportunity to explore and develop their talents.Fine Arts Academy students will participatein a distinct college-preparatory curriculumoffering professional arts training. At Guerin Prep,art students acquire the skills and experiencesas performers and creators of art needed topursue further studies at the university level.INSTRUMENTAL PROGRAMBand, strings, orchestra, wind ensemble, andgroup piano classes.THEATRICAL PERFORMANCEOur drama classes focus on key areas such asthe development of the actor’s instrument,collaborative creation of original work, textanalysis, scene work, and improvisation.VISUAL ARTSServing a broad spectrum of students, the visualarts program stresses creativity, production,and relationships to both the arts communityand the broader world.VOCAL PERFORMANCEVocal Performance students dive into thefundamental elements of music: theory,musicianship, history, diction, and piano, aswell as classes focused on solo and ensemblesinging, musical theatre, opera scenes,choral ensembles, and classic voice.COMING IN2021-2022Math & Science, andCareer & TechnicalAcademies
ACADEMICS29PREPAREFOR YOURThe AverageComposite ACT scoreof Nolan Scholarsfuture.12:1Student/teacherratioGuerin Prep offers three academic programsof study for our students: NOLAN SCHOLARPROGRAM, PROVIDENCE PROGRAM, andSULLIVAN PROGRAM. All programs preparethe student for post-secondary educationand each is aligned with the Illinois LearningStandards. The uniqueness of the curriculumallows students to benefit from a trulyindividualized approach to learning. Studentsare able to move among the three programsas their skills and accomplishments allow.NOLAN SCHOLAR PROGRAMTo become a Nolan Scholar, you will haveto perform within a certain percentile onthe entrance exam and exhibit academicexcellence. You must be a highly motivatedlearner, show evidence of leadership andservice to others and thrive in a challengingenvironment while embracing ish4.0Math*3.0Science (Lab)*3.0This program is a standards-based collegeprep curriculum which links educationalopportunities with fine arts.Social Science3.0World Language*2.0Theology4.0SULLIVAN PROGRAMFine Arts/ Practical Arts2.0This program is designed for the studentwho requires help in developing his/herknowledge base and cultivation of essentialskills in a given subject.Physical Education1.0Health0.5Consumer Education0.5Electives4.5PROVIDENCE PROGRAMTotal Credits*4.0 credits recommended27.5
TECHNOLOGYATHLETICSThe Guerin Prep AthleticDepartment sponsors 14 athleticprograms, each exceptional intheir own way, as the youngmen (Crusaders) and women(Gators) compete for successas scholar-athletes. Throughathletics, our students aremotivated to do well academically,while making lifelong friendships,building leadership, team skillsand school spirit along the way.BUILDON YOURskills.1:1Guerin Prep hasbeen a 1-to-1 laptopschool for overa decadeOur 21-acre campus includes: Two gymnasiums Fitness Center Football Field Soccer Field Softball Diamond Baseball Diamond Wrestling Room Dance Studio Guerin Prep provides FREEChromebooks running thelatest version of ChromeOSfor each student Chrome web apps forvideo editing, 3D design,and multimedia Access to Google Appsincluding Docs, Sheets, Slides,and Forms for Productivity Digital book bag allowsstudents access todigital titles from multiplepublishers Access to Google Drive andClassroom for collaborationwith faculty and students Computer lab forNetworking and Intro toComputer Science courses Unlimited Cloud BasedStorage; no lost documentsor workflow Guerin College Prephas recently become amember of the CiscoNetworking Academy,which allows the school tooffer courses on the Internetof Things, CyberSecurity,C Programming, Linux,and more Student work availableon any computer, phone,or tabletBOYS’ SPORTSFootballSoccerCross CountryGolfBasketballWrestlingTrack & FieldBaseballVolleyballGIRLS’ SPORTSCheerleadingDance TeamVolleyballGolfCross CountryBasketballWrestlingSoftballTrack & FieldSoccer
FAITH & SERVICEARTS & ACTIVITIES60%CELEBRATEYOURThe percentage ofstudents whoparticipate in clubsand activitiesgifts.Faith is at the heart of the mission of GuerinPrep. We build our Catholic faith by celebratingmass and prayer services together as acommunity. Our campus ministry programallows you to take part in planning thesecelebrations. The Service Experience Programis an essential part of the educational andspiritual development at Guerin Prep.Organizations like Feed My Starving Childrenand Adopt-a-Kid are just two of the manyservice opportunities in which you mayparticipate.FINE ARTParticipate in studio work in different mediums.You will be encouraged to exhibit your workand discover your artistic vision through classessuch as photography, or ceramics.MUSICChoose from a variety of musical options forvocalists and instrumentalists at Guerin Prep.You can learn to inspire, communicate, andentertain in solo or group performances throughclassroom instruction, disciplined practice, andmany performance opportunities.THEATERLearn every aspect of stage performance andsupport through the Guerin Prep TheatreProgram. You will be able to perform or be onone of the technical crews which includescenery, costumes, lighting, props, and stagemanagement.65All students complete65 service hours beforegraduationCLUBS & ACTIVITIESArt ClubAfrican-American ClubBroadcast ClubCoding ClubFrench ClubGaming ClubInternational Thespian SocietyIrish ClubItalian ClubKey ClubPolish ClubSpanish Cluband more!
