Res Et & Renew Your Body, Mi Nd & Sp A Ce


21-Day DetoxReset & Renew Your Body, Mind & SpaceHello Beautiful!I created this 21 Day Detox as an opportunity to reset and renew your mind, body,and space. You’ll be letting go of anything that doesn’t serve you and reallyfocusing on fueling your body with the things that make you feel light, energized,and confident going into the New Year. In this plan, you’ll find your meal planningguidelines, plus, ways you can detox your mind and your space, to live morecentered and balanced.Remember, this is just the beginning for you. These are the first 21 days of the restof your life and I’m so excited to share this beautiful journey with you.Cheers to YOUR BEST YEAR!Happy Detoxing! Courtney“THE MIND, THE BODY THE SPACE ARE NOT SEPARATE.WHAT AFFECTS ONE, AFFECTS THE OTHER" Courtney Rowsell

why DETOX?When I sat back and thought about what I should do for the New Year, Iknew a detox was the perfect thing. With the craziness of the holidayseason and all the celebrations, a detox is the ultimate way to refresh yoursystem and reset your body and mind.This 5 Day Detox will give you the opportunity to: Eat delicious meals that will detox your body & make you feel your best De-bloat and feel lighter than ever Re-energize your body and mind Refocus on your goals and set new intentions Detox your body, mind, and space & let go of what no longer serves you Start the New Year feeling fresh and clean Strengthen & restore your body with new workout routines Reconnect to your motivation to have your BEST YEAR EVER! And the most important reason because you deserve to feel like thebeautiful, strong, brilliant, and confident woman that you are!

detox FOODSYour body goes through detox every day, every hour, every minute, and everysecond! It's one of your liver's main jobs.and it's a big one!Your liver is constantly processing everything that's in your food, water, andenvironment to clean your system and keep your body healthy. It does thisthrough two main pathways: phase 1 and phase 2 detox.In phase 1 detox, your liver converts chemicals and other compounds into awater-soluble compound. As a result, free radicals are formed, which can causeinflammation and cellular damage. In order to quench these free-radicals, yourbody uses vitamin C and glutathione as antioxidants to get rid of the freeradicals.From here, the water-soluble compounds move on to phase 2 where they arepaired with a sulfur containing compound and then released from your body. Tomake sure these get eliminated from your system after going through detox, it'simportant to have plenty of fiber and water to pull it out.There are tons of foods that help support your system during a detox, and eachone serves a different purpose in the process.Over the next 21 days I want you to reach for the following foods most often tosupport your body detoxing results!"YOUR BODY IS A TEMPLE. KEEP IT PURE AND CLEANFOR THE SOUL TO RESIDE IN" B.K.S Iyengar

detox FOODSA N T I O X I D A N T - P A C K E D FOODS FOR PHASE 1These are high in vitamin C and compounds that help your body to produceglutathione. These are really important during detox to quench the free radicalsformed during phase 1 detox.Milk ThistleCollard ocadosLemonsBerriesApplesD E T O X I F Y I N G F O O D S FOR PHASE 2Phase 2 is the second step of detox. These foods help to pair with thewater-soluble compound and remove the toxins from your body.TurmericBroccoliBrussels sproutsCabbageGarlicOnions

detox FOODSA N T I - I N F L A M M A T O R Y FOODSThese foods help to reduce any inflammation that can occurduring detox!Leafy Green VegetablesBok ChoyCeleryBone BrothGingerFlax seedsChia seedsOlive oilCayenneCurry powderCinnamonFIBER-PACKED FOODSFiber is essential as part of the last step of detox to help remove theprocessed toxins from your system. Aim to have fiber at every meal!Leafy Greens Herbs cilantro, rosemary, parsley, basilQuinoaMushroomsAvocadoAsian PearsBerriesBlack Beans, Lentils, Chick PeasChia Seeds, Flax Seeds, Nuts

