2016 MCAA-Focused Construction Technology Report



2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTMCAA SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTJBKnowledge conducted the fifth annual Construction Technology Survey in partnership with theMechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA), the Construction Financial ManagementAssociation (CFMA), and Texas A&M University’s Department of Construction Science. Over 2,600industry professionals responded to the survey between June 20, 2016 and August 1, 2016.The survey was distributed to over 50,000 construction industry professionals via email, social media,online publications and anywhere else we could share it. 2,604 total responses were logged for thissurvey. However, to ensure statistical relevance and the highest quality data, 735 of those responseswere removed or disqualified for one of the following reasons: 1) The participant was a CPA, consultant,educator, services or technology provider who could not provide relevant feedback on how the solutionsand strategies mentioned are used in construction operations; 2) The participant did not provideenough answers to hold statistical significance; 3) The participant submitted unreliable or irrelevantanswers, (i.e. answering every question with C, even when it wasn’t multiple choice.) Of the 1,869 usableresponses, 194 were members of the Mechanical Contractors Association of America.This supplemental report dives into the responses of those MCAA members, to show trends andbenchmarks compared to the industry averages. When taking the survey, MCAA members answered aspecial section of questions that were not available to other survey participants. For those questions,you will not see a broader industry-wide graph for comparison.The mechanical contractors that participated in the 2016 Construction Technology Survey were criticalin understanding the full scope of construction, from owner through general contractor to specialtysubcontractors. As one of the demographics that can benefit most from BIM, many of the statisticsbelow are centered around that topic – and it’s important to note that mechanical contractors showedincredible progress and innovation in applying BIM compared to industry averages.We hope this report inspires further analysis and innovation, to push the mechanical contractingprofession forward through the use of leading technology.Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.2

2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTVirtual Design& ConstructionDive into how mechanical contractors are approaching VDC andthe challenges they face in applying CAD and BIM.Brought to you byCopyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.3

VIRTUAL DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTBIM USAGEWe have a BIM department46.7%We have one or two employeesthat can work within BIM21.8%We do not bid on projects involving BIM12.1%We outsource BIM entirely10.3%We outsource a portion of our BIM6.7%Other6.7%Nearly 50% of the MCAA survey participants state they have a BIM Department within theirorganization. Almost 22% have at least a couple of team members who can work with BIM. In the largerindustry survey, only 33% of companies use BIM Software internally so the data suggests a higher rateof BIM adoption with trade subcontractors. This statistic is not surprising due to the subcontractorfocus on prefabrication and efforts to get ahead of the schedule. Additionally, BIM creates an extrabenefit of helping them more easily and accurately create shop drawings.Survey Participants Commented:“We have five full-time BIM employees and a few more“Most of our work is residential housing where thereengineers well-trained in Autodesk products thathave not been any requests to bid using BIM. Ourcan also help.”commercial construction is typically performed forsmaller GCs producing smaller projects who also havenot requested BIM.”UNION BIM PERSONNELWe have no BIMpersonnel on staff21.5%26.4%NoneLess than 25%4.9%13.5%25 - 50%Over 50%Almost 100%Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.11%22.7%4

VIRTUAL DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTMechanical contractors were asked, “If you have BIM Staff that draw UA work, what percentage areUnion?” The responses to this question show that 34% of MCAA respondents use more than 50% unionlabor in their shops to draw BIM work on UA jobs. The next highest statistic at 26% is for shops that donot use any union labor to draw UA work. This suggests that members are most often taking an all ornothing approach.WHO TAKES LEAD ON BIM?We take the lead51.2%The GC33.3%We don't do BIM projects17.3%The sheet metal contractor(if different than us)12.3%The Owner's RepresentativeThe ArchitectOther9.3%5.6%4.9%Greater than 50% of MCAA members responded that they are taking the lead role in BIM projects.This data point correlates with the higher adoption of BIM by Trade Contractors than the generalmarketplace. Given the higher level of BIM maturity, it is not surprising to see MCAA members takingthe lead - it’s often easier for specialty trades to ramp up on BIM, specific to their projects, than ageneral contractor working to understand BIM from all perspectives of a project. It’s interesting tonote that survey comments indicated subcontractors often take the lead on BIM and struggle withcoordinating with GCs. Comments by members, included below, echo this as well.Survey Participants Commented:“The GC will initiate the requirements for meetings, but we“We prefer to take the lead but the CM’s are trying to dotake the lead in clash detection because we are furtherso although most are not knowledgeable enough. Wealong in our BIM skills than other local contractors. In atry to assume the lead while letting CM’s save face.”lot of instances, we take the lead because we have to, notnecessarily because we want to.”Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.5

