Cost Estimating Guide For Road Construction


Cost Estimating Guide for RoadConstructionUSDA FOREST SERVICE NORTHERN REGION ENGINEERINGPublishedSeptember 8, 2020

PART I.PART II.CONTENTSDIVISION 100 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 7GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS . 7ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE . 12Table 1. Location Adjustment Factor for Public Works Davis-Bacon Zones . 13TIMBER SALE PURCHASER WAGE RATE ADJUSTMENTS. . 14Table 2. Labor Percentages . 15Table 3. Adjustment Factor for Construction Wage Rate Differentials . 16PART III.DIVISION 150 PROJECT REQUIREMENTS . 17Section 151. - MOBILIZATION . 17Section 152. - CONSTRUCTION SURVEY AND STAKING . 18Table 4. Base cost for P-line surveys . 18Table 5. P-line survey base cost adjustment factors. 18Table 6. Base cost for new construction and major reconstruction staking . 19Table 7. P-line staking base cost adjustment factors . 19Table 8. Wages and Per Diem for Surveying . 20Section 153. - CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL . 20Section 154. - CONTRACTOR SAMPLING AND TESTING . 21Table 9. Project Field Sampling and Testing - Labor Cost . 21Table 10. Project Field Sampling and Testing – Test Method Cost . 22Section 156. - PUBLIC TRAFFIC . 24Table 11. Adjustment Factor for Traffic Control . 24Section 157. - SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL . 26Table 12. Costs and Percent Labor Associated With Soil Erosion and Water Pollution Control . 27Section 158. – WATERING FOR DUST CONTROL . 29Table 13. Fixed Haul Cost ( /M Gallon and /Ton) for a 3500 Gallon Water Truck in Idaho andMontana. 29Table 14. Variable Haul Cost ( /M Gallons-Mile and /Ton-Mile) for a 3500 Gallon Water Truck inIdaho and Montana. 29PART IV.DIVISION 200 EARTHWORK. 31Section 201. - CLEARING AND GRUBBING . 31Figure 1. Clearing and Grubbing Base Rate - Idaho R/W Timber to Timber Sale Purchaser ( /Acre) 32Figure 2. Clearing and Grubbing Base Rate – Montana R/W Timber to Timber Sale Purchaser( /Acre) . 33DIVISION 100 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Page 1 of 122Published 9/8/2020 3:44 PM

Figure 3. Clearing and Grubbing Base Rate– Idaho R/W Timber to Government or Cooperator( /Acre) . 34Figure 4. Clearing and Grubbing Base Rate – Montana R/W Timber to Government or Cooperator( /Acre) . 35Figure 5. Equivalent Volume Using Average Diameters and Stem Spacing . 36Table 15. Adjustment Factor for Percent Ground Slope . 37Table 16. Adjustment Factor for Slash Treatment Method . 37Table 17. Adjustment Factor for Slash Treatment of Tops & Limbs, Logs, and Stumps . 38Table 18. Adjustment Factor for Additional Clearing Features . 39Table 19. Idaho Clearing & Grubbing /Mile with Back Slope 3/4:1 . 41Table 20. Montana Clearing & Grubbing /Mile with Back Slope 3/4:1. 42Table 21. Idaho Clearing and Grubbing Cost per Mile with Back Slope 1:1. 44Table 22. Montana Clearing and Grubbing Cost per Mile with Back Slope 1:1 . 46Section 202. - ADDITIONAL CLEARING AND GRUBBING . 48Table 23. Base Costs for Clearing and Grubbing Existing Roads . 49Section 203. - REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS . 49Section 204. - EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT . 50Table 24. Conservation of Top Soil ( /STA) . 50Table 25. Material Adjustment Factor . 51Table 26. Loading Material into Trucks ( /CY) . 51Table 27. Scarifying ( /STA) . 52Table 28. Adjustment Factor for Bench Fill Slope . 52Table 29. Adjustment Factor for Compaction Placement Method . 52Table 30. Costs for Compaction Prior to Aggregate Base and Surfacing . 52Table 31. Shaping and Finishing - Single Lane Roads without Ditch ( /STA) . 53Table 32. Shaping and Finishing - Double Lane Roads without Ditch ( /STA) . 53Table 33. Shaping and Finishing - Single Lane Roads with Ditch ( /STA) . 53Table 34. Shaping and Finishing - Double Lane Roads with Ditch ( /STA) . 53Table 35. Average Roundtrip Travel Speeds Based on Road Characteristics . 58Table 36. Fixed Cost per Cubic Yard and Ton for Idaho and Montana . 58Table 37. Variable Haul Cost ( /Cubic Yard-Mile and /Ton-Mile) by Truck Type for Idaho AndMontana. 59Section 208. - STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR SELECTED MAJOR STRUCTURES . 60Section 209. - STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL . 60DIVISION 100 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Page 2 of 122Published 9/8/2020 3:44 PM

