Rebellion Reflected In The Hunger Games Trilogy Novel (2008-2010) By .





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REBELLION REFLECTED IN THE HUNGER GAMES TRILOGY NOVEL(2008-2010) BY SUZANNE COLLINS:A MARXIST APPROACHAZHARI KURNIA DEWI MAURILLAA320120053School of Teacher Training and EducationMuhammadiyah University of Surakarta2017RINGKASANPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana pemberontakantercermin dalam The Hunger Games trilogy novel. Tujuan dari penelitian iniadalah untuk menganalisis pemberontakan berdasarkan Pendekatan Marxis danuntuk menganalisis pemberontakan di novel The Hunger Games Trilogy (2008 2010) menurut Suzanne Collins. Penulis menggunakan penelitian kualitatif.Penulis menggunakan dua sumber data: primer dan sekunder. Sumber data utamaadalah tentang novel itu sendiri. Kemudian data sekunder diambil dari sumber lainyang terkait dengan data primer seperti buku sastra, kamus, beberapa artikel yangberhubungan dengan novel dan website tentang novel trilogi The Hunger Games.Teknik pengumpulan data adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Teknik analisis databersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan analisis Marxis, ia membiarkan Katniss,simbol revolusi, untuk dilihat dan dikagumi oleh semua penampilan Distrik.Penampilannya sebagai Mockingjay dalam The Hunger Games mulai akanmemberi inspirasi bagi semua pejuang di Distrik. Pesan ini di sampaikan, meskidia tidak bisa menghindari permainan dan tidak bisa menghindari pertarunganlain. Dalam konflik yang lebih besar, pemberontak dapat dikenali sebagai pihakyang berperang tanpa pemerintah mereka diakui oleh pemerintah yang mapan,dalam hal ini konflik menjadi perang saudara.Kata Kunci: Pemberontakan, Pendekatan Marxist, Suzanne CollinsABSTRACTThis study is propose to reveal how Rebellion reflected in The Hunger Gamestrilogy novel. The objectives of this study are to analyze rebellion based onMarxist Approach and to analyze rebellion according to The Hunger GamesTrilogy (2008 -2010) novel by Suzanne Collins. The writer employs qualitativeresearch. The writer uses two data sources: primary and secondary. The primarydata source is about the novel itself. Then the secondary data are taken from othersources which are related to the primary data such as the literary books,dictionary, some articles related to the novel and website about the Hunger Gamestrilogy novel. The technique of data collection is library research. The techniqueof analyzing data is descriptive qualitative. Based on Marxist analysis, it allowed1

Katniss, the symbols of revolution, to be seen and admired by all the Districts.Her appearance as a Mockingjay in the Hunger Games began would have beeninspirational to all the fighters in the Districts. It sent the message even though shecouldn’t avoid the games and couldn’t avoid another fight. In a larger conflict therebels may be recognized as belligerents without their government beingrecognised by the established government, in which case the conflict becomes acivil war.Keywords: Rebellion, Marxist Approach, Suzanne Collins2

1. IntroductionLiterature is simply a written work that contains qualities. Literature’sprimary aim is to tell a story. The subject of the story is particularly human,describing and detailing a variety of human experience, not stating facts orbits and piece of information. There are so many kinds of literature productssuch as music, novel, art, poem, drama, etc. The novel is collection of manyideas, stories, and characters, bound with the writer’s imagination to becomea story. It means, when the author makes their literary work, that is anexpression of the problem from the novel. The kinds of the novel problemsare love, struggle for life, conflict of life, war, violence, and rebellion.The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins is one of novels that tellrebellion problems. Rebellion is an act of disobeying, resistance, revolting,fighting against, rejection to submit or to bow to any authorities that theperson thinks they are against his/her goal. In a larger conflict, the rebels maybe recognized as belligerents without their government being recognized bythe established government, in which case the conflict becomes a civil war(Kermit, 2001:246-247)).Rebellion is interesting objects to be explored. These themes are oftenused by authors of literary work to build their story. One of writers whichreveals about rebellion is American author Suzanne Collins in his novelentitled The Hunger Games. It was originally published in one of the manyfamous novels.American writer Suzanne Collins is the author of the bestselling TheHunger Games series and The Underland Chronicles. Suzanne Collins wasborn on August 10, 1962, in Hartford, Connecticut. The daughter of an AirForce officer, Collins moved a considerable amount during her childhood,living in places like New York City and Brussels and her family movedseveral times when she was young. After proving herself as a talentedchildren's television writer, Collins published her debut book, Gregor theOverlander, the first book of The Underland Chronicles. In 2008, the firstbook of The Hunger Games series was published. For the Collins family,3

