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j3,990 Copies80TH YEAR—NUMBER 18.WASHINGTON, WAltREN COIINTY, N . . I . . TllUKSlUY, MARCH 2!l.li)()(i.mmmmlt )el tlur ambitions of over-rated localCOULDN'T SHAKE'EM NOHOWgot itp'ntxnit tlirce o'clock and they deCHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT. xpelts.cided to Imrv it.: Jasper took it out ntUvi'i- at Sti'vnisoji'-t room, Johii'Lun*four o'clock and cnvum! it up in tlio'nnli Excellent Sofotsts t o Aid ttt diving, onChnflnKDish Club Members Refused to,'cr fees tin: Ititlittrd. tiiMe iimlef » longheap. Slic said that. Charles (Jline, theHe Suppressed When One ol Theirli!H.-a and i-an [day \ciyK well with anyfather of the. child, did not come, to the, " April 26, the Finest Program iNumber (lot Married.cut!oreitherend ifauyiCiie.Upatthe.Yet A t t c r p t c i l . . '.hon*f until Thursday, ami Im camo thenHow Miviui'l Mrs. .luhn C. Sharp, jn-teitgliu* Imusi; Marry ( !ardn'.-r shivers theto tnku H/-, family to do for what hadW h a t i- looked ftinvnrd In a s t h e bigtimlier.-tofallcoiners.married,didtiut fool lliu members of the ceil printed in tin- paper.:,. ,L;usicnl t-vont of tho senson-rUic nimuiilThe gr 'nt*»*t billiard match in years llackettstown clMlllilJ-di-li dull, butThe te.-tiiiimiy given by Jasper Smith mcirrt of t h e Choral Society—wilt" lielook pliicw in X«w York Tuesday night rnther how the vliitlltig ilish-cluli iVmk-d Legislature Passes a Make-shift;gBaseballSeasonof'1906Willth« two children corroborated wlint iield t h i s v e i i r i n t h e Methodist church.between (Jcnrgi! Slo«-«oii. the old time them, U an interesting and amusingInvestigation Being Made Over andMrs. Smith sniilj Dim surprising state- a April iC , TliU, will IK; :the. fourthTaxation BilK : champion, and'Willie Iloppc, the Itoy .story. This popular yutuig couptu weruSoon Arrive.inent made by Mrs. Smith was,that she. uicert given by t h e i-lmral oeiety and,Infant's Death.woiuler,. who lH.-e.amc . t:haiii)iiou of Hie1inliai-ketlstmvn"instWednesind mi knowledge of her daughter's roii- s each y e a r HID work n f t b e singers lm«world las'!. Jnniiary. when lie defeated day. .It-'wn's'. to lie. ii ([iiiet ailair- no-:ilitinn until after lhi birth of the child. jiown a ' m a r k e d impinvunieul under llieVigiiniix in Paris. The young man, who body [u-csunt b u t the families. A t t h eT h e coroner derided to hold all mem- paiiHtaking lyadurship of t h e din-dor,U only «'ightccn years did, retained Hie I11.-L moment the folks thougiit i t wohers "of the Smith family nndor hail in .Mr. K n n i H V tbis concert is expected l oHininpioiiship, dcfeaUng Slosson by ab« nice t o invile, inforiiialh-, tht innllie sum of one. hundrrd dtdlars to in- rpass all former eil'orts.Railroads Will Pay Four Instead of OneBut There Is Activity la Other Directionsh. r 01' thi! cliMiii- dish* club, of allvattractivepuigiiinilin Completeness of Investigation Leads t oAlillion in Taxes Aonually Hereafter/;tin.' hride was a in.-iiiher. ; and it Looks Like a Good Vearit then became, apparent thi t nnmi; ifHI prepared ; by -Mr. Kuans*. „ T h e !Belief t h e r e W a s Foul Play.' ' them would bo nble to get a liondsninn. ehorim will Mug Vwn works—one 1 he'Moth l.ridi- and »niom a p p i " e i a t f d - l h e.GYPSIES SCOOTEDFinally he deeiiled : to , let Alfred and eslival '! Heuin, composed b y thai n'lercitin'jE Notes lo Daskclball, Bowllnf;,; pre r en« ( . of t h e cluh .neiuhers b u t they ChaDUCS Proposed In Ihe Aulomobllc B i l l - ! 