Atlas Of Human Anatomy - College Of Physicians And .


Atlas of Human Anatomyby Netter, Frank H.2011. 5th edition.Stoelting's Anesthesiaand co-existingDiseases: Adapted forSouth-AsianCurriculumby Paul.2010. 5th edition.Braunwald's HeartDisease: A textbook ofCardiovascular Medicineby Bonow,2012. 9th edition.

Rook's Textbook ofDermatologyby Burns,2010, 8th edition.(4 volume set).Sherlock's Diseases ofthe Liver and BiliarySystemby Dooley,2011. 12th edition.PostgraduateHaematologyby Hoffbrand,2011. 6th edition.

Atlas of Histopathologyby Damjanov,2012.Comprehensive ColourAtlas of Diagnostic andPredictiveHistopathologyby Pervez, Shahid2011.Oxford Handbook ofInfectious Diseases andMicrobiologyby Torok, M. Estee,2009.

Harrison's Principles ofInternal Medicineby Longo, Dan L., Fauci,2012. 18th edition.Comprehensive ClinicalNephrologyby Floege, Jorgen,2010. 4th edition.Endocrinologyby Hadley, Mac E,2009. 6th edition.

Campbell-Walsh UrologyWein, Alan J., Kavoussi,2012. 10th ed. 4 vol. setSmith’s general urologyby Tanagho, E. A.,2009. 17th edition.Goldman's CecilMedicineby Goldman, Lee,2012. 24th edition.

Handbook of ClinicalSkillsby Chaudhry, Abdul Majeed2012.Current MedicalDiagnosis & Treatmentby Stephen McPhee,2012. 51st edition.Neurology in ClinicalPracticeby Robert B. Daroff,2012. 6th edition.

Neurosurgery CaseReview: Questions andAnswersby Remi Nader2009Department of LibraryCollege of Physicians and SurgeonsPakistanDesign & composed by: ATEEQ AHMED (Senior Assistant, Library, CPSP Karachi)

Atlas of Ultrasound inObstetrics andGynecology: A MultimediaReferenceby Doubilet, Peter M.2012. 2nd edition.Drugs in Pregnancy Gerald G. Briggs2011, 9th edition.Dewhurst's Textbook ofObstetrics andGynaecologyby Keith Edmonds,2012. 8th edition.

Obstetrics by TenTeachersby Baker, Philip N.2011. 19th edition.Gynaecology by TenTeachersby Monga, Ash and Dobbs,2011. 19th Swiet's MedicalDisorders in ObstetricPracticeby Powrie, Raymond.2010. 5th edition.

Atlas of Pelvic Anatomyand Gynecologic Surgeryby Michael S. Baggish,2010. 3rd edition.Rosenberg's Cancer:Principles and Practice ofOncologyby DeVita,2011. 9th edition

Principles and Practice ofPediatric Oncologyby Pizzo,2011. 6th edition.Clinical Ophthalmology:A Systematic Approachby Kanski, Jack J.,2011. 7th edition.Rockwood and Green'sFractures in Adultsby Bucholz, Robert W2010. 7th edition.

Rockwood and Wilkins'Fractures in Childrenby Beaty, James H.,2010. 7th edition.Kaplan & Sadock'sSynopsis of Psychiatry:behavioral sciences/clinicalpsychiatry.By Sadock, BenjaminSadock, Virginia,2011. 10th edOrthodontics: CurrentPrinciples andTechniquesby Grabber,2012. 5th edition.

Robbins & CotranPathologic Basis ofDiseaseby Stanley L. Robbins andVinay Kumar,2011. 8th edition.Nelson textbook ofPediatricsby eKliegman, Robert,2011. 19th ed.

Guyton and HallTextbook of MedicalPhysiology: with OnlineAccess (GuytonPhysiology)by Guyton AC.,2011. 12th edition.Murray & Nadel'sTextbook of Robert J. Mason.,2010. 5th edition.Diagnosis and Treatmentin Prosthodonticsby Laney, William R.,2011. 2nd edition.

Anatomy for DiagnosticImagingBy Stephanie Ryan,2010. 3rd edition.Color Atlas ofOculoplastic Surgeryby David T. Tse.,2011. 2nd edition.Basic SurgicalTechniquesBy R. M. Kirk,2010. 6th edition.

Blumgart's Surgery of theLiver, Biliary Tract, andPancreasBy Jarnagin2012, 5th ed.Vitreous Microsurgeryby Charles, Steve,Calzada, 2011. 5thedition.Clinical Cases andOSCEs in SurgeryBy Ramachandran2011, 2nd ed.

Recent Advances inSurgeryby Tylor,2011. 34th edition.Department of LibraryCollege of Physicians and SurgeonsPakistanDesign & composed by: ATEEQ AHMED (Senior Assistant, Library, CPSP Karachi)

Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter, Frank H. 2011. 5th edition. Stoelting's Anesthesia and co-existing Diseases: Adapted for South-Asian Curriculum by Paul. 2010. 5th edition. Braunwald's Heart Disease: A textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine by Bonow, 2012. 9th edition. Rook's Textbook of Dermatology by Burns, 2010, 8 th edition. (4 volume set). Sherlock's Diseases of the Liver and Biliary .