NUMeRoLoGY - Michelle Buchanan


umerology Interior.indd 1nUMeRoLoGYGUIDAnCe CARDsGuidebookMICHELLE BUCHANANHAY HOUSE, INC.Carlsbad, California New York CityLondon Sydney JohannesburgVancouver Hong Kong New Delhi8/1/13 11:47 AM

Copyright 2013 by Michelle BuchananPublished and distributed in the United States by:Hay House, Inc.: Published anddistributed in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty.Ltd.: Published and distributed in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Published and distributed in theRepublic of South Africa by: Hay House SA (Pty), Distributed in Canada by: Raincoast: Published in India by: HayHouse Publishers India: artwork is copyrighted by the artist and may not bereproduced by any means, electronic or otherwise, without first obtaining the permission of the artist.Interior design: Riann BenderAll rights reserved. No part of this guidebookmay be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic,or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographicrecording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system,transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or privateuse—other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without prior written permission of the publisher. The intent of the author is onlyto offer information of a general nature to help you inyour quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In theevent you use any of the information in this guidebookfor yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for youractions.Printed in Chinaumerology Interior.indd 28/1/13 11:47 AM

A LSOBYM ICHELLE B UCHA NANTHE NUMEROLOGY GUIDEBOOK Please visit:Hay House USA: Hay House Australia: House UK: House South Africa: House India: Interior.indd 38/1/13 11:47 AM

ContentsIntroduction .1Instructions for Working with theNumerology Guidance Cards .5General Meanings of the Cards.29123456789101113umerology Interior.indd 4New Beginnings . 35Patience. 37Creativity . 39Perseverance . 41Change. 43Love . 45Personal Growth. 47Manifestation . 49Completion.51Karmic Completion . 53Individuality . 55Effort . 578/1/13 11:47 AM

erology Interior.indd 5Moderation. 59Rebirth. 61Pride . 63Intuition . 65Love Partnership . 67Spiritual Partnership . 69Music . 71Communication . 73Time-Out . 75Self-Discipline . 77Environment . 79Domestic Harmony. 81Financial Discipline . 83Adventure. 85Relationship Change. 87Teaching and Learning . 89Self-Love . 91Parenting. 93Healing . 95Physical Activity . 97Health . 99Nature.101Spirituality . 103Spiritual Career . 1058/1/13 11:47 AM

8185878891939699Leadership .107Follow Your Dreams. 109Synchronicity.111Abundance .113Surrender .115Happy Ending .117Forgiveness .119Compassion . 121A Special Thank-You .123About the Artist .125About the Author .127umerology Interior.indd 68/1/13 11:47 AM

IntRoDUCtIonLike many others, I’ve faced numerouschallenges over the years that have caused meto question my destiny and my life purpose.As such, I have spent many days, weeks, andmonths feeling uncertain and confused. However, in the midst of this uncertainty and confusion, I’ve always had something I could counton to get me through the day . . . somethingI could rely on and turn to for inspiration andhope. Through all of my ups and downs, mytrusty deck of oracle cards has been my kindand faithful friend.When I feel that I have nowhere else toturn, my cards are always there to give me accurate guidance and support. Whenever I needreassurance from Source (God/Universe/Spirit/umerology Interior.indd 118/1/13 11:47 AM

Divine) and confirmation that I’m on the rightpath, they affirm my inner knowing and remind me that I’m not alone. Words cannot adequately convey the many cherished momentsI’ve spent with my cards, and the many tearsI’ve cried due to their accuracy and kindness.They are my reliable and faithful allies, andthey never let me down.As a numerologist for more than 20 years,I have experienced the profound influence“numbers” have had over my own life. In fact, anumerology reading at the age of 21 was so astonishingly accurate, insightful, and beneficialto me that I decided to investigate the numbersfurther in a quest to turn my life around. Eversince that day, numerology has helped me become a better person, improve my life circumstances, and manifest my dreams with greaterease. Now it is my intention that numerologyenables you to do the same.As a numerologist and dedicated user oforacle cards, I found it only natural to combine my two favorite self-help tools for selfempowerment, guidance, and support to createthis deck of cards. By using two of the mostumerology Interior.indd 228/1/13 11:47 AM

ancient and powerful forms of divination together, side by side, you can obtain additionalinformation and insight to assist you on yourpath. By amalgamating the mystical guidanceof oracle cards with the age-old wisdom of numerology, the Numerology Guidance Cards willallow you to reap the benefits of both worldsand “feed two birds with one scone.”I’ve created these Numerology GuidanceCards because it is my wish that this deck ofcards will do for you what mine has done forme. I’ve written and designed each and everycard with love, and the intention that whenyou’re feeling uncertain and confused, the cardswill bring you clarity and hope . . . when you’refeeling insecure and self-conscious, they’ll reflect your beauty and perfection . . . and whenyou’re feeling lonely and afraid, they’ll reassureyou that you’re not alone.Since you have the power to actualize yourdreams, I’ve designed each card to inspire youto make those dreams come true. This deckwill point you in a direction that supports yourgreater good, but most of all, it was created togive you a dependable and gentle ally. Trust inumerology Interior.indd 338/1/13 11:47 AM

