The 5 W’s OfDrop ShippingTax RulesWhat EcommerceRetailers Must KnowMagento Presents:Community InsightsBrought to you by:
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SPONSORED BYThe 5 W’s OfDrop ShippingTax RulesWhat EcommerceRetailers Must KnowEBOOK
Ecommerce retailers feel increased pressure toBut engaging with a drop shipper can bring onoffer both an expanded product line and rapidnew issues with nexus — laws governing whetherhome delivery, driving many to increase theircompanies have a physical presence that requiresdrop shipping programs. According to the Retailthem to collect sales tax.Systems Research report Retail Insight: MovingBeyond Omnichannel, 40% of retail respondentsexpect an increase in drop ship vendors in 2017, atrend echoed by logistics service providers cateringto retail.With more than 11,000 tax jurisdictions in thethe maze of nexus rules is truly Byzantine —their nexus rules and stepping up enforcement.while driving increased sales. “Often merchantsWith significant penalties for non-compliance, it’swant to start, grow or fine-tune their productcritical that ecommerce retailers establish systemsoffering without the headaches of warehousingand processes to ensure they’re getting it right.a great way to tip-toe into new categories without11%Today?- Retail Systems Research11%In 3 Years?16%16%21%29%Less than 5%26-50%Don’t Know5-10%51-75%11-25%76-100%Source: RSR Research, January 2017How Will The Number Of Drop ShipVendors Change In 2017?40%taking on overhead.”40% of retailersexpect an increase indrop ship vendors in 2017.11%5%16%11%revenue from brick and mortar retail seek a shareof ecommerce sales. States are both modifying13%26%and growing more so, as states losing sales taxin lowering inventory and supply chain costsPresident, Digital Commerce at Logicbroker. “It’s8%8%U.S., each with its own rates and requirements,Drop shipping delivers significant benefitseverything,” said George Heudorfer, VicePercent of Logistics Service Provider (LSP)Sales From Drop Ship32%26%2%IncreaseStaythe sameDecreaseNotapplicableSource: RSR Research, December 2016“Retailers are increasingly interested in dropship as a low-risk way of expanding theirassortment as a hedge against uncertainconsumer demand.”- Retail Systems Research’s Retail Insight:Moving Beyond OmnichannelThe 5 W’s Of Drop Shipping Tax Rules / 2
The Lowdown On Sales TaxesMany retailers don’t initially realize that theshipper does not. The order is for a drop ship item,benefits of expanded drop shipping programsso it’s really going right from the drop shipper tobring added sales tax complexity.the end customer. Usually the retailer can shareHere are the 5 W’s (and1 H) on what they needto know:Why?its resale certificate with the drop shipper, thencharge the correct sales tax to the customer.“But if the drop shipper has nexus or is registeredin the state where the retailer does not have nexus,it gets complicated,” said Pete Bunio, Tax Researchand Support Lead at Vertex. Many states willaccept the retailer’s resale certificate from anotherMost retailers have a handle on tax rules wherestate — those that are members of the Streamlinedthey maintain stores, offices, or distributionSales and Use Tax Agreement, for example, useoperations. They register with state tax authorities,an SST-certified exemption certificate for thatreceive a resale certificate, and charge sales taxpurpose. However, “there are handful of statesaccording to state and local rules. If the retailerthat don’t accept an out-of-state certificate,”sells into a state where it does not have nexus, theBunio said. “They’re very rigid and will only acceptretailer doesn’t have to charge sales tax — instead,their own.” That forces the drop shipper to chargethe customer is expected to pay a use tax.sales tax to the end customer.But it gets more complicated when a drop shipperCalculating that tax is tricky. Sales tax is agets involved. In drop shipping, there are reallypercentage of the sale, but which sale — the saletwo transactions:between the retailer and end customer, or the Retailer to customer Retailer and the drop shipper (usuallya manufacturer or distributor)Case in point: A customer places an order in astate where the retailer has nexus but the dropSales tax is apercentage ofthe sale, but whichsale — the salebetween the retailerand end customer, orthe retailer and thedrop shipper (thewholesale price)?retailer and the drop shipper (the wholesaleprice)? Drop shippers usually don’t know the retailprice. States deal with that situation differently.In California, if the retail price is unknown, thedrop shipper is expected to base the tax on thewholesale price plus 10%.The 5 W’s Of Drop Shipping Tax Rules / 3
