TABLE OF CONTENTSLeadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. Author unknownMake no littleplans. They haveno magic to stir men’sblood and probablythemselves will not berealized. Make big plans;aim high in hope andwork, remembering thata noble, logical diagramonce recorded will neverdie, but long after weare gone will be a livingthing, asserting itself withever-growing insistency.Remember that our sonsand grandsons are goingto do things that wouldstagger us. Let yourwatchword be orderand your beacon beauty.Think big. Daniel Burnham,Chicago architectTop Cover Photo: 2019 Cultural Enhancement forSmall City Award: Art Infusion - New Murals for theCRA - Riviera Beach CRA1About the Florida Redevelopment Association2About the FRA Roy F. Kenzie Award Program32019 Roy F. Kenzie Award Winners5President’s Award6President’s Award Winner8Annual Report10 Capital Projects and Beautification12Cultural Enhancement14Out of the Box16Outstanding Housing Project18Outstanding New Building Project20 Outstanding Rehabilitation, Renovation or Reuse Project22 Planning Studies24 Promotion26 Transportation and Transit Enhancements28 2019 Roy F. Kenzie Award Entries39 2018-19 FRA Board of DirectorsABOUT THE FLORIDA REDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (FRA)Exciting changes are transforming Florida’s urban centers. Innovative approachesto design, mixed-use areas and cooperative development are creating vibrantcommercial districts, centers for culture and entertainment, and stimulatingplaces to live.The FRA unites professionals from around the state who are involved in preservingand improving Florida’s communities. Founded in 1974 to promote redevelopment andgrowth of downtowns, the focus of the FRA later broadened to encompass communitydevelopment agencies (CRAs) and Main Street programs. Today, the FRA also includesnonprofit organizations, consultants and private developers, as well as cities withoutdowntown development authorities, CRAs or Main Street programs. Our goal is to be acomprehensive association of stakeholders in Florida’s urban revitalization network.An independent association governed by a member-elected board of directors, theFRA is staffed through an annual contract with the Florida League of Cities, Inc. TheFRA’s mission is to provide a forum for members to share experience in redevelopment,including opportunities and problems; to encourage adoption of programs and the legaland financial tools necessary to community redevelopment; and to serve as a statewideclearinghouse for redevelopment information.For more information on the FRA and resources to help your community’s redevelopmentefforts, please contact:Florida Redevelopment Association301 S. Bronough Street, Suite 300Tallahassee, FL 32301(850) 222-9684Carol Westmoreland, Executive Director(850) 701-3608Email: cwestmoreland@flcities.comJan Piland, Executive Assistant(850) 701-3622Email: jpiland@flcities.comwww.redevelopment.netTHE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK1
ABOUT THE FRA ROY F. KENZIE AWARDS PROGRAMT2019 ROY F. KENZIE AWARD WINNERSPRESIDENT’S AWARDhe Florida Redevelopment Association Awards program recognizes the best inredevelopment in Florida. It is open to any member of the association.To recognize the projects and people involved in redevelopment throughout the state,three awards series have been established. The Roy F. Kenzie and Thomas J. Mills Awardsare given for outstanding examples of redevelopment and leadership, respectively, inFlorida. Additionally, the President’s Award is given for the “Best of the Best,” to honorthe top project across all categories. A winning entry acknowledges excellence in anorganization’s work.Within 14 juried categories, the Roy F. Kenzie Awards celebrate the most innovative andeffective redevelopment programs in Florida. Winners demonstrate innovation and positiveimpact on their communities and inspire other Florida communities. The 14 categoriesare: President’s Award; Annual Report; Capital Projects and Beautification; CreativeOrganizational Development and Funding; Cultural Enhancement; Fiscal Impact Study;Management Programs and Creative Partnerships; Out of the Box; Outstanding HousingProject; Outstanding New Building Project; Outstanding Rehabilitation, Renovation orReuse Project; Planning Studies; Promotion; Transportation and Transit Enhancements.The Best Book highlights this year’s winners