Section 211. - ROADWAY OBLITERATION . 60Table 38. Range of Costs per Mile by Closure Device and Mitigation Treatment for RoadObliteration . 60Section 212. - LINEAR GRADING . 61Table 39. Adjustment Factor for Additional Excavation Features . 62Table 40. Idaho Base Excavation /Mile for Linear Grading . 64Table 41. Montana Base Excavation /Mile for Linear Grading . 65Table 42. Idaho Base Excavation /Mile for Road Widening with Linear Grading, ¾:1 cut slope . 65Table 43. Idaho Base Excavation /Mile for Road Widening with Linear Grading, 1:1 cut slope . 65Table 44. Montana Base Excavation /Mile for Road Widening with Linear Grading, ¾:1 cut slope 66Table 45. Montana Base Excavation /Mile for Road Widening with Linear Grading, 1:1 cut slope . 66PART V.DIVISION 250 SLOPE REINFORCEMENT AND RETAINING WALLS . 67Section 251. - RIPRAP . 67Section 253. - GABIONS AND REVET MATTRESSES . 67Section 255. - MECHANICALLY-STABILIZED EARTH WALLS . 67PART VI.DIVISION 300 AGGREGATE AND BASE COURSES . 69Section 301. – UNTREATED AGGREGATE COURSES . 69Table 46. Cost Range for Different Methods of Drilling and Shooting in Idaho and Montana. 70Table 47. Cost For Ripping In Idaho and Montana. 70Table 48. Cost Adjustment Factor for Gradation Other Than Grading C . 70Table 49. Cost for Crushed Pit Rock in Idaho and Montana . 71Table 50. Cost for Crushed Quarry Rock in Idaho and Montana . 71Table 51. Cost for Screening Rock Only in Idaho and Montana. 71Table 52. Cost for Pit Run Rock in Idaho and Montana . 72Table 53. Cost for Stockpiling Rock in Idaho and Montana . 72Table 54. Cost per Loose CY and Ton by Loading Method in Idaho and Montana . 74Table 55. Cost per Loose CY and Ton for Initial Spreading in Idaho and Montana. 74Table 56. Cost per Loose CY And Ton for Grid Rolling in Idaho and Montana . 74Table 57. Cost Per Loose CY and Ton for Grading of Aggregate Base or Surface Course in Idaho andMontana. 74Table 58. Cost Per Loose CY and Ton by Compaction Method in Idaho and Montana . 74Section 303. - ROAD RECONDITIONING . 76Table 59. Ditch Reconditioning Costs. 76Table 60. Roadbed Reconditioning Costs . 76DIVISION 100 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Page 3 of 122Published 9/8/2020 3:44 PM

Table 61. Aggregate Surface Reconditioning Costs . 77Table 62. Compaction Cost for Reconditioning . 77Section 312. - DUST PALLATIVE. 78Table 63. Approximate Weight-Volume Factors @ 60 F . 78Section 314. – STOCKPILED AGGREGATE . 79PART VII.DIVISION 400 ASPHALT PAVEMENTS AND SURFACE TREATMENTS . 80Section 403. - ASPHALT CONCRETE. 80Section 407. – CHIP SEAL . 80Section 410. - SLURRY SEAL. 82Section 411. - ASPHALT PRIME COAT.

08.09.2020 · Published September 8, 2020 Cost Estimating Guide for Road Construction USDA FOREST SERVICE NORTHERN REGION ENGINEERING