
presentsTommy Igoe’sGROOVEESSENTIALSROCKRock GroovesThere are hundreds of grooves from around the world andeven more yet to be invented! Here are some of the mostcommon ones every drummer should know.8th note rock patternsHere are the 5 eighth note rock grooves that we included on the poster. Listen to your favorite pop/rock records to learneven more!144 yœTry your right hand on the ride cymbal, moveit to the hi-hat, or even the floor-tom!4 y y œy y y y œy y4œœyœœy23y œy y y y œy yœyyy y œy y y y œy yœœyœœy4 y y œy y y y œy y4œy œ œy œ o4 y y œy y y y œy y4œœ œ ŒŒ4o 4 y y œy y y y œy y4 œ.œ œ.œJJAre you using theRIGHTUsing an open/closed hi-hat can change thefeel of a groove dramatically. Experiment withusing the tip or shoulder of the stick fordifferent sounds!o y y œy y y y œy yœ.œ œ.œJJPlaying rock grooves generally requires a medium to heavy stick with a short taper to producethe volume necessary to cut through a rock band. We suggest using a stick made ofhickory because it has a fibrous grain and is denser and more rigid than maple. Goodmodels to look for are Vic Firth’s American Classic 5A, 5B or ROCK drumsticks!TOOLfor the job?You don’t have to play fast to groove!Work with a metronome at differentspeeds to develop a great groove!y y œy y y y œy yœy œ œy œ oy y œy y y y œy yœœ œ ŒŒ5y y œy y y y œy yœœyy

16th note rock patternsThese work well with faster rock tunes that need a busy hi-hat. Play the hi-hat with both hands.R L R LFor different sounds, experiment with theamount of pressure that you placeon the hi-hat pedal.644 yœ y y y Œœ y y y yœ y y y Œœ y y y yœ y y y Œœ y y y yœ y y y Œœ y y yR L R Lto line your hands and your feet4 y y y y œ y y y y y y y œ y y y y y y y œ y y y y y y y œ y y y upWorkEXACTLYtogether! Nothing spoils a4œ‰ Jœ ‰ Jœ Jœ . œ‰ Jœ ‰ Jœ Jœ .groove faster than sloppy playing!o o 44 y y y y œ y y y y y y œ y y œ y y y y œ y y y y y y œ y y œœ. œ ‰ œ œœ. œ ‰ œ œŒŒJJ7R L R L8Half-time rock patternsThese are useful for creating rhythmic variety. Listen for a “half-time” feel in some of your favorite songs. 4 y y y y œy y y y4 œ.œ .œJ ŒJoy y y y œy y yœœ‰ Jœ Œ9 44 Yœ10The cymbal bell makes a nice changein sound - emphasizing the heavy countsone and three for this half-time groove. y y Yyy œ Œyy yyUse a straight right-hand sticking onthe hi-hat in this groove. Yy y Yy‰ Jœ y œ Œy yy œDRUMSET KEY:yridecymbalcymbalsoY yridebellyhi-hat hi-hatopen hi-hatw/footCHECK THISOUT!Tommy Igoe’sydrumsœbassdrume œyfBass snare snare snarerimshot crossghoststicknotecowbellse œœsnare tom1ghostnotetom2œttfloor cha-cha cowbelltom cowbellFeaturing world-renowned drummer, solo artist, author and educator, Tommy Igoe,Getting Started on Drums is an entertaining and educational way for beginningdrummers to learn to play the right way – right from the start!Getting Started on Drums You can learn MORE by visiting http://www.tommyigoe.comCOPYRIGHT 2002 VIC FIRTH INC. WWW.VICFIRTH.COMDownload a FREE COPY of the Groove Essentials Handbook at sentials.html

presentsTommy Igoe’sGROOVEESSENTIALSFUNKFunky GroovesThere are hundreds of grooves from around the world andeven more yet to be invented! Here are some of the mostcommon ones every drummer should know.These grooves often move the snare to a more interesting place than just 2 and 4. Listen to any James Brown recordings for someof the funkiest drumming ever played!o 44 y y yy . y e y y y yyœœ œ œ11 44 y y y ey œœ œ 12 y œ y yy y œ y y y ey œœ œ œ œo4 y y y yy . y œ y y yœ y4 œ.œ œ13y e y yy . y e y y yy y y eœ œ œ y œ y yy . y œ! œ y y y yy . y œ y œ y yœ yœœ œœœ.DRUMSET KEY:yridecymbalcymbalsoY yridebellLittle knownVICdrumsyyhi-hat hi-hatopen hi-hatw/footœbassdrumeœyfBass snare snare snarerimshot crossghoststicknotecowbellse œœsnare tom1ghostnotetom2œttfloor cha-cha cowbelltom cowbellDid you know that before Vic Firth became the timpanist in the Boston Symphony Orchestra,he played drumset and even was a leader of a popular big band?You can read MORE about Vic Firth mlFACTSCOPYRIGHT 2002 VIC FIRTH INC. WWW.VICFIRTH.COMDownload a FREE COPY of the Groove Essentials Handbook at sentials.html

