Bulletin - CERN


bulletinno 43/97Semaine du lundi 20 octobreProgramme Recruitment financedSaved Leave (RSL)de Recrutement financé pardu Congé épargné (RSL)RapportWeek Monday 20 Octoberde situationProgressbyReportAAs of 14th October, CERN staff had subscribed1224 "slices"*. To have already reached this levelis most impressive and I wish to thank all those whohave participated so far. I also wish to thank theCERN services and the Staff Association for their important contribution in promoting and explaining theprogramme.Your decision to participate in the RSLprogramme is vital for the future of CERN. The programme will be devoted exclusively to maintainingrecruitment, and in particular recruitment of youngstaff (the 1224 "slices" already subscribed will allow30 additional recruitments). By taking part, CERN staffhave the opportunity to demonstrate their solidarityand commitment to our Laboratory, and this gesturewill be seen very positively by the Member State Delegates.la date du 14 octobre, le personnel CERN a souscrit1224 "tranches"*. Une telle participation estimpres-sionnante et je désire remercier tous ceux quiont participé à ce jour. Je désire aussi remercier lesdifférents services du CERN et l'Association duPersonnel pour leur importante contribution à lapromotion et la clarification du programme.Votre décision de participer au programme RSL estvitale pour le futur du CERN. Le programme seraentièrement consacré au maintien du recrutement, eten particulier du recrutement des jeunes (les 1224"tranches" déjà souscrites permettront 30 recrutementsadditionnels). En participant, le personnel CERN al'opportunité de démontrer sa solidarité et sonengagement envers notre Laboratoire, et ce geste seracertainement considéré comme très positif par lesDélégués de nos Etats Membres.J'espère que chacun d'entre vous possède maintenantune information complète sur le programme RSL.Si vous avez encore des questions, n'hésitez pas àcontacter votre Coordinateur du Personnel**. Jesouhaite encourager tous les indécis à sérieusementconsidérer une participation à ce programme. Notregeste collectif aura d'autant plus d'impact qu'un pluslarge éventail de personnel de toutes les divisionsparticipera. J'ai toute confiance que la participationcontinuera à progresser dans les semaines à venir etvous serez régulièrement informés des progrès.I hope that every CERN staff member now hascomplete information on the RSL programme.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contactyour Personnel Co-ordinator in PE Division**. I wishto encourage those staff members who are still undecided to seriously consider participating. Clearly ourcollective gesture will have all the more impact if abroad cross-section of staff across all the Divisionsparticipates. I trust that participation will continue togrow in the coming weeks and will keep you informedof progress.C.H. L l e w e l l y n S m i t hDirecteur généralC.H. Llewellyn S m i t hDirector-General* Chaque "tranche" est équivalente à 2.5% du salaire de base.Each "slice" is equivalent to 2.5% of basic salary.** Les Coordinateurs du Personnel sont :The Divisional Personnel Co-ordinators are:P.W. BerryA. CharkiewiczF. CliffJ. CuthbertS. Datta-CockerillC. GenierE. MosselmansH. SpaetiW. U7323273620736537448074127748147412574465PE74466

Greece's First Industrialat CERNPremière exposition industrielle dela Grèce au CERNGreece, one of C E R N ' s founding M e m b e r States,inaugurated its first Industrial Exhibition at the Meyrinsite on Tuesday, 14 October. After a meeting with CERN'sDirector General, Professor Christopher Llewellyn Smith,Professor Emmanuel Frangoulis, the General Secretary ofthe Ministry of Industry, a c c o m p a n i e d b y ProfessorEmmanuel Floratos, Greek delegate to CERN council, visited the DELPHI experiment on the LEP collider, guided byAndromachi Tsirou, a Greek physicist. The delegation thenreturned to the Main Building where they were joined byHis Eminence the Metropolitan Damaskinos of Switzerlandfor the Inauguration of the Greece at CERN exhibition. Inhis inaugural speech Professor Llewellyn Smith, welcoming the first Greek Industrial Exhibition, spoke aboutGreece's pivotal role inthe history of NaturalP h i l o s o p h y and science. The Archbishoprecalled Greece's uninterupted contribution