
ANNE FRANKELEMENTARY SCHOOLSchool Number 280July 23, 2019

2019-20 Data Packet: Standard IssueTable of Contents12. Contents . Table of Contents3. Notes . Notes and Data DescriptionsSTUDENTS AND STAFF6. . Summary of Student and Teacher StatisticsEnroll (1) . Enrollment Statistics by EthnicityEnroll (2) . Enrollment Statistics by Select Student GroupAttendance . Student Attendance StatisticsTeachers . Teacher StatisticsSTAAR11.16.21.26.Reading (3-8) . STAAR 3-8 Reading in EnglishWriting (3-8) . STAAR 3-8 Writing in EnglishMath (3-8) . STAAR 3-8 Mathematics in EnglishScience (3-8) . STAAR 3-8 Science in EnglishSTAAR (SPANISH)31. Reading (3-8) . STAAR 3-8 Reading in Spanish36. Writing (3-8) . STAAR 3-8 Writing in Spanish41. Math (3-8) . STAAR 3-8 Mathematics in e . SCE Compliance for At-Risk StudentsReading (TN) . TerraNova Reading SubtestLanguage (TN) . TerraNova Language SubtestMath (TN) . TerraNova Mathematics SubtestReading (SUP) . SUPERA Reading SubtestLanguage (SUP) SUPERA Language SubtestENGLISH PROFICIENCY57. TELPAS . Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment61. IPT . IDEA Proficiency TestLOCAL ASSESSMENT63. ACP . Dallas ISD Assessments of Course PerformanceANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)2rpt CONTENTS2019-20 Data Packet

3NotesNotes, Definitions, and Data Descriptions2018-19 SCHOOL SUMMARY Student percentages are computed as the percentage of total student enrollment. Additional statistics are available in ENROLLMENT and TEACHER reports. Race/ethnic categories are based on the latest federal standards for ethnicity and race reporting, though some categories have been combined due to smallgroup sizes. Students reporting their ethnicity as “Hispanic” are not counted in any race category. Teacher demographics and location assignments are from the district's Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) submission to the TEA.ENROLLMENT Statistics are based on the school's enrollment at the end of the fifth six-weeks grading period. “New” students were new to the district in 2018-19. They are counted as new if not enrolled in a district campus before the last day of the 2017-18 school year. The “retention rate” is the percentage of students in the same grade at the end of the fifth six-weeks grading period for both 2017-18 and 2018-19.ATTENDANCE Statistics are based on student attendance through the end of the sixth six-weeks grading period (the end of the school year). “Average daily membership” is the total number of school days students were SCHEDULED or ENROLLED divided by the number of school days in the year. The “average daily attendance” number (N) is the total number of school days students were IN ATTENDANCE divided by the number of school days in theyear. The “average daily attendance” percentage (%) is the average attendance rate. For each student, the number of days attended is divided by the numberof days enrolled. This rate is then averaged across students. The number (N) of “yearly transactions” is the total number of transfer and withdrawal transactions in the school year. The percentage (%) is the number oftransactions divided by “average daily membership,” which gives (on average) the percentage of the membership associated with a transaction. “Continuously enrolled” students are enrolled and in attendance for a minimum number of instructional days in at least one course at the school between thebeginning of the school year and the first day of the main STAAR testing period. The minimum number varies depending on the school year's calendar. The “stability rate” is the number of continuously enrolled students divided by “average daily membership.”TEACHERS Teacher demographics and location assignments are from the district's Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) submission to the TEA. Teacher absences counted towards the average do not include vacation days. Retention rate is the percentage of the prior year's teachers who continued at the school. The rate for a school year is computed with numerator “# of teachersassigned to the school both that year and the prior year” and denominator “# of teachers assigned to the school for the prior year.” Teachers from the prioryear are not included in the statistic if they changed to non-teaching positions within the district.ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 20193Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)rpt NOTES2019-20 Data Packet

