Interfaith InspirerAn Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth News PublicationVOL. XII, NO. 8, August 2016Being Love in the Midstof ChaosLast Sunday, I participated in aBy Nancy Ogilvie“Day of Healing” sponsored by theMy June article forthe ICSG newsletter began: “In a time like ours,we can’t open a newspaper or listento the news without being barragedby reports of terrorist attacks, climate change, widening incomegaps, police and mass shootings, apresidential election that has gonebeyond the pale. What is becomingof humankind ?” I didn’t plan inJune for this article to be a sequel,but it is certainly a continuation ofthe theme.In the two short months sincethen, there have been even moreterrorist attacks, even more shootings, even more revelations aboutthe unequal impacts of climatechange for the poor and people ofcolor. In June, I would have betmoney that I couldn’t be any moreoutraged or shocked or alarmed bythe presidential campaign – and yetI am. By all appearances, chaos iswinning out over order. With eachhorrible, tragic event, there seems tobe more fear and hatred in the air.I also feel scared – terrified,even. I feel helpless, powerless. Ifeel frustrated and downright infuriated. I have also felt numb a lot, andspent untold hours in compulsiveactivities that distract me from being fully present to my feelings. Ishare a friend’s description of herexperience: that her heart hasbeen both broken and full to overflowing. Let me elaborate with anexample.Integrative Empowerment Group inYpsi. They are a group of therapistswho wanted to offer something tothe community in response to therecent shootings. I was lukewarmabout going, and decided to “checkit out.” Definitely Spirit nudging meto go!abiding faith and love simultaneously.That faith and love gave me thestrength to do something out of mycomfort zone: reach out for support.Two therapists were co-facilitatingdiscussion/support groups for people of color and whites concurrently, and I joined the white group,still sobbing away. As I began engaging with others in trying to makeThey had a variety of healingmeaning of so much violence in ouractivities set up, and I chose to start world, I felt called to share a corein one of the meditation rooms that tenet of my faith: “Every act is eihad the most amazing and fabulous ther an expression of love or a remassage chair I have ever experiquest for love.” I hadn’t thought ofenced – it felt like I was getting ait explicitly for a long time, and itreal, live massage! And the nextwas a revelation to have it come upthing I knew, I was crying. Not just in this context.a couple tears a flood. I guess themassage released emotion that wasOf course! In seemingly chaotic,stored in my body and I wept,frightening times like this, Spirithard. I had no advance indicationcalls us to Be Love, to express lovethat was response to acts that are requestsfor love. We are called to let ourWhen my time in the massagehearts break open in grief and painchair was up (20 minutes), I moved so God/dess can fill them to overto another meditation space – a tiny flowing with love and we can passroom with an altar for the victims of that healing love on.the recent shootings, both civilianand police. I lit a candle and someThis can be a daunting task, asincense, and my crying deepenedwe humans sometimes have veryinto sobbing – waves of griefpeculiar ways of requesting love!wracking my body, feeling like IOften, those requests present as hatewas going to turn inside out. Oneand violence – and if we can findof the therapists set a box of tissues the love to look through God’s eyesfor me next to the altar.rather than our human eyes, we’llsee a different truth. Perpetrators areAnd the entire time, I knew God/ being driven by fear, and perfectdess was holding me in Her everlove casts out all fear.loving arms. My heart was beingbroken, spilling out all the pain andWill you join me in respondinggrief I hadn’t known I was holding, to God’s call to Be Love in theand being filled up with Spirit’smidst of chaos?
