APRIL Monthly Numerology Report 2017


APRIL Monthly Numerology Report 2017Welcome!Like every month, this month has many exciting things in store, but before I get to that I’d liketo explain what Numerology is all about to the newcomers (or those of you that may need toread up on it a bit again).Numerology, as the name suggests, is the study of numbers. Each number was assigned aCosmic/Karmic vibration or energy. Legend has it this was done by the ancient Egyptians andPythagoras, the father of modern mathematics, translated their knowledge into a format thatcould be understood by the Western World.What people like myself then do is take this ancient knowledge and use it to ascertain theenergies prevalent in certain things. This could be anything from the energy of a name, to theenergy of a birth date, to the energy of the amount of flour you use to bake your favourite cake(although this last one will take a bit more creative intuition, but I’ll get to that in a bit).Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is made up of energy. What numerology does is translatethat energy into psychic understanding (as in understood by your psyche, not some hocuspocus act, as the word has been misconstrued to mean).Unexplainable things, like the threads that hold the Universe together, are brought to lightthrough numerology. Take the number 4 for example. On the positive side it representsstructure and following rules. On the negative side it represents confusion and chaos.But that doesn’t tell you much about how it relates to your life in the month ahead. That’swhere this report comes in handy. In this report I will relay the divine secrets you need tounderstand in order to be in tune with the world around you at any given time.You won’t find exactly what to do to have the perfect life in this report. That is not the aim. I amgoing to give you guidelines to apply to your own life, yes. I am also giving you a description ofwhat energies the numbers in the month represent.

But how you apply this knowledge to your particular situation is up to you. I don’t even expectthat everything I write will resonate with you. But the chances are that, in this report, you willfind the greatest insight into how you can achieve the future you desire.The format of the report is quite simple. The first thing you’ll find is the Year forecast. It isessential to keep this forecast in mind throughout the report as the energy of the year sets thetone for the entire year. Therefore, each month is dependent on this energy.Next I have done a forecast on the month itself. As you may have guessed this energy isapplicable to all the weekly forecasts of that month. You will also find weekly challenges,affirmations and an action plan for each week, as well as what the challenge and lucky days arefor that week.So there you have it. If you’d like to test your psychic understanding you’re welcome to use thetable below to work out the number a name represents. However, please remember that asense of detachment works best when interpreting someone else’s name.It really does help to be objective about others when it comes to being intuitive, otherwiseyou’ll just find exactly what you’re looking for. When using your psychic abilities (everyone whohas a psyche has psychic abilities that they can develop with practice) it is common that yourego will super impose your desires on your reading, albeit consciously or unconsciously. The keyis to look at the information you receive first.Then apply it to the situation as objectively as possible. This may sound weird, and it will takepractice to perfect, but I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean after a couple of times. Ahealthy balance between interpretation, intuition and intent needs to be maintained at alltimes, lest you unknowingly create more trouble than good out of selfishness.Anyway, here’s the table you can use to interpret names, or any words in :JOHN 1 6 8 5 20 (2 0) 2 (lucky number)NICK 5 9 3 2 19 (10) 10 (lucky number)

The Year 2017That means this year is all about the primal force of transformation, action and will. AsMilton Berle, a life path #1, said: “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”What does 1 mean for the coming year?The Number 1 challenges you – well, it challenges everyone. Just look at the shape of it –upright, straight, willing to be seen and ready to rumble. The Number 1 is the mostindividualistic of the numerology numbers. As a 1 year, 2017 promises to be out in front, itsagenda visible, with a “take no prisoners” attitude.This number’s energies are generally seen in the mundane world, in the realm of politics,leadership, business and science. But it also has a persona in the elevated, spiritual realm. The 1is the first, the number that all other numbers follow. It is primal. To understand its primalenergies is to inhabit a place where the metaphysical questions have been answered, and arelived by.All the numbers have their upside, and their challenges. The 1, when its qualities are used well,is the number of leadership, courage, goals identified and pursued in creative ways, and withgreat possibility of success.When its qualities are not used well, the 1 can show signs of unreasonable domination, aconcern for status, with a great deal of anger and aggression, an overly controlling approach –and making decisions based on personal gain and ego, rather than the greater good.The 1 is ruled by the Sun, so it’s no surprise that its gift is energy that is seemingly endless, andits shortcoming is that its thoughts and actions often revolve around the ego.That means this year is all about the primal force of transformation, action and will. As MiltonBerle, a life path #1, said: “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

