
CITY of NOVI CITY COUNCILAgenda Item 8July 28, 2008SUBJECT:Approval to award a construction contract for the 2008 Pathway Gap Improvement projectto Koala-T Construction Co., Inc., the lowest qualified bidder, in the amount of 163,425.50.SUBMITTING DEPARTMENT: Engineering CITY MANAGER APPROVAo/EXPENDITURE REQUIREDAMOUNT BUDGETEDLINE ITEM NUMBER 163,425.50 330,796.00 (including Engineering)204-204.00-974.409BACKGROUND INFORMATION:The purpose of this project is to construct five gaps in the Novi pathway system totaling 2,900lineal feet along portions of Ten Mile Road, Eleven Mile Road and Bramblewood Drive. These fivegaps are shown in more detail on the attached exhibits.Four bids were received and opened on July 17, 2008 following a public bid solicitation period. Thelow bidder is Koala-T Construction Co., Inc. Koala-T's bid is recommended as being in the bestinterest of the City as it is responsive (i.e., Koala-T has complied with all requirements of thebidding instructions) and it is the lowest price. (Stantec's award recommendation letter dated July21, 2008 is attached). A summary of the four bids is as follows:Total Bid lincludina Alternates)ComoanvKoala T ConstructionLacaria ConcreteWashtenaw Inc.Analin Civil Constructors 163,425.50 186,168.75 205,585.41 381,549.33The project was bid with two alternates in addition to the base bid. The bids provided were lowenough to include the alternates as part of the project. Staff is recommending the award of thebase bid and alternates in the amount of 163,425.50. The attached letter and bid tabulationshows the bid prices for the bid alternates. Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2008 andwill be completed in October 2008.Koala-T completed the 2007 Pathway project. Although, Koala-T had some performance issues(mostly relating to timely completion), staff believe that Koala-T has overcome the City of Novi'slearning curve for municipal work and should be able to perform better this year.RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to award a construction contract for the 2008 Pathway Gap projectto Koala-T Construction Co., Inc., the lowest qualified bidder, in the amount of 163,425.50.1 2 YMavor LandrvMayor Pro Tem CapelloCouncil Member CrawfordCouncil Member GattN1Council Member Mar!:lolisCouncil Member MutchCouncil Member Staudt2YN

Location MapPathway Gap 1 (Ten Mile Road East of Taft)Map Publication Dale: 10/3/07ENTER DEPT NAME HEREENTER DEPARTMENT INFO HERENOVI CITY HALUC1VIC CENTER 51'75 W. TEN MILE ROADNOVI, 11.1 48375-3024(248) ENTER PHONE NUMBERWWVV.CITYOFNOVI.ORGMAP AUTHOR: Briall Coburn, PE.MAP INTERPRETATION DISCLAIMERThis map i:; neither a legally recorded mJp ncr J survey and IS, not inlende::110 be: usedDescribe YOU!' sources of map information here65260'30FEET, INCH EOUALS 209 FEET390J one.lhi!: map If: J ccr.lpllJlion 01 record:::. inlarmalJQ:l. and d.)la IOC llcd in '1";00:: oly. co mfy. 13tC.anoj federal ol6c and other : ourcc: regarding the .:rCJ :;ho";n, .'Yla I: 10 be u lor 'eloranor.rutpQ:iC!; only. The City of Novi makes no wOlranly. C fCSS or irnpHcO. 1I1JI lh GeographicInfcrma\lOn Syr.lem (GIS) OalJ uscd Ie prepare Ihl!: map Jrc effo:' tree, :lr,n the Gily 01 Noondoe::: nol reprc:cnt thaI lhe GIS Dala can tc u:;cd 10:' navlgJlion. 1. Ir:l::Nn . cr :lny oll'lcrPUiPOX rCQulffng (:'(xling mC.J uremenl of dl l:mcc or dllcclion c: pr :i:'tO!lgeographic reature:;.mlhl.l dl:picrion 01Olhciol rcco:d:; :;tlould be u;cd :; iI prim.Jry ill:CI:Tl.1tiCn ::O'Jt leIvcrirtcalic:1 cllhc inlo m.)[ion prctlidcd en lhe PJ.;t's.