to CERN, and underlined the symbiosisof scientific researcha n d r e l i g i o u s faith.Professor Frangoulisexplained that "This isonly the first step inbreaking new ground.I want to encourageGreece to participatefurther in CERN. I believe that this is a goodo p p o r t u n i t y for thetransfer of technologyfrom CERN to GreekIndustry; there will beopportunities for jobs,and economic benefits,but also benefits for Greek Science. CERN is world famousin its field, and must be supported by the European Community. It is essential that Greek researchers participate inthese experiments both here at CERN, and in Greek Universities and Laboratories."La Grèce, Fun des Etats membres fondateurs du CERN, ainauguré sa première exposition industrielle sur le site deMeyrin le mardi 14 octobre. Après une réunion avec le Directeurgénéral du CERN, le professeur Christopher Llewellyn Smith,le professeur Emmanuel Frangoulis, secrétaire général duMinistère de l'industrie, accompagné par le professeurEmmanuel Floratos, délégué grec au Conseil du CERN, avisité l'expérience DELPHI au collisionneur LEP sous laconduite d'Andromachi Tsirou, physicienne grecque. Ladélégation s'est ensuite rendue au CERN où ils ont accueilliSon Eminence le Métropolite de Suisse Damaskinos pourl'inauguration de l'exposition "La Grèce au CERN". Dans sondiscours inaugural, le professeur Llewellyn Smith, saluant lapremière exposition industrielle grecque, a parlé du rôle clé dela Grèce dans l'histoirede la physique et de lascience. L'Archevêque arappelé que la Grèce n'ajamais cessé de contribuer au CERN et a faitressortir la symbiose entre recherche scientifique et foi religieuse. Leprofesseur Frangoulis aexpliqué que "Ce n'estlà qu'un premier pasvers de nouvelles perspectives. Je tiens à encourager la Grèce àpoursuivre sa participation au CERN. Je suisconvaincu qu'elle offrede bonnes occasions detransfert de technologiedu CERN à l'industriegrecque; elle ouvrira lavoie à des emplois et desretombées é c o n o m i ques, mais portera aussi ses fruits pour la science en Grèce. LeCERN jouit d'une renommée mondiale dans son domaine et abesoin du soutien de la Communauté européenne. Il estessentiel que les chercheurs grecs participent à ses expériencestant ici, sur place, que dans les universités et laboratoires grecs/'Le professeur Llewellyn Smith s'est ensuite joint auSecrétaire général et à l'Archevêque pour faire le tour del'exposition. Celle-ci a été organisée par le Bureau de liaisonpour l'industrie grecque, qui a pour mission de promouvoirles produits et services grecs au sein des organisationsinternationales telles que le CERN. Huit sociétés et institutsont également représenté l'industrie grecque: Aegek S.A., une entreprise générale du bâtiment; Anco S.A., une société de télécommunications et d'électronique; Eveh Kypriotis S.A., une entreprise technique spécialiséedans l'application des systèmes électroniques industrielshaute puissance; IMMG S.A., une société d'études mécaniques; l'Institut de microélectronique, l'un des huit instituts duCentre national de la recherche scientifique "Demokritos"d'Athènes; le Laboratoire d'instrumentation des détecteurs, qui dépendde l'Institut de physique nucléaire; Intracom SA, une autre société de télécommunications; Attica Technology Park, "Leukippos", d'Athènes.Un autre stand donnait des informations sur les possibilitésde tourisme en Grèce.Bulletin CERN43/97-20.10.97ExhibitionProfessor Llewellyn Smith then accompanied the Secretary General and the Archbishop around the exhibitionstands. The exhibition was organised b y the Greek Industrial Liaison Office, which works to promote Greek products and services within international organisations such asCERN. Eight companies and institutes also representedGreek Industry: Aegek S.A., a general contracting company Anco S.A., a telecommunications and electronics company Eveh Kypriotis S.A., a technical firm specialising in theapplication of high power industrial electronic systems IMMG S.A., working in experimental mechanics Institute of Microelectronics, one of the eight institutesof the N a t i o n a l C e n t r e for S c i e n t i f i c R e s e a r c h"Demokritos" in Athens the Detector Instrumentation Laboratory, part of the Institute of Nuclear Physics Intracom SA, another telecommunications company Attica Technology Park, "Leukippos", in AthensA further stand provided information on the possibilitiesfor tourism in Greece.-2-CERN Bulletin

