Teacher Shortages In Virginia - VSBA Virginia School .


Teacher Shortagesin VirginiaPresented toVirginia School Board AssociationByPatty S. PittsAssistant SuperintendentDivision of Teacher Educationand LicensureMay 3, 20171

2017-2018 Top Ten Critical ShortageTeaching Endorsement Areas in VirginiaSpecial EducationElementary Education PreK-6Middle Education Grades 6-8Career and Technical EducationMathematics Grades 6-12 (includingAlgebra 1)2

2017-2018 Top Ten Critical ShortageTeaching Endorsement Areas in Virginia(continued)School Counselor PreK-12English (Secondary)Foreign Languages PreK-12Health and Physical Education PreK-12History and Social Science (Secondary)3

Designation of Shortage AreasRanking is the Aggregation of thefollowing: total number of teaching positions that areunfilled; teaching positions that are filled byprovisionally licensed teachers; and teaching positions that are filled by teacherswho are licensed, but who are teaching outof their endorsement area.4

Why Teachers Enterand LeaveResearchers find four major factors thatinfluence teacher recruitment andretention: CompensationPreparationMentoring and InductionTeaching ConditionsSource: September 15, 2016, A Coming Crisis in Teaching? Teacher Supply,Demand, and Shortages in the U.S., by Leib Sutcher, Linda Darling-Hammond,and Desiree Carver-Thomas5


National Enrollment in TeacherPreparation Programs 2009-2014900,000800,000700,000719,081 00,000300,000200,000100,0002008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14Source: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, Enrollment in Teacher Preparation Programs(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, 2015),https://title2.ed.gov/Public/44077 Title II Issue Brief Enrollment V4a.pdf. Accessed on April 17, 2017.7

National Trends in EnrollmentNational K-12 Student & Teacher Prep 00,00048,600,0002008-092009-102010-11K-12 Students2011-122012-13Teacher PrepSource: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, Enrollment in Teacher Preparation Programs(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, 2015),https://title2.ed.gov/Public/44077 Title II Issue Brief Enrollment V4a.pdf. Accessed on April 17, 2017.8

Virginia Trends in EnrollmentVirginia K-12 Student & Teacher Prep 10,5001,215,00010,0002008-092009-10K-12 Students2010-11Teacher PrepSource: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, 2015 Title II Report. Virginia ighlights/StateHighlights.aspx?p 2 01. Accessed on April 19, 2017.Virginia Student Enrollment: VDOE Fall Membership Data.9

Teacher Preparation ProgramEnrollment in Virginia100.0%80.0%60.0%Teacher Preparation Program Enrollment by Institution Typeand Race/Ethnicity, 2015-20162-Year CommunityCollege4-Year Public66.4% Institution67.2%4-Year %0.0%10.5%4.9%3.0%N 9081N N 2857Not ReportedSource: State Council of Higher Education in VirginiaNote 1: Community college enrollment includes teacher prep transfer and career switcher programs.Note 2: Enrollment data excludes Liberty University’s online programs for teacher preparation (87,350 students).Note 3: Other includes American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Multi-Race, and Non-ResidentAlien.10

Virginia Program 4ProgramCompletersSource: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, 2015 Title II Report. Virginia ighlights/StateHighlights.aspx?p 2 01. Accessed on April 19, 2017.11

VDOE Staff Analysis


Routes to Licensure in Virginia Virginia Approved Programs 36 Traditional (ED Prep, IHE Based)3 Alternative (Career Switcher, IHE Based)1 Alternative (Career Switcher, non IHEBased) Reciprocity Alternate Routes to Licensure14


Virginia’s Educator WorkforceIn 2014-15, Virginia public schools employednearly 96,000 licensed instructionalpersonnel: 40% have a Bachelor’s degree 57% have a Master’s degree 1% has a Doctoral degree 79.1 % Female* 19.5% Male** 1.3% did not report gender.16

Vacancies in Virginia’sEducation Workforce,2016-17Luke Miller and Katharine SadowskiEdPolicyWorks, University of Virginia

