THE SUFFOLK EXPERIENCE: Changing Lives. Powerfully. Purposefully.


THE SUFFOLK EXPERIENCE:Changing Lives.Powerfully.Purposefully.

Table ofContents1Introduction3Built in Boston. Built for Business.4Be a Consultant on Day One.5Untraditional. On Purpose.8Two Decades of MBA Online Experience.9Full Time, Dedicated Faculty and Staff.11Diverse, Inclusive Culture.

Within the heart of Boston, themost populous city in New England,Suffolk University was establishedover 110 years ago and continuesto be a leader in education forprofessionals seeking advanceddegree programs.With several concentrations available, you cancreate a customized MBA Online curriculumthat will make you the best business-mindedleader you can be.Boston is home to thousands of businesses, includingnotables like General Electric, Massachusetts GeneralHospital, Fidelity Investments and Liberty Mutual. As abedrock of major industry and commercial activity, Bostoncontinues to offer a rich history within its thrivingbusiness district.Suffolk’s MBA Online program has leveraged this economicanchor, one of the largest in the U.S., to design a flexible,well-rounded and innovative curriculum for full-timeworking professionals. With several concentrationsavailable, you can create a customized MBA Onlinecurriculum that will make you the best business-mindedleader you can

Get theeducationyou need ata universitybuilt for it.Built in Boston. Built for Business. Boston isTwo Decades of MBA Online Experience. Ourhome to multinational leaders who operate businessesMBA Online program began with the intended purposeranging from biotech, finance, retail, healthcare,of making learning flexible and convenient for full-timetechnology, ecommerce, real estate and more. Diversityprofessionals. U.S. News & World Report named Suffolk #21 foramong people, companies and industries spans theMost Innovative Schools in the region. A long track record ofcentral business district, the perfect setting for anthoughtful development continues to evolve as we pursue theinnovative MBA Online program that can have far-latest state-of-the-art technology tools for the best learningreaching impact for businesses globally.experience.Be a Consultant on Day One. MBA OnlineFull Time, Dedicated Faculty. MBA professors arestudents begin working collaboratively on the first day ofseasoned consultants and researchers who’ve been on staff forclasses, providing input that is valued and appreciated.decades. They delight in passing expert business knowledge toIt’s embedded in our program. Our students learn aboutstudents through the MBA Online program. They are student-business practices and strategies from companies likecentered professionals who look to implement new andCisco, Google, Bank of America and CVS, and a myriad ofinnovative tools to engage the cohort.start-ups to mid-size businesses making impact in BostonDiverse, Inclusive Culture. Suffolk Universityand beyond. They immerse themselves in a wide rangeof industries to attain the greatest and broadest view ofbusiness.Untraditional. On Purpose. You’ll take on today’scontinues to be among the top 100 for gender equality,according to The World University Rankings in 2019. Astrong commitment to all types of diversity is seen in termsof traditional measures, including the widely multiracialbiggest challenges by first discovering the issues that arestudent body, with 22% coming from countries outside themeaningful to you and then exploring programs that willU.S. Additionally, the MBA Online program has studentsprepare you to make a positive impact in the businessrepresenting diverse industries including finance, biotech,world. Far from a dry textbook learning experience, ourmarketing, ecommerce, technology and healthcare as well asunique, experiential and interactive program gives youfunctional roles ranging from entry level to management.the opportunity to work in teams with clients who havereal challenges, not canned projects. You’ll becomean idea generator who boldly motivates the client toimplement

I.Built inBoston.Built forBusiness.A focus on experiential learningenriches students.The Suffolk MBA Online program recognizes the value ofa Boston-based business education. The skills developedduring these sessions are directly applicable to the careersof MBA graduates. Students build competencies they canput to use in their current and future roles.What’s unique about Suffolkand our community, in Bostonand beyond.We know you want to be a career-ready, lifelong learner.Building on the knowledge and skills you’ve alreadymastered in the traditional classroom setting, you will: Gain a deeper understanding of real-world businessproblems and solutions by working with Boston-basedbusinesses Collaborate with a diverse group Build emotional intelligence Hone leadership skills Develop strategies to impact business Become an innovatoronline.suffolk.eduAn unmatched experience.As you move through your engaging coursework, you’ll runa company as well as compete, lead and implement change.You will also use ethical frameworks to integrate what you’velearned across the program.By moving from concepts to actual issues, learners can put theireducation to work in a real setting. You will take a look at globalconnections and world-class strategies to better understandorganizational strategy.For instance: What does the world look like moving forward through thecurrent pandemic? What challenges will arise related to supply and demand, orimports and exports?With experience working on real-life issues faced by leadingThere is an opportunity for intensive travel to Southorganizations, you will develop valuable expertise thatAmerica, Germany, London, Ireland, Singapore, San Franciscodirectly translates to your career during the program andand Las Vegas.after graduation.3