Sp i iJD Q/ lirivi/ ce, sociétéet cultureDepuis plus de 150ans, tous les secteursde l'activité scientifique aux Etats-Unisbénéficient de Tactionde l'Ameriean Assoc i a t i o n for the A d vancement of Science(AAAS).L'AAAS,forte de p l u sde150.000 membres, avecses réunions fréquentes rassemblant denombreuxparticipants et sa publication, "Science", a crééun sentiment d'unitétrès fort c h e z l e ssavants américains.par Claude Birrauxdéputé de Haute-Savoiedocteur ès sciencesEuroscienceScience,societyand cultureFor over 150 years allbranches of Americanscientific activity haveb e e n driven forwardby the American Association for the Advancement of Science( A A A S ) . W i t h over150 0 0 0 m e m b e r s ,à18.00hlfrequent well-attendedmeetings and its ownmagazine, " S c i e n c e " ,the A A A S has createdastrongunitedidentity for Americanscientists.InEuropetheSection du Léman de l'Association européenne pour Ta promotion de la science et de la technologiesituation has evolvedEn Europe, la situdifferently, with manyation a évolué diffécountrieshavingr e m m e n t : de n o m b r e u x p a y s d i s p o s e n t d ' e x c e l l e n t sexcellent organisations for the promotion of science, butorganismes chargés de la promotion des sciences, mais riennothing to unite these efforts on a European level. This hasn'existait jusqu'à présent pour coordonner ces efforts aun o w c h a n g e d . In M a r c h 1 9 9 7 , a n e w o r g a n i s a t i o nniveau européen. Il n'en est plus de même désormais. En"Euroscience" was set up with the specific goal of creatingmars 1997, une nouvelle organisation appelée "Euroscience"a centralized driving force for the propagation of science ina été créée, dans le but précisément de constituer une forceEurope. There is strong need for this organisation. Europeand'impulsion centralisée pour le développement des sciencesscientific activity produces extraordinary wealth be iten Europe. Cette organisation répond à un besoin pressant.intellectual, in training, economic growth, or technologicalLes activités scientifiques européennes sont une sourceinnovation. However, science and scientists remain tood'enrichissement extraordinaire, à la fois sur le plandiscrete and society is not always aware of the impact ofintellectuel et sur ceux de la formation, de la croissancescience. Euroscience will create a forum to change this.économique et de l'innovation technique. Cependant, lesOn the 24 October the first regional section of Eurosciencesavants et leurs travaux restent trop discrets et la société- Section Lémanique - holds its meeting at CERN. At 18.00,n'est pas toujours consciente du rôle joué par ces activités.Claude Birraux, Deputy for Haute Savoie, will give talk onEuroscience sera une structure adaptée pour y remédier."Democracy, Science and Society" in the Main Auditorium.Le 24 octobre, la première section régionale d'EuroscienceEach of us at CERN is directly concerned with science and- la section lémanique - se réunira au CERN. A 18 h,by becoming a member Euroscience can take a positive stepM. Claude Birraux, député de Haute-Savoie, prononceratowards insuring its future and dynamism in Europe. Fordans l'amphithéâtre principal une allocution sur le thèmedetails of how to become a member see webpage :"Démocratie, science et société". Chacun d'entre nous auhttp : / / www.iway.fr / sc / tribune / euroscCERN est directement concerné par la science et peut, endevenant membre d'Euroscience, contribuer activement àassurer son avenir et son dynamisme en Europe. Pour savoircomment adhérer, consultez le site web suivant:http : / / www. i way. fr / se / tribune / euros c.BulletinCERNle vendredi24 octobre 97-3-CERN Bulletin43/97-20.10.97