In addition, many drop shippers aren’t equipped tobill the customer separately for tax, and retailersfind going back to the customer to recoup a taxbalance unwieldy or unwise. “It’s a rabbit holethat you don’t want to go down,” Bunio said.Jurisdictions might even disagree with how thebasis — wholesale or retail price — is determined.Calculating the correct sales tax also meansthe retailer must know which drop ship facilitythe inventory will ship from, instantly. Ideally,Calculating thecorrect sales taxmeans the retailer mustknow which drop shipfacility the inventorywill ship from,instantly.“you calculate tax immediately in the cart andyou charge the appropriate tax immediately,”said Michael Sonier, Senior Director, ProductManagement, Magento Commerce. “That requiresa pretty complex orchestration of your ordermanagement system, one that knows where you’regoing to source that order from immediately at thetime you take that order, and a tax solution thatknows exactly where that’s going to come fromand tells you the right tax. That’s the best-casescenario.” Without that, retailers are forced toguess, and make up any difference from marginto avoid compliance penalties. “You want to havethe most accurate information up front so youlimit your liability and deliver the best consumerexperience,” Sonier said.Customers are unaware of all this, of course. Theysimply want the retailer to calculate and displaythe correct sales tax so they can hit the “submitorder” button.The 5 W’s Of Drop Shipping Tax Rules / 4
Who?The 11,000 U.S. tax jurisdictions include states,States are starting to declare that drop shipperscounties, cities, and districts, each with itscreate nexus for the retailer. They’re viewing theown continuously changing regulations anddrop shipper as an extension of the retailer, anddocumentation requirements. “Districts can besince the drop shipper has a physical presence inanything from an economic development zone to athe state, the retailer has to register and collecttransit, library, or police jurisdiction,” Bunio said.sales tax in that state.Retailers must be able to quickly verify which taxThat won’t just mean for drop ship customers.rules and rates apply to the customer’s location“The retailer would then have to charge everyand correctly calculate the state city county customer from that state sales tax, whetherdistrict tax.or not they received the item via drop ship,”PwC predicts an uptick in legislation to expandBunio explained.nexus standards, limit exemptions and loopholes,States also are becoming more restrictive inand impose taxes on products/services that wereaccepting out-of-state resale certificates. Thattraditionally exempt. “Moreover, federal and stateintroduces the problem of demanding drop shipperslegislation will impact how states treat out-of-collect taxes and determining whether those taxesstate taxpayers, specifically around expandedare based on the wholesale or retail price.nexus provisions and market-based sourcingimplementation,” according to the Tax Functionof the Future report.Federal and statelegislation willimpact how states treatout-of-statetaxpayers.- Price Waterhouse CooperThe 5 W’s Of Drop Shipping Tax Rules / 5
Where?Laws are transforming everywhere, but manywidely varying thresholds where transactionexperts cite California, New York, Texas, Florida,costs or types of items trigger collection of dutiesand Indiana as among the dozen or so states whereacross countries.sales tax is seeing the most legislative pressure.For example: Use of “cookies” now constitutes aphysical presence in Massachusetts.In April 2017, the state announcedthat Internet vendors with more than 500K in sales and 100 transactionsin the prior taxable year will berequired to collect sales tax.Retailers who use Fulfillment byAmazon to ship from a Californiawarehouse are required to collectsales tax there.States also differ on whether shipping charges aretaxable. Some states always exempt separatelystated shipping charges, and others alwaystax these charges. However, in most states thetaxability of separately stated shipping charges willfollow the taxability of the product.According to 2017 survey data by Temando, 80%of U.S. enterprise retailers struggle with gettingan accurate cost of shipping, including taxes andduties, when trying to ship internationally. And yet42% of U.S. consumers won’t shop with a retaileragain if they had to pay tax and duties to have80% of U.S.enterpriseretailers struggle withgetting an accuratecost of shipping whentrying to shipinternationally.- Temandotheir items released from Customs. In comparison,when consumers encountered a positive shippingexperience, 73% stated they’d shop with theretailer again. Accuracy is critical to avoid losingthe customer or taking a big, margin-eating hit onthe transaction.“There’s a fairly big piece of friction there thatneeds to be removed for the consumer to havea seamless experience,” said Carl Hartmann,Co-Founder and CEO at Temando. “Consumersunderstand that tax exists. It’s when theirexpectations aren’t managed that there’s apotential issue.”A growing number of retailers are expandingtheir drop shipping programs internationally— using a non-U.S. company to fulfill orders inthe U.S., or drop shipping items from the U.S.or other countries to international destinations.Those transactions add complexity, such as theThe 5 W’s Of Drop Shipping Tax Rules / 6