MinisterialMiscellanyCommunityMemberof the MonthBy Dave BellDear Friends,It has been a warm summer so far. Summer Festival and Art Fair havepassed. The month of vacations is upon us. What are your plans? Remember totake a bottle to fill with water from wherever you are for the Gathering of theWaters ceremony in September. This has become a much loved part of ourtradition. Even if you stay home this summer, you might consider heading tothe Huron River to get a bottle of water for the ceremony. People are invited toadd the water to the bowl during the ceremony and share the significance it hasin their life.We had a very successful workshop on Reincarnation in July. Fifteen participants were engaged in an inquiry that stimulated a lively discussion. Weare planning another one-day workshop on Prosperity. Prosperity is muchmore than the balance in your bank account. Come and experience the wisdomof the ages, learn about the law of attraction, and create a vision for your prosperous future. This workshop will be held on Saturday, August 27th. The format will be the same as previously. From 10:00 am till 2:30, at the Center,with a break at noon with refreshments provided. The cost is 30, and no onewill be turned away for financial reasons. A sign-up sheet will be available onthe greeting table.It has been a difficult summer to be a citizen of this world. There seems tobe such gratuitous violence, discord and outright expressions of fear and hate,even in the world of election politics. How are we to keep from expressingfear and outrage ourselves? Two of the topics for August will address this issue head on. On Sunday the 7th , the topic will be “Abiding Peace.” On Sundaythe 28th, the topic is “Imagine A World That Works For Everyone.” There areanswers, of course, but they exceed the space limitation for this monthly column. Come and hear the message and add your comments during open mictime.Blessings,DavidBeing LoveMinisterial MiscellanyCMMPeggy’s CornerCalendarInterfaith PopMisc.Board Minutespg. 1pg. 2pg. 2pg. 3pg. 4pg. 5pg. 6pg. 7Café 704Youthful SpiritsEvents at the ICSGCaring CommitteeService flyerAdvertisementsWorld Peace Clockpg. 8pg. 9pg. 10pg. 11pg. 12pg. 13pg. 14This month we would like to honor all ofyou!Those of you who have been featured in thenewsletter before.Those of you who work quietly and almostunidentified, yet your presence makes a positive difference.Those of you who show up almost everySunday.Those of you who show up occasionally.Those of you who left due to circumstancesthat created a need to leave, yet you still stay intouch, though Facebook, phone calls, occasional visits.Every moment you spend thinking in a positive way about the Center, every moment youset foot in the door to celebrate the positiveenergy at this place, every moment you smile ata fellow community member or say kind words,every moment you check out the website or ourFacebook page because you care about thisplace and its events, you contribute to the wonderful energy at the Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth.We celebrate each other, remember to say aword or two of thanks to a fellow Interfaithernext time you see one.Namaste
Prosperity WorkshopAugust 2710 a.m.—2:30 p.m. 30 (includes refreshments)Sunday Celebration Servicesare held at 10:45 a.m. at704 Airport Blvd.,(off S. State Street) near I 94Facilitator: Rev. Dave BellMISSION STATEMENTSpiritual seekers joining incommunity to attract others oflike mind, creating an atmosphere and structure to fosterand stimulate our individualand collective spiritual growth.lore and magical traditions.Mythology and Folklore:Early British culture was built on afoundation of cattle, which werepart of every aspect of life. Cowswere associated with the EarthMother, while their curved hornsconnected them with moon goddesses. They were so treasured bythe tribes that many believed themto have come from the Otherworld. The Faeries had their ownbeautiful cattle, which they sometimes gifted to human friends.Peggy’s CornerBy Peggy LubahnORACLE CARD FORAUGUST, 2016:THE COWTHE DECK: Beasts of Albion by Miranda GrayAlbion is the ancient name forBritain, and this magnificent deckfeatures 29 animals that have starring roles in British legends, folk-Characteristics: Gentleness,fertility, domesticity, parenthood,love, caring, nurturing, well-being,talent, self-worth, wealth, nourishmentSpiral Path Meaning: TheNurturerThe cow teaches a willingness toshare your talents and gifts withothers, and the capacity to take onthe role of nurturer in the confidence and certainty of your abilityto provide.Mark your calendars!CAFE 704 CONCERTSERIESSaturdaysAugust 13: no Café 704September 10: TBAOctober: Katie t 19