COMMUNICATIONSOFFICIALOFFICIELLESNEWSLes membres du personnel sont censés avoir pris connaissancedes communications officielles ci-après.Members of the personnel shall be deemed to have taken noteof the news under this heading.La reproduction même partielle de ces informations par despersonnes ou des institutions externes à l'Organisation exigel'approbation préalable de la Direction du CERN.Reproduction of all or part of this information by persons orinstitutions external to the Organization requires the priorapproval of the CERN management.INTERNET USELike most Internet users around the globe, CERN is faced with an explosive growth of Web traffic.This has a real impact on quality of service (response time, packet loss) for everyone, Web as well asnon-Web users (Telnet, XI1). Unfortunately, adapting the external network capacity to meet the demandin order to maintain a reasonable quality of service for our community, has extremely serious costimplications.The net effect is that the Internet service is becoming increasingly hard to use for those CERN userswho vitally depend on it.In order to gain in depth understanding of CERN's traffic and, if possible to contain it, sophisticatedmonitoring tools have been deployed since the middle of 1997. These have enabled the InformationTechnology Division to track the Internet traffic (e.g. source, destination, protocol).Preliminary results clearly show an abuse of CERN's expensive Internet access lines, for example,access to live audio and video servers.In view of this we would like to remind everbody that usage of CERN facilities is primarily forprofessional use ONLY.We count on your understanding to help us to maintain the quality of CERN's Internet access.La traduction française de cet article paraîtra la semaineBulletin CERN43/97-20.10.97- 4-prochaine.CERN Bulletin

CONSEILD'ADMINISTRATION DELA CAISSE DE PENSIONSGEn date du 2 septembre 1997, le Conseil d'administrationde la Caisse de pensions a tenu sa soixante-neuvième réunion,dont la majeure partie a été consacrée aux questions liées auxdéparts anticipés et à la réduction des effectifs et à leursincidences financières sur la Caisse.? X 5PENSION ? * ?FUND FOn 2 September 1997 the Governing Board of the PensionFund held its sixty-ninth meeting, most of which was devotedto matters concerning early departures and staff reductionsand their financial effects on the Fund.The Governing Board discussed a report on these twosubjects, which comprises a detailed examination of thenumber of people taking early departure under the variousschemes and which shows in particular that departures underthe provisions of Article RII 6.11 of the Staff Regulations(Leave during the notice period) have, over the past fewyears, involved over 400 cases among the total of 915 earlydepartures recorded since 1988. The Fund has received nofinancial compensation at all for this very large number ofcases. The report shows the cost of this wave of departures.In addition, the estimate of the financial effects on the Fundof the decision by the Council of the Organization to buildthe LHC while scheduling staff reductions of some 820 peopleas against the situation during the last actuarial study (1stJanuary 1995) will eventually amount to 110 MCHF. It is theGoverning Board's view that a system of compensationshould be instituted as the staff numbers are reduced. Themembers of the Governing Board agreed that the reportwould be forwarded via its Chairman, P. Levaux, to theDirector-General for his opinion.Le Conseil d'administration a discuté un rapport portantsur ces deux questions, rapport qui examine dans les détailsla démographie des départs anticipés selon les différentsprogrammes et qui montre, en particulier, que les départs enapplication de l'article RII 6.11 du Règlement du Personnel(Congé pendant les préavis) représentent au cours de cesdernières années plus de 400 cas sur un total de 915 départsanticipés recensés depuis 1988. Or à ce jour, ces derniers, trèsimportants par leur nombre, n'ont fait l'objet d'aucunecompensation financière à la Caisse. Le rapport établit le coûtde cette vague de départs. Par ailleurs, l'estimation des effetsfinanciers sur la Caisse de la décision du Conseil del'Organisation de construire le LHC avec une réductionprévue des effectifs de l'ordre de 820 personnes par rapport àla situation prévalant lors de la dernière étude actuarielle(1er janvier 1995) s'élèvera à terme à 110 MCHF. Le Conseild ' a d m i n i s t r a t i o n est d ' a v i s q u ' u n m é c a n i s m e decompensation soit mis en place au fur et à mesure que laréduction des effectifs se réalise. Les membres du Conseild'administration sont convenus que le rapport serait transmis,par l'intermédiaire du président, P. Levaux, pour avis auDirecteur