COLLEGE PREPCOLLEGE PREPEXPLORETHEGuerin Prep graduateshave been accepted intoover 100 colleges acrossthe country including:possibilities.Auburn UniversityClemson UniversityDePaul UniversityEmbry-RiddleAeronautical UniversityGeorgia TechIIT (Illinois Institute ofTechnology)Illinois State UniversityIndiana UniversityLoyola UniversityProvidence UniversityPurdue UniversityOhio State UniversityTexas A&M UniversityUniversity of ArizonaUniversity ofllinois-ChampaignUniversity ofIllinois-Chicago100%College acceptance ratein graduating classCOLLEGE CREDITEarn a FULL YEAR OF COLLEGECREDIT while following ourPLUS ONE dual college creditcurriculum.Get on the fast track to earningcollege credit while still in highschool with Triton College andConcordia College’s Dual Creditand Dual Enrollment programs.Guerin has a partnership andcollaboration with DePaulUniversity that will focus onSTEM (science, technology,engineering, and mathematics.)This initiative will increasecross-curricular collaborationwhile elevating student-centeredlearning experiences.BARBARA WELCHLEARNING CENTERThe Welch Center is open toall students to maximize highschool academic performanceand enhance social skills toprepare for success in college.This is a structured studyfor groups and individuals.Peers and faculty are there toassist in acquiring studyingskills, time management, andorganizational skills.University of IowaUniversity of WisconsinYale University
INFORMATIONMark your calendar!OPEN HOUSESFINANCIAL INFORMATIONWe are committed to providing a quality highschool education at a competitive price. Guerin Prepis focused on YOU. We offer various scholarshipsand financial assistance throughout the student’seducation. To be considered for scholarships andfinancial aid, incoming freshmen must take theentrance exam at Guerin Prep.ANNUAL TUITION AND FEES*Registration Fee 350Tuition Student Fee 11,900Total Fixed Cost** 12,250*2019-2020**Variable costs are not appliedGuerin is accredited as a college preparatoryhigh school by the AdvancED Illinois of SecondarySchools and by the State of Illinois.SAMPLE FRESHMAN SCHEDULE45 minute classesPERIODSUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 20191:00-3:00 p.m.TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 20196:00-8:00 p.m.TIMECOURSE17:55-8:40World 10:28Algebra 1SHADOW DAYS410:31-11:16Study511:19-11:44ReligionNOVEMBER 8, 2019 AND FRIDAYS BETWEENSEPTEMBER AND DECEMBER611:47-12:32Lunch712:35-1:20English Lit.81:23-2:08Physical Edu.92:11-2:56World LanguageAttending an Open House is a great way fornew parents and students to tour Guerin Prep!Want to know what a day at Guerin Prepis like? We welcome all current 8th gradersto come for a Shadow Day.7th graders shadow in the spring.REGISTER ONLINE for a Shadow Day EXAMDECEMBER 7, 20198:00 a.m.Take the entrance exam at Guerin Prep!All you need to bring with you on testing dayare (2) #2 pencils and the 25 test fee.While it is not necessary, you may pre-registerfor the exam up until the date of the exam.For more information visit our website at www.guerinprep.orgor contact:Monica GuariscoDirector of Enrollment rley KrohnDirector of Alumni & Special
8001 West Belmont Avenue River Grove, Illinois 60171
DePaul University will support establishing business and community partners for the school. PROFESSIONAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Guerin Prep Innovation Academy students develop skills such as effective com