Location MapPathway Gap 2 and 3 (Ten Mile Road East of Meadowbrook)Map Publication Date: 10/3/07N5'rs'r'r'U\\' .' EENTER DEPT NAME HEREENTER DEPARH,;ENT INFO HERENOVI CITY HALUCIVIC CENTER45175 W. TEN MILE ROADNOVI, MI 48375-3024(248) ENTER PHONE NUMBERIN'AW,CITYOFNOVi,ORGMAP AUTHOR: Brian Coburn, PE.4590' it!sDescribe your sources of map inrormation here180FEET1 INCH EQUALS 140 FEET270MAP INTERPRETATION DISCLAIMER1his map is neither a legally recofded map nof a survey and is. not inlend 10 be u -cd a one.This map is a cO:TIpilJlion or reccrds, inlormalion. and data loc in vanc'JS city. county, IJ!c.and federal olkes and er scurces regafding the .1.'ea :;hown, lind is to be u:;cd 10' referencepurposes only. The City 01 No'll makes no warra ly. express O 1mplied. Ihal Ihe Gc:: grJphl:::Informallon Sptems (GIS) Data usC'd to prepare thl5 map arc error free. and U1C City 0: Novidoes nc Icp:C'".ent thai the GIS D:lla C3:'1 be u!:cd lor na'ligational, tr;d,mg, cr dny otherpurpo reqlJlring exacling mea:;:.IfefT\cnl of distance or cllreclioo or pfeci:;ic :1 :.he depicl:on ofgeographic Icall/res. Cfhcietl records ::;.hOLlld be used as a pnmary inlOl'malion 50llrce forvenlicnlion ot lhe information prO'Jided on the!:C p::lges.

Location MapPathway Gap 4 (Eleven Mile Road East of Meadowbrook)Map Publication Dale: 10/3/07MAP INTERPRETATION DISCLAIMERS,;(" ,' ),'('l'S'r'/: IENTER DEPT NAME HEREENTER DEPARTMENT INFO HERENOVI CITY HALUCIVIC CENTER45175 W. TEN MILE ROADNOVI. MI 48375·3024(248) ENTER PHONE NUMBER'lMWCITYOFNOVI.ORGMAP AUTHOR: Brian Coburn, PE.Describe your sources of map information here3514070FEET1 INCH EQUALS 107 FEET210This map is neilheJ a legally , cclded map not a sun'E:y and is nol1oleoded k) be os as one.ThIS map i a cc:Tlpil3fjon 01 Iccclds. inlOlmalion. .l."ld d,)la IOCJled i'l vot'lCUS city. county. ale.and fC'dc,.a1 offices and o\her SOUfCC"S fe ding \he te.l showo. and is (ooe usej foe lcfetentepwposes onl'f. The City at No"'; makes. no YlJrranty. elpttsS Cf i'Tlp6ed. thallhe Gc:;graphicInla.malion Syst s (GIS) Data used 10 p,ep;lIc tnis map ate error bee. and lht' City of j 1does nol 'ep:esent thaI Ihe GIS Oala ca:l be used 10: navigalional. Irit::IoJ f1 G:' W1y o!ht:rPUlpo: e r«luiring exactmg measuremenl 01 df!.l lce Ct dirce\ion Of pteo5lC 1 !1lne de?' bo.l 01 9Iap tcttlUfes. OHlcia! records sho:.:ld be used as a p:imary informalior'! O'Jrce (0: nhcallc., 01 the inlormal:on prCN:de-:.1 on loese pages.

Location MapPathway Gap 5 (Bramblewood Drive)Map Publication Date: 10/3/07r.,.""'-',Ji,CMAP INTERPRETATION DISCLAIMERs'rs-I''I ,ENTER DEPT NAME HEREENTER DePARTMENT INFO HERENOVI CITY HALUCIVIC CENTER451i5 W. TEN MILE ROADNOVI. MI 48375-302'(248) ENTER PHONE NUMBERVlWNCITYOFNOVI.ORGMAP AUTHOR: Bnall Coburn. PE.Describe your sources of map inrormation here2E:0 4.0 . .8c:0 :;120FEET1 INCH EQUALS 60 FEETTni!,; map is neither a Jcgally Iccorded map nor a survey and is nollnlCflded 10 be used 3S one.This map is a compllJlion of rewd: . inlormahon. and dala localed in V31ious city. coonty. slale,and '(: lera! ollices and Olher 50urcC::: regardmg Ihe llfea shown . .Yld is \0 be used lor relCfCf1cepurposes only. The City 01 No',; ma.kes no warranly. CXpfC::;S C Imp cd. lhallhe GeographicInrOlffia!lon SySlcms (GIS) Dala used 10 prepare !hIS mJp 31C errOf lrce. and the City of Novidoes not reprc::;cnt thai the GIS D lla can be used lor navigational. tracklng, or .loy othe.purpose requirinl) e:ucling measurement 01 dl .l::mce or direction or PH:Cl .ion io Lhe depicHcn 01geographic feillures, OfrlClal reco:ds Ot.Jld be us,cd as a r-.:imary informaton source fervedrlcJlion o{ !he inlDmlalion pllNlded on these pages.

