AGENDA ITEM 18 - California



CALIFORNIA BOARD OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPYAugust 2017 Legislative UpdateBill #AuthorSummaryStatusAB 703FloraThis bill would require every board within the Department of Consumer Affairs to grant afee waiver for application and issuance of an initial license for an applicant who ismarried to, or in a domestic partnership or other legal union with, an active duty memberof the Armed Forces of the United States if the applicant holds a current license in thesame profession or vocation in another state, district, or territory The bill would requirethat an applicant be granted fee waivers for both the application for and issuance of alicense if the board charges fees for both. The bill would prohibit fee waivers from beingissued for renewal of a license, for an additional license, a certificate, a registration, or apermit associated with the initial license, or for the application for an examination.This bill failed thecommittee deadline and isa two-year bill.AB 710WoodThis bill would require a board to meet once every other calendar year in rural California.This bill failed thecommittee deadline and isa two-year bill.AB 1005CalderonUnder existing law, any board within the Department of Consumer Affairs, the boardcreated by the Chiropractic Initiative Act, and the Osteopathic Medical Board ofCalifornia, is authorized to establish, by regulation, a system for the issuance to alicensee of a citation which may contain an order of abatement or an order to pay anadministrative fine assessed by the board where the licensee is in violation of theapplicable law. Existing law requires the system, whenever appropriate, to include aprovision requiring the citation to contain an order of abatement fixing a reasonable timefor abatement of the violation.This bill failed thecommittee deadline and isa two-year bill.IThis bill, except with regard to healing arts licensees, would instead require a citationcontaining an order to pay an administrative fine to contain an order of abatement fixinga period of no less than 30 days for abatement of the violation before the administrativefine becomes effective, as provided.AB 1087IrwinExisting law requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to set the minimumrequirements for a services credential with a specialization in health and excludesservices as an occupational therapist or physical therapist from the health services theholder of a services credential with a specialization in health is authorized to perform.This bill would require the commission to develop a services credential with aspecialization in occupational therapy and physical therapy services and sets forth theThis bill failed thecommittee deadline and isa two-year bill.g:/legislationireports/LegUpdatelAugust 15, 2017

,, x-. cc ,- c,"., , " ",- ,, , . - "- , --.- , , minimum requirements for the credential, as provided. The bill would specify that nothingin its provisions shall be construed to require a person to hold a credential to performoccupational therapy or physical therapy services in the public schools.This bill would also provide that possession of the services credential with aspecialization in occupational therapy and physical therapy services satisfies thatrequirement.AB 1510DababnehThis bill would enact the Athletic Training Practice Act, which would, after adetermination is made that sufficient funds have been received to pay initial costs of thisbill, provide for the licensure and regulation of athletic trainers, as defined and establishthe Athletic Trainer Licensing Committee within the California Board of OccupationalTherapy to implement these provisions. This bill would repeal these provisions onJanuary 1, 2025.This bill failed thecommittee deadline and isa two-year bilLAB 1706Business &ProfessionsCommitteeExisting law, the Occupational Therapy Practice Act, provides for the licensure andregulation of occupational therapists by the California Board of Occupational Therapy, whichis within the Department of Consumer Affairs, and repeals the provisions establishing theboard on January 1, 2018.This bill would extend the operation of the board until January 1, 2022.Location: SenateCommittee onAppropriationsHearing Date: August 21,2017.This bill would authorize a licensee under the act who has earned a doctoral degree inoccupational therapy (OTD) or, after adoption by the board of specified regulations, adoctoral degree in a related area of practice or study to use specified abbreviations and titlesin communications, as specified.SB 762HernandezExisting law requires a healing arts board, as defined, to issue, upon application andpayment of the normal renewal fee, an inactive license or certificate to a current holder of anactive license or certificate whose license or certificate is not suspended, revoked, orotherwise punitively restricted by the board. Existing law requires the holder of an inactivelicense or certificate to, among other things, pay the renewal fee in order to restore his or herlicense or certificate to an active status.This is a two-year bill.This bill would require the renewal fee to be waived for any healing arts licensee whocertifies to his or her respective board that license restoration is for the sole purpose ofproviding voluntary, unpaid service to a public agency, not-for-profit agency, institution, orcorporation that provides medical services to indigent patients in medically underserved orcritical-need population areas of the state.g:/legislationlreports/LegUpdate/August 15,2017