OtherSchool Social WorkerSchool PsychologistGifted EducationMath SpecialistReading SpecialistLibrary SpecialistSchool CounselorCareer and TechnicalVisual Arts PK-12Music PK-12PE and Health PK-12ESL PK-12Foreign Language PK-12History SecondaryEnglish SecondaryScience SecondaryMath SecondaryMiddle EducationElementary EducationSpecial Education0100200300Percent and Number of Positions Unfilledby Teacher Assignment Area


Percent of Total Positions Unfilled byRegionPercent of Total PositionsUnfilled by Region1.82% Positions Unfilled1.49% Positions Unfilled1.32% Positions Unfilled1.26% Positions Unfilled1.06% Positions Unfilled1.01% Positions Unfilled0.38% Positions UnfilledNo Data45317682

Positions Unfilled by RegionPositions Unfilled by Region383 Positions Unfilled237 Positions Unfilled177 Positions Unfilled84 Positions Unfilled83 Positions Unfilled47 Positions Unfilled40 Positions Unfilled29 Positions UnfilledNo Data45317682


Special EducationSpecial EducationPercent of Positions Unfilled by Region3.83% Positions Unfilled3.40% Positions Unfilled2.72% Positions Unfilled2.47% Positions Unfilled2.19% Positions Unfilled2.15% Positions Unfilled1.66% Positions Unfilled0.72% Positions UnfilledNo Data45317682

Elementary Education: PreK-6Elementary PK-6Percent of Positions Unfilled by Region1.35% Positions Unfilled0.71% Positions Unfilled0.63% Positions Unfilled0.58% Positions Unfilled0.55% Positions Unfilled0.53% Positions Unfilled0.21% Positions Unfilled0.04% Positions UnfilledNo Data45317682

Middle Education: Grades 6-8Middle 6-8Percent of Positions Unfilled by Region1.68% Positions Unfilled1.28% Positions Unfilled1.19% Positions Unfilled0.74% Positions Unfilled0.52% Positions Unfilled0.29% Positions Unfilled0.28% Positions Unfilled0.14% Positions UnfilledNo Data45317682

Mathematics: SecondarySecondary MathPercent of Positions Unfilled by Region9.68% Positions Unfilled6.18% Positions Unfilled5.16% Positions Unfilled4.26% Positions Unfilled3.13% Positions Unfilled2.55% Positions Unfilled0.66% Positions Unfilled0.00% Positions UnfilledNo Data45317682

Sciences: SecondarySecondary SciencePercent of Positions Unfilled by Region7.32% Positions Unfilled2.56% Positions Unfilled2.38% Positions Unfilled1.20% Positions Unfilled0.86% Positions Unfilled0.77% Positions Unfilled0.68% Positions Unfilled0.41% Positions UnfilledNo Data45317682


TeachVirginiaTeachVirginia is to assist in therecruitment and retention efforts forVirginia school divisions and prospectiveteachers.The TeachVirginia Statewide Job Bank ispowered by Teachers-Teachers.com.This online tool allows job seekers andschool division recruiters to communicatewith one another.29

TeachVirginiaServices The service provides access for teachers to view jobopenings and apply to Virginia school divisions. School divisions are provided a database of Virginiateaching candidates’ résumés and access to asystem to: advertise recruitment events,post an unlimited number of instructional personnelpositions,conduct searches for candidates in all areas,communicate with prospective candidates, andhire teachers, administrators, and related service providers.30

TeachVirginia The site provides links to information forindividuals who: may be exploring a career in education, are making the decision to become educators, and areinquiring about school personnel licensure in Virginia,and are licensed educators seeking employment in Virginiaschools.31

Virginia Career Switcher ProgramThe Career Switcher Alternative Route to LicensureProgram is designed to encourage individuals fromvarious occupational and life experiences tobecome classroom teachers.Current Programs: Old Dominion University Regent University Shenandoah University Virginia Community College System32

Mentor Funding for theCareer Switcher ProgramFunding is appropriated tosupport mentor funding for theCareer Switcher Program. 1,000 for the mentor support ofeach Provisional Career Switcherlicense holder during Level II (thefirst year of employment as ateacher)33