and all of the quality entries received as acelebration of the innovative redevelopment work that has transformed Florida this year.The FRA encourages you to use the Best Book to gather innovative ideas and share themwithin your community. They are true success stories.6 City of Fort Walton BeachANNUAL REPORT8 Small City City of Ocoee CRA9 Large City City of Gainesville CRACAPITAL PROJECTS AND BEAUTIFICATION10 Small City GAI Consultants Community Solutions GroupCity of Clermont11 Large City City of Winter HavenCULTURAL ENHANCEMENT12 Small City Riviera Beach CRA13 Large City Lakeland CRAOUT OF THE BOX14 Small City City of Dunedin15 Large City West Palm Beach Downtown Development AuthorityOUTSTANDING HOUSING PROJECT16 Small City Lake Worth CRA17 Large City Pompano Beach CRA2THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKTHE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK3
2019 ROY F. KENZIE AWARD WINNERSTHE PRESIDENT’S AWARDOUTSTANDING NEW BUILDING PROJECT18 Small City City of Dunedin19 Large City Delray Beach CRAOUTSTANDING REHABILITATION, RENOVATION OR REUSE PROJECT20 Small City City of Fort Walton Beach21 Large City Fort Myers CRAPLANNING STUDIES22 Small City Lake Worth CRA23 Large City Stantec/Fort Myers CRAPROMOTION“This year’s President’s Award winnerexemplifies how CRA’s are helping topreserve Florida’s history.”24 Small City Ybor City CRA25 Large City GAI Consultants Community Solutions GroupCity of OrlandoTRANSPORTATION TRANSIT ENHANCEMENTS26 Small City Winter Park CRA27 Large City City of Orlando CRA4THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKGAIL HAMILTON2018-19 FRA PresidentTHE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK5
PRESIDENT’S AWARD WINNERPlanning StudiesGulfview Hotel Relocation and RehabilitationCity of Fort Walton BeachFor more info: cfrassetti@fwb.orgMany communities face the challenge of weighing historic preservation versus new development andwhen or how to fund historic preservation projects. This project was no different. The previous ownersof the Gulfview Hotel wanted to redevelop the property where the Gulfview Hotel was located but didnot want to see the oldest building in Fort Walton Beach demolished. This is where the City becameinvolved. Although it was a challenging and at times contentious debate weighing the upfront cost vs.potential revenue vs. historic preservation/cultural importance, the project was successfully completedMay 2019 for citizens and visitors to enjoy.6THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKTHE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK7
ANNUAL REPORT: SMALL CITYANNUAL REPORT: LARGE CITYOcoee CRA “Fifty West” Annual ReportCity of Ocoee CRAFY18 Annual Report, “Reinvesting in People and Places”Gainesville Community Redevelopment AgencyFor more info: vcorless@ocoee.orgFor more info: lopeztm@cityofgainesville.orgIn 2017, the Ocoee CRA launched its new brand for the Fifty West Redevelopment District. The annualreport is one way the CRA articulates its brand. The 2018 Fifty West Annual Report is the second in thisseries. Whereas the 2017 report used purple from the CRA/Fifty West Branding palette, the 2018 reportuses shades of green as the dominate color.The Annual Report is a sophisticated and striking documentdesigned to clearly highlight, per state statutes, the CRA’s background, financials, capital projects, upcoming improvements, new businesses and existing business that have made a dramatic difference.The Gainesville CRA strives to carry out projects and programs that improve the quality of life and instillpride in the areas that we serve. The FY18 annual report, titled “Reinvesting in People and Places,” highlights the accomplishments of the fiscal year with a focus on the local impact of each initiative. Throughthe use of data and stories, the report gives a big picture view of the year’s activities and celebrates themile markers, large and small, reached along the way.8THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKTHE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK9