presentsTommy Igoe’sGROOVEESSENTIALSR&BThere are hundreds of grooves from around the world andeven more yet to be invented! Here are some of the mostcommon ones every drummer should know.R&B/Hip-Hop GroovesThese grooves are all over the radio! Listen to whether they are played straight or with a slight swing feel and how this canchange the groove and therefore the song. Play these with only one hand on the hi-hat for a completely different texture than the16th note rock grooves.o44 y y y y œy .y y y y y y y yœ y y y y y y y yœ .y y y y y y y yœ y yœœœœœœ œ1415 44 y y y y yœ y y y y y y y œy y y y y y y y yœ y y y y œy y y yœ y( yœ yœ )œ. œ œ ‰ œ œ. œ. œ œ œ œJ yœ œ yyœ e yyyyœe œ44 yœœ yy œ yy ‰ œy œ y œ œyyJ16 o44 y . y y . y œy . y y . y y . y y . y yœ . y y . y y . y yœ . y yœ . y y . œy y . y y . y œy . yyœ . œ œ œ . œ œ . œ œœ . ‰ œJ17DRUMSET KEY:yridecymbalcymbalsoY yridebellydrumsyhi-hat hi-hatopen hi-hatw/footœbassdrumeœyfBass snare snare snarerimshot crossghoststicknotecowbellse œœsnare tom1ghostnotetom2œttfloor cha-cha cowbelltom cowbell

presentsTommy Igoe’sGROOVEESSENTIALSJAZZJazz/Swing GroovesThere are hundreds of grooves from around the world andeven more yet to be invented! Here are some of the mostcommon ones every drummer should know.Mastering the elusive “swing eighth note” is essential for playing jazz. To get started, simply phrase all your eighth notes like triplets.3yFor example, the ride cymbal pattern is written:y y yy ybut is played:3y y‰yy y‰yThese first 5 grooves are good examples of a steady swing beat with various snare drum comping. Don’t forget your dynamics:the ride cymbal is strong, the hi-hat is tight and snappy, the bass drum is very soft (called “feathering”) and your snare drum“comping” rhythms are clear, but not as loud as your cymbal pattern. Listen to great jazz drummers to hear their interpretation ofswing. As always, listening is your best teacher!yyj y‰ œ Óœyœ1844 œœyyyy44 œ œ Œœœyyyyj y j y‰ œ ‰ œ Œœyœœyyyyyyœ œ Œœœyyj y yj y j y‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ Œœœyœœy20yy y yy yyjjjj44 ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ Óœœyœœyœ21y4Œ4œ22yyj yœy‰ œ œŒyœœyyyŒœyyœœyjy‰ œ Œœœyœœyyyyyœœyy1944 œœyj y‰ œ Œœyœœœœyyyyyyyœyj y j y‰œ œ ‰œ œ œœyyyjy‰ œ Œœœyyyy

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 344 œy ‰ œ œy ‰ œy œy ‰ œ œy ‰ œy œy ‰ œ œy ‰ œy œy ‰ œ œy ‰ œyœœyœœyœœyœœyjazz shuffle23o44 yœ oy y yœŒ24jazz waltz3 y(IN THREE)3y4œ4œyœyyœŒyœ25yyœyoyœ y yŒ oy y yœŒyœœyyyy y yŒyœyŒœyœy(Also play on ride cymbal)two feelyœœyœ26jazz waltz(IN ONE)DRUMSET KEY:yridecymbalcymbalsoY yridebellydrumsyhi-hat hi-hatopen hi-hatw/footœbassdrumeœyfBass snare snare snarerimshot crossghoststicknotecowbellse œœsnare tom1ghostnotetom2œttfloor cha-cha cowbelltom cowbellLEARN YOUR GROOVES ONLINE!VICFIRTH.COMFeaturing Quicktime audio and video clips of Tommy Igoe performing each groove as well as giving his unique insight into its application.While you’re there, check out all of our educational features!lessons designed to help you learn to read rhythms! Even advanced playerswebrhythms 15cantest their rhythm-reading skills with our “pro-challenge” audio files!rudimentsLearn the 40 P.A.S. Standard Rudiments! We have video clips of Dr. John Wooton performing each rudimentin the “open-closed-open” style, as well as play-along audio files and exercises to help you master the rudiments!each week with video clips and audio interviews of your favorite Vic Firth artists!media vault UpdatedFrom drumset to drum corps, it’s the best the web has to offer in “educational entertainment”!COPYRIGHT 2002 VIC FIRTH INC. WWW.VICFIRTH.COMDownload a FREE COPY of the Groove Essentials Handbook at sentials.html