The Year 2017Certainly the approach of world leaders at this time – both the ones who lead well, and theones who lead from a place of ego and aggression – come to mind when reading thedescription of the 1. That 2017 is under the aegis of the 1 suggests it will be a year whennations take on the personality of those leading.And what does it mean for you? If you are called to leadership, this year will give youopportunities to try your hand at leading – and to learn from your mistakes. If you are notcalled to leadership, this year may push you into leadership roles, despite your best intentionsand your wishes.A good way to think of this number is as “limitless”. Not just in terms of limitless possibility forchange and advancement, but also in terms of understanding that the energy of this numberwill not be limited.This is an energy that can bring the drive and insight to make dreams into reality. It is also thenumber that creates that reality by simply running down any obstacles. In many ways, the verybest use of a Number 1 is as a farsighted, visionary leader who inspires and brings change. Butthere is a fine line between that leader, and the one who becomes gripped by a vision, to theexclusion of all else, plows under any opposition, insists on seeing challenges and solutions inoverly simplified ways, and finds themselves crossing the finish line, leaving others lying in theroad behind them.Which way will this year go? Strong leadership for positive change – or dictators who bendnations to their own will, and CEOs who see the earth’s beauty only in terms of their ownmoney and power? The Dakota Access Pipeline fight in the U.S. is indicative of 1 energy, andthis is a battle that will likely resolve, one way or the other, in 2017. One the one side, NativeAmerican leaders have banded together for the cause of stopping the pipeline across theirlands.They are showing more cohesion and more mutual support for each other than they have inhundreds of years. Their leaders have inspired their people and other protesters who havejoined them, to protest peacefully, to remember they are not fighting, but are, instead,protecting water, the source of life.Against them, you have the leaders of the corporation that opposes the protest, and wantsaccess to the land. These leaders are focused on their profits, and their deadlines. They’veemployed private security that used dogs to intimidate the protesters, and “law-keeping”forces that have used rubber bullets, and have sprayed the protesters – who include children

and the elderly – with water, in sub-freezing temperatures. The two approaches illustrate verywell the positive aspects of 1 leadership, and the less positive.You can see similar dichotomies of how the 1’s approach to leadership is likely to affect ourworld in 2017 in Great Britain’s leaving of the EU; in the death of Fidel Castro, seen by some asa savior and by others as a heartless dictator; in the wide gap between the leadership styles ofU.S. President Obama, and incumbent U.S. President Donald Trump.As refugees and immigrants seek homes, the 1 can use leadership skills to find solutions forcurrent residents, and those who wish to become residents. The 1 can also become intractable,close the borders, and protect the status quo.In a nutshell – the energy of the 1 for 2017 offers great opportunity for a seasoned, skillfulleader to lead his or her country in much-needed change that will benefit the people. And itoffers great opportunity for a powerful few to manipulate for the purpose of personal gain andto serve personal ego.Which will it be? Much of that will depend on how the 1 plays out in individual lives. Willindividuals support a strong leader who is working for the greater good? Will they join the ranksof the leader who works for personal gain, and in doing so, put their own gain above that of thegreater good?And will individuals fight back against governments and corporations that are corrupt, andthreaten the people, and the earth? The 1 does not shy away from a confrontation – it canstand up for justice, or it can use whatever force necessary – including misuse of power - toovercome opposition. The 1 can play out in a number of ways. What approach will you choose?Romance, Career, HealthIn a Number 1 year, romance and relationships may struggle. On the one hand, the 1 is apowerful ally, in love and friendship. It urges loyalty, unwavering support, fairness andoutspokenness. If you are in trouble, there’s no better friend to call on for support thansomeone born with the Number 1 as their life number. This is a powerful ally. The 1 is the mostindividualistic – it is the lone entrepreneur, rather than the team that forges new approaches.The 1 does not shy away from confrontation.Tempers are likely to get hot, words that are hard to take back are likely to be said, and there’snot a lot of “warm and fuzzy” to ease the relationship. In a 1 year, its likely relationships willpose challenges, and expectations that are almost impossible to meet. But – in the struggle tomeet them, you’ll find you learn relationship skills and approaches far more powerful than