II.Be aConsultanton Day One.At Suffolk, we introduce you to local and internationalprofessionals facing business challenges that need strategicsolutions. You’ll work with a client challenge in each of yourcore, non-functional courses.Throughout the MBA Online program, you’ll collaboratewith your peer cohort, engage in thought-provokingconversations, and work with supportive and business-Suffolk MBA Online students identifysolutions to real-world businesschallenges in live workshop sessions.Here are some examples:minded professors. Most importantly, you’ll innovatebusiness solutions with a network of expert professionalsA biotech manufacturer adjusting to competition andbased in Boston who will mentor and guide you. Thislocation asked:challenging engagement mirrors the structure of the realbusiness world and offers valuable networking opportunities.It’s a widely accepted fact that students learn best fromeach other. Within the context of a rich curriculum groundedin real business challenges, you’ll be part of a thoughtfulbalance of synchronous and asynchronous learningcomponents. The Suffolk MBA Online program provides youwith an opportunity to learn with your cohort and facultyin an experiential environment. A clear structure allowseveryone to see where they are in the curriculum. Studentscontribute to group work and discussions, participatein guest lectures and other types of valuable,How can we keep biomedical manufacturingin Massachusetts?A real estate developer looking to develop strategy asked:What is the best use of a new space toleverage Boston’s expertise?A banking institution hoping to grow its customerbase asked:How can we best grow our product baseacross our business units without the useof traditional incentive programs?real-time engagement.Experiential learning goes beyond theory. You’ll beintroduced to real-world business issues and, throughhands-on experience, build a foundation for futureproblem-solving professionally.4A nonprofit looking to innovate asked:How can we leverage technologicalcapability in Boston and other regionsto become a leader in innovation forour clients?

III.Untraditional.On Purpose.This is the time to make your way.Suffolk is not a traditional collegeexperience. It’s not supposed tobe. We’re preparing students fortoday’s employers who are seekingjob candidates with expertise inspecialized areas.With the Suffolk MBA Online program, you can select a concentration that enables you to gain in-depthknowledge that translates immediately to the workplace. Students build focus and depth of understanding in agiven field by taking three classes in a chosen area. Another option is taking courses across all concentrationareas for a wider knowledge base, resulting in more opportunities.A closer look at the Suffolk MBA Online concentrationsBusiness Intelligence ConcentrationAccounting Principles ConcentrationThis concentration emphasizes data management, analysisThis concentration emphasizes accounting in a businessand visualization. Students develop proficiency with severalmanagement context. Learners build their understandingtypes of data software and build the skills needed toof Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) andeffectively structure presentations around the results ofdevelop the familiarity needed to understand financialanalysis and review. The Business Intelligence concentrationstatement, regulatory and reporting requirements and muchincludes three courses:more. The Accounting Principles concentration includesthree courses: Enterprise Data Management: Learners gain fluencyin enterprise integration and enterprise software, along Graduate Financial Accounting I: This coursewith strategies for maximizing benefits.helps build a solid foundation in the fundamentals ofData Management and Modeling: Students learnaccounting.about the value of information as an organizational Cost and Managerial Accounting: Students buildresource, how companies use big data and the effectiveknowledge of cost management, including conceptsuse of related variable costing, cost-volume-profit analysis andBusiness Intelligence and Data Analytics: Learnersvariance analysis.develop an understanding of the value and uses ofbusiness intelligence and data analytics. Federal Taxation I: Students focus on the basicstructure of income taxation for individuals while alsostarting the discussion of business