Teacher Residency ProgramsIntensive, school-based teacherpreparation program that integrates aresearch-supported approachResidents: make a commitment that includes theresidency year plus additional years ofservice teaching; complete a Master of Teaching completinga concentrated program of graduate; and receive a stipend.34

STEM: Criteria for Teacher Participants Teachers Reassigned from a Fully AccreditedSchool to a Hard-to-Staff School orSchool Not Fully Accredited or New to the Profession or Teachers WithUp to Three Years’ Teaching Experience Be a teacher employed full-time in aVirginia school division;35

STEM: Criteria for Teacher Participants– Successful teachers, regardless ofteaching experience, selected toparticipate in the pilot program underthis criteria will be eligible to receive a 5,000 initial incentive award after thecompletion of the year of teachingexperience in the hard-to-staff school ora school that is not fully accredited, asatisfactory performance evaluation, anda signed contract in the same schooldivision for the following year.36

STEM: Criteria for Teacher Participants Hold an active five-year Virginia teachinglicense (Collegiate Professional orPostgraduate Professional License) withan endorsement in Middle Education 6-8:Mathematics; Mathematics: Algebra I;Mathematics; Middle Education 6-8:Science; Biology; Chemistry; Earth andSpace Science; Physics; or TechnologyEducation and be assigned to a teachingposition in a corresponding subject area;and37

STEM: Continuation AwardsContinuation AwardsAn additional 1,000 incentive award may begranted for each year the eligible teacherreceives a satisfactory evaluation and teaches aqualifying STEM subject in which the teacher hasan endorsement for up to three years in a Virginiaschool division following the year in which theteacher receives the initial incentive award.Maximum incentive award (initial andcontinuation), contingent upon available funding: 8,00038

Virginia Teaching Scholarship LoanProgramThe primary purpose of the VirginiaTeaching Scholarship Loan Program(VTSLP) is to provide financial support asan incentive to students who are pursuinga teaching career in one of Virginia’scritical shortage teaching endorsementareas.39

Virginia Teaching Scholarship LoanProgramFundingSince 1999, the General Assembly hasappropriated 558,000 from the generalfund for the Virginia Teaching ScholarshipLoan Program. The 2007 GeneralAssembly approved a 150,000 increasefor the 2007-2008 program year. SinceFiscal Year 2008 the appropriation eachyear has totaled 708,000.40

Virginia Teaching Scholarship LoanProgramScholarship amounts are based on 10,000 per year for full-timestudents and are prorated for parttime students based on number ofcredit hours for which the studentshave enrolled.41

Virginia Teaching Scholarship LoanProgramYearNumber ofRecipients2015-20167642

National Board Certification Bonuses1,873 continuing bonuses of 2,500 weregranted to National Board Certified teachersin the 2016-2017 year.57 initial bonuses of 5,000 were awardedto National Board Certified teachers in the2016-2017 year.43

Mentor Teacher Program 1,000,000 in funding is availablestatewide to support this program. Funds were allocated by the GeneralAssembly to provide grants to schooldivisions providing mentors for newteachers with zero years of teachingexperience44

Clinical Faculty GrantsClinical faculty are historically referred toas the cooperating teacher -- the teacherin the school division who is assigned towork with and support the studentteacher. The student teacher is supportedby the clinical faculty and the supervisinguniversity faculty.Institutions of higher education may applyfor competitive clinical faculty grants.45

Special Education PersonnelTraineeshipFunding is awarded to Virginia regionallyaccredited institutions of higher educationthat have a Board of Education approvedprogram in Special Education: GeneralCurriculum K-12 to deliver undergraduateand/or graduate-level special educationcourses to individuals who hold a provisional(special education) license with a SpecialEducation: General Curriculum K-12endorsement and who are employed inVirginia public schools as special educatorsof children with disabilities (accessing thegeneral curriculum).46

Questions?Patty S. PittsAssistant SuperintendentDivision of Teacher Education and LicensurePatty.Pitts@doe.virginia.gov47

Virginia Career Switcher Program The Career Switcher Alternative Route to Licensure Program is designed to encourage individuals from various occupational and life experiences to become classroom teachers. Current Programs: Old Dominion University Regent University Sh