CAPITAL PROJECTS AND BEAUTIFICATION: SMALL CITYCAPITAL PROJECTS AND BEAUTIFICATION: LARGE CITYVictory Point Park, Clermont CRAGAI Consultants Community Solutions Group/City of ClermontSouth Central ParkCity of Winter HavenFor more info: l.smith@gaiconsultants.comFor more info: mbishop@mywinterhaven.comThe City of Clermont’s master plan identified Victory Pointe Park as a key catalyst project for itsdowntown CRA. The project provides stormwater management, creates a venue that supports specialevents and enhances the economic potential for downtown Clermont. The park accommodatesstormwater from a significant portion of downtown, providing quality treatment through a series ofcascading marsh basins in a native Florida ecosystem. Victory Pointe Park re-envisions the conventionalstormwater pond approach creating a sustainable open space amenity-providing low impact design(LID) for stormwater management, a new events venue, wildlife habitat and a signature address foradjacent development.The South Central Park Project preserves the park’s quaint charm and historical significance whileshifting its purpose for future generations. It incorporates unique elements and multifunctional uses fora 24-hour sense of place unlike any other. It demonstrates how multi-use design can be incorporated tomaximize valuable public space; and how design and aesthetics can create synergies between opposinguses. The design accommodates parking and circulation and transforms into a large lighted piazzaafter hours. Custom elements are incorporated to accommodate a variety of events. The repurposedpedestrian walkway connects the parks to the trail system where pedestrians stroll the gateway.10THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKTHE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK11
CULTURAL ENHANCEMENT: SMALL CITYCULTURAL ENHANCEMENT: LARGE CITYArt Infusion-New Murals for the CRARiviera Beach CRALakeland Arts ProgramLakeland Community Redevelopment AgencyFor more info: ajenkins@rbcra.comFor more info: lindstrome@hillsboroughcounty.orgThe murals, huge public canvases, created to enthrall the community, assume long-lasting andencouraging effects on local businesses, visitors, and residents. Securing a sense of belongingness, theyshowcase a feeling of ownership and pride in the community. Furthermore, they serve as aspirationaleconomic engines that empower innovation to transform the City of Riviera Beach. Through publicworkshops under the direction of the Riviera Beach Community Redevelopment Agency, inspiredcitizens of Riviera Beach connected the processes of art, education and restoration – transforming themundane into the stimulating realm of possibilities for everyone! Truly a great place to Live, Work, andPlay!Public art invokes emotion and brings a sense of community pride that cannot be bought and buildsrelationships that otherwise may not exist. Tapestries Lakeland was a partnership that led to sixty-fivemurals, painted on canvas, and installed around downtown on the walls of businesses, restaurants, andboutiques. In addition, three businesses received social media worthy murals. An intersection receivedan overhaul with vibrant colors and shapes in partnership with Harrison School for the Arts and RochelleSchool of the Arts. An expansive Color Wall at Mass Market invites those just passing by to stop byand take a glance at what the area has to offer. These are all just examples of the grand gallery that isbecoming Lakeland CRA’s Public Art Program.12THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKTHE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK13
OUT OF THE BOX: SMALL CITYOUT OF THE BOX: LARGE CITYAmazing Adaptive ReuseCity of Dunedin12 for 12 WPB: Pop-up to Rent Business CompetitionWest Palm Beach Downtown Development AuthorityFor more info: rironsmith@dunedinfl.netFor more info: tfaublas@downtownwpb.comThe location: an abandoned Chase ATM on a busy main street corner in Dunedin. With only 54 squarefeet to work with the design was the most challenging part of Taco Baby. Much of the required andnecessary equipment had to be custom-ordered and designed to acquire food service permits. Becauseof the limited size of Taco Baby a self-service ordering kiosk was designed to have guests order andpay for product themselves through a credit card-only system.This makes it possible for only one staffmember to operate the taqueria, as no cash is exchanged, limiting safety and sanitation concerns.14THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKDowntown West Palm Beach is experiencing a change in retail. The core issue is that vacant storefrontsare unoccupied due to high rents and large square footages. An increase in market expectationsare a result of additional residential buildings and the launch of the country’s first private highspeed train service. The West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority (DDA) collaborated tocreate a program that will occupy vacant retail spaces with small and local businesses by creating anenvironment for small businesses to grow and landlords to have consistent tenants, and to create asense of place for all city residents and visitors.THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK15
