DL06 IBox Instructions PLC User Manual Supplement


DL06 IBox InstructionsPLC User Manual SupplementManual Number: DL06-IBOX-S

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DirectSOFT5 IBox Instructions for DL06 PLCsOverview1234S67891011121314ABCDThe Ibox Instructions listed in this supplement are in addition to the Standard RLLInstructions found in Chapter 5 of the DL06 User Manual. These new instructions areavailable when using DirectSOFT5 to program your DL06 PLC (the DL06 CPU requiresfirmware version v2.10 or later to use the new features in DirectSOFT5). For moreinformation on DirectSOFT5 and to download our Free version, please visit our Web site at:www.automationdirect.comAnalog Helper IBoxesInstructionIbox #PageAnalog Input / Output Combo Module Pointer Setup (ANLGCMB)Analog Input Module Pointer Setup (ANLGIN)Analog Output Module Pointer Setup (ANLGOUT)Analog Scale 12 Bit BCD to BCD (ANSCL)Analog Scale 12 Bit Binary to Binary (ANSCLB)Filter Over Time - BCD (FILTER)Filter Over Time - Binary (FILTERB)Hi/Low Alarm - BCD (HILOAL)Hi/Low Alarm - Binary (HILOALB)Discrete Helper IBoxesInstructionOff Delay Timer (OFFDTMR)On Delay Timer (ONDTMR)One Shot (ONESHOT)Push On / Push Off Circuit (PONOFF)Memory IBoxesInstructionMove Single Word (MOVEW)Move Double Word (MOVED)Math IBoxesInstructionBCD to Real with Implied Decimal Point (BCDTOR)Double BCD to Real with Implied Decimal Point (BCDTORD)Math - BCD (MATHBCD)Math - Binary (MATHBIN)Math - Real (MATHR)Real to BCD with Implied Decimal Point and Rounding (RTOBCD)Real to Double BCD with Implied Decimal Point and Rounding (RTOBCDD)Square BCD (SQUARE)Square Binary (SQUAREB)Square Real(SQUARER)Sum BCD Numbers (SUMBCD)Sum Binary Numbers (SUMBIN)Sum Real Numbers B-421IB-4016810121416182022Ibox #PageIB-302IB-301IB-303IB-30024262830Ibox #PageIB-200IB-2013234Ibox 254565860DL06 Micro PLC User Manual Supplement - IBox Instructions

DirectSOFT5 IBox Instructions for DL06 PLCsCommunication IBoxesInstructionECOM100 Configuration (ECOM100)ECOM100 Disable DHCP (ECDHCPD)ECOM100 Enable DHCP (ECDHCPE)ECOM100 Query DHCP Setting (ECDHCPQ)ECOM100 Send E-mail (ECEMAIL)ECOM100 Restore Default E-mail Setup (ECEMRDS)ECOM100 E-mail Setup (ECEMSUP)ECOM100 IP Setup (ECIPSUP)ECOM100 Read Description (ECRDDES)ECOM100 Read Gateway Address (ECRDGWA)ECOM100 Read IP Address (ECRDIP)ECOM100 Read Module ID (ECRDMID)ECOM100 Read Module Name (ECRDNAM)ECOM100 Read Subnet Mask (ECRDSNM)ECOM100 Write Description (ECWRDES)ECOM100 Write Gateway Address (ECWRGWA)ECOM100 Write IP Address (ECWRIP)ECOM100 Write Module ID (ECWRMID)ECOM100 Write Name (ECWRNAM)ECOM100 Write Subnet Mask (ECWRSNM)ECOM100 RX Network Read (ECRX)ECOM100 WX Network Write(ECWX)NETCFG Network Configuration (NETCFG)Network RX Read (NETRX)Network WX Write (NETWX)Counter I/O IBoxesInstructionCTRIO Configuration (CTRIO)CTRIO Add Entry to End of Preset Table (CTRADPT)CTRIO Clear Preset Table (CTRCLRT)CTRIO Edit Preset Table Entry (CTREDPT)CTRIO Edit Preset Table Entry and Reload (CTREDRL)CTRIO Initialize Preset Table (CTRINPT)CTRIO Initialize Preset Table (CTRINTR)CTRIO Load Profile (CTRLDPR)CTRIO Read Error (CTRRDER)CTRIO Run to Limit Mode (CTRRTLM)CTRIO Run to Position Mode (CTRRTPM)CTRIO Velocity Mode (CTRVELO)CTRIO Write File to ROM (CTRWFTR)Ibox 6109112114117Ibox 22125128132136140144147149152155158DL06 Micro PLC User Manual Supplement - IBox Instructions1234S67891011121314ABCD5