A closer look at the Suffolk MBA Online concentrations, continuedFinance ConcentrationHealth Sector Management ConcentrationThis concentration centers on the world of corporate finance.This concentration focuses on the U.S. health system as bothStudents delve into topics like portfolio management,a business and a provider of vital care. Students touch oninvestment banking, and international finance. They alsotopics ranging from leveraging data and analytics to reachbuild an understanding of financial tools and methodology.evidence-based decisions to implementing strategies thatThe Finance concentration includes three courses:improve patient outcomes. The Health Sector Management General Theory in Corporate Finance: Learnersfocus on a variety of important topics, including but Innovation: The Future of Healthcare: Students learnnot limited to dividend theory, capital structure theory,about current and anticipated innovations in the worldcapital budgeting and long-term financing decisions.of healthcare and dive into the processes that supportRisk Management in Banking and Finance: Thisinnovation.course equips students with the skills necessary to concentration includes three courses: Community and Public Health: Students revisit theidentify, evaluate and manage risks ranging from thosehealth system as a diverse set of public and privateassociated with interest rates and credit to liquidityentities working together to build and sustain health atand operations.the community and population levels.Investment Analysis: Students discover how to Health Systems I: The U.S. Healthcare System: Thiseffectively apply a professional approach to managingcourse focuses on the origins, components, organizationinvestment assets.and operation of the U.S. health system. Students buildvaluable knowledge that prepares them foradditional classes.Not sure about a concentration? You do not have to declare one immediately.You can wait until you’re well into the program. Use the opportunity to think about your goals from a strategiccareer perspective. Then, when you’re ready, select a concentration that aligns with your professional interestsand

Want a competitive edge?Consider one of Suffolk’sdual degreesExpand your employment potential by pursuing twofields of study, earning a degree in both programs. Savetime and money by completing a dual degree 100%online in as little as 16 months.Flexible options for MBA Online learning.Not sure if you want to commit to the entire MBA Online program? Considera partial immersion through a certificate program. This MBA Online certificatefocuses on the functional business areas of: Economics Marketing Accounting Statistics Finance OperationsYou can decide later on if you’d like to continue your education. Giveyourself the option and flexibility. The application process is the same as theMBA Online program. If you complete the certificate and then want to earnyour MBA, your coursework will count as credit earned.MBA and MSA: Provides a strong background instrategic management, accounting, and financialmanagement.MBA and MSBA: Combines Suffolk’s experientialMBA curriculum with critical data management andbusiness analytics

IV.Two Decadesof MBA OnlineExperience.Our skilled MBA Online professors have years of experience designing their own courses to create the bestin-class, online learning environment. Backed with expert knowledge and experience with Zoom calls, onlineplatform technologies and remote communication, these professors deliver a valuable, time-tested MBAOnline program.How does this curriculum stand out from so many otherMBA programs? Top 25 Most Innovative schools in the region* The focus is on collaborative processes that preparestudents for an increasingly connected and AACSB international accreditation, held by only 5% ofcommunal schools, is a key indicator of program quality andthe value it holds to businesses throughout the world.The Suffolk MBA Onlinecurriculum was established in1999 and is AACSB accredited toensure students receive a targeted,invaluable education focusedon expanding their abilities andgaining knowledge. The same distinguished faculty that lead the oncampus MBA courses teach online students, ensuring an The deep involvement and integration of real-worldexceptionally strong educational baseline.professionals from Boston’s vibrant, diversebusiness community. Thoughtful, individual feedback from professors that helpsstudents grow throughout the program. Core courses build a foundation of highly relevant andin-demand MBA skills, such as leading and implementing Engaged and highly communicative professors to ensurestudents stay up-to-speed across the curriculum.change and building world-class strategies, followed by theopportunity to concentrate on specific areas of businessleadership that are most relevant to students’ careers. A worldwide focus where students work with global New for next year: Our innovative program called “TheBusiness of Pride” is U.S.-based and MBA Online studentsare welcome to join for an additional fee. Students enjoyclients to solve their live challenges. Students can also steprewarding experiences through visiting factories andoutside the classroom to join a travel course on the groundcompanies to observe shipping hubs, see how the airlinein Germany, California, Las Vegas, South America, London,industry works, conduct case studies and more.Brazil or China for an additional fee.*(according to the U.S. News & World Report)

V.Full Time,DedicatedFacultyand Staff.At Suffolk, the commitment to aquality MBA education starts atthe top. Professor Jodi Detjen,director of Suffolk’s MBA program,is committed to creating excellentlearning outcomes.She has over 25 years of consulting experience as theco-founder of Orange Grove Consulting, a training andleadership development consultancy focused on helpingorganizations build inclusion by eliminating outdatedrules and policies that stifle creativity and innovation. Thistranslates to a wealth of experience on the leading edgeof the business world. With over 15 years of experienceteaching at Suffolk University, Professor Detjen infusesthose same principles and values into Suffolk’s MBA Onlineprogram, emphasizing: Immersion into the modern world of business. Opportunities for collaboration and teamwork. Faculty with real-world experience.Jodi Detjen, Suffolk MBA Program Director Individualized professional development programs thatprepare students for new and exciting roles.This structure is carefully designed to empower graduates,helping them develop the full suite of competencies neededto compete and prosper in their chosen

