Grade 9 Summer Vacation Assignment


AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)GRADE 9 SUMMER VACATION ASSIGNMENT“to be ready for tomorrow’s opportunities, do your homeworktoday. Learn, refine your skiLLs and focus on growth.”General Instructions: All the works should be done neatly and independently as per theinstructions given in class. Originality of the work will be appreciated. Project / Homework will be assessed on the basis of neatness, creativityand originality of ideas.Page 1 of 14

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)ENGLISHObjectives:1. Develop reading, writing and ICT Skills.2. Enhance one’s vocabulary and research aptitude.3. Encourage Life skills.“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the mostaccessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ―Charles William Eliot1. In the light of this read any one of the book listed below and write a review on thesamei) The Coolie by Mulk Raj Anandii) Kabuliwallah by Rabindranath Tagoreiii) Grandfather’s Private Zoo by Ruskin Bondiv) Ghost Stories by Ruskin Bondv) Pret in the House by Ruskin Bond2. Prepare a short film/documentary/video based on the instructions given in class.3. Write articles, poems, plays, short stories, amazing facts, research works, comicstrips etc. for the class magazine. It will be compiled after the vacation.Page 2 of 14

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)LANGUAGESFRENCHSe préparer pour le mois de LangagesAussi pratiquez toutes les Compréhensions de l’A1 et A2 de ce site web ?.HINDIPage 3 of 14

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)2 ' मेरा भारत महान ' विषय पर एक अनु च्छेद विखिए।3 नीचे वदए गए वचत्र पर एक कहानी विखिए।4.5. अपनी बहन को पत्र वििकर योगासन करने के विए प्रे ररत कीविए।Page 4 of 14

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)MATHS1.Choose any one of the activities givenMathematical Knowledge Your creativitySpiral Root PlottingObjectiveTo construct a square root spiral and add your creativity to it.Prerequisite KnowledgeConcept of number line, irrational number plotting on number line and Pythagorastheorem.Materials RequiredSquared papers, sketch pens, pencil, geometry box, card board.Theory1. A number line is a imaginary line whose each point represents a real number.2. The numbers which cannot be expressed in the form p/q where q 0 and both pand q are integers, are called irrational numbers, e.g. 3, π, etc.3. According to Pythagoras theorem, in a right angled triangle, the square of thehypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of other two sides containing rightangle. ΔABC is a right angled triangle having right angle at B. (see Fig. 1.1)Therefore, AC² AB² BC²where, AC hypotenuse, AB perpendicular and BC baseProcedure1. Take a piece of plywood having the dimensions 30 cm x 30 cm.2. Draw a line segment PQ of length 1 unit by taking 2 cm as 1 unit, (see Fig. 1.2)3. Construct a line QX perpendicular to the line segment PQ, by using compasses ora set square, (see Fig. 1.3)Page 5 of 14

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)1.From Q, draw an arc of 1 unit, which cut QX at C(say). (see Fig. 1.4)2. Join PC.3. Taking PC as base, draw a perpendicular CY to PC, by using compasses or a setsquare.4. From C, draw an arc of 1 unit, which cut CY at D (say).5. Join PD. (see Fig. 1.5)6. Taking PD as base, draw a perpendicular DZ to PD, by using compasses or a setsquare.7. From D, draw an arc of 1 unit, which cut DZ at E (say).8. Join PE. (see Fig. 1.5)Keep repeating the above process for sufficient number of times. Then, the figure soobtained is called a ‘square root spiral’.Now how to add your creativity to it?Add your own creativity to it.You can add any colours or add any traditional arts likerangoli or mehendi designs also.ORTESELLATION AND MATHEMATICSPage 6 of 14