3NotesNotes, Definitions, and Data DescriptionsSTATE OF TEXAS ASSESSMENT OF ACADEMIC READINESS (STAAR) Cells marked with an asterisk (*) indicate five or fewer students were tested. Blank cells indicate no students were tested. Student group assignments are from the district's Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) submission to the TEA. Statistics by reporting category are averages for all students (across student groups and genders). “Average percentage correct” is computed as follows: For each student, divide number of items correctly answered by total number of items in test section,then average resulting percentages across all students. For short answers on EOC English tests, an “average rating” is presented; STAAR EOC short answers arerated on a scale of 0 to 3. For written compositions on writing tests, “average score points” is presented. Additional details provided in report footnotes. Grade in report is grade level of assessment, not student's grade level. For example, grade 7 students in Pre-AP math or science courses are assessed with theGrade 8 Math or Grade 8 Science assessment. These students' scores are reflected in the row for “Grade 8”. Statistics for SSI grades 5 and 8 are based on scores cumulative through students' second administrations.STATE COMPENSATORY EDUCATION (SCE) COMPLIANCE and TERRANOVA/SUPERA Cells marked with an asterisk (*) indicate five or fewer students were tested. Blank cells indicate no students were tested. Student group assignments are based on demographic data in the Dallas ISD student database. The publisher of the SUPERA assessments provided new norms for grades 1 and 2 reading and language subtests. SUPERA statistics have been updated for prioryears where necessary. Statistics in the SCE Compliance report are based on results from both TerraNova and SUPERA administrations.TELPAS and IPT Cells marked with an asterisk (*) indicate five or fewer students were tested. Blank cells indicate no students were tested. Students are counted as having been tested with the TELPAS if any one of the four domains is rated. Because a TELPAS composite rating is not assigned to astudent unless all four domains are rated, the number of TELPAS composite ratings may be smaller than the number tested. If a student's TELPAS composite rating did not increase at least one level from 2018 to 2019, the TEA did not report the 2018 composite rating. If a student is rated as Advanced High on the TELPAS in 2019, the TEA does not differentiate between the Advanced and Advanced High levels from 2018. Statistics from the 2018 TELPAS are presented in a separate report in this data packet because they were not available for publication the prior year. Statistics from 2017-18 IPT administations are presented in a separate report in this year's data packet. Statistics were recomputed from last year to separateEnglish from Spanish results and to select only the latest score for a student.ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 20194Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)rpt NOTES2019-20 Data Packet

3NotesNotes, Definitions, and Data DescriptionsDALLAS ISD ASSESSMENTS OF COURSE PERFORMANCE (ACP) Cells marked with an asterisk (*) indicate five or fewer students were tested. Blank cells indicate no students were tested. ACPs are semester exams administered in grades K-12. Not all courses have ACPs. In secondary grades, ACP scores account for a portion of students' semestergrades (10% at middle and 15% at high). “Average course mark (no ACP)” is computed from semester grades before factoring in ACP scores. In elementarygrades, ACP results account for 5% of students' semester grades for core courses; course-grade statistics are not reported in packets for elementary grades. Raw scores on the ACPs (percentage of items correct) are scaled each year to maintain similar annual passing rates for the district. A scale score of at least 70% is required to pass an ACP. For grade levels with numeric grading, a course mark of at least 70% is required to pass a course. Statistics are computed separately for Semester 1 and Semester 2 tests; time of administration during the school year is not relevant. Results from testswritten for different school years are not combined.ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 20195Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)rpt NOTES2019-20 Data Packet

Summary2018-19 Group Summary StatisticsSTUDENT ENROLLMENTGradeSTUDENT AND TEACHER 5KN181Black/African 27.91218.5American Indian/Alaska Native30.3**169Asian/Hawaiian/Pacific 98.72538.55130Multiple161.400.0Other* (teachers only)——23.100.0——ALL1,132Not reported (students only)*For teachers, “Other” category includes American Indican/Alaska Native and Asian/Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.SELECT STUDENT GROUP ENROLLMENTGroupNumberAt-Risk55248.8Economically disadvantaged88878.4Limited English proficient (LEP)66758.9928.115914.0Special educationTalented and Gifted (TAG)ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Percent6Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)rpt SUMMARY2019-20 Data Packet

Enroll (1)Enrollment Statistics by Race/EthnicityAfrican AmericanGradePKKN12345PK-5American IndianAsianHispanicWhiteMultiple 867759.8998.7161.4ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)7rpt ENROLL ETH2019-20 Data Packet

Enroll (2)Enrollment Statistics by Select Student PSpecial EducationAt RIskTAGNew (to District)GenderRetentionRate (%)YearEnrollmentN%N%N%N%N%N%% Male% .815914.034730.750.749.33.9ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)8rpt ENROLL OTH2019-20 Data Packet

AttendanceStudent Attendance StatisticsAverage DailyMembershipGradeKN12345KN-5Average Daily ntinuouslyEnrolledYearly Transactions%District NDistrict 171642018N%District 12,93815917811,86420191632017Stability 96.166,32396.0687.26.183162,75388.290.8ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)9rpt ATTENDANCE2019-20 Data Packet