OUTSTANDING HOUSING PROJECT: SMALL CITYOUTSTANDING HOUSING PROJECT: LARGE CITYWest Village Arts LoftsLake Worth Community Redevelopment AgencyCity VistaPompano Beach Community Redevelopment AgencyFor more info: etheodossakos@lakeworth.orgFor more info: nguyen.tran@copbfl.comWest Village is a distinctive housing development in the arts and design district in Lake Worth Beach.Neighborhood Renaissance, a non-profit community-based organization, constructed the 8 live/work, artist housing project with financial assistance and land from the Lake Worth Beach CRA. Thedevelopment also includes 2,000 square feet of commercial space, with two bays, that help activate thestreet and provide opportunities for local makers to open a small business.City Vista is the first 111 unit mixed-use, affordable mid-rise development within the commercial heartof the African-American community in Pompano Beach. This urban styled project is located in thefuture Downtown Pompano Beach Innovation District, which is envisioned to contain a combination ofbusiness, technical, corporate, government, hospitality, educational and cultural uses. City Vista officiallyopened and began leasing the residential units in March 2018 and was fully leased by July 2018. CityVista includes 7,400 square feet of non-residential/commercial ground floor space of which a portion ofthat space will be used for cowork and the CRA office.16THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKTHE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK17
OUTSTANDING NEW BUILDING PROJECT: SMALL CITYOUTSTANDING NEW BUILDING PROJECT: LARGE CITYArtisanCity of Dunedin4th & 5th Delray (IPIC Theatre & Corporate Headquarters)Delray Beach CRAFor more info: rironsmith@dunedinfl.netFor more info: jadusinghr@mydelraybeach.comThe 201,404 square foot project features 65 residences in a four-story building centered on a stunningthree-story lobby. Amenities include professionally decorated common areas, 24/7 residents-only accesscontrol and secure parking, a comfortable and inviting residents lounge with game room, televisions,billiards and a bar, a state-of-the-art fitness center, bicycle storage, kayak storage and a spectacular18,000-square-foot elevated pool deck overlooking the Pinellas Trail and spectacular sunsets. Thedevelopment also includes 11,700 square feet of retail shops. A total of 361 parking spaces were createdas part of this project, including 234 that are open to the public.The IPIC Theater and Corporate Headquarters is the product of a 2013 request for proposal issued by theCRA for 1.5 acres of land just south of E. Atlantic Avenue, in the City of Delray Beach downtown centralcore. The five-story mixed-use development boasts an 8-screen, 497-seat state-of-the-art luxury movietheater, corporate headquarters, Class A office space, retail space and a 326-space parking garage with90 public spaces. The property was purchased for 3.6 million, and the project included a local hiringrequirement. The CRA provided a 400,000 partial reimbursement for a portion of the public spacesand part of the maintenance costs.18THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKTHE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK19
OUTSTANDING RENOVATION, REHABILITATION, REUSE: SMALL CITYOUTSTANDING RENOVATION, REHABILITATION, REUSE: LARGE CITYGulfview Hotel Relocation and RehabilitationCity of Fort Walton BeachCollaboratoryFort Myers Community Redevelopment AgencyFor more info: cfrassetti@fwb.orgFor more info: ndunham@cityftmyers.comMany communities face the challenge of weighing historic preservation versus new development andwhen or how to fund historic preservation projects. This project was no different. The previous ownersof the Gulfview Hotel wanted to redevelop the property where the Gulfview Hotel was located but didnot want to see the oldest building in Fort Walton Beach demolished. This is where the City