detox DO'SFor the next 21 days, follow these guidelines. Whether you're following themeal plan, the recipes, or making your own meals, follow these tips to be surethat you're receiving the full benefits of the Detox Plan.Detox DO’s Include these things every day to feel light and fresh! Start your day with 8oz of warm lemon water & theACV Elixir see the recipe guide Drink at least 90oz of water throughout the day. Add fresh lemon juice to atleast half of your intake Enjoy one Detox Smoothie See the recipe guide Drink one cup of Dandelion or Milk Thistle Tea Follow your meal plan sticking to your 21 Day Detox Plan will help you getthe best results! Feel free to mix and match the recipes to make the plan workfor you. You can sub in a second smoothie or fresh green juice for in M2 or M4. I’mcommitted to doing this over the next two weeks and will share my favoritefresh juice recipes inside the Facebook community. 4-6 cups veggies. Focus at least 3 cups of deep green veggies like kale,spinach, collard greens, green beans, asparagus, snap peas.

detox DO'S Complete your 5 Toning Moves and Cardio Challenge everyday!Feel free to go on long walks. I also recommend treating yourself to saunas,massages, and foam rolling. Make your bed Start your day by waking up on the right side of the bed!Trust makes a difference! Set an intention Choose your intention at the start of each day. Write itdown or make a note in your phone. Follow a nighttime routine This will help you unwind. Light a candle, setyour intention for the next day, put out your workout clothes for the morning,take care of your skin, enjoy some tea, read, set your alarm and turn off thatphone by 9pm. You need 7-8 hours of sleep! You need to rest and recover tohelp rid your body of toxins! Beauty rest is the BEST! Check in with the LYL Community! Accountability is super important.Check in with me and the entire LYL community inside the Facebook groupevery day for love and support. Shift your thinking This is a great time to practice positive self-talk. If youcatch yourself saying something negative about yourself, correct it. Theconversations you have with yourself are the most important! Detox from toxic Throughout your day, keep your conversations positiveand light with everyone around you. If you notice yourself in any toxicconversations, shift them and bring a positive perspective to them. Be abreath of fresh air to everyone around you.

Detox DON’TSDon’t worry, this is just for 21 days! Balance is key.Added Sugar: Avoiding added sugar will help you so much for these next 14days! Your blood sugar levels will stay balanced, giving you more energyand keeping your cravings in check. Sugar can be hidden in lots of foods likebread, yogurt, and packaged snacks, so check your labels!Fried Food: This includes sweet potato fries, tempura and anything fried ata restaurant. It can be easy for fried foods to sneak in. Even Brussels sproutsare usually deep fried at most restaurants! Ask for steamed instead. Iditched fried foods last year and I promise this one change makes thebiggest difference in how you feel!Alcohol: Yep! During the detox, pour yourself a glass of kombucha in a wineglass instead!Creamy Dressings: Instead, whip up your own delicious dressing withlemon, vinegar, and olive oil.Dairy: This includes dairy-based yogurt, ice cream, frozen yogurt, cheese,and whey. There are so many great alternatives like nut milks and coconutyogurt.Avoid starches after meal 3: This means you'll be reaching for leanproteins, veggies, and healthy fats!Desserts: Avoid pastries, cookies, and baked goods. I’ll be sharing a fewDetox Desserts with you over the next 14 days that you can try on the daysyou’re craving a little sweet treat!

Detox DON’TSChips, Bagels, Pretzels, or Boxed Cereals. You don't need them for the next 14days! You'll be feeling satisfied and energized from all the delicious meals andsnacks in the plan.Soda or Sugary Drinks: Sugary beverages will cause your blood sugar to spikeand can lead you to crash later and feel hungrier.Frozen Dinners: The Tray Dinners in your plan are so much more delicious andpacked with nutrients!Fake Sugars; Splenda, Sweet 'N Low, Equal: After the sweet taste of artificialsweeteners, the brain expects calories to follow. This triggers your body to cravemore sugar, increasing your appetite.Corn, Oats, and Wheat: These are 'healthy', but for the next two weeks I wantyou to focus on the best detox foods like lean proteins, healthy fats, and lots ofveggies.What about coffee? If you normally drink 2 cups, limit your intake to 1. If younormally have 1 cup, try opting for green or black tea. I recommend you drink itblack or with a splash of almond milk."IT'S NOT THAT I CAN'T HAVE IT.I'M MAKING A HEALTHIER CHOICE NOT TO!"