those you knew before. Just commit to hanging in there, whether it’s a friendship or a romance.The waters will get choppy, but you’ll develop some seriously strong relationship skills.In a 1 year, work and career are more likely sources of personal satisfaction than arerelationships. The individualistic nature of the 1 likes work – a place where determination andvision can be shaped, supported and driven, to achieve change and – often – profit. A placewhere logic rules, rather than the heart.The 1s energies will be strong support, this year, should you wish to focus on furthering yourcareer, or – even more in keeping with 1 energies – striking out on your own to be selfemployed. In finance, a 1 year is a strong year to support financial gain.In general, a 1 year bodes well for health issues. The 1 is a strong number – even if good healthis challenges, in a 1 year, it’s likely you and others will return to good health, and more quicklythan you might expect. Watch out for overdoing – the 1 is highly energetic, so much so that youmight not notice when your reserves are becoming depleted.If you are an extrovert who relies on logic and reason, rather than intuition, the energies of theyear will feel more like home to you. If you are more introverted, and intuitive, speak up to tellothers what you see. Though it isn’t always easy for you to speak up and lead, your voice will beneeded this year to bring the balance that lets the 1 be at its best.Above all – bring balance to your choices and approaches this year. Use the 1’s strongattributes of leadership, creativity, focus and determination to form your plan and, to someextent, carry it out. But once the plan is formed, commit to checking yourself along the way.Are you looking past the surface for what is really happening?As new information comes in, should you shift or adjust your original plan? Are there a coupleof people whose advice you value, who might give you additional insight? And are the choicesyou are making choices that an ethics committee would approve?Use this year of the expansive 1 to expand your horizons and the possibilities in your life,relying on balance to make the most of what this year promises.Affirmations for 2017I set boundaries well, and I’m wise in knowing when to make my boundaries permeable. I makechoices that serve the greater good in this generation, and for generations to come. I amaligned with the energies of the universe.

The Month of AprilTo calculate the energy of this month, add the Month the Year this Month’s Numerology4 2 0 1 7 14 (1 4) 5What does 5 mean for the month ahead?Three helps us ease into this month under the energies of the Number 1, with the lighterenergies of 5. We are under the energies of 1 for the entire year of 2017. April’s inclusion of 5energies offers a nice synergy. Like the 1, the 5 is active, enthusiastic, vibrant.But while 1 brings a single-minded focus that is effective, but sometimes overwhelming, the 5softens that focus to be more about partnering, nurturing and communications with others. Itoffers a great opportunity to make the most of the strong points of the year’s 1 – focus, change,strong action – while mitigating its challenges – ego, closed-mindedness and inflexibility.So use the 5 energies of April to help you learn how best to navigate this year under theNumber 1. The year offers some great opportunities that, if managed with balance, can havepositive impact on your career, finances, and even on your service to others. This 5 month is agood way to make the most of those opportunities.The number 5 is associated with the Empress Tarot card. The Empress is divine creativitybrought to this plane, so use those energies to brainstorm opportunities and potential solutionsto problems. She is about abundance, and that offsets the sometimes “all or nothing” attitudeof the year’s 1, and gives you a broader perspective on possibilities.The Empress is also very good with resources, at least resources to sustain others – she caresfor her people, and makes sure they have what they need. With her emphasis on abundanceand resources, this would be an excellent time to review your finances and investments, andcome up with strategies to meet your goals this year.So April’s energy is focused on enthusiasm and self-expression.