history was an immensely important topic. Much of that was driven byCollins' father, who taught history at the college level and was open with hiskids about his military experience, including his deployment to Vietnam.The Hunger Games (2008) is set in the world, but in a post-apocalyptictime. The Capitol is the cruel Government of the twelve districts of Panem,which was once North America. As punishment for a revolution in the past,the Capitol created the Hunger Games. One boy and one girl (aged twelve toeighteen) are chosen from each district to fight on live television until onlyone child remains. Our main character is Katnis Everdeen, who volunteers inthe place of her younger sister Primrose for District Twelve. The male“tribute” for the district is Peeta Mellark, the son of a baker, who is in lovewith Katnis. During the Games, Katnis uses his love to her advantage, so thatthe wealthy audience can send her food and medicine.All the citizens from districts four to twelve hate the Capitol because ofthe oppression, poverty and violence that they suffer. Katnis angers theCapitol during the Games when her new friend Rue from District Eleven iskilled, and she shows compassion by laying flowers on her body.Furthermore, at the end of the Games, only Peeta and Katnis remain, so eachrefuse to kill the other. Instead, they agree to eat poisoned berries together sothat there is no winner for the Capitol. In response, rather than beinghumiliated in front of the districts, the Capitol allows the couple to wintogether. The other districts watching the Games have now witnessed an actof rebellion, and they want more. Thus, a second revolution is about to beborn.Catching Fire (2009) is about the development of this revolution. TheCapitol is furious at Katnis for starting a second rebellion, so they create aspecial version of the Hunger Games for all the previous victors, whichmeans that she and Peeta must return. During these games, they create a teamof victors, who manage to destroy the arena and escape to District Thirteen,which most people think that does not exist. However, the Capitol capturePeeta, and they destroy District Twelve.4

Mockingjay (2010) tells the story of Katnis leading the revolution ofthe Capitol and President Snow. The rebels use her in the media as thesymbol of their rebellion. They rescue Peeta, but he has been tortured andnow he hates and fears Katnis. A team of rebels including Peeta and Katnisthen go on a mission to assassinate President Snow in the Capitol, butKatnis’s sister Primrose is killed by a bomb. Katnis later discovers that thepresident of the rebels makes this bomb, so she kills her own president inplace of Snow. She then returns to her home, District Twelve, to try torecover with Peeta. At the end of the book we see them get married with twochildren.There are some reasons why the researcher researches The HungerGames trilogy novel:First, The Novel is far more political than any teenage drama written inthe 21st century. Katniss Everdeen is not just saving her folks but she mustfree a whole nation from tyrannical oppression and poverty. For those whodon’t know the plot, it is set in a near future where countries have beendestroyed and replaced by 12 Districts under the control of the Capitol. In TheHunger Games, while some elements are a little fantastical, they are alldeveloped through technology and can find believable explanations that canmake them potentially real. The conception of the arena and its dangers, theweapons, the different machine all are very futuristic but not too unreal.Second, the novel is very classical story of Theseus is central to TheHunger Games. Collins has mentioned this in interviews about the series. Theclassical myth describes how Athens would send seven youths of each genderto the Labyrinth to be devoured by the Minotaur. Theseus, the king’s son,volunteers himself, and this is what Katnis Everdeen does in Collins’s series.Collins has described Katnis as ‘a futuristic Theseus’. This allusion toclassical mythology is, along with Panem, and the gladiatorial games ofancient Rome, one of many classical references in Collins’s series.Third, the plot of the novel is much excited because the plot drivenblend of suspense, science fiction, and romance. "The plot is front and center5

