Benjamin M. Cramer - Graphite Publishing


In the Midst of LifeBenjamin M. CramerGP - C008SATB, a cappellapdf download - 1.50printed - 3.00Benjamin M. CramerIn the Midst of Lifefor a cappella SATB

Text:From the Composer:In the midst of life we are in death: of whom may weseek for succour, but of thee, O Lord, who for our sinsart justly displeased? Yet, O Lord God most holy, OLord most mighty, O holy and most merciful Saviour,deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death.“In the Midst of Life” is one of the seven FuneralSentences in the Book of Common Prayer for theAnglican Church’s Service for the Burial of the Dead.The services are similar to a Requiem Mass, with theseadditional seven sentences from scripture and liturgythat are said over the body throughout the service.I had been working on a setting of all seven in 2016when I received word from one of my close friendsthat his father had just entered hospice and they werepreparing for the end. I was in Scotland at the timeand received the message in the middle of the night,so I immediately climbed out of bed and went to myfriend’s kitchen where I sat at the table and beganwriting this piece. I often try to sketch for quite sometime before committing to any particular material, butin this case the writing was purely reflective–It was theonly way I knew how to process my grief. I completedthe piece later that day and sent it to my friend’sfamily who were able to show it to his father beforehe passed. Sometimes music fills a void which can beoccupied by no other entity, and certainly in this caseI had no idea how to express my sorrow other thanthrough this piece.- Book of Common Prayer- Benjamin M. Cramer, 2018

GP-C008pdf download 1.50printed 3.00In Loving Memory of Dr. Jim Burdine. A man devotedto faith, family and learning.For perusal purposesIn the only.Midst ofDoLifenot copy.SATB choirBook of Common Prayerp 4&2 œœh ca. 52SopranoIn theAltoTenorBassforrehearsalonly4&2 Ó4V2 ÓBenjaminM. CramerBenjaminpœ œ midstofœœ of lifeIn the midst? 42 ÓofÓ œœœ3Óœ œœ wofwœ œ œ 3lifewhomŒwe are in death,œ œœ3wœ œ Œseekmay we seek of whomŒœ œ œ 3œ Œw œ Œ w œ œœ wœforwœ œ wmay we seek 3œ œ œ œw œ œ wwwŒ œw œ œmay weof whomwe are in death, œ œ w& 42 œ œ œ œ œ œ ? 42Œwe are in death,lifep œœ wœ œIn the midstÓ3œœœwœ œ w wœ œ For perusal purposes only. Do not copy.w Œ œœ œ w

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Benjamin M. CramerIn the Midst of LifeUpœ œ GP-C008w& wSa-U& -Ówviour.p œœviour.Yet,& w u̇Uw.? w.w.œ œ&œ Oww Ó- -most howho-wly,Óff œœÓœ œ wœ œwOwœ œœ mostLordw œ œ ww& mighVwty,? -migh - ty,ŒwpŒ œ ty,pŒ œ O25œ& œw? w OhowOOhoœ œ- œlyŒ œŒ œ œ œœŒ-ho-œœ œœ œ œœ œ œ-lyand most merœœand most mer-and most merœ œ Œ lylyand mosthoœ œœ œœ -œœœ œœ œœci - fulSa4œ œ w ci - fulwœœSawwSa- ww-viour. œ œ wœ œ w w -Saw ci - fulœœ --ci - fulœ œ œœ merw Umost -œŒ Uw-Uviour.wp De -viour.Wviour.UWWw UWWWu-ty,œŒ œ œœmighwFor perusal purposesonly. Do not copy.pmostmostmighÓ œ œw œœÓœ Œ ÓŒLordLordÓ œ œ œœLordœwOOw œœf œ œly,Op Œ œÓÓwly,œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ Ó œœ mostmost howmost ho - ly,œ œœ œ œ œ LordLordLordYet, O LordUu25œ pœ œ Ó? Uw .w.Yet, OYet, OV w.21pviour. U œ œ fœ œFor perusal purposes only. Do not copy. w21wuUw