DirectSOFT5 IBox Instructions for DL06 PLCsAnalog Input/Output Combo Module Pointer Setup (ANLGCMB) (IB-462)1234S67891011121314ABCDDS5UsedHPPN/AThe Analog Input/Output Combo Module Pointer Setup instruction generates the logic toconfigure the pointer method for an analog input/output combination module on the firstPLC scan following a Program to Run transition.The ANLGCMB IBox instructiondetermines the data format and Pointeraddresses based on the CPU type, theBase# and the module Slot#.The Input Data Address is the startinglocation in user V-memory where theanalog input data values will be stored,one location for each input channelenabled.The Output Data Address is thestarting location in user V-memorywhere the analog output data valueswill be placed by ladder code orexternal device, one location for each output channel enabled.Since the IBox logic only executes on the first scan, the instruction cannot have any input logic.ANLGCMB Parameters Base # (K0-Local): must be 0 for DL06 PLC Slot #: specifies which PLC option slot is occupied by the analog module (1–4) Number of Input Channels: specifies the number of analog input channels to scan Input Data Format (0-BCD 1-BIN): specifies the analog input data format (BCD or Binary) - thebinary format may be used for displaying data on some OI panels Input Data Address: specifies the starting V-memory location that will be used to store the analoginput data Number of Output Channels: specifies the number of analog output channels that will be used Output Data Format (0-BCD 1-BIN): specifies the format of the analog output data (BCD orBinary) Output Data Address: specifies the starting V-memory location that will be used to source theanalog output dataParameterBase # (K0-Local) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KSlot # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KNumber of Input Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KInput Data Format (0-BCD 1-BIN) . . . . . . . . . . . KInput Data Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VNumber of Output Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KOutput Data Format (0-BCD 1-BIN) . . . . . . . . . KOutput Data Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V6DL06 RangeK0 (local base only)K1-4K1-8BCD: K0; Binary: K1See DL06 V-memory map - Data WordsK1-8BCD: K0; Binary: K1See DL06 V-memory map - Data WordsDL06 Micro PLC User Manual Supplement - IBox Instructions

DirectSOFT5 IBox Instructions for DL06 PLCsANLGCMB ExampleIn the following example, the ANLGCMB instruction is used to setup the pointer methodfor an analog I/O combination module that is installed in option slot 2. Four input channelsare enabled and the analog data will be written to V2000 - V2003 in BCD format. Twooutput channels are enabled and the analog values will be read from V2100 - V2101 in BCDformat.No permissive contact or input logic isused with this instructionDL06 Micro PLC User Manual Supplement - IBox Instructions71234S67891011121314ABCD

DirectSOFT5 IBox Instructions for DL06 PLCsAnalog Input Module Pointer Setup (ANLGIN) (IB-460)1234S67891011121314ABCDDS5UsedHPPN/AAnalog Input Module Pointer Setup generates the logic to configure the pointer method forone analog input module on the first PLC scan following a Program to Run transition.This IBox determines the data formatand Pointer addresses based on theCPU type, the Base#, and the Slot#.The Input Data Address is the startinglocation in user V-memory where theanalog input data values will be stored,one location for each input channelenabled.Since this logic only executes on thefirst scan, this IBox cannot have anyinput logic.ANLGIN Parameters Base # (K0-Local): must be 0 for DL06 PLC Slot #: specifies which PLC option slot is occupied by the analog module (1–4) Number of Input Channels: specifies the number of input channels to scan Input Data Format (0-BCD 1-BIN): specifies the analog input data format (BCD or Binary) - thebinary format may be used for displaying data on some OI panels Input Data Address: specifies the starting V-memory location that will be used to store the analoginput dataParameterBase # (K0-Local) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KSlot # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KNumber of Input Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KInput Data Format (0-BCD 1-BIN) . . . . . . . . . . . KInput Data Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V8DL06 RangeK0 (local base only)K1-4K1-8BCD: K0; Binary: K1See DL06 V-memory map - Data WordsDL06 Micro PLC User Manual Supplement - IBox Instructions