here the twists and turns are addictive, particularly when the romantic subplotups the ante yet the Capitol’s oppression and exploitation of the districtsalways simmers just below the surface, waiting to be more fully explored infuture volumes. Collins has written a compulsively readable blend of sciencefiction, survival story, unlikely romance, and social commentary.After reading the novel we can take the conclusion and the moralmessage about the story. We can reject the content of the novel or we receivethe content that reflects the good think of real life. There are many argumentsabout the novel such as from the cover, title, the author, languages, thecontent and other. The last reason is to elaborate the good character from thenovel and apply it in real life.Based on the background above the researcher proposes to conduct aresearch entitled “Rebellion reflected in The Hunger Games Trilogy Novel bySuzanne Collins (2008 -2010): A Marxist Approach”.2. Research MethodIn analyzing The Hunger Games Trilogy novel (2008-2010) bySuzanne Collins the researcher uses qualitative research. The researchercategorizes her research into qualitative research because the research doesnot need a statistic data to analyze and explore that fact. Type of data in thisresearch is textual data. It consists of word, phrase and sentences. The datasources consist of two categories, they are primary data source and secondarydata source. The primary data source is the novel itself. The secondary datasource is about behaviorist and all relevant materials in the novel. Thetechniques of data collection the writer used are reading and understandingThe Hunger Games Trilogy novel as well as the secondary data source fromthe other books, identifying data that can be analyzed, classifying data intosome categories, determining the theory of literature which is relevant foranalyzing the data, and searching the other reference that can be used toanalyzed data. The object of the study is to analyze the desire reflected inSuzanne Collins (2008-2010) on Marxist approach. The writer focuses in this6

research in analyzing Rebellion reflected in The Hunger Games Trilogynovel (2008-2010) based on Marxist Approach. The steps analyzing the dataare as follows: first, the Marxist analysis toward the novel and the second isthe discussion of the objectives of the study.3. Finding and Discussiona. FindingThere are the principles of Marxist theory based on the secondchapter. To expose this analysis clearly, the researcher analyzes in TheHunger Games Trilogy novel (2008-2010) by Suzanne Collins by using theMarxist principles.3.1.1 RebellionAccording to Lalor (1884:632)) rebellion as "a refusal of obedienceor order." He said "it may encompass a range of behaviors from civildisobedience and mass nonviolent resistance, to violent and organizedattempts to destroy an established authority such as the government. Thosewho participate in rebellions are known as "rebels". A Rebel is a person whorefuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or rulerof his or her country, resists any authority, control, or tradition and whoshow or feel utter repugnance." Therefore, when somebody rebels, his or herrebellion is usually to serve a specific need. For example, it can be fightingagainst governments' tyranny to get freedom, declining boss's unfairness,breaking with conventional customs and rejecting the social traditions andvalues. According to Mark and Engels on his book Theory of Revolution:War and Revolution, rebellion is the natural result of exploitation andoppression. That has been proved over and over throughout history. Whenthe heap of class society injustice, the greatest challenge posed by everyhuman is rebellion, that is need not only for win from oppress but to welfareall the society. Also, the greatest challenge that is faced by the oppressedand exploited classes in society has never been the willingness to fight back.It has been the ability to organize in a from that only fight, but must win.7

The writer of trilogy the Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins, illustratedsome of rebellion that was done by the people in districts very epic. In thethird novel of trilogy hunger games, we can see clearly rebellion that wasdone by oppressed (society) to oppressor (capitol). There are some ways ofrebellion. The people in Panem were fight, dare, and they struggle to endtheir hunger for justice. They made propaganda to be shown in Panem.“People of Panem, we fight, we dare, we end ourhunger for justice!” That’s the line. I can tell bythe way they present it that they’ve spent months,maybe years, working it out and are really proudof it. It seems like a mouthful to me, though. Andstiff. (Mocking Jay,2010:39).I’m hustle back to my place, and the smokemachine kicks in. Someone calls for quite, thecameras start rolling, and I hear “Action!” So Ihold my bow over my head and yell with all theanger I can muster, “People of Pane, we fight, wedare we end our hunger for justice!” (MockingJay,2010:40).Suzanne Collins described how people in districts rebel the Capitol.First the society assembled in districts 13 to collect the power. They usedpropaganda campaigns that are presented in television. Propaganda can bevery powerful tool for swaying people’s minds. It also can explode right inthe oppress face. Between Capitol and rebels, they attacked each other byusing propaganda video. Katnis Everdeen as the symbol of revolution tookas an actress in the propaganda video. She burns the spirit of the people inPanem by saying that she is one of the suffering people, the Capitol cans totune and bomb them or burn their districts. Katnis also have point to theplanes burning on the roof of the warehouse across. The fire was catching. Ifall people around districts burn, the Capitol and Presidents are also burnswith them.I’m moving in to wars the camera now, carriedforward by my rage. “President Snow says he’ssending us a message? Well, I have one for him.You can torture us and bomb us and burn our8