When?these events.SMBs and fastgrowing companiesare in a double bindregarding salestax nexus.Taxable items and exemption rules also vary.- Sales Tax InstituteSales tax rules also can be time-based.Governments periodically hold sales tax holidays,eliminating or reducing taxes for some period.Retailers must implement and document“Clothing may be tax exempt — except forsome items that are not,” Bunio said. “It’s onthe retailer to correctly identify those items.”And some customers are exempt because theyare non-profits or part of government, such asteachers purchasing school supplies. As withresale certificates, some states will accept otherstates’ tax exemption certificates, and otherswill not. These laws, too, vary widely and areunder pressure as jurisdictions seek to replacedeclining revenue.Small- to mid-sized and fast-growing companiesin particular are in a double bind regarding salestax nexus: they’re sizable and busy enough to findthemselves in the increasingly broad sights of localtax officials, but they typically lack the expertiseand means to minimize their tax liability and auditexposure, according to Diane Yetter and SalesTax Institute.The 5 W’s Of Drop Shipping Tax Rules / 7
What?Ensuring sales tax compliance for a drop ship sale“Every state a retailer adds via drop ship multipliesentails two big challenges.the documentation burden,” according to Bunio.First is quickly and accurately calculating thecorrect tax rate to display in the cart. That isFor each one, retailers must: Carefully track state, city, county, anddistrict rates, laws and tax calendars; Understand which items are taxable; Collect and maintain exemptioncertificates for tax-exempt customers; Comply with the correct filingcalendars — monthly, quarterly,semi-annually, or annually accordingto revenue; Complete documentationrequirements; Monitor for changes and instillthem into internal systems andprocesses; and Ensure the terms of trade areproperly set up between retailer anddrop shipper to address who pays forshipping and how taxes are handled.growing increasingly critical as consumers demandchoices when it comes to shipping — next day oreven same day; locker; click and collect, work, orhome address; evening or Saturday delivery; and soon. Shoppers are also comparing fully-landed costswith competitors’ offers.To fulfill the order, retailers may source differentlydepending on the time frame selected, usingdifferent DCs, suppliers, drop shippers, or carriers.They must be able to calculate the full cost of eachof these options — including taxes — accuratelyand nearly instantaneously to display the right data,noted Temando’s Hartmann. “Consumers will waitup to about one second in the shopping cart beforeloading time lag starts to impact abandonment,so having the ability to dynamically display fullshipping cost at checkout is paramount.”The second big challenge is proper documentationto support the remittance of taxes due and tosuccessfully complete an audit.Every state aretailer adds viadrop ship multipliesthe documentationburden.- Pete Bunio, VertexOften retailers begin trying to manage their newlyexpanded drop shipping programs in-house,said Magento’s Sonier, only to quickly find issuesincluding sales tax too complex to manage.The 5 W’s Of Drop Shipping Tax Rules / 8
How?With expanded drop shipping programs, accountingAn actively-managed cloud solution is backeddepartments must now configure and maintainby experts dedicated to researching sales taxinternal accounting and ERP systems to reflect alaws, removing that growing task from retailersharply increased volume of tax regulations. Theyaccounting staff. A well-crafted solution:must ensure all certifications are current and stayon top of nexus requirements related to new drop Tracks product taxability across11,000 tax jurisdictions; Maintains customerexemption certificates; Ensures continuous compliance withsales tax laws; Calculates sales tax down to granularlevels, including district taxes; Seamlessly integrates withecommerce software such asMagento to quickly and accuratelycalculate sales tax for display in thecustomer’s cart; Automates compliancedocumentation and filing; and Frees up a retailer’s internalaccounting staff for other tasks.ship partners.