DirectSOFT5 IBox Instructions for DL06 PLCsANLGIN ExampleIn the following example, the ANLGIN instruction is used to setup the pointer method foran analog input module that is installed in option slot 1. Eight input channels are enabledand the analog data will be written to V2000 - V2007 in BCD format.1234S67891011121314ABCDNo permissive contact or input logic isused with this instructionDL06 Micro PLC User Manual Supplement - IBox Instructions9

DirectSOFT5 IBox Instructions for DL06 PLCsAnalog Output Module Pointer Setup (ANLGOUT) (IB-461)1234S67891011121314ABCDDS5HPPAnalog Output Module Pointer Setup generates the logic to configure the pointer method forN/A one analog output module on the first PLC scan following a Program to Run transition.This IBox determines the data formatand Pointer addresses based on theCPU type, the Base#, and the Slot#.The Output Data Address is thestarting location in user V-memorywhere the analog output data valueswill be placed by ladder code orexternal device, one location for eachoutput channel enabled.Since this logic only executes on thefirst scan, this IBox cannot have anyinput logic.UsedANLGOUT Parameters Base # (K0-Local): must be 0 for DL06 PLC Slot #: specifies which PLC option slot is occupied by the analog module (1–4) Number of Output Channels: specifies the number of analog output channels that will be used Output Data Format (0-BCD 1-BIN): specifies the format of the analog output data (BCD orBinary) Output Data Address: specifies the starting V-memory location that will be used to source theanalog output dataParameterBase # (K0-Local) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KSlot # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KNumber of Output Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KOutput Data Format (0-BCD 1-BIN). . . . . . . . . . KOutput Data Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V10DL06 RangeK0 (local base only)K1-4K1-8BCD: K0; Binary: K1See DL06 V-memory map - Data WordsDL06 Micro PLC User Manual Supplement - IBox Instructions

DirectSOFT5 IBox Instructions for DL06 PLCsANLGOUT ExampleIn the following example, the ANLGOUT instruction is used to setup the pointer methodfor an analog output module that is installed in option slot 3. Two output channels areenabled and the analog data will be read from V2100 - V2101 in BCD format.1234S67891011121314ABCDNo permissive contact or input logic isused with this instructionDL06 Micro PLC User Manual Supplement - IBox Instructions11

DirectSOFT5 IBox Instructions for DL06 PLCsAnalog Scale 12 Bit BCD to BCD (ANSCL) (IB-423)1234S67891011121314ABCDDS5HPPAnalog Scale 12 Bit BCD to BCD scales a 12 bit BCD analog value (0-4095 BCD) intoN/A BCD engineering units. You specify the engineering unit high value (when raw is 4095), andthe engineering low value (when raw is0), and the output V memory addressyou want the to place the scaledengineering unit value. The engineeringunits are generated as BCD and can bethe full range of 0 to 9999 (see ANSCLB- Analog Scale 12 Bit Binary to Binary ifyour raw units are in Binary format).Note that this IBox only works withunipolar unsigned raw values. It doesNOT work with bipolar or sign plusmagnitude raw values.UsedANSCL Parameters Raw (0-4095 BCD): specifies the V-memory location of the unipolar unsigned raw 0-4095unscaled value High Engineering: specifies the high engineering value when the raw input is 4095 Low Engineering: specifies the low engineering value when the raw input is 0 Engineering (BCD): specifies the V-memory location where the scaled engineering BCD value willbe placedParameterRaw (0-4095 BCD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V,PHigh Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KLow Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KEngineering (BCD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V,P12DL06 RangeSee DL06 V-memory map - Data WordsK0-9999K0-9999See DL06 V-memory map - Data WordsDL06 Micro PLC User Manual Supplement - IBox Instructions

DirectSOFT5 IBox Instructions for DL06 PLCsANSCL ExampleIn the following example, the ANSCL instruction is used to scale a raw value (0-4095 BCD)that is in V2000. The engineering scaling range is se

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