VIRTUAL DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTWhen asked the biggest challenge they face in employing BIM, mechanical contractors answered thatcoordination and training are the top two challenges they faced. Coordination across trades, architects,engineers, GCs and owners is anything but seamless and often affects project timeline and budget.For this reason BIM is often viewed as an inefficiency instead of a value add. Recruiting and trainingBIM talent is another common challenge. Even if companies find the experienced staff that is needed,continuing education on constantly evolving hardware and software remains difficult.When asked what mechanical contractors feel they need more training on in order to utilize BIMaffectively, the majority answered simply, “Revit.” Training employees, developing coordinationtechniques, field and mobile deployment, syncing with procurement and jobsite scanning were amongother items listed.Survey Participants Commented:“Our biggest challenge is cost“Our biggest challenge is getting“We have trouble getting owners tooverruns due to educating CM’s andinvolved early in the project. Wepay for it.”owners as to the delta of redesignprefer to design/assist in lieu ofversus BIM coordination.”draw hard bid projects.”“It’s hard getting all other trades to do their part - Local contractors, architects and engineers not being up to speed withthe BIM process and not being willing to work with us to make it happen.”“Huge file sizes, inconsistent file“Finding good BIM talent, and“The every evolving software - keepsharing methods.”educating and training new designerup with hardware and technologyemployees is a challenge.”changes.”Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.6

VIRTUAL DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTCAD/BIM MOBILE APPS (MCAA)52.2%AutoCAD 360 (Autodesk )BlueBeam46.3% 25.4%BIM 360 (Autodesk )20.1%None20.1%BIM 360 Glue (Autodesk )19.4%Trimble Connect 19.4%Other Autodesk Product6%BIM 360 Docs (Autodesk ) 5.2%Other4.5%SketchUp Mobile ViewerRevizto 3%TurboViewer (TurboCAD )2.2%Synchro2.2%Bentley NavigatorBIMsight Mobile2.2%1.5%GoBIM0.7%Bentley Passport0.7%CAD/BIM MOBILE APPS (INDUSTRY)37.3%BlueBeam AutoCAD 360 (Autodesk )BIM 360 (Autodesk )BIM 360 Glue (Autodesk )30.6% 17%11.8%7.8%5.6%4.1%3.6%3.1%2.9%Bentley NavigatorTrimble ConnectBIM 360 Docs (Autodesk )SynchroRevizto Revit (Autodesk ) BIMsight MobileBIMx (GRAPHISOFT )TurboViewer (TurboCAD ) 1%1%1%Other5.9%The mix of CAD/BIM apps employed by MCAA members versus the general marketplace is nearly thesame. The level of adoption, however, for MCAA members is higher. For AutoCAD 360 and Bluebeamespecially, MCAA respondents usage is roughly 15% higher and for BIM 360 MCAA respondentsare almost 10% higher. These statistics align with the fact that mechanical contractors are activelyinstalling equipment from VDC models and are therefore more likely to need these tools in the field.Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.7

VIRTUAL DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTSoftware &Mobile AppsExplore the software and mobile apps mechanical contractorsemploy in the office and field to streamline data, resources andcommunications.Brought to you byCopyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.8