districts to the ground, but do you see that?” oneof the cameras follows as I point to the planesburning on the roof of the warehouse across fromus. The Capitol seal on a wing glows clearlythrough the flames. “Fire is catching!” I’ amshouting now, determined that he will not miss aword. “And if we burn, with us!” (MockingJay,2010:51).Suzanne Collins used propaganda as one from of the rebellion to thegovernment in her trilogy the hunger games. It can sway public opinion intimes of war. Propaganda can be form of design poster, films, press release,and even statues have been successfully used to get the public behind thewar. The dishonesty of propaganda can backfire. It was like when theCapitol use Peeta Mellark the symbol of propaganda to destroy Katniss’power as the symbol of rebellion. Peeta Mellark propaganda video wasintroduced as the special segment and something about it looked familiar.This video propaganda is used to destroy and dilute the symbol ofrevolution’s power. In the video Peeta was interviewed by the Caesar, andPeeta delivered a Capitol’s message. He struggles to realize Katnis. And hetold that Katnis is only instrumental to the rebels to destroy the humanity.“Let’s turn it off, Finnick, before they run itagain,” I urge him. But as Finnick’s hand movestoward the remote control, I cry, “Wait!” TheCapitol is introducing a special segment andsomething about it looks familiar. Yes, it’sCaesar Flickerman. And I can guess who hisguest will be (Mocking Jay,2010:56).“Is there anything you’d like to tell her?” asksCaesar.“There is, “ says Peeta. He looks directly into thecamera, right into my eyes. “Don’t be a fool,Katniss. Think for yourself. They’ve turned youinto a weapon that could be instrumental in thedestruction of humanity. If you’ve got any realinfluence, use it to put the brakes on this thing.Use it to stop the war before it’s too late. Askyourself, do you really trust the people you’re9

working with? Do you really know what’s goingon? And if you don’t.find out.”Black screen.Seal of Panem. Show over(Mocking Jay,2010:56)Propaganda enables to frame issues and even create problems thatthey claim. It occurs in the time leading up to a conflict. Propaganda refersto the action that attempts to influence emotion, mater, politics, orinformation. The core of propaganda refers to the action that attempts toinfluence emotion, mater, politics, or information in order to benefit fromeach side. Plutarch and Cressida made plan about contain of videopropaganda. They used Katniss’ visit.“So, what else do you have planned?’ asks thepresident. Plutarch nods to Cressida, whoconsults a clipboard. “We have some terrificfootage of Katniss at the hospital in Eight. Thereshould be another prop in that with the theme‘Because you know who they are and what theydo.’ We’ll focus on Katniss interacting with thepatients, particularly the children, the bombing ofthe hospital, and the wreckage. Messalla’s cuttingthat together. We’re also thinking about aMockingjay piece. Highlight some of Katniss’sbest moments interact with scenes of rebeluprisings and war footage. We cal that one ‘Fireis catching.’ And the Fulvia came up with a reallybrilliant idea.” (Mocking Jay,2010:55).Propaganda was rated as the most effective way to influence thedistricts’ residents favoring the Capitol or rebels. Beeta one of rebel who isexpert in technology, he tried to find a way to hack publication system ofbroadcast in Capitol because the first propaganda that was sent by the rebelsare not swoon in full version.“Beetee thinks he’s found a way to break into thefeed nationwide,” says Finnick. “So that ourpropos will air in the Capitol, too. He’s downworking on it in Special Defense now. There’slive programming tonight. Snow’s making anappearance or something. I think it’s starting.”(Mocking Jay,2010:65).10