8/9/2017Bill Text - AB-703 Professions and vocations: licenses: fee waivers,LEGISLATIVE INFORMATIONHome8111 InformationCalifornia LawIiPublicationsI'Other ResourcesIMy SubscriptionsAB-703 Professions and vocations: licenses: fee waivers.SHARE THIS:My Favorites(2017-2018)Date Published: 02/15/2017 09:00 PMCALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE-2017-2018 REGULAR SESSIONNo. 703ASSEMBLY BILLIntroduced by Assembly Member FloraFebruary 15, 2017An act to add Section 115.7 to the BUsiness and Professions Code, relating to professions and vocations,LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGESTAB 703, as introduced, Flora. Professions and vocations: licenses; fee waivers.Existing law provides for the licensure and regulation of various professions and vocations by boards within theDepartment of Consumer Affairs. Existing law requires a board within the department to expedite the licensureprocess for an applicant who is married to, or in a domestic partnership or other legal union with, an active dutymember of the Armed Forces of the United States who Is assigned to a duty station In this state If the applicantholds a current license In the same profession or vocation In another state, district, or territory. Existing law alsorequires a board to issue temporary licenses In specified professions to applicants as described above if certainrequirements are met.This bill would require every board within the Department of Consumer Affairs to grant a fee waiver forapplication and issuance of an Initial license for an applicant who is married to, or In a domestic partnership orother legal union with, an active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States if the applicant holds acurrent license in the same profession or vocation in another state l district, or territory. The bill would requirethat an applicant be granted fee waivers for both the application for and issuance of a license if the boardcharges fees for both, The bill would prohibit fee waivers from being issued for renewal of a license, for anadditional license, a certificate, a registration, or a permit associated with the initial license, or for the applicationfor an examination,Vote: majorityAppropriation: noFiscal Committee: yesLocal Program: noTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS:SECTION 1. Section 115,7 is added to the Business and Professions Code, to read:http://leginfo,legislature,ca ,govlfaces/bi liNavClient.xhtml ?biIUd 201720180AB7031/2

8/9/2017Bill Text - AB-703 Professions and vocations: licenses: fee waivers.115.7. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, every board within the department of Consumer Affairs shall grant afee waiver for the application for and Issuance of an Initial license to an applicant who does both of the following:(1) Supplies satisfactory evidence of being married to, or in a domestic partnership or other legal union with anactive duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States.(2) Holds a current, active, and unrestricted license that confers upon him or her the authority to practice, Inanother state, district, or territory of the United States, the profession or vocation for which he or she seeks alicense from the board.(b) If a board charges a fee for the application for a license and another fee for the issuance of a license, theapplicant shall be granted fee waivers for both the application for and Issuance of a license.(c) A fee waiver shall not be issued for any of the following:(1) Renewal of an existing California license.(2) The application for and Issuance of an additional license, a certificate, a registration, or a permit associatedwith the initial license.(3) The application for an examination.http://Ieginfo.legislatu NavClient.xhtml?bIIUdo:20 1720180AB7032/2