général.The Governing Board was then informed of theorganisation of and progress made with the project forlevying an additional health insurance premium to be paidby pensioners' spouses. The Administrator presented thesituation of the Fund's accounts as shown by the financialstatements consolidated as at 30 June 1997, stressing that it isencouraging to note that the F u n d ' s assets increasedsatisfactorily during the first half of the year. He alsosubmitted the Fund's budget for the financial year 1998 forthe Governing Board's approval. The chairman of theInvestment Committee, G. Maurin, analysed the position ofthe external managers with regard to the investmentsituation. Among other things, he stressed that those externalmanagers who gave priority to investments in shares hadachieved the best results. Finally, the Governing Boardappointed I. Seis and F. Ghinet polling officers for the countof the votes at the next election to the Governing Board ofthe Fund.Le Conseil d'administration a ensuite été informé del'organisation et de l'avancement du projet visant à préleverune prime complémentaire pour l'assurance maladie payablepar les conjoints de retraités. L'Administrateur a présenté lasituation comptable de la Caisse, telle qu'elle ressort desétats financiers consolidés au 30 juin 1997, en soulignant qu'ilest réjouissant de constater que la fortune de la Caisse s'estaccrue de manière satisfaisante au cours du premier semestre.Il a également présenté, pour approbation par le Conseild'administration, le budget de la Caisse pour l'exercice 1998.En ce qui concerne la situation des placements, le présidentdu Comité de placement, G. Maurin, a analysé la positiondes gestionnaires extérieurs. Il a souligné, entre autres choses,que se sont les gestionnaires extérieurs privilégiant lesp l a c e m e n t s en a c t i o n s qui ont o b t e n u la m e i l l e u r eperformance. Enfin le Conseil d'administration a nommé I.Seis et F. Ghinet scrutateurs pour le dépouillement des voteslors de la prochaine élection au Conseil d'administration dela Caisse.The Board took note with regret of the deaths of sevenbeneficiaries of the Fund, Messrs. M. Desplands and G.Dinkel, Mrs. G. Warren, Messrs. R.P. Ducret and A. Malmusi,Mrs. Y. Boulenaz and Mr. C. Pardo Rodriguez.Il a été pris note, avec regret, du décès de sept bénéficiairesde la Caisse, MM. M. Desplands et G. Dinkel, Mme G. Warren,M M . R.P. Ducret et A. Malmusi, M m e Y . Boulenaz etM. C. Pardo Rodriguez.Bulletin CERN-5-CERN Bulletin43/97-20.10.97

SEMINARSSEMINAIRESVous pouvez aussi consulterFor information on these seminars, please tmlTHE FALL/97 IT TRA I N I N G P R O G R A M M ETuesday 21 OctoberFirst of all, we would like to thank everyone who is contributing to the success of the IT Training Tutorial Programme,both users and teachers. By the end of September we hadreceived overall more than 1000 attendants.The Programme we are preparing for this fall is targetingseveral areas of wide interest among the CERN User Community:LHCC COMPUTING BOARD (LCB)at 11.00 hrs - Council ChamberOpen Session11.00-The CERN MAIL Service: Recommendations, applications, tools.- W W W Related Topics: H T M L Language and Editors,Java.- Software Development Tools at CERNRD47 Status Report: NT Farms (M. Delfino)Tuesday 21 October"TUESDAY W O R K S H O P "at 14.00 hrs - TH Conference RoomExtended-object solutions in supergravity theories Part IIPlease, check the Bulletin every week for detailed information about the dates and contents. Also, you can alwaysaccess our W W W page for up to date information on the ITTraining Tutorials:by Kellogg STELLE / CERN and Imperial College,Londonhttp : / / w wwinfo. cern. ch / support / trainingTuesday 21 OctoberCERN PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINARMiguel Marqiiina and Raul Ramos / IT User Supportat 16.30 hrs - Auditorium*Quark mass generation and flavour mixingMonday 20 Octoberby Harald FRITZSCH / CERN & University of MunichThe observed spectrum of the lepton and quark massesdisplays a strong hierarchical structure, dominated by the tquark mass. This suggests a new description of the flavourmixing phenomenon and a specific symmetry, which allows to fix with high precision all flavour mixing angles aswell as the phase for CP violation, likewise the unitaritytriangle