The Servicebegins atSun10:45a.m.The speaker/ topicare in bold/italicMonTueWedThuFriSat1234566:45 p.m. ACIMR indicates thereaderM indicates themeditatorMU indicates themusician.710:30 a.m. The Powerof Now Discussion7 p.m. Great Balanced GroupView Video Meeting5:30 p.m. CommunityGathering/PotluckRev. AnnieR: TBAM: TBAMU: Mike Fedel7:30—8:30 p.m.Belly Dance Fitnesswith Oana6:30—8:30 p.m.Science of Mind8:30 a.m. AA2-3 p.m. Belly DanceFitness with OanaBenefit Concert86:45 p.m. ACIMRev. Dave: AbidingPeaceR: Mary Alice7 p.m. Great BalancedM: Cynthia M.View Video MeetingMU: Interfaith DrummersPotluck14Noon—1:30 p.m.ACIM1591010:30 a.m. The Powerof Now DiscussionGroup11Noon—1:30 p.m.ACIM127:30—8:30 p.m.Belly Dance Fitnesswith Oana5:30 p.m. CommunityGathering/Potluck16138:30 a.m. AA2-3 p.m. Belly DanceFitness with OanaNo Café 704 thismonth176:45 p.m. ACIM10:30 a.m. The Power 7:30 p.m. Urantiaof Now DiscussionBook Study7 p.m. Great Balanced GroupView Video Meeting5:30 p.m. CommunityGathering/Potluck18Noon—1:30 p.m.ACIM197 p.m. PeaceGenerator208:30 a.m. AA2-3 p.m. Belly DanceFitness with Oana6:30—8:30 p.m.Science of Mind6-7 p.m. LeadershipTeam8 p.m. SpiritualCinema7:30—8:30 p.m.Belly Dance Fitnesswith Oana2122232410:30 a.m. The PowerRev. Dave: Prosperity 6:45 p.m. ACIMR: Nancy O.of Now DiscussionM: TBA7 p.m. Great Balanced GroupMU: Kevin GilsonView Video Meeting5:30 p.m. CommunityGathering/Potluck2829Rev. Dave: Imagine 6:45 p.m. ACIMA World ThatWorks For Everyone 7 p.m. Great BalancedR: Marilyn A.View Video MeetingM: TBAMU: Laurel Federbush3010:30 a.m. The Powerof Now DiscussionGroup5:30 p.m. CommunityGathering/Potluck25Noon—1:30 p.m.ACIM267:30—8:30 p.m.Belly Dance Fitnesswith Oana278:30 a.m. AA2-3 p.m. Belly DanceFitness with Oana31Birthdays areindicated inbold/italicHappyBirthday!The newslettersubmissiondeadline isAugust 21Boardmeeting thismonth is onAugust 21
As recommended by Heide KaminskiEarth SongBy Michael JacksonWhat about sunriseWhat about rainWhat about all the thingsThat you said we were togain.What about killing fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the thingsThat you said was yours andmine.Did you ever stop to noticeAll the blood we've shed beforeDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shores?Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh(x2)What have we done to theworldLook what we've doneWhat about all the peaceThat you pledge your onlyson.What about flowering fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the dreamsThat you said was yours andmine.Did you ever stop to noticeAll the children dead fromwarDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shoresAaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh(x2)I used to dreamI used to glance beyond thestarsNow I don't know where weareAlthough I know we'vedrifted farAaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh(x4)Hey, what about yesterday(What about us)What about the seas(What about us)The heavens are fallingdown(What about us)I can't even breathe(What about us)What about apathy(What about us)I need you(What about us)What about nature's worth(Ooo, ooo)It's our planet's womb(What about us)What about animals(What about it)We've turned kingdoms todust(What about us)What about elephants(What about us)Have we lost their trust(What about us)What about crying whales(What about us)We're ravaging the seas(What about us)What about forest trails(Ooo, ooo)Burnt despite our pleas(What about us)What about the holy land(What about it)Torn apart by creed(What about us)What about the commonman(What about us)Can't we set him free(What about us)What about children dying(What about us)Can't you hear them cry(What about us)Where did we go wrong(Ooo, ooo)Someone tell me why(What about us)What about babies(What about it)What about the days(What about us)What about all their joy(What about us)What about the man(What about us)What about the crying man(What about us)What about Abraham(What about us)What about death again(Ooo, ooo)Do we give a damnAaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh(x2)Sorry, this is so long, but thisis one of the most beautifulspiritual songs I have everheard, the video is also incredibly powerful!Here is the link: XAi3VTSdTxU