Watch for areas in which the 5 and the 1 carry similar challenges – those challenges will beparticularly present, and may be particularly hard to recognize. Both numbers have troubleseeing the downside of things – 1 because the 1 commits to a plan and then tends to followthrough with it, oblivious to any warnings that the plan isn’t quite working.The 5 has the same challenge, because 5 is so optimistic that it sees potential, not problems,sometimes waiting until it is too late to recognize threats. Make it a point to refocus onpotential glitches, in any plan or approach. You needn’t lose enthusiasm! Just tell yourself thata quick check for problems will let you sleep well at night, and bring more energy to what canbe accomplished.All in all, use this month to socialize and build relationships with like-minded people who canfurther your career and financial goals. If career and finance aren’t a focus for you, perhapscharities and other works that improve humanity and the state of the world are? This is a goodmonth to plan how to achieve your goals in the area of service, too, partnering with others whoshare your enthusiasm.Use the 1 and the 5 to balance each other, to make the most of what both have to offer thismonth. If you do, they promise a great approach to the year.How is 5 Expressed in the World Today?Three urges a positive outlook, and creative solutions. Your New Year has probably gottenrolling, and it’s been “back to business.” The 5 makes turning back to the world’s problems andopportunities a little more about solutions and commitment, rather than the fatalistic energiesthat sometimes come on us in the New Year.It encourages the generous outlook of the Empress – so look for leaders to make decisions thatare generous to refugees, rather than a “close the borders” approach. It is an excellent energyto strengthen ties or increase understanding between the heads of nations, as long as theyear’s 1 energy doesn’t become too territorial or closed minded.The 1 can become intractable; the 5 can also, like a generous woman who suddenly becomesincensed that her generosity has not (to her mind) been adequately appreciated (think of aqueen who is giving, until she isn’t). So world leaders and statesmen should watch out for atendency to draw strong borders, and be offended by what they perceive as a lack ofappreciation or generosity from others.At its best, 1 energy is about acting from a place of primal concern for the greater good, and the5 Empress energies are also generally nurturing, and thoughtful of others. This combinationoffers an opportunity to make progress in healing the world’s wounds and needs. It may be

important for individuals to express their desires around these issues to those in theirgovernment, during this month and in the months to come.What Does 5 Mean to YOU, Personally?December was also a 5 month, but probably more focused on year-end socialization. Thoseenergies come in again, with the focus shifting to the early months of 2017. Perhaps you’ve setNew Year’s resolutions? If you feel your commitment waning, the 5 would suggest that you canstrengthen your commitment through involvement with groups of other like-minded people.The 3 values face-to-face communication and support, but if that’s not possible, joining anonline group for mutual support might be useful. Seek support from others trying to embracehealthier habits or achieve goals; you might find partnering with a personal coach or therapisthelpful, too.Watch out for 5’s tendency to indulge – not a helpful approach when your New Year’sresolutions were just getting started and your wallet is feeling lighter after December andJanuary celebrations!Keep your ultimate goals around career, finance, and service in mind this month, and makeroom to support them through social engagements and relationship-building. The 5 energiesmake you shine – though your shining will likely take on more practical guise. Offer to speak ata business meeting, or serve as the spokesperson for a charitable organization.Keep a balance of light-hearted socialization, and an awareness of your goals for the year. The 5may draw you more into the indulgent side of socialization, but if you can use socialopportunities to further your goals, you’ll be surprised at how much ground you gain.The 5 and the year’s 1 both support improved health – 5 through nurturing, 1 through focusedapproaches to improvement. Take the opportunity this month to look at your health – whatneeds addressing? What commitments can you make to improve or support overall health? Setaside some quiet time to make a plan, because it’s also a good idea this month to make surethe 1 and 5 energies don’t wear you out. Both can make you overcommit.In relationships, let the warmth of 5 come through, while holding back a bit on the 1’sinclination to expect too much, and demand perfection. This month, the 5 would be a betterenergy to encourage love and friendship. However – if a relationship needs to be evaluated andlet go, the 1 energy will serve you better than impulsive, optimistic 5.Here are some questions to help you reap the insights of this month:

How do I draw abundance to myself?This month, relationships are enjoyable on their own, but are also a means to achieving yourgoals around career, finance, service and health.How can I nurture myself?If (like most of us) you overindulged during December and the New Year, let 5’s emphasis onthe body, and nurturance, encourage you to choose tea over wine, salad over appetizers, restover late nights out. The 5’s connection to the Empress is very much grounded in the earthlybody. Tune into your body – ask what it wants, what it needs. If you’ve neglected it over thepast weeks, it likely has some things to tell you, if you make time to listen.How can I give and receive beauty, harmony and love?The 5’s energies in the New Year are probably more practical than they were in January. Letyour focus turn away from others, and focus on nesting, and things that comfort and supportenjoying your home.

April Week One01/04/2017 – 02/04/201701/04/2017 1 4 2 1 7 1502/04/2017 2 4 2 1 7 16Days Numerology Total 15 16 31 (3 1) 4What does 4 mean this week?The Number 4 challenges you – well, it challenges everyone. Just look at the shape of it –upright, straight, willing to be seen and ready to rumble. The Number 4 is the mostindividualistic of the numerology numbers/ All the numbers have their upside, and theirchallenges. The 4, when its qualities are used well, is the number of leadership, courage, goalsidentified and pursued in creative ways, and with great possibility of success.And what does it mean for you? If you are called to leadership, this year will give youopportunities to try your hand at leading – and to learn from your mistakes. If you are notcalled to leadership, this year may push you into leadership roles, despite your best intentionsand your wishes.A good way to think of this number is as “limitless”. Not just in terms of limitless possibility forchange and advancement, but also in terms of understanding that the energy of this numberwill not be limited.This is an energy that can bring the drive and insight to make dreams into reality. It is also thenumber that creates that reality by simply running down any obstacles. In many ways, the verybest use of a Number 4 is as a farsighted, visionary leader who inspires and brings change. Butthere is a fine line between that leader, and the one who becomes gripped by a vision, to theexclusion of all else, plows under any opposition, insists on seeing challenges and solutions in

overly simplified ways, and finds themselves crossing the finish line, leaving others lying in theroad behind them.What are the challenges for the week?Probably you’ll feel like you’re in the middle of a tug-of-war between “Oh, lighten up!” from the4 perspective, and a judgmental “Must you be so materialistic and shallow?” attitude from the1 perspective. You may very well feel both could improve their approach to the world. Thesetwo will only appreciate what the other brings if they are very evolved.Your best bet is probably to keep the energies separate: more 1 energy in your day, more lighthearted 4 energy in your evenings and leisure time. But go ahead and challenge yourself –when either energy seems too prevalent, bring in some balancing of your own. That’s the wayto bring out the best in both.Watch for a tendency to dominate the conversation this week, or a tendency for others to.When you can, bring sincerity and heart to any situation – that’s the element the 4 energiesand 1 energies may be lacking. Bringing in vulnerability can also shift things – neither of theseenergies is willing to be vulnerable, so there’s no true intimacy. You might challenge yourself tobe the change agent that brings to this week the elements it’s missing.What are some helpful affirmations for the week? Fear is only a feeling, it cannot hold me back. I exude passion, purpose and prosperity. I follow my heart and discover my destiny. Peace begins with conscious choiceWhat action plan can you follow to make the most of yourweek?How best to use these two very different energies this week? If you are drawn to a newspiritual pursuit, this would be a great week to investigate study programs or communities.That metaphysical book you tried to read but couldn’t get past page 10? Give it another try thisweek – you may find it captures your interest after all.If you are challenged when asked to speak in front of others, this week might give you theadded support you need. Be prepared to facilitate some difficult conversations this week. You