SOFTWARE & MOBILE APPS2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTPLAN MANAGEMENT MOBILE APPS (MCAA)48.8%BlueBeam Revu39.7%None20.7%PlanGrid13.2%BIM 360 Field13.2%BIM 360 DocsProcore5%Latista 4.1%Bluevue2.5%Aconex Mobile2.5%Newforma Plans1.7%FieldLens1.7% SmartUse0.8%Skysite0.8%Revizto 0.8%Other4.1%PLAN MANAGEMENT MOBILE APPS (INDUSTRY)Survey Participants Commented:NoneBlueBeam RevuPlanGridProcoreBIM 360 FieldBIM 360 DocsNewforma PlansFieldLensAconex MobileBluevue41.5%36.9% Latista SmartUseRevizto We also utilize Dropbox withother contractors and our moresavvy field personnel keep theirown sets on GoodReader because that is their favoriteapp for viewing PDF plans.”“Plans are all kept on serverin-house.”“We mostly have to adapt to6.4%Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.software that the different GC’sare using.”9

SOFTWARE & MOBILE APPS2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTThe number of respondents not using any mobile apps for plan management, roughly 40%, is the samefor MCAA respondents as the general marketplace. Bluebeam Revu is the most popular choice forboth, however, MCAA adoption again is higher than the marketplace. Comments suggest that manymembers use multiple solutions driven by what is required by the general contractors.DAILY REPORTING MOBILE APPS (MCAA)54.1%NoneBlueBeam23% 13.1%OtherProcore6.6%BIM 360 6.6%4.1%Prolog ub0.8%Aconex Mobile0.8%DAILY REPORTING MOBILE APPS (INDUSTRY)Survey Participants Commented:None47.3%BlueBeam 15.9%Procore11.1%BIM 360 HCSS5%3.6%iAuditorRakenFieldLensNotevault OtherMost do nothing. I’ve looked into a couplesolutions, but nobody wants to pay for it.“7.3%PrologMobile“Some of our guys still hand write-in log books.“We use spreadsheets on mobile phones.“3%2.2%“We manage this through email and Dropbox posting.“1.5%1.1%16.5%Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.10

SOFTWARE & MOBILE APPS2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTUse of daily reporting apps is a 50/50 proposition for both MCAA members and the generalmarketplace. The three most popular app choices of Bluebeam, Procore and BIM360 follow the samecurve with slightly higher adoption rate by the general marketplace. The important trend to see here,however, is that the most popular choices here have daily reporting functionality along with multipleworkflows rather than a point solution strictly for daily reports.Survey Participants Commented:“Some of our guys still hand-write in log books. Most do nothing. I’ve looked at Raken and Procore, butnobody wants to pay for it.”SAFETY MOBILE APPS (MCAA)57.5%NoneIdon't know20%Other9.2%iAuditorPlanGridSafety Meeting .8%NoteVault0.8%App Sheet0.8%SAFETY MOBILE APPS (INDUSTRY)NoneiAuditorProcorePredictive Solutions (DB02)PlanGridHCSSSafety Meeting AppOther52.7%6.6%6.0%3.1%3.0%2.0%1.5%9.7%Other includes:Custom In-House SolutionGreater than 50% of respondents for both the MCAA members and the general industry do not usea mobile safety app on their construction projects. Responses for point solutions trail below 10% forboth as well. Without a clear distinction between MCAA members and the general industry, one is leftwondering why so few organizations choose safety apps. Perhaps this is because many firms are onlyCopyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.11