TeachersTeacher StatisticsTeachers: 65DISTRIBUTIONSYEARS an American1218.5Beginning 00.0323.1Other23.1434.6546.21-3812.3More than 35483.11-51523.16 - 101726.211 - 201929.2More than .0ATTENDANCE / 32017-188.583.32018-196.880.6NumberANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Percentage10Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)rpt TEACHER2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Read (1)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): READINGPERCENTAGE APPROACHED GRADE LEVEL nDisadvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All nt**NUMBER TESTED IN GRADES 3721,7691ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)11rpt STAAR38 E read per app2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Read (2)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): READINGNUMBER NOT APPROACHED GRADE LEVEL nDisadvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All 201983217401118244119606,037237Migrant**NUMBER TESTED IN GRADES 3721,7691ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)12rpt STAAR38 E read num not app2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Read (3)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): READINGPERCENTAGE MET GRADE LEVEL nDisadvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All *NUMBER TESTED IN GRADES 3721,7691ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)13rpt STAAR38 E read per met2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Read (4)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): READINGPERCENTAGE MASTERED GRADE LEVEL nDisadvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All 0.014.512.324.327.825.721.5237Migrant**NUMBER TESTED IN GRADE 3721,7691ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)14rpt STAAR38 E read per mst2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Read (5)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): READINGAVERAGE PERCENTAGE OF ITEMS CORRECT BY REPORTING CATEGORYREPORTING CATEGORYGrade3453-5Year1. Understanding Across Genres (GR 3-5)1. Understanding/Analysis Across Genres (GR 6-8)2. Understanding/Analysisof Literary Texts3. Understanding/Analysisof Informational E FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)15rpt STAAR38 E read obj2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Writing (1)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): WRITINGPERCENTAGE APPROACHED GRADE LEVEL dvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All 92Migrant*NUMBER TESTED IN GRADE 57,36120199413670430395141927,1701ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)16rpt STAAR38 E write per app2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Writing (2)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): WRITINGNUMBER NOT APPROACHED GRADE LEVEL dvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All *NUMBER TESTED IN GRADE 57,36120199413670430395141927,1701ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)17rpt STAAR38 E write num not app2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Writing (3)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): WRITINGPERCENTAGE MET GRADE LEVEL dvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All 92Migrant*NUMBER TESTED IN GRADE 57,36120199413670430395141927,1701ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)18rpt STAAR38 E write per met2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Writing (4)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): WRITINGPERCENTAGE MASTERED GRADE LEVEL dvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All**NUMBER TESTED IN GRADE 57,36120199413670430395141927,1701ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)19rpt STAAR38 E write per mst2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Writing (5)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): WRITINGAVERAGE PERCENTAGE OF ITEMS CORRECT BY REPORTING CATEGORYREPORTING CATEGORYGrade4Year1. Composition¹(Expository)2. Revision3. .5¹Average score points (range 0-8). A composition is rated tw ice on a scale of 1 to 4, and the ratings are summed todetermine score points for the composition. Score point scale: 0 Nonscorable; 2 Very Limited; 3 betw een VeryLimited and Basic; 4 Basic; 5 betw een Basic and Satisfactory; 6 Satisfactory; 7 betw een Satisfactory andAccomplished; 8 AccomplishedANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)20rpt STAAR38 E write obj2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Math (1)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): MATHEMATICSPERCENTAGE APPROACHED GRADE LEVEL nDisadvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All .286.884.479.5441Migrant**NUMBER TESTED IN GRADES 523620544134,6901ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)21rpt STAAR38 E math per app2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Math (2)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): MATHEMATICSNUMBER NOT APPROACHED GRADE LEVEL nDisadvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All 105441Migrant**NUMBER TESTED IN GRADES 523620544134,6901ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)22rpt STAAR38 E math num not app2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Math (3)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): MATHEMATICSPERCENTAGE MET GRADE LEVEL nDisadvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All 55.347.8441Migrant**NUMBER TESTED IN GRADES 523620544134,6901ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)23rpt STAAR38 E math per met2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Math (4)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): MATHEMATICSPERCENTAGE MASTERED GRADE LEVEL nDisadvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All 26.6441Migrant**NUMBER TESTED IN GRADE 523620544134,6901ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)24rpt STAAR38 E math per mst2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Math (5)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): MATHEMATICSAVERAGE PERCENTAGE OF ITEMS CORRECT BY REPORTING CATEGORYREPORTING CATEGORYGrade3453-5Year1. NumericalRepresentations andRelationships2. Computations andAlgebraic Relationships3. Geometry andMeasurement4. Data Analysis andPersonal 9.570.3ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)25rpt STAAR38 E math obj2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Science (1)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): SCIENCEPERCENTAGE APPROACHED GRADE LEVEL dvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All .769.3123MigrantNUMBER TESTED IN GRADE 716513610,27120194348098106477665712310,432ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)26rpt STAAR38 E sc per app2019-20 Data Packet

3-8 (EN) Science (2)State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3-8 (English): SCIENCENUMBER NOT APPROACHED GRADE LEVEL dvSpecialEducLEPAt RiskMaleFemaleAllDistrictNumber Tested(All ntNUMBER TESTED IN GRADE 716513610,27120194348098106477665712310,432ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280)July 23, 2019Dallas ISD Evaluation & Assessment (Office of Institutional Research)27rpt STAAR38 E

ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (280) 5. Summary 2018-19 Group Summary Statistics Grade STUDENT ENROLLMENT Enrollment PK 175 KN 181 1 151 2 169 3 160 4 166 5 130 ALL 1,132 STUDENT AND TEACHER RACE/ETHNICITY Students Number Percent Number Percent Ethnicity/Race Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Hawaiian/Pacific Islander