becameinvolved. Although it was a challenging and at times contentious debate weighing the upfront cost vs.potential revenue vs. historic preservation/cultural importance, the project was successfully completedMay 2019 for citizens and visitors to enjoy.20THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKCollaboratory is the catalyst for revitalizing the midtown section of Fort Myers’ downtownredevelopment area. As southwest Florida’s first public sphere, Collaboratory is where people fromdifferent backgrounds, interests and areas of expertise come together to exchange ideas-whethermeeting locally in person or virtually worldwide through the ultra-high-speed Florida Lambda Railnetwork. Partnering with SWFL Community Foundation and the city, the Fort Myers CommunityRedevelopment Agency suggested transforming the former 1924 Atlantic Coast Line Railway depot intothe cornerstone of Collaboratory’s campus, along with a modern addition and sustainable high-techfootprint, to propel midtown into the 21st century.THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK21
PLANNING STUDIES: SMALL CITYPLANNING STUDIES: LARGE CITYArt and Cultural Master Plan for Downtown Lake WorthLake Worth CRAFort Myers Redevelopment Areas, Boundary Reviews andRecommendationsStantec/Fort Myers Community Redevelopment AgencyFor more info: etheodossakos@lakeworth.orgLake Worth Beach is known as a culturally and architecturally rich city. It is also recognized forembracing various lifestyles and cultures. To build upon past efforts, including the attraction of thenew Cultural Council’s headquarters, the creation of an arts district and the development of live/work-artist housing for the Cultural Council, the CRA and the City collaborated to develop an Arts andCulture Master Plan for Downtown Lake Worth. The Master Plan aims to boost arts and culture to createa sustainable, thriving downtown thereby, enhancing the quality of life for all of Lake Worth Beachresidents and visitors.22THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKFor more info: jared.beck@stantec.comWith nine redevelopment areas established between 1984 and 2007, the CRA wanted to take a freshlook at the “big picture” of redevelopment success and opportunity within the overall City of Fort Myers.The Fort Myers Redevelopment Area Boundary Review & Recommendations provided an analysis ofredevelopment areas, impact, previous planning efforts, implementation completed, current demographics and conditions, funding and overall city redevelopment needs to evaluate and identify opportunitiesto strengthen redevelopment success. The report concluded each analysis with recommendations andaction steps for the CRA to implement.THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK23
PROMOTION: SMALL CITYPROMOTION: LARGE CITYMore In YborYbor City Development CorporationOpportunity Zone Overview and ProspectusGAI Consultants Community Solutions Group/City of OrlandoFor more info: brenda.thrower@tampagov.netFor more info: kelly.allen@downtownorlando.comThe Ybor City Economic Development Corporation (YCDC) has set out to change the perception ofYbor City Historic District’s identity as Tampa’s Entertainment District to a unique, walkable historicneighborhood ideal for relocating, expanding, launching a business or residing. To do this, a multichannel campaign, “More In Ybor,” was developed to attract developers, entrepreneurs, corporateexecutives and potential residents. Through creative endeavors including a website, brochure, socialmedia, photo contests, video series and a quarterly newsletter, Ybor City is now home to severalcorporate headquarters, a boutique hotel and high-end apartments, and it is blossoming into aninnovative hub for the tech industry.24THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKOur team created original materials for the City of Orlando to use for promoting, marketing and informingvarious entities about the city’s eligible Opportunity Zone Branded Districts-including demographics, employment, property values, vision, goals, available funding, active investments, current and planned activity, andprospects within each zone.THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK25