Malcolm Shaffner,734-709-4205Delyth Balmer, ing CommitteeJack Richards,,Contact List734-489-5703Beth Rockwell, rocksnotes@aol.comIdgie Patterson, bdgidg@gmail.comMarilyn Alf, Chair,Maggie Burkit, maggieburkit@gmail.com734-761-6698JanPeacock,,Heide Kaminski, secretary and co-chair,,Mike Bratcher, e Love, co-chair,Dawn Swartz,,248-343-8725734-996-8325Tommy Kaminski, Youth Ed Rep., 517-423-9001Khristian Speelman, ksmithspeelman@gmail.comJudy Bell,,734-994-0018Annie Kopko,734-358-1328Image frompeaceseedsCONTRIBUTORSWANTED!We would love to haveyour input in the newsletter:spiritual moments,movie/book reviews, exciting announcements, poems,etc.We try to have the newsletter ready for final editing bythe third Sunday of eachmonth. Please send contributions to Heide at with“Interfaith submission” inthe subject line. If you donot mention Interfaith, youremail might get kicked rightinto the recycle bin by myspam filter.If you cannot email yourcontribution, you may giveBOARD OF TRUSTEESPat Root, ChairDanielle Cassetta, secretaryRay Fix, memberRob Fagerlund, memberLindsay Passmore, memberJeff Alden, memberSteve Orlowski, memberBoard email address isboard@interfaithspirit.orgSTAFFDavid Bell, MinisterDelyth Balmer, Administrator and AssociateMinisterAnnie Kopko, Associate MinisterLaura Massaro, Music DirectorHeide Kaminski and Kellie Love, Youth Education Directorsit to Heide on Sunday.To receive the onlinenewsletter, go to tosubscribe.Want to hear from usthroughout the week? Receive or send email throughInterfaith Yahoo by going amaste from yournewsletter team: Heide,Esther, Deane and Lindsay.Tommy Kaminski, NurseryNEWSLETTER/WEBSTAFFHeide Kaminski, Editor-in-ChiefEsther Reilly and Deane Erts, ProofreadersLindsay Passmore, Steve Lyskawa, WebmastersNEWSLETTER ADDRESSHeide AW
Board Highlightssubmitted by Pat Root, Board Chairprimarily on two topics: how to entice our ICSGcommunity to attend more often, and how ourwebsite might attract more visitors. First, thereThe first half of the July 17, 2016, board meet- was energy around emailing a weekly preview ofing was focused on finalizing the creation of the what’s going on at the Center — on Sunday speCommunity Partnership Program (CPP) to share cifically but also beyond. The idea is to remindwith our ICSG community and roll it out to popeople of the benefit they receive when theytential “partners.”come to the Center. Lindsay will train two techsavvy people “with a good eye” in how to useAt its working retreat in April, the board iden- MailChimp. Second, we started to consider thetified the CPP as its number one priority because possibility of paying for Google ads in order tothis program is expected to help meet two impor- have ICSG show up above others when potentialtant goals — increase both income and visibility. visitors are searching online without using wordsIt was the inspired idea of board secretary, Dan- like “new thought”, “interfaith” orielle Cassetta.