Sunday Worship January 24, 2021


Welcome toNew HopeVisionAll of the Bible in all of life.1/24/21Core ValuesWe worship God We study the WordName We love people We depend on prayer Are you a first-time visitor?Yes No Address .PurposeWe desire to increase the number and maturity level of followers of Jesus Christ, first bysharing with them the good news about Jesus, second by enfolding them into a fellowshipof believers, and finally by teaching them how the Bible, God’s Word, applies to all of life.About Us Email . We are affiliated with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church which has been planting churchesand preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ since its inception in 1936. We believe God'sinfallible and life-changing Word and the historic Christian faith as summarized in theWestminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.This Week at New HopePhone Who/what brought you to our church?Sunday 10:00amWorship Service6:00pmEvening Bible StudyPlease pray for .Monday 6:30pm Wednesday 6:30pm Thursday 6:00pm Women’s Bible StudyWomen’s Bible StudyKid’s Club & Youth GroupPrayer MeetingAnnouncementsTime of GreetingCall to WorshipPsalm 107:1-3, 8Worship in PraiseCome, Thou Almighty King - #101The Lord Is My SalvationWorship in PrayerWorship in GivingWorship in the Word1 Corinthians 4:14-21Pastor Jared Van NoordGod Of GraceBenedictionMen Of IronI would like my prayer request to be readNext Sundayby Pastors Only 10:00amWorship Service6:00pmEvening Bible StudyTear off this panel and place in the offering plate.WelcomeResponseSaturday8amJanuary 24, 2021The Lord Is My SalvationTuesday9:30amSunday WorshipOur God, Our Help In Ages Past - #30 New Hope Presbyterian Church6PM Evening Bible Study

AnnouncementsNew to New Hope? We’d love to greet you!Please visit the Welcome Desk as you exit the service.If you would like to know more about who we are, please check out our website!Men of Iron - Men’s Bible StudyJoin us on Saturdays at 8 AM for our Men’s study! We will be discussingBaptism: Answers to Common Questions by Dr. Gary Richard. If youwould like to join, or find out more information, please contact DaveKeller.Women’s Bible StudyJoin us for our winter study as we go through the book of Jude! Ladiesare welcome to come starting Monday, January 25th at 6:30PM, or Tuesday, January 26th at 9:30AM. There is no charge for the study and forthose that would like to join online there will be an option to attend viaZoom during the Tuesday morning study. Please sign up at the WelcomeCenter today, or contact Jean Opelt to let us know you are joining!Kids Club & Youth GroupChildren and Youth are invited to join us each Wednesday at 6:30 pmstarting January 13th! Come for a time of teaching from God’s Word,games and much more! Kids Club is for children in grades K-5 and YouthGroup is for grades 6-12.I’m Interested In.Giving StatementsYour 2020 Giving Statements are now available! Please check your mailboxes as you leave today. If you are not able to pick it up at church, pleaseemail and we will mail it to you. means to trust in Jesus ChristFamily Sunday SchoolSunday School starting 2/7 at 8:45AM! We are hosting one class in theSanctuary with a Family Sunday School format encouraging attendees ofall ages. We’ll share a time of hymn sing, and a short lesson to follow. Zoom option also available. Questions? Please talk to Emily Carlton orPastor Jared.Membership ClassInterested in learning more about New Hope and becoming a member? Weare planning on holding another Membership class in February! If you’reinterested, please contact Dave Keller or Pastor Jared to learn more.Half Century GroupHave you forgotten that there was a group for those of us that are 50 Plus?We wouldn’t blame you if you have, it’s been a long time since we met! Wewould like to see if there is any interest in resurrecting this group. We enjoyactivities, games, snacking and, of course, fellowship! If this is somethingthat you might be interested in, please contact Pat Arriens or Lynda Schouten.Prayer ChainPlease send any prayer requests for our weekly Prayer Chain email by Sunday evening. As usual, if you would like yourrequest to stay confidential please indicate that in your email.Prayer MeetingJoin us on Thursdays from 6-7pm starting January 21st. We’ll experiencewonderful fellowship as we pray for needs within New Hope as well asfor our New Hope faith missions and our OPC Home and Foreign missions.New Hope Presbyterian Church2401 Deckner Ave.Green Bay, WI 54302Talking with someone about what itPhone: (920) 468-8565Website: www.nhopc.orgEmail: Membership Baptism Small groups Meeting with a Pastor or an Elder Online giving Serving in Children’s ministry Serving in Nursery Serving in Library Serving in Worship team Serving in Youth ministry Women’s Study / Women’s Fellowship Men’s Study / Men’s Fellowship Missions Serving as a Greeter or Usher Serving in Audio/Visual Serving in Kitchen Other