The rebels continued to attack propaganda, between Capitol andrebels attack each other so the residents were confused to see thepropaganda presentation. Although the Capitol has been made anticipationof attacking, but they looked overwhelmed in facing hacking that was doneby the professional technology from rebels. Capitol and rebels were in battleof propaganda video.And then whole thing breaks down into abroadcast battle, as the Capitol tech masters try tofend off Beetee’s attack. But they are unprepared,and Beetee, apparently anticipating he would nothold on to control, has an arsenal of five to tensecond clips to work with. We watch the officialpresentation deteriorate as it’s peppered withchoice shots from the propos (MockingJay,2010:64).President Snow, the leader of Panem, tells to the residents thatobviously this act was done by the rebels who want to destroy the Capitol.And rebels tried to disrupt the dissemination of information which theyconsidered harmful. Then President Snow was not only silent to see therebels’ brunt. He said to the residents that the rebels tried to destroy and thetruth and justice will show its power. This rebellion attack used propagandagreatly affects the majority of residents.Snow plows forward, saying that clearly therebels are now attempting to disrupt thedissemination of information they findincriminating, but both truth and justice willresign. The full broadcast will resume whensecurity has been reinstated. He asks Peeta if,given tonight’s demonstration, he has any 65).According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Propaganda is defined as“ideas, facts, or allegation spread deliberately to further one’s cause or todamage on opposing cause. In this trilogy the hunger games, SuzanneCollins described propaganda was a driving force that kept the battle hated11

and resident’s population united do rebellion. She illustrated how effectivepropaganda though influence the residents, how it presented, and whatimages would persuade the people of each side (Capitol and rebels) to fightin the war to create revolution.Not only rebellion with prop but also war cease-fire. The counterattack from the oppressors has begun. It is caused by hacking the broadcastinformation that was done by the rebels. Shortly after it, Capitol gave bombsattack aimed at the rebels in district 13. At that time the war is alreadystarted.That’s when the first bomb hits. There’s an initialsense of impact followed by an explosion thatresonates in my innermost parts, the lining of myintestines, the marrow of my bones, the roots ofmy teeth. We’re all going to die. I think. My eyesturn upward, expecting to see giant cracks raceacross the ceiling, massive chunks of stoneraining down on us, but the bunker itself givesonly a slight shudder. The lights go out and Iexperience the disorientation of total darkness.Speechless human sounds-spontaneous shrieks,ragged breaths, baby whimpers, one musical bitof insane laughter dance around in the chargedair. Then there’s a hum of a generator, and a dimwavering glow replaces the stark lighting that isthe norm in 13. It’s closer to what we had in ourhomes in 12, when the candles and fire burnedlow on a winter’s night (Mocking Jay,2010: 71).The counterattack propaganda is showing by Peeta’s speech. In thisspeech, he asked for fighting to stop the war. Nut in other context, it is notPeeta idea. Peeta is being forced by the Capitol to stop the war by case-fire.If the fighting stopped, the rebels would be destroyed easily by the Capitol.Peeta begins to speak in a frustrated tone aboutthe need for the case-fire. He highlights thedamagedone to key infrastructure in variousdistricts, and as he speaks, parts of the map lightup, showing images of the destruction. A brokendamn in 7. A derailed train with a pool of toxicwaste spilling from the tank cars.A granary12

collapsing after a fire. All of these he attributes torebel action (Mocking Jay,2010:63).The oppressed used Katniss Everdeen as the symbol of rebellion. Itis because of what she represented to the revolution. As Boggs told her thatshe is the symbol of rebellion. And she can influence any other person. Sheis not just her own self, and she cannot act only based on what she thinksand what she wants to do. Because whatever she does it will back toreflected revolution. This is the positive thing why Katniss Everdeen ischosen as the symbol of rebellion. Because she can bring positive thing likewhat she was done visiting the hospital in district 2 and also she brings hopeand inspiration to many people of the wounded. In other side it can also benegative thing, when people start to think that many people dying are causedby supporting and protecting her.What they want is for me to truly take on the rolethey designed for me. The symbol of therevolution.The Mockingjay. It isn’t enough, whatI’ve done in the past, defying the Capitol in theGames, providing a rallying point. I must nowbecome the actual leader, the face, the voice, theembodiment of the revolution. The person whothe districts most of which are now openly at warwith the Capitol can count on to blaze the path tovictory. I won’t have to do it alone. They have awhole team of people to make me over, dress me,write my speech, orchestrate my appearances as ifthat doesn’t sound horribly familiar and all I haveto do is play my part. Sometimes I listen to themand something I just watch the perfect line ofCoin’s hair and try to decide if it’s a wig.Eventually, I leave the room because my headstarts to ache or it’s time to eat or if I don’t getabove ground I might start screaming. I don’tbrother to say anything. I simply get up and walkout (Mocking Jay,2010:14).In fact rebellion of oppressed happen when Katniss Everdeen andPeeta Melark decided to kill themselves. They know that Hunger Gamesshould left one winner from 24 representatives. If they kill themselves there13