8/9/2017Bill Text - AS-710 Department of Consumer Affairs: boards: meetings.LEGISLATIVE IN FO .RMATIONHomeBill InformationCalifornia LawAB 110SHARE THIS:IPublicationsIOther ResouroesIMy SubscriptionsDepartment of Consumer Affairs: boards: meetings.IJMy Favorites(2017-2018)Date Published: 04/27/2017 09:00 PMAMENDED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 27,2017AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY MARCH 27, 2017CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE-2017-2018 REGULAR SESSIONNo. 710ASSEMBLY BILLIntroduced by Assembly Member WoodFebruary 15, 2017An act to amend Section 101. 7 of the Business and Professions Code, relating to professions andvocations.LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGESTAS 710, as amended, Wood. Department of Consumer Affairs: boards: meetings.Existing law provides for the licensure and regulation of various professions and vocations by boards within theDepartment of Consumer Affairs. Existing law generally requires these boards to meet at least 3 times eachcalendar year, and at least once In northern California and once in southern California per calendar year.This bill would require a board to meet once every other calendar year In rural-·A61-t-J:reffi California.Vote: majorityAppropriation: noFiscal Committee: yesLocal Program: noTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS:SECTION 1. Section 101.7 of the Business and Professions Code is amended to read:101.7. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, boards shall meet at least three times each calendar year.Boards shall meet at least once each calendar year in northern California, once every other calendar year in ruralMft-J:reffi California, and once each calendar year In southern California in order to facilitate participation by thepublic and its licensees.(b) The director at his or her discretion may exempt any board from the requirement in subdivision (a) upon ashowing of good cause that the board is not able to meet at least three times in a calendar year.(c) The director may call for a special meeting of the board when a board Is not fulfilling Its duties.http://ieginfo d 201720180AB71 01/2

8/9/2017Bill Text - AB-710 Department of Consumer Affairs: boards: meetings.(d) An agency within the department that Is required to provide a written notice pursllant to subdivision (a) ofSection 11125 of the Government Code, may provide that notice by regular mail, email, or by both regular malland email. An agency shall give a person who requests a notice the option of receiving the notice by regularmail, email, or by both regular mail and email. The agency shall comply with the requester's chosen form orformsof notice.(e) An agency that plans to Web cast a meeting shall include in the meeting notice required pursuant tosubdivision (a) of Section 11125 of the Government Code a statement of the board's Intent to Web cast themeeting. An agency may Web cast a meeting even If the agency falls to include that statement of intent in thenotice,http://ieginfo.legis;20 1720180AB71 02/2

8/9/2017Bill Text - AB-1005 Professions and vocations: fines: relief.LEGISLATIVE INFORMA'T'IONiHomeBill InformationCalifornia LawIPublloationsOther ResourcesAB-l00S Professions and vocations: fines: relief.My SubscriptionsMy Favorites(2017-2018)Date Published: 05/02/2017 09:00 PMAMENDED IN ASSEMBLY MAY 02,2017SHARE THIS:AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 17,2017CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE,,-2017-2018 REGULAR SESSIONASSEMBLY BILLNo. 1005Introduced by Assembly Member CalderonFebruary 16, 2017Aft-aeH-0-arneflcl-Se tj0f1'-1';?;.&-e.f.-t.fte-&st cI-Pl" f Sffiefls-G atfft§-t-0-·I7f0fessi 4 l'l-GrAnact to amend Section 125,9 of the Business and Professions Code, relatIng to professionsand vocations.LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGESTAS 1005, as amended, Calderon, Professions and vocations: fines: relief.Under existing law, the Department of Consumer Affairs is under the control of the Director of Consumer Affairsand Is comprised of various-8{')ards, burOOtlBr- QmmlssloAs,- emmittees, and similarly constituted agenciesboards that license and regulate the practice of various professions and vocations. A violation of a regulatory actby a licensee can subject a licensee to discipline, Including administrative penalties or citations, suspension, orrevocation of the license. Existing law specifies that whenever any provision of law governing businesses andprofessions grants authority to issue a citation for a violation of a code prOVision, that authority also includes theauthority to Issue a citation for the violation of any I'egulation adopted pursuant to code.::r-ft!s,-"r)-j I-'W0\fIEl-attH1(1r-i e--b{)ar-EIs,"btlf-eaHS/ 0fl'tffiis5j(1AS,e ml'l'l HeesT-afl l"-stm Iefty--e :7AsBW-te !-ageAcies-I:A-a.j;jh::eABe--afl l-re Hl-a.j;e-J7rofessi&\S-itIffi·-\fOC-e 0flS;-WfteA-'9faftl:e l;!tfl r-ity-t(1-1-sSt:te-a-efl;at oo,--I:e-!flst-ea-eHsstte- tf x-tt--t-f. !lew ef a flAc. Fhe bill ·.,.oul -y-ti at any persoA who is Issues a fix it ticket in lieu of a cH:atJ.enffi)tlf4-.fTeve--3tM;tay \:e--eorrectthc violationb u-ed-the-f-ifte-rUnder existing law, any board within the Department of Consumer Affairs, the board created by the ChiropracticInitiative Act, and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California, Is authorized to establish, by regulation, a systemfor the issuance to a licensee of a citation which may contain an order of abatement or an order to pay anadministrative fine assessed by the board where the licensee Is in violation of the applicable law. ExistIng lawrequires the system, whenever appropriate, to inc/ude a provision requiring the citation to contain an order ofabatement fixing a reasonable time for abatement of the biIlNavClient.xhtml?biIUd 201720180AB10051/3