these cards, and I promise you that they willnever let you down. Like a straight-talkingfriend, they may not always tell you what youwant to hear, but they have your best interestsat heart and are always on your side.As you go through ups and downs, and experience the trials and tribulations of life, all Iask is that you be kind to yourself along the wayand treat yourself like a friend. If you becomeaware of the numbers in your “Personal Numerology Profile,”* you can use numerology toobtain a deeper understanding, acceptance, andappreciation of yourself (and others) so you cancreate a better quality of life. For it is only in theunderstanding, acceptance, and appreciation ofthe present that you can create a better future.From the bottom of my heart, I thank youfor embarking on this magical journey with me.Love and blessings,Michelle* To learn how to calculate your “Personal Numerology Profile” from your date of birth and name, pleaseconsult my book, The Numerology Guidebook (HayHouse, 2013).umerology Interior.indd 448/1/13 11:47 AM

I NSTRUCTIONS FORWORKING WITH THENUMEROLOGYGUIDANCE CARDSYou were born with the ability to accessyour Divine inner guidance to get answersand direction at any given time; however,there are times when you may question itsaccuracy. There are also moments whenyou may get so caught up in a situation thatyou can’t see the forest for the trees, so yourinner guidance is hazy, blocked, or confused.It’s on occasions like these that the Numerology Guidance Cards become the ultimatetools of divination, providing confirmationand clarity.umerology Interior.indd 558/1/13 11:47 AM

When you’re in need of answers and direction, these cards bridge the gap betweenyour inner wisdom and the “universal wisdom of All That Is” through the ancient energy of numbers. In Western Pythagoreannumerology, numbers are energy vibrationsthat significantly influence your life. Asidefrom those in your “Personal NumerologyProfile” (calculated from your date of birthand name), the numbers that are currentlyinfluencing your life the most will show upin these cards. Through the universal Law ofAttraction, you will automatically draw theones that are a direct vibrational match toyour current situation.Upon shuffling the cards and asking aquestion, you will automatically attract theperfect cards for you—those that will revealyour potential outcomes and opportunities,along with the issues (patterns/blocks/fears)that are holding you back from success. Because your past affects your present (whetheryou’re aware of it or not), the cards will uncover any unresolved issues that are influencing your choices today.umerology Interior.indd 668/1/13 11:47 AM

Based on your current thoughts and behaviors, the Numerology Guidance Cards willalso uncover any conscious or subconsciousblocks that are impeding the manifestationof your goals. Once these blocks have beenidentified and removed, you can begin to improve your life and actualize your dreams.This card deck wasn’t designed to predict your future but rather to help you createthe future you desire. Since one of the keyingredients for successful manifestation viathe Law of Attraction is to live in consistentalignment with Source Energy (or the Universe, the Divine, or whatever term you wishto use) through positive thought and emotion, the cards will point out the areas inyour life that may be taking you out of alignment. Once these areas have been identifiedand aligned, you will be well on your way tomanifesting your dreams.Everything in the Universe is composedof energy; and every number, sound, color,word, and sacred geometrical shape has itsown unique vibration: the higher its vibration, the greater its ability to enhance yourumerology Interior.indd 778/1/13 11:47 AM

connection to Source. This is why all of the44 cards in the deck feature specific numbers,colors, and words that vibrate at their highestpotential, along with two sacred-geometrysymbols—the “Merkaba” star tetrahedron (asseen on the card front) and the “Flower ofLife” (as seen on the card box cover and cardback)—since both of these symbols illustratethe universal spirit and connectedness of alllife and assist in raising your vibration.The higher your vibration, the easier itwill be to receive clear and accurate guidancefrom Divine beings (including spirit guidesand angels), as well as your higher self.Upon viewing the Merkaba and Flowerof Life symbols, you energetically open yourheart to physical and emotional healing.These ancient sacred-geometry symbols willalso help return you to your original higherstate of consciousness, which is why they aredepicted on each card.If you’re new to the journey of enlightenment and are viewing these symbols forthe first time, the adjustment may be so subtle that you probably won’t even notice. Onumerology Interior.indd 888/1/13 11:47 AM

the other hand, if you’re highly in tune withyour energetic field, you may experience apowerful and profound recognition on eithera conscious or subconscious level. Regardlessof your response, energetic adjustments arestill being made on a soul level to facilitateyour spiritual growth.Blessing and Connecting withYour CardsUpon opening your Numerology GuidanceCards, take a little time to connect to, andblend your energy with, the deck. Look atand touch each of the 44 cards. Study theirnumbers, words, colors, and symbols; andallow yourself to tune in to their individualenergies, affirmations, and meanings. You’reabout to embark on a deep and meaningfulfriendship with these cards. They will alwaysbe there when you need them, and they willnever let you down. So take some time to getto know them, and create an energetic bond.umerology Interior.indd 998/1/13 11:47 AM

You may wish to meditate or reflect uponthe Merkaba and Flower of Life symbols ora particular card’s color and number to enhance your connection to the Divine, raiseyour energy vibration, or form a deeper connection with the deck. You

numerology reading at the age of 21 was so as-tonishingly accurate, insightful, and benei cial to me that I decided to investigate the numbers further in a quest to turn my life around. Ever since that day, numerology has helped me be-come a better person, improve my life circum-stances, and manifest my dreams with greater ease. Now it is my .