'aild liatuIlitit Iliill r!IHie go upon their own recognizance-*. famoiH writer, Sir A r t h u r Sullivan, thisRunlls of the Post-Morteoi Will Be Brought(HadEnoughtoOctAwuvAfterHtinj:ArL!f ' '.} )JJ*Timefor'AdJonrbacotPrieilcsllyFixed.Billiards and Sports In (leaeral.iild ohw'- display jnl when it heeame evident Hint the old ork being the hist composition beforerested For Extorting Honey l : romOut «t Continuation of Inquestt a k e a train fnr 11 Hi-v »nl liupli wnilld Imvo to go to jail, he re- .is untinifly dealh. Tin; other, a workSu.scoptihlc l-olks.Making w r y faces and hikingLhuir t.Vew Vo ic.Base Ball,lented and let them go also upon their somewhat more' pret«ntioii« t h a n n n y A band of j:yp' iis h a s IH making jIn proper regard of his nllicial duties own rivnguiznni'e. It wa« a !iumai e de- hing y e t attempted b y t h i s body ofiiedicinc" liKe good fellows, Hi- SeuatvVOIIIIL liriili'is imiH iln lint Inlii- t iceful litall directions horn t i n nnd under tin- direction of the prosecutor, cision upon his part, ihorc being tin (mo singers) a trarislaiion : from a O r n u i n11 OM'ord t hi i and j , i , i , foil I nt" nn i will v r i y I'lltlilisinsli Tne-day ntterunon passed tin- Perkinsle borough cimies tu-ws of early base hall nriillliil IEi'lviih'1Twonftill!wMr. Shur i InnI; inlvlied Ki iml Taxaiinti bill, not a vote ' ' -'Torbner Charles S. Ainennnn IIIIK started to earn for the girl IMta. who in said legend ontillcd ChristofWus, s e t t o inn- u-tivily. I t ' s going t o bu a brisk year,lit thorough inves-ti»ation nf the case of[ thrill n' rijjlil fuir linlii'r. iwnrknl tt,,,.,',iilVnnh'.!wlii'ii IN'III" n-enrded ayaiiist i t . This -re suit '), , , , ,,,f, f uu'.v. n i iuililnity yUp in n sorimiH cnniHtini!, ('scent the ic b y . Ubeinberger. : T h i s is a : very « a l l signs would indicate, and everyAH- iH-hicvcd a l t e r 11 hut three imuiV hattho child which wax horn in the home ofnrliinlli'llin 'l l i n ' «nforl l ivi'tit,it t i Ifor niln i l thi-ri't h i - r i ' (( n - j rii r lls n ff' t 'l i ti ! l flilliirilliant composition ami one. thai will invn of con eipii'iie.'1 is going to have a tho fnrliini'If, in which niaiiy ot' ilm Senators [)lacca . Jasper Smith last- week, and which was Tlm inquest was then ndj'iurni'd until bring into full play all t h e resources of leant. Up in Slroudsburg the loyal mien; iin itit. i i n i t m . l h , . i r i v n i i u In- Ini'kniL' till!hcin elves nn tri'ord as opposed 'to Uie:later secretly buried in the garden with- twit o'clock Friday afternoon, at whieh chorus. s o l o H s , orchestra, pipe or»nn. ralli'ill l l ill.ill tin!tin linini' nf },„,„ (I,,. niit-Mi'. It'lnulc.-l ,H l l(»u d a ;y tlii'.vj;i(t. together fuiiils enough already Clinrli'S' i , lcnain feature* 01 Ihe bill, lint linally no- out a rerpiiVed burial permit. In view time it U expected that the leMiumny and piano. Mr. .las. I I . .John-ton will liavi!ttVlfiinil in Oxford. .Mrs. UU'ciiiht !I" hi' l .ck.nl inilo uimalongallMmiim-rifaunthercent ,'iinil.wlini wr-ILnloilf,'inyear*,wiwj, ,. i'l li'di l . in i h e belief that i t w a s tin: nf the close iinpiiry now being made, in nf tlic physiciiin wlm perl-irnied ; thepivsidi: at the p i n c o r n n and Mi-« .Ma- fails" t o ivmje in. Samn is t h e case inm iNtriiliojI Hint t h r \inulil hli t h hi'ihi'i- iliiligliliT.iliiligliliT. I'lii.y I'lii.y iiniliiralndditinn to other development, there, is postmortem will lit- taken.withn i l i i r a l , , n , v , , u , . , f,.,,,,, „„ t.;.living 1 lie inn- h - i . that, could hr iicetnniilishfd Mow.Iml .lenkiiii-, tin- offieii-nt a w n n p u n U of l l a c k e l M m v n . while down in little Mien iilinii!Mi'll-grouuilrd reasons for the belief thati lIIn InnivIIIliT fiilllllli! tuhl , 1( , , „ n,,. ,,,i W i,y Millinu: hill rI' , Hi cry I'tlori t n aiuciul ttio ini-a.suro e Vro«pciitor Anjjle. is in posse.