detox YOUR SPACE de-clutter your closet It’s so freeing to let go of possessions you no longer need! Go through yourcloset and think about what you really wear. Are you holding onto jeans froma decade ago? Or how about a dress you’ll never wear again? Those have gotto go girl! If you’re not sure about an item, ask yourself these importantquestions: Have I worn it in the last year? If I went shopping today, would I buyit? And most importantly, do I feel confident in it? If the answers are yes, rockit! If not, it’s time to let it go. Instead of throwing out these items, donatethem! organize your workout gear Now that you’ve cleaned out your closet, think about what apparel makes youfeel the most confident. What inspires you for your workout? What willmotivate you to run that extra mile or do that extra rep? Put those clothesfront and center! Create a space in your closet where you can set out yourfavorite yoga pants, tanks, sports bras, sneakers, and socks. This can be a shelfor a bin. This makes it so easy to grab your gear when you’re running out thedoor. clean out your pantry fridge Take this time to go through your pantry and fridge. For each item, askyourself, “Does this help me reach my goals this year?” If the answer is no, it’stime to toss it or donate non-perishables. If it’s something your husband orkids can’t live without, move it to a different cabinet that you don’t open everyday. If you find something that will help you, like a blender or food processor,buried in the back of your cabinets, bring those front and center in easilyaccessible spots. And stock your kitchen with items that will help you stayhealthy and organized.

detox YOUR SPACE go through your food containers Does anyone else have a drawer full of Tupperware with mismatched lids? Thisis the perfect time to organize it! It will help you stay on track and make MealPrep Sundays a breeze! You can also set aside mason jars for LYL approveddressings. clean out your car Throw out or donate any clutter in your car and treat yourself to a car wash! organize your make-up and skin care storage area Trust me, you’ll feel amazing after and inspired to start taking better care ofyour skin. make space in your home for positivity! Now that you’ve decluttered, you’ll have more space for the things that will helpyou reach your goals and feel your best. daily workout space If the space is there, you'll do it! It actually doesn’t have to be an entire room orbig space. I just set up a small area with a mat, an exercise ball, a kettlebell, anddumbbells. journal Set aside a special place to keep your journal and area where you can sit andwrite your goals and intentions.

detox YOUR SPACE meditation or inspiration spot I LOVE to start each day with a few minutes of meditation to set my intentionsfor the day. I have a meditation area in my office. All it takes is a corner or nook inyour living room or bedroom. Frame some of your favorite inspirational quotes tohang on the wall. I use a whiteboard to write some of my favorite quotes. Addcandles, incense, or a diffuser, crystals, and objects or souvenirs with specialmeaning to you. You can also bring in your phone with a playlist of inspiringmusic. family picture wall Print out some of your favorite pictures of friends and family that inspire you andcreate a picture wall. We created this in our home over the holidays and it bringsso much positivity and joy into my lifeCLUTTER IS THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION OFUNMADE DECISIONS FUELED BY PROCRASTINATION Christina Scalise

detox YOUR MIND free your mind of negativity Worries and doubts happen to all of us but the more you allow negativethinking in, the less productive and passionate you become — and youdeserve to be the truly productive, passionate, and amazing woman thatyou are. So, let’s all make a promise to ourselves right now: we’re going tolive with positivity in 2018.I challenge you to pick up a pen and write down five things that you’regoing to let go from your mind during this detox. This could be anythingthat doesn’t serve you — toxic thoughts and conversations, negative selftalk, fears that are holding you back from achieving your dreams. Anytimeyou find these thoughts popping into your mind, think back to this list andyour intention to let it go. The more you release negativity and worry, themore space you have to embrace new challenges, positivity, and love!live with intentionThe new year is the perfect time to invest in a new journal for a fresh start!For the next 21 days, wake up a little earlier and open your new journalwhile you sip your coffee or tea. Then write down three positive intentionsfor the day. Close your eyes and think about what you need for the day andwhat others in your life need from you. Are you feeling like you need tochallenge yourself and say yes to a new adventure? Do you need to bekinder to yourself and show yourself grace? Does a friend or family memberneed a little extra love and support? Let that guide your intentions. Doingthis will make you feel strong and prepared to handle anything that comesyour way for the rest of the day! focus on the 3 Ps Purpose. Passion. Positivity Focus on these every day and you will have the most Productive 2018!Remember this is YOUR YEAR!