TRANSPORTATION AND TRANSIT ENHANCEMENT: SMALL CITYTRANSPORTATION AND TRANSIT ENHANCEMENT: LARGE CITYDenning Drive Complete StreetWinter Park CRADowntown Orlando Rideshare Hub Pilot ProgramCity of Orlando, CRAFor more info: kdudgeon@cityofwinterpark.orgFor more info: kelly.allen@downtownorlando.comHow to persuade drivers that changes to a popular high-speed shortcut deserve their support? Getthem out of their cars for a walking audit with the neighborhood residents and other users. DenningDrive was a wide, straight four-lane road with gaps in an insufficient sidewalk. By encouragingactive exploration of the street by all users-drivers, cyclists, transit riders and pedestrians-as the firstplanning step, support was ensured to change Denning to two lanes with a wide tree-shaded multiusetrail for all ages and abilities, landscaped medians, safe crosswalks, bus stop pullovers and dedicatedleft turn lanes.The need to create an organized program that would help advance downtown Orlando’s entertainmentdistrict in terms of traffic congestion, crowd control management and therefore, public safety, was quicklyprioritized after the City of Orlando created a formal nighttime economy management program in 2017.Through the work of the robust and empowered private/public Nighttime Economy Management committee, the concept of “Rideshare Hubs” was born. With more and more patrons choosing rideshare as theirpreferred method of transportation, downtown Orlando expressed a desire to safely and efficiently streamline the mass exiting of thousands of patrons.26THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOKTHE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK27
2019 ROY F. KENZIE AWARD ENTRIESANNUAL REPORTSFY 2017-18 Annual Report Redevelopment WorksBoynton Beach CRAThe Boynton Beach Community RedevelopmentAgency’s (BBCRA) Annual Report clearly raisesthe bar on local government “reporting” andis a unique custom-design marketing toolthat serves multiple purposes of informingthe community of how their tax dollars arebeing leveraged, status of CRA projects andinitiatives, and most importantly to celebrate theaccomplishments of the year. Unlike previousannual reports, this year’s report incorporatedthe FRA’s Redevelopment Works theme tofurther emphasize the responsibilities of theBBCRA along with the Mission Statement,financial transparency, capital projects, upcomingneighborhood improvements and economicdevelopment initiatives.2017-2018 Annual ReportTown of Davie CRAThe Town of Davie’s 2017-2018 Annual Reportrepresents our best annual report ever as weimplemented a graphic-based report that incorporates narrative components but does not relyon words to convey our message.Traditionally, theDavie CRA’s annual report spanned many pages,but was not eye-catching to a CRA expert or firsttime reader. Simultaneously, this report is able todemonstrate our prudent financial management,resource allocation and continued alignment withthe Redevelopment Plan. This report establishesour goal of a highly visual, easy-to-read reportthat would inform and engage all readers.28 THE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK2018 Delray Beach CRA Year in ReviewDelray Beach CRAThe goal for this year’s annual report was to illustrate the transformation that has taken place withinthis city. This report includes detailed informationon the progress of projects and programs withinthe CRA District. It aims to inform developers andcommunity stakeholders of the progress that hasbeen made. What stands out throughout this report are the partnerships that were created to helpaccomplish the goal of redevelopment through theelimination of blight and management of a sustainable downtown in order to encourage economicgrowth and improve quality of life for the residentsof Delray Beach.People. Partnerships. Progress. 2018 AnnualReportLakeland Community Redevelopment AgencyThe Lakeland CRA endeavors to educate andinspire all stakeholders year-round, building onsteadfast social media campaigns and increasedinteraction with citizens. The 2018 Annual Reportrepresents a combined print and digital platform,so that the document can be printed as well asdigitally distributed with added features such asvideos featuring CRA Advisory Board membersexplaining the highlights of the redevelopmentdistricts. The magazine style creates articles forease of perusing topics, including a focus on theimpact on individuals within each project. Thereport truly represents the people, partnershipsand progress made in 2018.New Perspectives: 2017-2018 Annual ReportCity of Live Oak Community RedevelopmentAgencyThe