can do that by bringing in heart-felt interest and a willingness to be vulnerable (just a bit), andtransparent. Stay grounded. Both the 4 energies and the 1 can get carried away, 4 withpossibilities, 1 with impractical ideas. If you enjoy social situations, use them this week to get adifferent perspective. If you’re more introverted, let yourself be 1-ish, and arrange to work onyour own this week.The lucky day of the week: Sunday– The last day of the week is overseen by the Number 16. All the numbers function well if theyare at their best; 16 numbers generally bring the best of their base number, in this case 5. Now,5 energy at its most intractable would not make for a good day, interacting with the month’s 5and the week’s 4. However, a Master Number overcomes all challenges.The 16 will bring the graceful smoothing of ruffled feathers into the mix, and you’ll find thatvery welcome. This would be the best day of the week to put groups of people together, or towork in partnership with someone else. It’s also the best day for your personal relationships –more balanced and heart-felt than the rest of the week.The challenge day of the week: Saturday– On the 1st, the day falls under the 1 – now you have the three most self-focused, intractablenumbers (the month’s 5, the week’s 4 and the day’s 15) in play. Mix in the added energy of a 1year, and it isn’t likely you will get anyone’s attention, or sway anyone from their opinionstoday. This would be a good day to make a plan and brainstorm, on your own; let the 1 and 4both help you see things from different, but effective, perspectives.However, in planning, be prepared for the 1 energies to have a narrow focus, and the 1energies to push for moral, but possibly impractical, solutions. It isn’t such a good day tointeract with others – truly, your dog might be your best companion today. Make it a point toschedule time to turn your brain off. Time exercising or just retreating with a good book willgive you a needed break, and some balance.

April Week Two03/04/2017 – 09/04/201703/04/2017 3 4 2 1 7 1704/04/2017 4 4 2 1 7 1805/04/2017 5 4 2 1 7 1906/04/2017 6 4 2 1 7 2007/04/2017 7 4 2 1 7 2108/04/2017 8 4 2 1 7 2209/04/2017 9 4 2 1 7 23Days Numerology Total 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 140 (1 4) 5What does 5 mean this week?One way to envision the relationship between the month’s 4 and the week’s 5 is to see them astheir Tarot personalities. The 4 is the Empress – wild creativity, impulsive, nurturing, requiringadmiration, abundant, dynamic. This is the most feminine of numbers. The 5 is the Emperor –at its best, a good King, who makes sure his people are fed and doesn’t let heart get in the wayof making the right decision.This is the most masculine of numbers. If you look at the Emperor, This means the week is allabout practicality in many decks he is shown on a throne, one leg crossed over the other, hisbody shaped like a 5. That crossed leg is a boundary. The Emperor knows what is right, knowswhat he wants, knows what to do.

The Empress is all about fertility. The Emperor is all about ruling, and knowing. If you thinkperhaps this couple doesn’t always have the happiest of unions – you’d be right. The 4 hasstrong capabilities – in a week overseen by 5, dependability, punctuality, trust, tradition andobedience will be at the forefront. Pushing against that will be the month’s 4 – creative,impulsive, sometimes immature, disdaining of someone concerned with the mundane (like the5). Watch for significant tug-of-war between these two this week.For you, I’m going to suggest what I often suggest – that you remain flexible, and you seek thebalance. Both these numbers have their uses – wisdom lies in choosing the energies to go with.If you have a social situation, or a situation in which charm and charisma would be useful,channel your 4/Empress energies of the month.If you have hard decisions to make, need to keep on point, or set and hold boundaries – if it’smore about the head than the heart – let the 5/Emperor energies guide you. Watch out thisweek for trouble between married or engaged couples. If things become too polarized,gracefully just back away, or you’ll find both people will turn on you instead of each other.Yeah, it’s that kind of dynamic!You may also find that your issues with your father are a factor this week. Watch for a battle ofwills between those who value tradition and obedience, and those who value creativity, changeand freedom. Sure, that could turn a bit ugly – but there’s also fertile ground when those twoviewpoints are pushing for what they want. The 4’s energies are very vocal and very willing tobe seen. Energies of the number 5 don’t like being the center of attention – but they want whatthey want, and they’ll speak up and push back if they need to.Unless you decide to take one side or the other, listen for places where these two opposingenergies could come together. Th

APRIL Monthly Numerology Report 2017 Welcome! Like every month, this month has many exciting things in store, but before I get to that I’d like to explain what Numerology is all about to the newcomers (or those of you that may need to read up on it a bit again). Numerology, as the name sugg