will not a winner in this 74th hunger games. They made such kind of lovedrama that they cannot leave each other, they cannot live without eachother, and if Katniss decided to kill herself, it’s unless because of coursePeeta will live miserably. A few second then Katniss decided to killthemselves together. She too little berry fruits from her pocket and pour iton Peeta and her hand. She said to believe her in there they star to eat berrytogether.I spread out my finger, and the dark berriesglisten in the sun. I give Peeta’s hand one lastsqueeze as a signal, as a good bye, and we begincounting. “One.” Maybe I’m wrong. “Two.”Maybe they don’t care if we both die. “Three!”It’s too late to change my mind. I lift my hand tomy mouth, taking one last look at the world. Theberries have just passed my lips when thetrumpets begin to blare (Hunger Games,2008:339).The frantic voice of Claudius Templesmith shoutsabove them. “Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen. Iam pleased to present the victors of the Seventyfourth Hunger Games, KatnissEverdeen andPeetaMellark! I give you the tributes of DistrictTwelve !”(Hunger Games,2008: 339).At that time the first rebellion was begun. The judge of 74th hungergames, Claudius Templesmith, finally presents the victors of 74th hungergames, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark. As we know they succeed toviolate the hunger games rule that are supposed to be one winner. Basicallyever since they won the 74th hunger games people have begun to realizethey can defy the Capitol in however with small way. People in capitol arehappy to see loves truck couple won, but in other side districts see adifferent meaning. It is possible to defy Capitol, and it never happen beforethey have two people won the hunger games. That’s rebellion.All I was doing was trying to keep Peeta andmyself alive. Any act of rebellion was purelycoincidental. But when the Capitol decrees thatonly one tribute can live and you have the14

audacity to challenge it, I guess that’s rebellion initself. My only defense was pretending that I wasdriven insane by a passionate love for Peeta. Sowe were broth allowed to live. To be crownedvictors.To go home and celebrate and wave goodbye to the cameras and be left alone. Until now(Catching Fire,2009: 30).After all, President Snow did not remain silent to see it all. Becausewhat they both did is a menace. So president Snow tried to find way torestrain it all. He also threat Katniss to show that the drama of their lovereally existed. And in the other hand, he had prepared to kill them bothnaturally. Unfortunately, the expectations of change from residents indistricts have perceived growing. The small rebellion also happen in district11, where an old man whistles rue’s son g to honor her. After that even, hewas shot by the sign of rebellion. As we know that when Rue from district11, she would sing the tune of Mockingjay to signal Katniss Everdeen whenthey executed plan but they are apart.I stand there, feeling broken and small, thousandsof eyes trained on me. There’s a long pause.Then, from somewhere in the crowd, someonewhistles Rue’s four note mockingjay tune. Theone that signaled the end of the workday in theorchards. The one that meant safety in the arena.By the end of tune, I have found the whistles, awizened old man in a faded redshirt and overalls.His eyes meet mine. (Catching Fire, 2009: 30).A pair of Peacekeepers dragging the old man whowhistles to the top of the steps.Forcing him to hisknees before the crowd. And putting a bulletthrough his head(Catching Fire, 2009: 30)3.1.2Class struggleAccording to Cartel Marxist basically Man’s social beingdetermines his consciousness and the material interest of the dominantsocial class determines how all classes perceive their existence. All formsof culture therefore, do not exist in an ideal, abstract from but are15

inseparable from the historical determining social conditions (Carter.2006: 55).In the Hunger Games Trilogy novel, Collins tries to employ thestruggle that she intended as a critique of society’s obsession with themedia, fashion, power, authority and personal comfort. Mocking jay is awar novel. This story tells about social disparity, dictatorship, and therebellion to gain freedom and revolution between the dominant class andthe working class in Panem. The class distinction in Panem exists whenth

THE HUNGER GAMES TRILOGY . NOVEL (2008-2010) BY SUZANNE COLLINS: A MARXIST APPROACH AZHARI KURNIA DEWI MAURILLA A320120053 School of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta 2017 RINGKASAN . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana pemberontakan tercermin dalam The Hunger Games trilogy novel.