8/9/2017Bill Text - AB-1 006 Professions and vocations: fines: relief.This bill, except with regard to healing arts licensees, would instead require a citation containing an order to payan admInistrative fine to contain an order of abatement fixing a period of no less than 30 days for abatement ofthe violation before the admInistrative fine becomes effective, as provided.Vote: majorityAppropriation: noFiscal Committee: yesLocal Program: noTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS:SECTION 1. Section 125.9 of the Business and Professions Code Is amended to read:125.9. (a) Except with respect to persons regulated under Chapter 11 (commencing with Section 7500), anyboard, bureau, or commission within the department, the board created by the Chiropractic Initiative Act, andthe Osteopathic Medical Board of California, may establish, by regulation, a system for the issuance to a licenseeof a citation which may contain an order of abatement or an order to pay an administrative fine assessed by theboard, bureau, or commission where the licensee is in violation of the applicable licensing act or any regulationadopted pursuant thereto.(ti) The system shall contain the following provisions:(1) Citations shall be in writing and shall describe with particularity the nature of the violation, including specificreference to the provision of law determined to have been violated.(2) Wftertev-er-Except as provided In paragraph (3), whenever appropriate, the citation shall contain an order ofabatement fixing a reasonable time for abatement of the violation.(:3) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), except with respect to healing arts licensees licensed pursuant to Division 2(commencing with Section SOD, the board created by the Chiropractic Initiative Act, and the Osteopathic MedicalBoard of California, a citation containing an order to pay an administrative fine shalf contain the following:(A) An order of abatement fixing a period of no less than 30 days for abatement of the violation before theadministraUve fine becomes effective.(B) If the licensee successfully abates the violation within the 30-day period, the licensee shall not beresponsible for payment of the administrative fine.(C) If the licensee fails to abate the violation within the 3D-day period, the licensee shall pay the administrativefine.(4) In no event shall the administrative fine assessed by the board, bureau, or commisSion exceed five thousanddollars ( 5,000) for each inspection or each Investigation made with respect to the violation, or five thousanddollars ( 5,000) for each violation or count If the violation involves fraudulent billing submitted to an Insurancecompany, the Medi-Cal program, or Medicare. In assessing a fine, the board, bureau, or commission shall givedue consideration to the appropriateness of the amount of the fine with respect to factors such as the gravity ofthe violation, the good faith of the licensee, and the history of previous violations.(5) A citation or fine assessment Issued pursuant to a citation shall Inform the licensee that if he or she desires ahearing to contest the finding of a violation, that hearing shall be reqUested by written notice to the board,bureau, or commission within 30 days of the date of Issuance of the citation or sm -I'It. assessment or thedate the adminIstrative fine becomes effective pursuant to paragraph (3). If a hearing Is not requested pursuantto this section, payment of any fine shall not constitute an admission of the violation charged. Hearings shall beheld pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of DiviSion 3 of Title 2 of the GovernmentCode.(6) Fall lre of a licensee to pay a fine within 30 days of the date of-assessrrteAl:, assessment or the date theadministrative fine becomes effective pursuant to paragraph (3) unless the citation is being appealed, may resultIn disciplinary action being taken by the board, bureau, or commission. Where a citation Is not contested and afine is not paid, the full amount of the assessed fine shall be added to the fee for renewal of the license. Alicense shall not be renewed without payment of the renewal fee and avClient.xhtml?biIUd 201720180AB10062/3