presentsTommy Igoe’sGROOVEESSENTIALSWORLDWorld, Ethnic& Specialty GroovesThere are hundreds of grooves from around the world andeven more yet to be invented! Here are some of the mostcommon ones every drummer should know.Many grooves from all over the globe are traditionally played by multiple musicians on percussion instruments, not on a drumset.We are borrowing those percussion parts and creating grooves for the drumset for one player. Be sure to listen to the real musicfrom each country to understand the original intent of these “world” grooves. 4ydisco 4 œ2744 yœ28yœoy œyœyœoyyœ yœoy yœœoyYou can use the two-beat on almost anything!Country, hard rock, broadway musicals, dixieland, polkas,rags and more. It’s a very versatile little groove.classic two-beat @new orleans 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ@œ ‰ œ ‰ œ œ œ.2nd line 4 œ .JJ y y (fy ) y fy ( y ) y y (fy ) y y reggaeone-dropœ Œœ ŒÓ(JAMAICA)29Œ44Ó 44 œ f f f œœyœyo 31 fœ f œœ œ œyyo socacalypso(CARIBBEAN)oooo4 y y y e y y yy y y y e y y yy4 œ.œ.œœvv32(SOUL-CALYPSO)30

LEARN YOUR GROOVES ONLINE!VICFIRTH.COMbossa-nova3344 œfy. y y Jœfy yœ . y fy Jyœ œy . y fy Jyœ yœ . fy y JyœFeaturing Quicktime audio and video clips of Tommy Igoe performing each groove as well as giving his unique insight into its application.(BRAZIL) C œfy. y fy yœ yœ . fy y œfyJJ y fy y fy y fy fy y sambaœ.œ œ.œ slow/medium(BRAZIL)JJ34samba4 yfast(BRAZIL)4 fœyy y y y y y y yffffœœœœœœyyybaião 4 y e ey y y e ey y y e ey y y y y yysamba 4 œ y œ œ y œ y œ œ y37yyfy œ35(BRAZIL)36 4 œ@ œ œ œ œ! œ œ œ y œ y œ œ! œ œ batucada4 eyœyeyœy(BRAZIL) oomerengue38(DOMINICAN REPUBLIC)44 tŒ 44 œ ef œ f œ f œ œ œ œœyœy œy œyttf œŒyboleroœt œytt t œt œf œœŒyy39cha cha chá(AFRO-CUBAN)3 œœœœœœ44 œ œ œ f œ f œ fœœœfœfœfœœ yœyy œ yR R LR R L40(BALLROOM RHUMBA)tŒ œ ef œ f œ ef œ œ œ œœyœy œyœy3

44 tŒ‰ t t t tf œŒŒytt t œt œtf œŒyy41mamboœt œt (AFRO-CUBAN)œy songo tt œ œ tt œyœyœ(AFRO-CUBAN) 44 y. œ y œ y.œ y œ t6nañigo 8 y .44y y y y44yœœy ft t œ t t fœy .y. ttœœœy .42(AFRO-CUBAN)43œ y y y y œ y y y mozambique(AFRO-CUBAN)œy œysalsa(WITH 2:3 SON CLAVE).tango 44 œœ4 y fy4 ‰.œR.œœœœ45.œœy fy y fy y f yœ ‰ œ‰.JRfy yŒ œ@e46(ARGENTINA)(MARTINIQUE) y44œœ œ œy47œ yœœ yœœbeguineDRUMSET KEY:yridecymbalcymbalsoY yridebellydrumsyhi-hat hi-hatopen hi-hatw/footœbassdrumeœyfBass snare snare snarerimshot crossghoststicknotecowbellse œœsnare tom1ghostnotetom2œttfloor cha-cha cowbelltom cowbellCOPYRIGHT 2002 VIC FIRTH INC. WWW.VICFIRTH.COMDownload a FREE COPY of the Groove Essentials Handbook at sentials.html

Learn the 40 P.A.S. Standard Rudiments! We have video clips of Dr. John Wooton performing each rudiment We have video clips of Dr. John Wooton performing each rudiment in the “open-closed-open” style, as well as play-along audio files and exercises to help you master the rudiments!