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Benjamin M. CramerBenjamin M. Cramer is a composer and conductor committed to the creation and continued performance of new music. His musichas been described as “modern new tonalism” and “a multicolored fractal sound pattern.” As a composer, Benjamin’s music hasbeen performed internationally; mostly recently in London, Scotland, Wales, the United Arab Emirates and the United States ofAmerica. In 2016, he was a runner up in the London-based Fourth Choir’s International Shakespeare composition contest underthe direction of Dominic Peckham.Born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Benjamin became immersed in choral music, theatre and journalism. In 2009 he cameto Luther College in Decorah, Iowa as a physics and music student where he sang in the Nordic Choir under the direction of Dr.Allen Hightower. In 2016, Benjamin completed his Master’s Degree in Vocal Music with distinction, studying both conductingand composition at the University of Aberdeen in the United Kingdom with Royal Wedding composer Paul Mealor. He is currentlyserving as composer-in-residence with the King’s Philharmonic Wind Orchestra in Scotland.Other choral works for mixed voices from Graphite Publishing:Paul AyresPaul AyresEric William BarnumEric William BarnumAbbie BetinisBenjamin CramerBenjamin CramerBenjamin CramerMatthew CullotonMatthew CullotonDessa and Jocelyn HagenDessa and Jocelyn HagenChristine DonkinChristine DonkinJocelyn HagenJocelyn HagenJocelyn HagenChristopher HarrisChristopher HarrisChristopher HarrisLuke MayernikLuke MayernikLuke MayernikWayland RogersWayland RogersPaul John RudoiPaul John RudoiPaul John RudoiJoshua ShankTimothy C. TakachTimothy C. TakachTimothy C. TakachTakach and HagenDale WarlandDale WarlandDale WarlandGP - A002GP - A005GP - B008GP - B010GP - B004GP - C006GP - C007GP - C008GP - C001GP - C002GP - D023GP - D026xGP - D019GP - D020GP - H003GP - H004GP - H014GP - H015GP - H016GP - H018GP - M004GP - M005GP - M007GP - R005GP - R007GP - R009GP - R013GP - R014GP - S001GP - T001GP - T002GP - T010GP - T016GP - W001GP - W002GP - W003So Hallow’d and so Gracious is the TimeJubilateThe White BirdsConf lagrationBlessed Be the Lord, My RockO Beautiful EndCelestial LightIn the Midst of LightTwo CarolsSussex CarolControlled BurnLook Out AboveIn Flanders FieldsIn ParadisumI Lift Up My Eyes (Psalm 121)O Come, O Come EmmanuelTo See the SkyAlleluia, For This DayWere You There?He’s Able!EmblemIKONThe Ashberry Carols - I.Rejoice and Be JoyfulWhatsoever Things are TrueWhat Child is This?GamayaStillness and the NightColor Madrigals (6 movement cycle)‘Twas in the Moon of WintertimeA Sign of Day to ComeNeither Angels, Nor Demons, Nor PowersThis is How You Love (multi-movement)Always SingingBenedicamus DominoSed Amore (But by Love)SATB, pianoSATB, organSATB, a cappellaSATB, pianoSAB, piano, organ, or a cappellaSATB, a cappellaSSATBB, a cappellaSATB, a cappellaSATB, a cappellaSATB, cello, harpSATB, orchestra or chamber ens.SATB, a cappella, soli, body percussionSATB, a cappellaSSAATTBB, a cappellaSSATB, a cappellaSATB, SATB soli, a cappellaSATB, pianoSATB (div), pianoSATB, a cappellaSATB (div), pianoSATB, S solo, piano, violin, celloSSAATTBB, a cappellaSATB, a cappellaSATB, organSATB, organSATB (div), a cappellaSATB, opt. djembeSATB, a cappellaSATB, a cappellaSATB, a cappellaSATB, a cappellaSSATBB, a cappellaSATB, a cappellaSATB (div), a cappellaSSAATTBB, a cappellaSATB (div), pianowww.graphitepublishing.comGraphite sells digital scores that include excellence and accessibility: unique yet emotional; challenging yet appealing; innovative and enjoyable to experience.

In the Midst of Life Benjamin M. Cramer pdf download - 1.50 GP - C008 printed - 3.00 SATB, a cappella Text: . Book of Common Prayer Benjamin Cramer In Loving Memory of Dr. Jim Burdine. A man devoted to faith, family and learning. GP-C008 pdf download 1.50 printed 3.00 SATB choir Benjamin M. Cramer.