New Perspectives Annual Report2019 ROY F. KENZIE AWARD ENTRIESencapsulates the Live Oak CRA’s activities forthe 2017-2018 fiscal year in a magazine-like styleand features detailed “articles” of the CRA’svarious projects, updates, accomplishments andstatutorily required financial information. The“cover story” features the Heritage Square MasterPlan project – the focus of the reporting year.Serving not only as a source of information forthe accomplishments of the Live Oak CRA, theNew Perspectives Annual Report showcases ourcommunity’s efforts to revitalize and improve LiveOak’s Redevelopment Area and our endeavor tobring “new perspectives” to our city.Annual Report Fiscal Year 2017-18North Miami Community Redevelopment Agency(NMCRA)The NMCRA 2017/18 Annual Report is a creative,content-rich, eye-catching publication that tellsthe story of the agency’s activities while reinforcing our marketing and branding initiatives.Thereport is a saddle-stitched print publication anddigital flipbook with a strikingly colorful, visuallyengaging cover and content that reads like a greatreport and an effective marketing tool, improvingpublic information and engagement, informingand celebrating businesses and attracting newinvestment. The triangular shapes bordering eachpage reflect the careful attention to detail andnavigational thought process we utilize in all ourmarketing and communications efforts throughout the year.FY 2018 Annual ReportRiviera Beach CRA“Riviera Beach, a Sense of Place: The Place toBe.” The CRA accomplished its goal of versatility and community recognition for the year 2018while embracing beautification, youth success,local businesses and lifelong relationships withresidents. The cover embodies the CRA as being multifaceted yet organized. It is replete withintricate details of various community outreachefforts – featuring eight new murals – and givesour readers an overview of what our City offers.For an end-of-year grand finale, the CRA involvedall residents in multiple projects that culminatedin a signature event, and its very first, in RivieraBeach: “Winter Wonderland.”Annual Activity ReportCity of Tampa Economic and Urban DevelopmentDepartmentHow do you promote your CRA through reporting? Check out Tampa’s CRA Annual ActivityReport (annual report). For the past 12 years,Tampa stepped up its game by creating an eyecatching, professional and user-friendly report toshare information about the projects, activitiesand finances of Tampa’s CRA and its nine community redevelopment areas. In addition, the reportprovides an overview of the Community Redevelopment Agency and its role with redevelopmentand economic development in the City of Tampa.The report goes beyond the legal reporting requirement imposed by the state (Florida Statutes163.387), serving as an effective communicationpiece and marketing brochure.CAPITAL PROJECTS ANDBEAUTIFICATIONEastside Infrastructure ProjectDavie Community Redevelopment AgencyExciting changes are transforming DowntownDavie. For many years, Downtown Davie has beenTHE 2019 FRA AWARDS BEST BOOK29
2019 ROY F. KENZIE AWARD ENTRIES2019 ROY F. KENZIE AWARD ENTRIESfaced with small lot sizes, stringent water retentionrequirements and lack of sewers. The Eastside Infrastructure Project addresses the aging infrastructure needs of the area through the construction ofa master drainage system, installation of sanitarysewers, upsizing of water lines and installation ofadditional fire hydrants. As a result of the CRAsinvestment, commercial and residential propertyvalues have increased over 30% in the past twoyears, and we are seeing renewed economic development that has not occurred in decades.sponsor a garden bed for a youth organization tocultivate, learn and harvest.a 4:1 public/private fund matching programmaxed at 40,000.The Inverness Visitors CenterCity of InvernessThe Inverness Visitiors Center is located along theWithlacoochee State Trail, the 46- mile multipurpose trail that sees over 400,000 visitors eachyear. The location is open Monday through Fridaywith knowledgeable city staff with a wide array ofevent a
Tallahassee, FL 32301 (850) 222-9684 ABOUT THE FLORIDA REDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (FRA) www.redevelopment.net Carol Westmoreland, Executive Director (850) 701-3608 Email: cwestmoreland@flcities.com Jan Piland, Executive Assistant (850) 701-3622 Email: jpiland@flcities.com