8/9/2017Bill Text" AB·1 005 Professions and vocations: fines: relief.(c) The system may contain the following provisions:(1) A citation may be Issued without the assessment of an administrative fine.(2) Assessment of administrative fines may be limited to only particular violations of the applicable licensing act.Cd) Notwithstanding any other 1'0Vl 10f\--0f law, If a fine is paid to satisfy an assessment based on the finding of aviolation, payment of the fine shall be represented as satisfactory resolution of the matter for purposes of publicdisclosure.(e) Administrative fines collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the special fund of the particularboard, bureau, or commission.5EGnGN- -,,&ec-tfe (!e-is--arnef\ lea-tG-r--etla - flae'1'Jf -vieletfefK1f--aflY--p-Ff'7vlslel -ef.tl91:s-c-eae,tI9-at'-attthorlt'y' also Inciudes-tA-e-atH:Aflflty-to issue a cltatloA for tAO violatlof)-ef.a- u a-tfen adoptedf*:/f"'.nt-a-At to a ny-prev s efl--fTH.fl tH; fIslfR'le--atItI-tefl-l.'y-t-e--issue a citatio n of any prev s4on of this code also includes tAe autAority totsstte-a-f k jetrekKlf\e:- ers-0f\-WAO Is Issued a fll( It ticket In lieu 0f--a citation and fine shall have-3-G-d-a-y- --is-stI d the fine.http://leginfo.Iegislalure. oa. govlfaoes/bi IINavClIent.xhtml?biIUd 201720180AB10053/3

Bill Text· AS·1087 Teacher oredentlaling: services credential with a specialization in occupational therapy and physical therapy services.8/9/2017LEGISLATIVE INFORMATIONIBill InformationAB 1087California Law:PublicationsIOther ResourceSMy SubscriptionsMy FavoritesTeacher cl'edentialing: services credential with a specialization in occupational therapy and physical therapyservices. (2017-2018)SHARE THIS:IIDate PlJblished 04/18/2017 04:00 AMAMENDED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 17, 2017CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE- 2017-2018 REGULAR SESSIONNo. 1087ASSEMBLY BILLIntroduced by Assembly Member IrwinFebruary 16, 2017An act to am en d-Se �efrBHa-ffi-afA fld,r-epeaJ,-aflfl-adEhSeet-ief}4WH-ef,t:he-.§ !l:I at de,-felati A9to seh 00 I atten da Ace, an-d- J.e ltH41'l- ereef-;--te-ta1 ee.ff·f.,' t-ifAffiediately. Section 44270 of, and to add Section 44268.2 to, the Education Code, relating toteacher credent/allng.LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGESTAS 1087, as amended, Irwin. SBI:tooI--·-at-l:en.a-a-Acei- r-rt:er-a-istl'k:-t--traHsfefs,-Teacher credentialing: servicescredential with a specialization In occupational therapy and physical therapy services.(1) Exlstinglaw requires the Commission on Teacher Credentlaling to, among other things, establish professionalstandards, assessments, and examinations for entry and advancement in the education profession and toestablish standards for the Issuance and renewal of credentials, certificates, and permits. EXisting law sets forththe minimum requirements for a services credential with a specialization In health and excludes services as anoccupational therapist or physical therapist from the health services the holder of a services credential with aspecialization In health Is authorized to perform.This bill would require the commission to develop a services credential with a specialization In occupationaltherapy and physical therapy services and sets forth the minimum requirements for the credential, as provided.The bill would specify that nothing In Its provisions shall be construed to require a person to hold a credential toperform occupational therapy or physical therapy services In the public schools.(2) Existing law specifies the minimum requirements for the preliminary services credential with a specializationIn administrative services, which include, among other requirements, possession of one of various types ofcredentials.This bill would provide that possession of the services credential with a specialization In occupational therapy andphysical therapy services satisfies that s/bIlINavClient.xhtml?bIlUd:::201720180AS10871/6