“interspiritual” (which is so often the way peoplefind us online).With the help of all of you, we are identifyingindividuals and groups (in the wider community)The next topic was about recent traumaticwho may be in need of space for classes and allevents in the world and whether we, as a place ofkinds of events but who are not aware of our be- love and unity, might acknowledge those events.loved center. Space is available on either a pureOne board member said, “It is getting harder torental basis (very moderate rate) or on a 30/70live in this world and hold a higher vision, and wesplit where the Center receives just the 30 perneed help.” Another said, “Sometimes I feel thatcent.because of the new thought component, we don’tactually talk about these things because we don’tPlease join us in this important and kind-ofwant to perpetuate them, but some of us are spirifun project. Think of ALL the people you know tual in a different way, and that means facingand ALL the groups of which they might be part what is here and now. We need to provide spaceof. Maybe some of them are candidates for thefor both.” And another said, “Perhaps we needCommunity Partnership Program!!!something like a time and a place to talk.” It wasdecided to leave this matter in the hands of theAll you need to do is give them an informaministerial team —- Dave, Delyth, and Annie. Ational packet which includes a warm and welcom- board member responded, “I do identify two seging cover letter from Dave. For regular mail orments in the population at Interfaith. Some arehand-delivery, hard copies are available at thetrying not to react because it is all illusion, andCenter. To forward the packet via email, a digital some are saying wake up and react, so it will becopy will be sent to you via the Yahoo Group on interesting to see how the ministerial responseAugust 1.holds space for both of that.”As Administrator and keeper of the Center’sIn his report, Dave conveyed that our part ofmaster calendar, it is Delyth who will be respond- the complex is not being turned into business coning to inquiries from potential “partners”. If you dos, and he will inquire about buying the entirehave questions about CPP, please talk with Debuilding.lyth or me (Pat Root).We then turned attention to our financial situation and the need to increase income. We focused
An Evening of Music, Dance, Poetry, Story Telling and more 3rd Annual Benefit Concertfor the Interfaith Center for Spiritual GrowthSaturday, August 6, 20168:00 p.m. (doors open at 7:30 p.m.)Featuring Barbershop quartet-Algorithm musician-Alaura Massaro,musician-Craig Brann, poet-Jeanne Adwani,multi-instrumentalist-Laurel Emrys, poet/storyteller-Jill Halpern,dancer-Irena Nagler, composer/percussionist-Curtis Glatterand many more surprise guests ALSO: CHOCOLATE EXTRAVAGANZAChocolate Treats of all Kinds and a 50/50 Raffle704 Airport Blvd. Suite 1, Ann Arbor, MI 48108Cost: 20.00 suggested donation per person.For more information call 734-327-0270 or go to
Youthful spirits 08.2016July was hot and eventful! We started out withlearning about the Dalai Lama and . Wehad a wonderful time learning about the differentaspects of Spirit. Our magnet experimentsshowed us there are invisible forces of energythat we cannot see but know are there. Our lightover darkness experiment went well showing thatour light can drive out darkness. Thank you toJeanne Adwani for the idea posted on her Facebook page. We discussed how blessed we are tohave the freedom to get an education and howdifficult it can be to go to school when odds areagainst you or there is no opportunity. We continued to raise money and supplies for our AlphaHouse Backpack Project. THANK YOU for yourgenerous donations so far. Heide will keep youposted as to what supplies we still need. Pleaselet her know if you purchase supplies so we canupdate the list. Another topic of discussion wasthe concept of interfaith and how we can all perceive the same thing in many different ways. Weat Interfaith choose to focus on the commonthreads of all spiritual paths such as The GoldenRule. We had a great time making “Golden Rulers” for the backpacks. The last weekend in Julywill be about being unique. Everyone made a flagthat represented their uniqueness.Don’t forget to check out our table with little homeand garden accessories for sale for the fundraiser! Items were donated by the Flying Dragonand New Hope Thrift Stores in Tecumseh. Pleasedonate at least 1.50 per item :-) THANKS!!!Watch this incredible phenomenon: a flame(light) has NO shadow!!!Love, Light, andLaughterHeide, Kellie, and TommyThanks to all of you for yourcontributions to the AlphaHouseBackpack project!!!We filled FIFTEEN backpacks.Next month, all donations to our projectswill go towards the Caring Committee.