-siun uf he sucietv. will be at. t h e piano.ardner everybody is rooting and w,ork- Mrs. Wrijwmlthe little infant horn to Miss Itettn thn-fullThe .cinnmUtec lias been especially iu for a benefit s l i o w t h a t is to he given mul (-iinr i-il hi'r a ilollur fur tilt! snrvinc. I ({,! iii»i'uinu-t "iris lirnii'.ht n hutlnii- 1* In itring it more, eiiuilalile and s a t i vfacUin Hn-caM' and what ha:1i all nf ftiHnry tiiljii-imcnl- yt-vtlif - important;-'.V -;Hie .-crvices i»f ' a few days. Driver is :oiiig 1i stiel; Aftrr t h h t h r y l " h l h"i- Mint n ralniiiily 1 ( . , , j ; a 7,, l l a ii iiii iiiln -f rvii-ibeen'{lone" has been iu'lhe main under ' o r t u n a t i ' in et-uringh e r linul mul tiy this I , K . I n U-I IV «n.ni Inn-c mul n-iiilv f . i r m i - -[ne-tioii. w a s defeated, and i t was inti- - --.some, other cause than that assigned bywo cveellentsu iiiilvici . It mav he Unit, he will i Ttt*,, Mirs l'lnrcncelbi bickawannii. League, and there is ns hnvrriu'r nvi-r1tiiatnl011the.llnorthataninvisible'h tt n (ii'oilucolfifive i I dl li L, ' n ll hi'iathe members of the family.iTinkliit.' at the continuaUon of the.f New Vcrk. and -Mr. 101I prospects nf making it a successkle. soprano. .fVuiiii!! .Mr. Sliiirp n i l s[» Ilinitgil. but p-itent iiillticiicn" was a t work .toThe ntlk'crs who havir been investigat- ve!-tii.'.:itiiiit tomorrow allernron.rei ller. baritone,of Philadelphia. Iiii- vrar. a- t h e Icrritorv will he lim-liill. Tin'j!.V i y wnnii-ii m i l l t h e y w n i l h l ]I.POIn Krei ller.baripil-h the tni'jitiirc.' Tlu vnle. then-fore,,ing the case have been hindered at everyHinkle, beside havingUHS ninkle,ha-. a lovely ited In t h a t immediate ueighl orhood. The Inlii' t i n ' liill w i t h llii'iii null c u r r y I t t o j 0 : , a , ],.c-k -.l s. II tin. i l o !i wn (air- doe not fairly lelleet Ihe. .-eiilitneiits o tTln» who know t h e Smith family ini-anip and pray over i t . They madeI tin- wimlnws li.nl t,inailed snstep by members of the .Smith family. t i m n M y an- itii-liued (n s y m p a t h i z e withhiice. possessos a ino«f charmingper- leagiin in which a r e t h e teams representIhe Senate, Ind. rather the. parly intlustill iirFalsehoods without number have been them t o a certain degree. T h e origina- sonalia- and that iudi'-criliable some- ing Stroudsburg, Itangor. Pen Argvl and her Mievr t h a t a silk quilt she hud up- Hint till' !irl«pIId philin.'di lt li(i!l hadh a t he and his IT- Wilinvented nnd different methods have been tor of t h e trouble i* "Huck" Cline. and thing. 'cotiitiKnily called smil—the power X a / a r e l h will n h o probably do well for Mails was a hoodoo a n d Mrs, Wcigandl Hint till! hill lull! t o .1N11 turned this over t o them, t h e gyp- bride .should e-cape 'lliroiigli ' a n ii i taii pa s a - i t stund. In tluit, phase of t h e ,employed t o evade process of law. Tlie if 11m full effect of. the law «ml l be a p - o tnueh the listfiior and make one. feel hereason,-iis promising t o icniovf t h e hoodoo,imliKv b y meaiK nf a ladder. That iluntiiHi .Slate I'liiiiiniaii l!rij.'