8/9/2017Bill Text - AB·1 087 Teacher credentialing: services credential with a specialization In occupational therapy and physioal therapy services.f:1 }E- t sHA-glaw aut ---\:A pning sEJaffi--ef-.a.ny-se/'t6-ol district to accept pupils for admission thrEl1;:t§i'tlA-rel' list-ri -traflSfer-s-lfl aeeof-ciaA -e-w th-&peeff!e I-r- !tfir-effleflt'5,-exfstfA§j--IaW-t'e ttflr-es-e6-fflffltH'lieotioos-te-I*H' ecHng-.j;13-enr-e-Il-f*Jpi s-1;;l e-&ehe-l;1k!jstr-l t;-e-f-Bhojee--of l;ieI1 to Offlj9ly-w & j :r.A-is---b ll-w(}U l--f'equif-e- -I1ose---t:13mmtlf1-fcatien He-si t1B o-areciassifled as En§jlish learAer-s,eHgiblc for free or reducc l--pl'lce meal &l-tthr-a-n-d--would requirece-mml;;lnicatloo be-·traftErtatc l--ift--flOn EAglish languages In certain sel-roe-I--ffi el-fie-dpeFcenta of:-ptfpils speaiH-s Agie primary language other than E { )E}(istlng iaw-r" ' ftHreS a school district of choice to enSl:1re tho al:1dltor who conducts t Financial auait, as spe :iffetJ, ompllance with provisions reql:llring interdistrict traAsfer pupils t S ieete l--tflf'o rtH'I loml uneiased process,:r.hi -bHl---wotfl l--fequlfe--t;he--scftool-- l strfc-t--of--elwl e---tEH1ot#y-atf lit-Of-s--of-any--e eFt-lo -by-3fd-j;1af't-tes-ef J a.flee--wtt:h- n-tcr l-!s1;ricttransfer requiremeAts, ind1:td-lAg allegat-l&ns of nonrandom, biased admissionpraetices.f3-}eJ -ts uiresaschool distrie .-of choice to give--p-rIot4ty-for attendance to siblings of children already Inatten l-anee- n-t':hfrH; 1ct.-:r.h S-I3 H-v,'ould l'eqH ehool district of choice to give first priority-f&r--attcA l-ance to siblin-§js of children alreadyl-l9--at-tendancc and te--§Tlve-seeooEl--prierity-te--pHpl-l-s-wflo are classified as Eng-lish learners, eligible for free orre l ri C-meals, or foster trlet-of-f--es-ldenee·-wlth-aA-BVer-a HfaH'f-a-t4:eM-anee- r1il-atef-thoo-SG;B{)G-to4m t the AHmber of p-uplls transferring out each yeal" to 1Wo of its current year estimatea average dallya- endaAce, and-a-Hti9e-r!zes a school district of residence with an average dally att laflce of less than 50,000 tol m t fpupils transferring out to 3% of its current 'y'ear estimated average daily attendal1 C7r-i'tis--bHI--w&ul Hnstead authori:ilC a school district of residence--wlth an average daily attel'f lance greater than50t0-{}G-.Aa-s- 1 notlficatioF1 froo1 a schook!-lst-rlet of ehoiee that a numeer o -that the school district ofr-esl lcne -{, le1:l at-es--to--be-equal to 1!Ve of Its current year estimated avera§e dally atteAdaF1ce have beena i*c l---iTttB--tMat school district of el'1oieo for tl10 follo',viAfij sehool et any additional pupils fromtrtlt1 feFl'fA§--te-- e--5Choe.J-- lrstriet-of'-clwi &-upon--a l-0-F ti-ef\-efaresoM-Iefl-aH--PHbllc-- -eHh -iJever-nlng boafd-of-the--s-ehoof-- Ilstl'i -\:--of-r stdeA e,:r:l1e-b-il -WOul l--fruti'tOf-fi!e-a-s6heol-d st:r