Happenings at the Center in AugustDiscovery Series at Interfaith with Curtis GlatterKeller, via email as follows:nlkelleru8@aol.comor by phone at (248) 802-8755Curtis Glatter will host a oneThis study group is now officiallyhour workshop featuring an awardwinning invention called the Innova- affiliated with the Centers for Spiritual Living.troncia2010 that was premiered atThe Henry Ford Museum for DetroitMaker Faire in 2010 and the NewPeace GeneratorYork World Maker Faire. InspiredEveryThird Friday of the Monthby Thomas Edison and various filmmusic, The Innovatronica2010 is anJoin the circle of silence of innerinvention that incorporates the use ofandouter harmony. Stay for a fewa computer laptop, gongs and cymminutes or for the entire time.bals, found objects, an electronicIn the first few minutes we will inmixer and electronic pedal and antroduce ourselves, and each personamplifier. Glatter began building acan say something about their intenmulti-instrumental setup for a in Ypsilanti in 2007 for theIn the closing at 9 p.m. you canpurpose of easy travel and easy pershare anything about your experiformance purposes at local and naence of silence.tional venues around the United-Meditate on Loving KindnessStates.Doors open at 7:00among all 5 requested as donation at thedoor. For more information call 734- -Pray for World Peace.-Offer Healing Energy to anyone972-6098 or go toopen to inner space for Forgivenessglattercurtisav1972to grow.-Envision Miracles across the globe.-Hold our planet in the Light.Science of Mind StudyGroup facilitated by NoreenKeller First and third Thursday Belly Dance Fitness witheach month at 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.Oana PopaOur study group meets on thefirst and third Thursday of eachmonth. We are studying the Scienceof Mind by Ernest Holmes. This is agood time to meet with like-mindedbeings and share practice. In order toassist in a meaningful discussion andpractice, we will each share something on the topic of the month fromScience of Mind or other source (canbe found on-line, in Science of Mindbooks, magazine, etc.). We will alsoshare prayer treatments at each session.For more information please contactScience of Mind Practitioner, Noreen(Note: bringing your own doormirror is highly suggested)This workshop will expose us tosongs and beats from very diversebackgrounds, with the main purposeof dancing together, moving andfeeling the joy of life through dance.The acoustic trip throughout thewhole world and being exposed tomany cultures will demonstrate thathappiness (love) is the same for allhumans no matter the background,nationality, color, or religion.Oana Popa is a citizen of theworld, in this life incarnated as anAmerican of Romanian origin, whostarted belly-dancing 20 years agobeing influenced by Balkan musicalbeats from the southeast of her native country, and capital city, Bucharest. In the USA she discovered firsthand the beauty of diversity andlearnt history, music, dance movesand customs by interacting withfriends from many countries, first atthe Indiana University Internationalcenter in Bloomington, Indiana,where she attended classes as anundergraduate and graduate student.Let's celebrate our similarities ashumans! Some of the musical selections will include Arabic belly-dancemusic, Kurdish, Israeli, Palestiniandabke, Persian beats, Gypsy musicfrom Eastern Europe, Rwandan andother east African music. By loving acertain song, we start to empathizewith the people from that particularculture, to understand what they feel,how they translate love into action,into reaching the divine and realizingwe are more similar than we are different.The world is so beautiful! We are allONE and we can reach peace if weall want it. Namaste!Class meets from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.Drop ins welcome.Fee: Love offering