Stantec Consulting Michigan Inc.3959 Research Park DriveAnn Arbor MI 48108-2216Tel: (734) 761-1010Fax: (734) 761-1200StantecJuly 21, 2008File: 2075108600City of NoviEngineering Department45175 West Ten Mile RoadNovi, Michigan 48375-5683Attention:Mr. Brian Coburn, PEDear Mr. Coburn:Reference:Recommendation of Award2008 Pathway Gap ImprovementsPursuant to your direction, bids for the above-referenced project were received at the City of Novi onThursday, July 17, 2008, where they were opened and read aloud at 2:00PM. A total of four (4) bids werereceived, ranging from a low in the amount of 163,425.50 (Base Bid Alternate 1 Alternate 2), submittedby Koala-T Construction of Pontiac, Michigan, to a high in the amount of 381,549.33 (Base Bid Alternate 1 Alternate 2), submitted by Anglin Civil Constructors of l\Jovi, Michigan. Our engineer's estimate for thisproject was in the amount of 240,510.00. A bid tab has been enclosed summarizing all of the bids that werereceived for the project.We have contacted the references provided by Koala-T Construction and verified their experience with otherengineers for whom they have worked with on similar projects. We received favorable recommendationsregarding their experience, timeliness, and ability to perform the required work from these references. Basedon these references and the bids received, we recommend awarding this contract to Koala-T Construction.If you concur with our recommendation and the City of Novi awards a contract to Koala-T Construction, wewould be pleased to prepare the contracts, obtain the required bonds and insurance coverages and schedulea preconstruction meeting to initiate this project.We would like to thank you for this opportunity to provide services for the City of Novi and we look forward tocontinuing this relationship in the future.Sincerely,STANTEC CONSULTING MICHIGAN INC. - -!/lA'C 9{---5Larry McCarthy, PESenior Project ManagerTel: (734) 214-2506Fax: (734) 761-1200larry.mccarlhy@stanlec.comAttachment:Bid Tabc. George TsakoH, Stantecrd v:\2.075\active\20751 0860Ql.lender\correspondence\Jel recommendation of award 200B0718.doc

Bid Date: Thursday, July 17, 20082:00 P.M., Local TimeBid Tabulationfor the2008 Pathway Gap Improvementsfor theCity of Novi, MichiganContractorItemNo.ItemQty.Units---BASE PRICE11 Mobilization (5% Max.)LS195SFT2 Remove Existinq Concrete PathwayEA53 Remove Tree 6"-18"3EA4 Remove and Reset Street Siqn22.5STA5 Pathway Slation Gradinq3100SFT6 8' Wide Concrete Pathwav91507 5' Wide Concrete SidewalkSFTCYD808 Subqrade Undercut850SFT9 Residenlial Bituminous DrivewavLFT30010 8" CMP Culvert (16 GAlEA2611 8" CMP End Section (16 GA)25LFT12 12" RCP CL IV Storm SewerLFT13 24" RCP CL IV Storm Sewer551EA14 12" RCP End Section1EA15 24" RCP End Section4EA16 2' Dia. Ditch Inlet1EA17 4' Dia. Storm ManholeEA518 Adiust Stop Box RimLFT30019 Silt FenceLFT350.?9-- Tree Protection Fence4EA21 Inlel Filter1LS22 Audio-Video Route Survey1LS23 Restoration1LS24 Irriqation Repair (Provisional Work Item)1LS25 Traffic MaintenanceTOTAL BASE BID PRICE (1-25):2008 Pathway Gap ImprvlT'll Koala-T Construction424 Ferry Ave.Pontiac, MI 48341Lacaria Concrete Construction3720 Central AvenueDetroit, MI 48710248-322-2751313-843-3865Unit Price Stantec Project No.: .0050.001.001.0080. 2.500.001.800.00Unit PriceTotal Price S,465.00 Page 1 25.00170.0051.0081.00600.001.100.00, 0 2.500.004.000.00Total Price Anglin Civil Constructors42750 Grand River Ave.Novi, MI 48375Washtenaw, Inc.2160 E. MichiganYpsilanti, MI 48198734-483-3000Total PriceUnit Price 4.000.00 0.86 S 51.035.0011.750.00 2.500.004.000.00248-380-7860 t Price 2.500.002.775.00-Total Price SS SSSS 3.55