ct-ef-res aol'l-eo-w t-h-afl-eve-r-a c4a 9,OBG-orIcss to ros ls from transfer-ring aftcr receiving not f eatlon from athat-a-n-l;Il'i"t-ber of pupils that--\:he school distrfct of residonco eolcl:llatcs to l0e equal to 3%ef- l:s-eL rr-eAt-yeaF- estimatc l--avcrage daily attendance have becA accepte l- Are-tha-t-&ehe-ol district of ohalce forth hoo -f.lHthof'ize the scllook! str ct-ef-resldenco to limit tile total nltffibcr af ef--eho ice at arry-gi-IfCA-til'l'le-te--1-G%-ef'-the-schee.J--. l-iBt-ffc-t-of-r-esI leflc-e-!s--averagesehooi-0-l-st f-ehoico l-a n l-an-ceT{57-E-x st horii!e5a SOllool district of resideAce that has a negative st-atus on ti1o--most recent e.tdfjeteerl#icatie-H--c0m-pleh;:J l-by-t-fl-e-C0tfAtY-SHf\er ffrentiCrtt-of'-s h0e-1s-1t9---any--fisc-al-y-ear--I::&-Hm t-et--the-sell0ol-Ellstri t-ifl-#l-aH Seol-ye-ar.:r.hls--bHl-wotfl l-alse--iltf-t;hori-z-e-a-5{';-Aoa-I- llst-r-l-ct-e-f-resideffce--tha-t-ilas-a-quallfle l-stal;Us--off-th -ffie-st-r-ece!1t-b\:l(jg-e fto--transf-e-f--out-of-t-he-sehooi-distflet-. -6tE*Ist -- aw-atl1;l1Ofli!esa school alstrict of choice to provide transportation asslstanee-t"6--frl'l--lnterdlstrictd istriet- erwise--pf'ov-fdes-traAs-por-t-otion-assl sta neG'ansrer-j3tt-p-I -t-o-t l -tcfTt--thaHhe-&eh 001:r.hts--bi l--wo\:l d-repe-al--th{)se prov isions 0 n-iltt1-y-1,.-2- f-\:ha\:- l-a-te-WGtlI l--r-equfre a sch oo4flstriet--e-fehoioo,u-pen-- f a pupil's parent or gUVFEl aI"to provide free tran tlon asslsi;aA-ee-l:o-a-f:ruj9ll-wi1e-fse i-§j b e-- 0-I'-f'l' e-e-r-r-e l-uced price meals and ha sfeFred to a sche-ol-- l stfiet-of-chof e--lA-a spceffied-r-e,,!"uit'0fflont'S-;-P-te*ist -§j-fnl'Cl' l-lsl:rlet-tr-a-nsfer-S-ifleper-atlv-e- ttaf-y--i,-2-Q.:t-8.:r.hls-b i -w-o \:II d i AstCafr-rl'litke--th e p rovlsioftS-if\ope rati ve oA-J1:l1 l' 11 2022, aI1EI-woI:lfd-l'ep-ea4he-m-en--ih -2B http://leglnfo.legislatu re. ca. gov/faces/bi II NavClient.xhtml?bllUd 201720180AB10872/6

8/9/2017Bill Text - A8-1 087 Teacher credentlallng: services credential with a specialization In occupational therapy and physical therapy services.t&rFftl5- 'ri I-vffl!;lt t-E.leelElt'e-{;Aat·· t ke-e#wHfl'1f'l'te flatc IyVote: frif lsmajority Appropriation: noa 5 an !;l rg eneyFiscal Committee: yesst "Local Program: noTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS:SECTION 1. Section 44268.2 Is added to the Education Code, to read:44268.2. (a) The commission shall develop a services credential with a specialization in occupational therapy and

This bill would require a board to meet once every other calendar year in rural California. This bill failed the committee deadline and is a two-year bill. AB 1005 : Calderon ; Under existing law, any board within the Department of Consumer Affairs, the board created by the Chiropractic Initiative Act, and the Osteopathic Medical Board of