SOFTWARE & MOBILE APPS2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTconcerned with the data collection required to comply with regulatory agencies and they can collectthis data using a number of different tools. As predictive analytics gain traction in the industry we willlikely see an increase in adoption of purpose built safety apps. Builders will begin to take a preventativerather than reactionary stance to safety issues.ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE (MCAA)Other20.5%Viewpoint 18.9%Timberline12.3%Sage12.3%COINS9.8%Custom In-House Solution6.6%Quickbooks 5.7%Foundation 5.7%Dexter Chaney4.9%Jonas 3.3%ComputerEase3.3%CGC - Computer Guidance - eCMS3.3%SAP 2.5%JD u0.8%ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE (INDUSTRY)Sage16.5%Viewpoint 15.6%Timberline11.9%Quickbooks 11.3%Dexter Chaney7.7%CMiC6.4%Custom In-House Solution4.9%JD Edwards4.5%Spreadsheets4.4%GradeBeam (Oracle Textura)3.6%ComputerEase3.4% Foundation 2.7%Manual Process2.5%Deltek Vision 2.4%SAP 2.3%COINS1.9%CGC - Computer Guidance - eCMSJonas 1.7%1.1%OtherCopyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.13.8%12

SOFTWARE & MOBILE APPS2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTMCAA members and the general industry track fairly closely on the most popular accounting systems.The other category at 21% for MCAA members is nearly double that of the general industry. This ismost likely due to the diversity of service management requirements for trade contractors over thegeneral industry.TAKEOFF SOFTWARE (MCAA)Other22.5%AccuBid / Autobid22.5%Quotesoft21.7%Bluebeam 18.3%Manual Process14.2%OnScreen Takeoff 11.7%Custom In-House yBid MC2ICE2.5%1.7%ProEst 0.8%Planswift 0.8%TAKEOFF SOFTWARE (INDUSTRY)OnScreen Takeoff Bluebeam Manual ProcessSpreadsheetsPlanswift AccuBid / AutobidSageCustom In-House SolutionAgtekHeavyBid MC2ICEQuotesoftProEst B2W HardDollar / 5.8%5.2%4.8%2.7%2.5%1.5%1.5%1.3%1.2%Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.Other includes:QuickPen14.3%STACK13

SOFTWARE & MOBILE APPS2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTResponses from MCAA members on the takeoff software they employ show a much different mix ofsolutions with Accubid/AutoBid leading the way. Quotesoft is not far behind and Quickpen is the mostpopular “other” answer. All of the these takeoff solutions are more tailored for mechanical contractorsso the responses are not surprising. A point of concern, however, is that greater than 14% of MCAAmembers and the general industry are still using manual process for takeoff. This leads to inefficienciesand communication gaps in sharing static spreadsheets versus collaborating via real-time takeoff,audit logs and reviewal processes.PROJECT SCHEDULING SOFTWARE (MCAA)Microsoft Project57.4%Primavera P624.6%Manual Process13.9%SpreadsheetsCustom In-House SolutionViewpoint Asta PowerprojectSmartsheet Computer Ease13.1%4.1%4.1%2.5%1.6%1.6%Synchro Scheduler0.8%Sage0.8%Free CPM0.8%Other5.7%PROJECT SCHEDULING SOFTWARE (INDUSTRY)Microsoft ProjectPrimavera P6Manual ProcessSpreadsheetsCustom In-House SolutionAsta Powerproject Viewpoint Synchro SchedulerSmartsheet SageComputer %Other includes:9%SureTrakMCAA members and the general industry follow a very similar curve for the most popular projectscheduling systems with one notable difference. MCAA members have a higher concentration ofMicrosoft Project users and a lower concentration of Primavera P6 users. The most likely explanationCopyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.14

SOFTWARE & MOBILE APPS2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTfor this difference is in the complexity and dedicated staff requirements for Primavera P6. Tradecontractors are more often providing input to or conforming with a more complex general contractorschedule so there is not a need to incur the administrative burden required to build and maintain the P6schedule.Survey Participants Commented:“As a sub, we very rarely create the schedules. We have an older version of Primavera that we use when needed.”PROJECT MANGEMENT SOFTWARE (MCAA)18.6%Manual Process15.3%Other13.6%Viewpoint 13.6%Sage12.7%Custom In-House Solution12.7%Spreadsheets7.6%COINS3.4%Dexter ChaneyProlog2.5%Jonas 2.5%Computer Ease2.5%2.5%CMiC1.7% Constructware1.7%CGC - Computer Guidance -eCMSHCSS HeavyJob0.8%ANGL0.8%PROJECT MANGEMENT SOFTWARE (INDUSTRY)Manual ProcessSpreadsheetsViewpoint ProcoreSageCustom In-House SolutionPrologCMiCDexter ChaneyHCSS %ComputerEaseConstructwareCOINSOther 2.3%1.3%1%Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.Other includes:11.5%Newforma15