1 Corinthians 4:14-21A Call for ChangeJanuary 23, 2021Introduction: Paul finishes his call for unity among the believers by appealingto his right authority created by the Gospel to call them to such a task. In orderto fulfil the mandate to be in alignment with the very Gospel that transforms it,the church is called to three actions.1 Corinthians 4:14-21A Call for ChangeJanuary 23, 2021Introduction: Paul finishes his call for unity among the believers by appealingto his right authority created by the Gospel to call them to such a task. In orderto fulfil the mandate to be in alignment with the very Gospel that transforms it,the church is called to three actions.1) Honest1) Honest2) Vision2) Vision3) Meaningful3) MeaningfulApplication:1) StayApplication:1) Stay2) Speak2) Speak3) Seek3) Seek

www.gettymusic.comThe Lord Is My SalvationWords and Music by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty,Nathan Nockles and Jonas MyrinSteadily (q 69)F ‹ ### 4 ‰ 4r&œœœ œJ RDE“E F ‹œœ œ œ œ œœ œœ œ œ w 1. The2. I3. My4. Inr ‰œ? # # 4 œ # 4 œœ Rgrace of God has reached forwill not fear when dark - nesshope is hid - den in thetimes of wait - ing, times ofme,falls,Lord,need,œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ wDE“E‰ rœ œœ œ œ œœ wœœ œœ œœ œ wRœAnd pulled me from the rag - ing sea.His strength will help me scale these walls.He flow’rs each pro - mise of His Word.When I know loss, when Iam weak.r ‰ œR œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ wœJ1.3.4D/F E/G ### ‰&jœJ œ œ œ A A/C DB‹7D/A‰ jœœ œ œ œ œœJ œ œ œœ œœ œ œ AndI am safeon this sol - id ground:I’ll see the dawnof the ris - ing sun:When win - ter fades,I know spring will come:Iknow His grace will re - new these days:? ### ‰ œj œ œ œ œJ œ œ œ ETheTheTheTheLord isLord isLord isLord ismymymymyE/Aj œœœJ wwsal - vasal - vasal - vasal - vaœœœœ œœtion.-tion.jœ œ œ œœ œœ ‰ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œJ wRefrain2.4.8D/A E/A A ###&œ œœœwwœœtion.EœœA/C Eœœ œœ œœ œœ œ œœ œœ Who is? ### œ œ w DliketheDœœ œœ œœ œœ œ œ œ Lord our God?Strong to save, faith - fulœœ œœ œœ œœ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ œœ 1.F ‹E/G A A/C D A/C B‹7ED/Aj ###& œ jj œœœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ œ œœœœœ œœœœJœ J wwJis paidand the vic - tory won: The Lord is my sal - va j œ œœ œœ œ œ œ j? ### œœ œœ œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ J J 2016 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) and Sweater Weather Music (ASCAP)(admin in North America by and elsewhere by;Capitol CMG Paragon (BMI) Son of the Lion (BMI) (adm. atœJ œ jœœJin love.Myœœj œ J œ œjœJ[to verse] 2.13debtA/C tion.wwE/AœœœœD/Aœœ œwœwE/Aœœœœœœtion. wwThe Lord Is My Salvation(Hymnal: Key of A)

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www.gettymusic.comGently Flowing (q 72) D/F#G'9God of GraceWords and Music byKeith Getty and Jonathan ReaBm7A5D mf 6 Gma7 G6 D/F# Em 11 Em reach - esGod andhopeis 15Bm A7D DA7D A7 down toper - fecte - Em7Asus A A7D Copyright 2005 Thankyou Music/Adm. by songsexcl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. by permission. grace, a - maz - inggrace, who loved andgrace, I stand a - D/F# D/F# Gma7 G6 D/F# Oh, the mir - ac - le of mer - cy– Je - susSent my Sav - iour down from Hea - ven: Per - fectAll my fearsare now con - found - ed and my Godre - stores my soul.cept - ed as His own.dayI'll see Your face; A7won - der, ir - re - sist - i - ble and free;knew me long be - fore the world be - gan;stound - ed, cleansed for - gi - ven and se cure.D1. God of2. God of3. God of A7 Dgrace,grace,grace, D/F# D/F# Istand inItrust innow crowned in Gma7 G6 D/F# G D/F# won - der,Je - sus;Glo - ry, EmA7 G'9 A asI'mwheremyac one D His own blood has paid my ran - som; awe - some cost to make me whole.Ev - ery day new grace sus - tains me, asI lean on Him a - lone.And for - e - ver I'll a - dore You in Your e - ver - last - ing grace. fine God of Grace (Hymnal: Key of D)

Sunday Worship January 24, 2021 Welcome Announcements Time of Greeting Call to Worship Psalm 107:1-3, 8 Worship in Praise Come, Thou Almighty King - #101 Our God, Our Help In Ages Past - #30 The Lord Is My Salvation Worship in Prayer Worship in Giving The Lord Is My Salvation Worship in the Word 1 Corinthians 4:14-21 Pastor Jared Van Noord