relevant for B meson physics. CP violation, deeribedby a phase parameter of 90 degrees, is maximal, like parityviolation.COSMOLOGY MEETINGat 14.00 hrs - TH Conference RoomGravitational microlensingby Philippe JETZER / PSI & Universitât ZurichI will first present the status of microlensing searches, whichare aimed to detect MACHOs in the halo and in the disk ofour Galaxy, and discuss the implications for the halo darkmatter. In addition to MACHOs, cold molecular clouds(mainly of H2) may well contribute substantially to thegalactic halo dark matter. I will present a scenario whichcan naturally lead to the formation of dark clusters ofMACHOs and cold molecular clouds in the outer regions ofthe galactic halo. Possible methods to detect these cloudswill also be addressed.*Tea & coffee will be served aï 16.00 hrs.Wednesday 22 OctoberCOMPUTING SEMINARat 16.00 hrs - IT Auditorium, bid. 3 1 / 3 - 0 0 5Gigabit Networking - Yesterday, Today andTomorrowMonday 20 October"TUESDAY W O R K S H O P "by Ben SEGAL / CERN-ITat 16.00 hrs - TH Conference Room (note unusual time)Over the last few years, Gigabit networking has progressedfrom an experimental curiosity to an accepted high-endtechnology. Over the next few years it will become a commodity item, with radical effects on the design, cost andperformance of distributed systems.This talk will cover some basic principles, and presentCERN's considerable experience so far with Gigabit networks (including that in the Computer Centre since 1990with UltraNet and HIPPI). It will then discuss the nearand medium term future trends for this flourishing area,including its potential impact on LHC-era computing.Extended-object solutions in supergravity theories Partiby Kellogg STELLE / CERN and Imperial College,LondonThis is a series of two introductory lectures covering theproperties of extended-object solutions in supergravity theories, i.e., solutions carrying the p-form charges that canoccur on the right-hand side of the supersymmetry algebrain dimensions greater than 4. Topics to be discussed willinclude the geometrical origin of the harmonic functionsdetermining these solutions, duality relations, supersymmetry properties and generalisations to include intersections, pp waves and Taub-NUT monopoles.Bulletin CERN43/97-20.10.97-6-CERN Bulletin

Thursday 23 OctoberFriday 24 October"TUESDAY W O R K S H O P "MEETING ON PARTICLE PHYSICS PHENOMENOLOGYat 14.00 hrs - TH Conference Roomat 14.00 hrs - TH Conference RoomUnstable systems in relativisticQuantum Field TheoryHigher order QCD corrections to o(e e- — hadrons)and T(H —» hadrons)by Massimo TESTA / CERN-TH and Roma Iby Matthias STEINHAUSER / MPI MunichWe show how the state of an unstable particle can be definedin terms of stable asymptotic states. This general definitionis used to discuss and to solve some old problems connectedwith the short-time and large-time behaviour of the nondecay amplitude.2nHigher order mass corrections of the form ( m / s ) are veryimportant in o b s e r v a b l e s like a(e e- —» h a d r o n s ) orT(H — t t ). A method is presented which allows a systematicexpansion of the polarization function I I(q ) in the limitq » m . The imaginary part of the three-loop vectorcorrelator, for example, immediately leads to the inclusivecross-section a(e e — hadrons). In a similar way also QCDcorrection to the decay of the Higgs boson into a quark paircan be evaluated. A very important decay mode of theHiggs boson is the one into gluons. For an intermediatemass Higgs boson corrections of O ( a ; : ) to the H —» ggpartial width are presented. These corrections are importantbecause the O(oc ) term is so sizeable that the theoreticalprediction to this order is unlikely to be reliable. In a similarway it is possible to compute the top-induced O ( o C g )corrections to the decay of the Higgs boson into quarks.The connection of these decay modes with the decouplingrelations for oc and the light quark masses is discussed.222 T h u r s d a y 23 OctoberSL SEMINARat 16.00 hrs - SL Auditorium, Prévessin, bld. 864The CLASSIC project and its Usesby F.C. ISELIN / CERN-SLExchange of data and algorithms among accelerator physicsprograms is difficult because of unnecessary differences ininput formats and internal data structures. To alleviate theseproblems a C