Get support from StudentSuccess Advisors.In addition to a full-time, dedicated faculty, Suffolksupports you with Student Success Advisors whoplay a unique role in the academic career of everySuffolk MBA Online student. Students are matched andconnected with an advisor at the beginning of enrollmentAdvance in your career.The Suffolk University Career Development Centeroffers current students and graduates job searchconsulting and resources for the length of theircareers, helping learners and degree-holders identifyand act on great opportunities that align with theirindividual objectives.We help you network, evenafter you graduate.With a 90%-plus employment rate for graduates sixmonths after program completion, the outlook isespecially positive. Our Career Services offerssupport including:and enjoy their support and guidance throughout theprogram. These advisors help round out the learningexperience, keeping students on track toward graduation.Other valuable tasks handled by these dedicatedprofessionals include coordinating degree plans, registeringcourses and serving as a single point of contact forquestions and concerns related to online coursesand scheduling.With a Student Success Advisor backing you up, youcan remain focused on your coursework and progressBenefits include: Writing center Tutoring 24-hour IT support Financial Aid and bursar with payment plan options 24/7 library access with no need to be on campus Eligible discounts if your employer is part of Suffolk’sPartner Scholarship Programtoward graduation instead of becoming stressed aboutadministrative concerns How to create an industry-specific resume Access to Handshake, an all-in-one careermanagement platform Access to Vault, an industry-specific career resource Access to LinkedIn Learning: exposure to countlesscourses through Suffolk’s LinkedIn presence An alumni search tool that helps you access ournetwork of 80,000 graduates Access to job opportunities One-on-one support from career consultantsAll e-journals and other resources needed for courseworkare available. Librarians are available during normal businesshours to find material appropriate for your

V.Diverse,InclusiveCulture.We’re stronger because of our unique strengths. TheSuffolk MBA Online program utilizes Blackboard,the web-based learning management system thatincludes an area for discussion, allowing studentsfrom diverse backgrounds, cultures, ages, industriesand countries to engage with and learn from oneanother. Blackboard supports online courses andenables faculty and students to access courseworkanytime, anywhere, from any browser using audioand video.Through Blackboard, the sharing of thoughts and opinionsacross a diverse group enhances learning and growsindividuals to explore ideas, strategize and innovate.Within each class, you’ll have an opportunity to becomeAdvance your skill set.Committing to the Suffolk MBA Online program meansadvancing your skill set by: Learning to think on your feet Structuring and analyzing business in a deep,substantive way Garnering emotional intelligence and perspectivethat is often lacking in leaders Improving presentation skills, including effective useof online platforms such as Zoom Analyzing challenges in retail, finance, healthcare,technology and other business industriespart of a unique team of diverse individuals. You’llcollaborate with a different team in each and every course.By doing so, you’ll join a large network of professionalswith varying thoughts, ideas and viewpoints. You’ll gainan advantage in your learning experiences together, inthe same way businesses realize benefits by employing adiverse and inclusive workforce.From startups and non-profit organizations to banksand multinational companies, Suffolk will introduce youto business at all levels through unique, experientiallearning that is untraditional. By design, we takestudents outside of their industries to build a broad,globally-based and immersive experience backed bymore than two decades of research, Boston’s businessdistrict, our highly skilled, business-minded faculty andall the support you

Write YourOwn Story.No two Suffolk stories are ever thesame. These experiences are uniqueto our students and uniquely Suffolk.Our students are engaged in theireducation, active participants inbuilding careers they’re passionateabout, and a driving force for good.Take the next step.Prepare for the next step in your professional career by enrolling inthe Suffolk University MBA Online program today.How to ConnectProgram specialists are available from 9 am to 7 pm ET Mondaythrough Thursday, and 9 am to 4 pm on Friday. They are ready andwaiting to take your call.Schedule an appointmentwith a Suffolk UniversityEnrollment Advisor.UPDATE DATE: 02/15/ 5 With the Suffolk MBA Online program, you can select a concentration that enables you to gain in-depth knowledge that translates immediately to the workplace. Students build focus and depth of understanding in a given field by taking three classes in a chosen area. Another option is taking courses across all concentration