Bid Tabulationfor the2008 Pathway Gap Improvementsfor theCity of Novi, MichiganStantec Project No.: 2075108600Koala-T Construction424 Ferry Ave.Pontiac, MI ERNATE NO.11LS1 Mobilization (5% Max.)2 Remove Existinq Bituminous Pathway360SFT3 Remove Tree 6" - 18"3EA4 Remove and Reset Street Siqn1EARemove and Replace Concrete Curb &LFT5 Gutter (MDOT F-4)302.9STA6 Pathway Station Gradinq7 8' Wide Concrete PathwaySFT2250CYD258 Subqrade UndercutLFT9 Tree Protection Fence6010 Audio-Video Route Survey1LS111 RestorationLS12 Irriqalion Repair (Provisional Work Item)1LS113 Traffic MaintenanceLSTOTAL ALTERNATE NO.1 PRICE (1-13):ItemNo.ItemALTERNATE NO.21 Mobilization (5%)2 Remove Existinq Bituminous PathwayRemove and Replace Concrete3 Commercial Entrance2008 PathwayBid Date: Thursday, July 17, 20082:00 P.M., Local TimeGap ImprvmlsLacaria Concrete Construction3720 Central AvenueDetroit, MI 48710313-843-3865Total PriceUnit PriceUnit PriceTotal Price 1.600.001.00800.00100.00 1.600.00360.002.400.00100.00 500.001.50375.00150.00 500.00540.001.125.00150.00 00 .001.000.0015,974.50 0700.0014,932.50Unit Price Washtenaw, Inc.2160 E. MichiganYpsilanti, MI 48198734-483-3000Unit Price S 5)S Anglin Civil Constructors42750 Grand River Ave.Novi, MI 48375248-380-7860Total PriceUnit Price900.000.81402.5086.25 460.002.000.00700.001.000.00,192.35 5) Total Price3.300.0012.21555.00222.00 864.441.665.004.995.00700.001.110.00 .00700.001.110.0039,886.30Qty.Units1580LSSFT 3,400.00 0.70 3.400.00 406.00 1.000.00 3.750.00725.00 0.81 3.750.00469.80 1.665.00 12.21 1.665.007.081.80750SFT 5.75 4,312.50 5.60 4.200.00 5.90 4.425.00 14.43 10.822.50Total PriceUnit PricePage 2 of 3Total PriceTotal PriceUnit PriceUnit PriceTolal Price

Bid Tabulationfor the2008 Pathway Gap ImprovementsfortheCity of Novi, Michigan678910111213141516171619202122Remove and Replace BiluminousCommercial Entrance2000SFTEARemove and Reset Street Sion3Remove and Replace Concrete Curb &Gutter (MDOT F-4)LFT28Remove Existing Storm Sewer190LFT5.8STAPatl1wav Station Gradino8' Wide Concrete Pathway3550SFTCYOSuborade Undercut30Block Retainina Wall155SFTSanitary Sewer Manhole Chimney ReEAbuild/Adiust212" CMP Culvert40LFT112" CMP End SectionEALFT12" RCP CL IV Storm Sewer30014' Oia. Storm ManholeEA4' Oia. Catch BasinEA2Solit Rail Fence100LFTAudio·Video Route Survey1LSRestoration1LSIrrioal;on Repair (Provisional Work Item)1LS1Traffic MaintenanceLSTOTAL ALTERNATE NO.2 PRICE (1-22):TOTAL BASE AlT NO.1 AlT NO.2AmountAmountAmountAmountAmountStantec Project No.: 2075108600Koala-T Construction424 Ferry Ave.Pontiac, MI 48341248-322-2751Contractor45Bid Date: Thursday, July 17,20082:00 P.M., Local nonononon2008 Palhway Gap ImprvmlsLacaria Concrete Construction3720 Central AvenueDetroit, MI 48710313-843-386511,000.00 300.00 5.50 100.00 22.005.00580.002.0520.0028.00 616.00950.003.364.007,277.50600.004340.00 01,500. 5.50 6.25150.00 12,500.00 450.00 30.009.00300.003.2020.0025.00 001,000.00800.00 .00300.001,200.001,000.00800.0068,700.00186,168.75 S Washtenaw, Inc.2160 E. MichiganYpsilanti, MI 48198734-483-3000Applicant's Bid is 65,968.00Applicanl's Bid is 750.00Appicanrs Bid is 53,321.63Appicanrs Bid is 965,70Appicanl's Bid is 39,916.30Page 3 ot 3 S Anglin Civil Constructors42750 Grand River Ave.Novi, MI 48375248-380-7860-7.5086.25 15.000.00258.75 30.021000575.004.5427.6013.80 840561.900.003,335.0016.117.00828.002.139.00 34.4111.101,665.006.6627.7519.98 001,000.002,000.00 5.41,709.48381,549.33 : 16.65 166.50 : S 33,300.00499.50

Mayor Pro Tem Capello Council Member Crawford Council Member Gatt 1 2 Y N Council Member Mar!:lolis . Nn . cr :lny oll'lcr . ranging from a low in the amount of 163,425.50 (Base Bid Alternate 1 Alternate 2), submitted by Koala-TConstruction of Pontiac, Michigan, to a high