class library called CLASSIC (Class Libraryfor Accelerator System Simulation and Control) is beingdeveloped with the goal to provide standard building blocksfor computer programs used in accelerator design. Itincludes modules for building accelerator lattice structuresin computer memory using a standard input language, agraphical user interface, or a programmed algorithm. Italso provides simulation algorithms. These can easily bereplaced by modules which communicate with the controlsystem of the accelerator.Exchange of both data and algorithm between differentprograms using the CLASSIC library should present nodifficulty. The CLASSIC library has now reached a statewhich allows beta testing and is being used within theframework of a new version of the M A D (Methodicalaccelerator Design) program.sFriday 24 OctoberEUROSCIENCEà 18.00 h - AmphithéâtreDémocratie, science et sociétépar Claude BIRRAUX / député de Haute-SavoieM o n d a y 27 OctoberPPE SEMINARat 16.30 hrs - Auditorium*The measurement of T j - / r h a d from DELPHI* Coffee and tea will be served at 15.30 in front of the auditorium.by Gary BARKER / CERN-PPEUsing LEP1 data taken in 1994 and 1995, the DELPHICollaboration has a preliminary measurement ofI rhadwhich was submitted to the Jerusalem HEP'97 Conference.Use of the upgraded microvertex detector, installed in Spring1994, together with an improved track search procedurehas allowed the development of powerful new b-quark tags.The combination of these tags in a multivariate analysis ispresented with particular emphasis on new features of themethod compared to DELPHI publications on earlier datasets.Friday 24 OctoberIT TRAINING TUTORIAL10.00-12.00 hrs - IT Auditorium, bid. 31/3-004The CERN Mail Service:Overview and Recommendationsby Arnaud TADDEI / CERN-ITThe need to replace the mail services provided by CERNVMled to the installation of a central mail server and the intro duction of a new generation of associated services. Withthe success of this service, initially forseen for users of Unixdesktop systems, a new project called MARCH was startedwith the mandate to extend this solution to the whole CERNcommunity. This seminar will present the background,motivations and some recommendations (clients and mi gration paths) to our users, as well as the future steps ofthis project. Although it is NOT a tutorial per se you arewelcome to provide your feedback during the session.In addition we are preparing a series of MAIL-related tuto rials scheduled for November and December. Again youare welcome to suggest those topics you would like to seeaddressed.BulletinCERN*Tea & coffee will be served at 16.00 hrs.T u e s d a y 28 O c t o b e rSPS AND PS EXPERIMENTS COMMITTEEOpen sessionat 09.00 hrs - Auditorium1. A t o m i c s p e c t r o s c o p y and c o l l i s i o n s u s i n g s l o wantiprotons (ASACUSA Collaboration); SPSC 9 7 - 1 9 /P307: R.S. Hayano.2. Status report from DIRAC [PS212] : L. Nemenov.-7-CERN Bulletin43/97-20.10.97

Closed sessionTuesday 28 Octoberafter the open session, 6th floor Conference Roomto be continued on Wednesday 29 October, if necessary.CERN PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINARat 16.30 hrs - Auditorium*Supersymmetry — what ? why ? when ?by Gordon KANE / University of MichiganTuesday 28 OctoberAfter a very short review of the Standard Model of particlephysics to make the talk self-contained, I will explain thehypothetical symmetry of particle states and interactionscalled "supersymmetry", and describe the motivations thathave led many particle physicists to w o r k on it. Asympathetic observer can find several kinds of indirectevidence in recent years that nature may actually besupersymmetric. In addition, a few candidate events forsuperpartner production have been reported from Fermilaband LEP, with properties consistent with each other andwith the indirect evidence. I will summarize some tests ofwhether superpartners are indeed being produced at existingfacilities,

derlined the symbiosis of scientific research and religious faith. Professor Frangoulis explained that "This is only the first step in breaking new ground. I want to encourage Greece to participate further in CERN. I be lieve that this is a good opportunity for the transfer of technology from CERN to Greek Industry; there will be