Rwandan Art- The world in Harmony (WIH) cause they take time to make one piece of jewBy Oanaelry. I was impressed by that capacity of sitting still, taking the time and making sure thatIn 2006, I graduated from Indiana Univer- the object becomes a soulful object of art.sity, with a Bachelor degree in Business. Afterfinishing my studies, I was lost thinking “whatSecond: be hopeful. The time those womenshould I have to do with my degreespend on their work, without knowing wherenow?!?”. Hervette, my best friend and room- the customer will come from, addressed mymate I’ve met at Indiana University, was going fear of tomorrow. Many times I complainback to her native country, Rwanda, in the east about how life is hard, I am scared about toof the African continent. She invited me tomorrow, my mind doesn’t stop asking: “ whatcome with her to meet her family and discover will happen if ” In Rwanda I met womenAfrica. It was a good occasion for me to relax who are hopeful of tomorrow even if they haveand change my thoughts, get new ideas, exhalf of the benefits I have in my life.pand my vision. At that time I did not realizethat this trip to Africa was going to change theLast lesson from Rwandan women: a jobway I look at life forever.done well always pays. Yes, nothing is new.But those women taught me that from the baWe stayed in Rwanda three weeks, in thenana leaves, animal horns, small pieces of polcapital, Kigali, and I fell in love with Rwandan ished wood, fabric leftovers from tailor shops,culture, and African lifestyle in general.glossy paper and beads you can make jewelsI learned many things from the people I met in which will pay your children’s school fees andRwanda. Most of them were so endearing and feed a family of five, sometimes evenlikeable, with an amazing heart, but the entre- more. As scientists say, in the universe nothpreneur women I saw in that country stayed in ing is lost, everything is transformed. And Imy mind. Many of them were single mothers would add: “The World is in haror orphans, nevertheless they were generating mony”. Rwandan women are teachers of thatincome only from their artwork. Basketry of the antique Rwandan art work practicedmostly by women. During my trip to Rwanda,My contributionI visited women workshops. From themI learned three things:I went back to Rwanda three consecutivetimes, and I came back with the idea that I cancontribute to that harmony in becoming an advocate of those handcraft entrepreneurs. Ishare with my friends the beauty of Rwandathrough the handmade work of their daughtersand their mothers. The "World in Harmony"project ( started from my search forhope, love and creativity and, just by being onthe path the Divine gave us; we can achievethings we never dreamed are possible. Hope,First: be patient. I’ve liked earrings madelove, and patients are amazing ingredients ofwith banana leaves, and I wanted to see thelife. Namaste!work that is behind this jewelry. Rwandanwomen are champions in having patience, be-
The Caring CommitteeMarilyn,ChairTommy,Youth Ed repHeide and gieBethJudyJanJackDawnIf you have a service to offer, please contact Marilyn
Interfaith Caring Committee SurveyWe are looking for your participation and support of fellow Interfaith members in crisis inany way that is appropriate for you. If you are called on by a caring committee member tosupport a particular need, you always have the opportunity to decline if it doesn’t work foryou at that time. Please fill out this survey as completely as you are able. All gifts, skills, andtalents are appreciated. Thank you for taking the time!Name: City/Part of town you live or work in:Phone: e-mail:Best way to contact you: Best times to contact you:Check all areas that you are willing to participate in and specify any limitations Driver (Interfaith/appointments) Craft Teaching (type) Counseling (type)Medical Equipment loan (type)Meal PrepConsulting (type)Child Care Errands Cleaning Yardwork Snow ShovelingHealing/energy workCaregiver BreakHousehold DonationsSend CardsClothing DonationsComputer HelpFun CompanionshipPet CareMassageListening PrayersRespite CareHealing MusicMoney DonationJoin Caring CommitteeOtherLimitations and additional information:I currently have need of (be specific):
Now available 14.49ISBN 1452061262 Paperbackand 9.99ASIN: B0047DWAFO KindleVital SpiritEnterprisesCreating VerySpecial Environmentsfor your peace ofmind and easy living"You name it,we'll organize it!"Valoree Sprentallwww.valoreesprentall.com734-340-6245 home734-604-9890 cellSHOP HERE FIRST!Flying Dragon ThriftstoreOwners: Heide and Tommy KaminskiLook us up on FaceBook, or call Heide at517 673 1888 to find out if we have what you arelooking for. We have clothes, furnitur
Calendar Interfaith Pop Misc. Board Minutes Café 704 Youthful Spirits Events at the ICSG Caring Committee Service flyer Advertisements World Peace Clock pg. 1 pg. 2 pg. 2 . AUGUST, 2016: THE COW THE DECK: Beasts of Al-bion by Miranda Gray Albion i