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)Definition of tessellation and what does it take to create one? When a geometric shape isrepeated over and over again, covering a plane of tiles without any gaps or overlaps, it resultsin a tessellation - a mosaic pattern of a mesmerizing visual effect. Although it derives from aclear set of rules based on mathematical shapes and calculations - a fact which might give outthe impression that there is no space for creativity - tessellations have been widely accepted ina great number of cultures, and are employed in many spheres of life such as design and art.ObjectiveTo identify tessellation in environment and connect it with mathematics.Materials RequiredSquared papers, sketch pens, pencil, geometry box, card board.Research on Tesellation art.Create a tessellation art using mathematical ation.html gcPu2qmHk00Rubrics: Accuracy, Creativity, Presentation2. Complete the worksheet sent to you in your E mail /Uploaded in Teamsfiles.Objective: To recollect the concepts covered from April to JuneDo these questions in A4 sheet paper. Draw margins and submit it neatlyPage 7 of 14

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)SCIENCESlNo12TopicsROLLNUMBERSHow to make a water wheelwithout electricityROLLNMBERS- 1 to 3Electric generatorROLL NUMBERS- 4 to g model of dripirrigationRoll numbers- 7 to 9Amazing water fountainRoll numbers- 10 to 12 projectorRoll number- 13-15 Bohr Model of atom numbers- 16,1778Rain harvesting modelRoll numbers- 18.19Make a simple toy of yourchoice by using wastematerial that work on theconcepts of OADRUeB0aHkROLL NUMBERS- 20.21Page 8 of 14

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)Instructions Please select any one INVESTIGATORY topic out of these examples. Please Note down the AIM,MATERIALS,PROCEDURE AND OBSERVATION inan A4 size paper. RECORD THE VIDEO of your experiment in LANDSCAPE MODE .PRECAUTIONPlease conduct the experiments with safety precautions in the presence of an adult.RubricsCriteriaCreativity/innovationWay of presentationNeatnessPage 9 of 14Marks532

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)SOCIAL SCIENCEDISASTER MANAGEMENT - Project Work:(5Marks)Every student has to compulsorily undertake a project on ANY ONE of thefollowing units/topics.The Project Report should be handwritten by the students themselves withappropriate pictures with caption and comprise of not more than 15( A4 sizepages). Acquainted with Disaster ManagementSpecific Hazards and its MitigationPreventing Common Human Induced DisastersCommunity Planning for Disaster ManagementThe project has been carefully designed so as to –a) Create awareness in learnersb) Enable them to understand and co-relate all aspects of selected topicc) Relate theory with practiced) Relation of different aspects with lifee) Provide hands on experienceThe distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is asfollows: (Rubrics)S.NO. accuracy and originalityPresentation and creativityProcess of Project Completion: Initiative,cooperativeness, participation and punctualityViva or written test for content assimilationMARKS1112Prescribed book: Together, Towards a Safer India - Part II, a textbook on DisasterManagement for Class IX - Published by CBSEGEOGRAPHYTo complete all Worksheet and Textual Questions(Notebook Completion) tillDrainage ChapterPage 10 of 14

) AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022 ARABIC اكتب مقالة عن الموضوعات اآلتية .1 الحلم تريده أن تتحقّق .2 مواصفات البلد الّذي تريد أن تكون بلدا في أحالمك Page 11 of 14

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022) اكتب عن هذه الصورة Page 12 of 14

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)Page 13 of 14

AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022)ISLAMIC STUDIES(Boys): Prepare a booklet on “Biography of Omar bin Al-Khattab(RA)” including inspiring aspect of his life.(Girls): Prepare a booklet on “Hafsa bint Omar (RA)” includinginspiring aspect of her life.************Page 14 of 14

strips etc. for the class magazine. It will be compiled after the vacation. AL AIN JUNIORS SCHOOL (2021-2022) Page 3 of 14 LANGUAGES FRENCH . which cut QX at C(say). (see Fig. 1.4) 2. Join PC. 3. Taking PC as base, draw a perpendicular CY to PC, by using compasses or a set square. 4. From C, draw an arc of 1 unit, which cut CY at D (say). 5. .