SOFTWARE & MOBILE APPS2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTAgain, MCAA members and the general industry follow a very similar curve for the most popular projectmanagement systems with one notable system. Procore ranks in the top 2 systems for the generalindustry but does not have any responses from MCAA members. This is likely because Procore isbuilt primarily for GCs managing the overall project instead of trade contractors contributing to theoverall project. It is worth noting, however, that roughly 20% of both the MCAA respondents and thegeneral industry are using manual processes for project management. In an increasingly more complexproject environment, these manual processes will have trouble keeping up with the visibility andresponsiveness demanded by owners and GCs.CAD/BIM SOFTWARE (MCAA)11.7%We do not use CAD7.5%We outsource BIM6.7%We do not use BIM5.8%We outsource CAD4.2%Custom In-House SolutionsCAD/BIM SOFTWARE (MCAA)AutoCad MEPRevit (Autodesk )Navisworks (Autodesk )AutoCad MEP with Add OnFabrication CADmep (Autodesk )Pipe Designer 3D (Trimble )BIM 360 GlueFab CadMEP (Autodesk )BIM 360 FieldTrimble MEPSysQueFabrication ESTmep (Autodesk )Duct Designer 3D (Trimble )East Coast CAD/CAMTrimble Pipe DesignerSketchup (Trimble )BIMAnywhereTrimble Duct DesignerVictaulic Revit Productivity ToolsCADWorx Plant (Integraph)Bentley AutoPlant/Open Plant ModelerBentley NavigatorTekla (Trimble )Synchro ProRevizto ArchiCad .7%1.7%0.8%0.8%0.8%0.8%5%Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.16

SOFTWARE & MOBILE APPS2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTCAD/BIM SOFTWARE (INDUSTRY)We do not use CADWe do not use BIMWe outsource CADWe outsource BIMCustom In-House Solution25.4%18%11.9%9.6%2.5%TOP 10 CAD/BIM SOFTWARE (INDUSTRY)Revit (Autodesk )Navisworks (Autodesk )AutoCAD MEP (Autodesk )Sketchup (Trimble )BIM 360 Glue (Autodesk )BIM 360 Field (Autodesk )Fabrication CADmep (Autodesk )Tekla (Trimble )Synchro ProAssemble Both MCAA and the broader industry share the same top three applications, however, the number ofMCAA members using AutoCAD MEP is more than double the general industry causing this applicationto rise to the top position for MCAA respondents. Beyond Revit and Navisworks, the remainingapplications in the MCAA top 10 list focus primarily on specialty design tools for the mechanical trades.This should not be surprising given that construction professionals are more likely reviewing andclashing models rather than performing subsystem design.Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.17

2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTConclusionBrought to you byCopyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.18

2016 MCAA-FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORTCONCLUSIONThe goal of this MCAA supplemental report is twofold. First, we thought it important to look at some datapoints specific to MCAA membership. Secondly, since MCAA is a subset of the larger marketplace it wouldbe interesting to see where membership aligns and where there are points of divergence. The analysis isdefinitely interesting but in several ways not surprising. With the MCAA specific questions, there are clearsigns members are driving change in the industry towards adoption and usage of BIM. When compared tothe overall marketplace, MCAA members seem to align with the marketplace across most questions buthave a stronger adoption rate in BIM software and apps. It will be interesting to see if members continueto be a catalyst for BIM workflows in the future or if the industry catches up.Copyright 2017 JBKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved.19

2016 -FOCUSED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY REPORT C 01 JBK I A eserv 4 VIRTUAL & ONSTRUCTION Less than 25% 4.9% Over 50% 11% 25 - 50% 13.5%