{;s limy befamily even went so far as to deny in nlieii upon liini tlie public would I tlir better for having heard her.Tbis a dead ivhich they did by taking the »imd ipiilt part of i t ' w n r k e d w r y well. They »nl eolinted t h e vietor. nnd (Jiiveriior Stokes,toto all that appeared in last 'week's highly gratified. His mode of living fo.Mr. Kroidler's voice is a liigii bari elyword u-illi them.There hanit. Inivnig t h e girls; penned up inside.{Star liearing upon Hie ease, even to de- several "years past has been a rcllertion tone of a brilliant ipialily ami is ideally though.wlio-e bill it'wil.- snid to lie, will tin.::aid and fnlkx haven't sullie cntly eovThen they gal. Mi:ii nnil (0 li'iulcrnying the birth. Thin is one reason why upon t tie morals of Hie community. suited t«i the dramatic part of Hie Giant eredIn thi« modern i\ e, however, 'ilimv i- diiilbledly sign i t . Still, there urn tliiukfrom 1u«t year'.! benetit yet. to tliink! n llft.loll; 11- hill. I n insure the rc- 1 vvav whero llu'iv U a will for yniiny iii); men w h o believe Hint t h e bill does,the investigation is going on with great- Poor old iw'»ro I.nudy had tlie roof pull- in Chnstnfnrus. lloth : is* "willbe o:" (tin- f o r the. eon ii tig year. lint. 1110r ll( r'nioviil "l" n hoodoo whiclii linns " er diligence Iliiiu might otherwise be the ed down" over h i i h e a d ' a n d In* eyeiviimi'ii -wlm.:"' . i.tldelii-nilv iiielim-d. not. .whollyn Ilic firsty .eltlt! thepipiesliou, nnd thatheard in a number of .tin likeiv this t n w u ' w i l l havteam, head :is well. T h e gyp ,nlilcnand one of the a r i u d i a l i i r g disl next year, o r some ollitirllveur, furtheknocked out by a mob a few years ago iinlf of the program, and in Christoftinisif the' people fail tnncotirage''rdwl in making t h e girl believe t h a t amiddIf'iubers jii-l let hehi'if out. nt' thelisfnctorv legislaliuii will' After a great deal of trouble the body under slighter provocation than e.visl will have HIP princi ial .-olo piirt*. lii'hig metit. by patnsuhrtautiitlly, -it cerbiin green dress w a i tlm cause of t h ed -tory window. ;uul dropped tneuneteil. T h a i i- Hin view ofassisted by Mrs. Allegor, Miss Iv-iiuedy. will be 1rau.sfornir d into 11 sort of barnof the infant was recovered and turned in t h e ease nf this m a n Cihse.\hoodoo a n d t h e v agrceil i o out-hnodotiPtesidciil, Mradloy,of Senator Colby a n dlhfMiss 1'lorev nnd Mr. Doolittle.over tn the ; eoroner. lie wisely had asay. will piny out the hoodoo by removing the said gm-ii irrmiml.lias not, left, town, an reported, -Without*doubt a most enjoyable inu- itoriner—that, isul" Senator Mint 11111, ri! irc. entilig the.fninl desiyhl, . postmortem made, by Dr. (\ M. Wil-lintCtin**s t i M a l h i s J A v o i k . . Mrs. .Smith, ical evening is in lnre for rfl'i who avail of-town games ullng lfniin I he r"'0"liisi-.".; which . t hey did, 1,1.1 ithree »i!iticil illvi.-IonV.or tlm . umwi1 inli.ims and Dr. .C. B. Smith on Monday who ishere last Thur-'day and nd-themselves of this opportunity and ainking i t away t o c a m p with them.A l l . . il' * ' Wll, ,* "lihernliv applauded. She »o,iu lilierated l u u n l i . - r . High School Schedule,for' tlimorning." What they learned has been mittedrailedt h e truth of t h e story printed largo audience is assured.leaving they tedd Mrs. WVigund the other seven or nljilil jjirls.I

.iic was preparing to institute, a more complete investigation of the. case, ,7as- "jier'Smiilr disappeared.—Tin; coroner-got out a state warrant for him and went to the house at livn o'clock Sunday morning in the hope:;of being abb- to locate Jas-per, .lie was not there and the coroner iigiiin made; another search in tho garden.