“Some retailers outsource sales tax compliance,but often such companies specialize in generalaccounting or back office processing, not sales tax,”Bunio said. Others rely on the simple tax tablesincorporated into some ecommerce solutions. Bothput retailers at risk of compliance errors just as taxjurisdictions are stepping up scrutiny.To cope with the growing complexity, the PwCreport recommends organizations “implement acomprehensive approach to address these increaseddemands by streamlining internal processes arounddata and technology.”A cloud-based sales tax management solutionis emerging as the best practice to cope with theincreasingly complex sales tax landscape.A well-craftedtax managementsolution calculates salestax down to granularlevels, includingdistrict taxes.“Many times retailers don’t know that they haveto do this and that there is a solution that can solveit,” said Magento’s Sonier.The 5 W’s Of Drop Shipping Tax Rules / 9
Managing The TaxImplications OfDrop ShippingDrop shipping is emerging as a smart, go-tostrategy for retailers looking to capture and retaincustomer attention. But along with increasedrevenue and customer satisfaction come newconcerns, including sales tax compliance. Thegood news is that outsourcing this task to a wellqualified partner can take away this obstacle tothe benefits of drop shipping.“Not all retailers do sales tax correctly,” saidLogicbroker’s Heudorfer. When expanding thebusiness through drop ship, “it’s great to havesomeone with expertise to take over this function,like Vertex.”The 5 W’s Of Drop Shipping Tax Rules / 10
For more information:www.vertexinc.comSince 1978, Vertex, Inc., has been a leading provider of tax technology and services, enabling companies of all sizeswww.vertexsmb.comto realize the full strategic potential of the tax function by automating and integrating tax processes, while leveraginginfo@vertexSMB.comadvanced and predictive analytics of tax data. Vertex provides cloud-based and on-premise solutions that can be tailoredto specific industries for every major line of tax, including income, sales and consumer use, value added and payroll.Logicbroker provides a drop ship automation platform to unite brands and retailers. Our vision is to create and continuallystrengthen the connections that enable digital commerce, leveraging the latest in cloud and supply chain automationtechnology with unrivaled speed and flexibility. More information can be found at www.logicbroker.com.Trusted by more than 260,000 businesses worldwide, Magento Commerce is the leading provider of cloud commerceinnovation to merchants and brands across B2C and B2B industries. In addition to its flagship open source digitalcommerce platform, Magento Commerce boasts a strong portfolio of cloud-based omni-channel solutions empoweringmerchants to successfully integrate digital and physical shopping experiences. More information can be found atwww.magento.com.The 5 W’s Of Drop Shipping Tax Rules / 11
Temando (“I send you” in Spanish) is a global technology company that exists to connect the world’s logistical resourcesinto a single intelligent software platform and to make commerce universally accessible to everybody. The company’ssolutions give merchants the power to move goods from anywhere they are to wherever they need to be, no matter howthey need to get there. Temando is a Neopost Company headquartered in Australia, with offices in Brisbane, Sydney, SanFrancisco, London, Paris and Manila. More information can be found at www.temando.com.www.retailtouchpoints.comRetail TouchPoints is an online publishing network for retail executives, with content focused on optimizing the customerinfo@retailtouchpoints.comexperience across all channels. The Retail TouchPoints network is comprised of a weekly newsletter, special reports, webseminars, exclusive benchmark research, an insightful editorial blog, and a content-rich website featuring daily newsupdates and multi-media interviews at www.retailtouchpoints.com. The Retail TouchPoints team also interacts with socialmedia communities via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.The 5 W’s Of Drop Shipping Tax Rules / 12
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drop shipping programs. According to the Retail Systems Research report Retail Insight: Moving Beyond Omnichannel, 40% of retail respondents expect an increase in drop ship vendors in 2017, a trend echoed by logistics service providers catering to retail. Drop shipping delivers significant benefits in lowering inventory and supply chain costs