detox YOUR MINDtips for SETTING INTENTIONSPeople always talk about setting “New Year’s resolutions" but this year, Iwant to challenge you to set your intentions instead. Because there's nothingabout you that needs to be resolved, you're SO incredible already!This year is about making your life more full of beautiful things. It's aboutadding joy, strength, and happiness in new ways. Here are my best tips forsetting your intentions and sticking with them in the New Year!BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR PASTBefore you begin setting your intentions for the upcoming year, take time toreflect on the previous one. Close your eyes and remember all of your goals,accomplishments, struggles, and joys of 2017. Think about where you werea year ago. Your growth is incredible! You should be SO proud of yourself!Take a moment to truly feel grateful for yourself and for the people who havesupported you this past year.MEDITATE ON YOUR DREAMSNow begin to imagine yourself a year from now. What does your life looklike? What incredible things do you want to achieve THIS year? Imagine yourphysical and mental health, your relationships, maybe your impact in yourcommunity. Think about all of the streams of joy in your life. Maybe yousimply want to add more of the happiness that already exists! Or maybe youwant to approach something challenging in your life with a differentattitude. Spend a few minutes alone to focus deeply on yourself and the waysyou can add to your life this year.

detox YOUR MINDSET YOUR INTENTIONSNow write down a few clear and concise ideas or mantras you may want tofocus on this year, in order to achieve what you just imagined. These thoughtsare your intentions!When you begin setting your intentions, think of things that will bring youcloser to your best self. When you're living in the most positive version of yourlife, you'll invite all of that joy you just imagined into your everyday. Intend onthings that will put you on course for achieving all of your dreams in thecoming months.DON'T STRESS ABOUT YOUR RESULTSFinally, remove yourself from the idea that results are your only measurementof success. Remind yourself to trust the process and that's when your truegrowth will occur! Your story is so beautiful, be proud of it! Your success willcome in many forms, so be mindful of the little ways you can acknowledge it.Take time each day to feel grateful and to give yourself meaningfulcompliments. You are beautiful in so many ways, ALWAYS remember that.And continue to live presently. You can't change the past and you can't directthe live as your best self in the present!"WHEN YOU HAVE CLARITY OF INTENTION,THE UNIVERSE CONSPIRES WITH YOU TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!" Fabienne Fredrickson

Detox Q & ACan I mix in my own meals & recipes from previous challenges?Of course! The meals in in this 21-day plan are just suggestions for you. Dowhat works with you and your lifestyle! Just make sure to follow the 'DetoxDo's & Don'ts list' and you'll be set!I'm headed to the grocery store. how much of everything do I need?Depending on if you're doing the detox alone, or with someone else, 2 bags oflemons, a bag of apples, a bundle of kale, a bag of carrots, and general cartonsalmond milk should be sufficient. This is flexible for you and your needs.can I drink other LYL smoothies? YES! I included some new smoothie recipes inthis 14-day plan but you can sub in any smoothie you enjoy from previousplans.what if I don't see a food group listed on the plan?I created the recipes for this plan based on detoxifying foods that are low insugar and will help you de-bloat and cleanse for these next 14 days. It's notthat the foods that aren't included are bad, I’ve just removed them for the nexttwo weeks for reboot purposes. Stay within your recommended food groupsand you'll feel amazing!can I have coffee?YES! I recommend black coffee or espresso with a splash of almond or coconutmilk. Try cutting your normal caffeine consumption in half over the next twoweeks. If you normally have just a cup, try having some green tea or black teainstead.when should I eat my meals?Depending on your schedule, space your meals out by about three-four hours.Remember to have water with lemon with you at all times and sip all day!

Detox Q & Awhat will my results be? will I lose weight?This plan is amazing for de-bloating, cleansing your system, refreshing yourenergy, and giving your body a reboot for the New Year. Your weight loss resultswill vary depending on your food and lifestyle habits prior to the start of thisplan.The biggest difference will be: you'll feel lighter your energy levels will be up you'll sleep better you'll be more alert your digestive tract will feel light your skin will feel fresh from all the hydration you'll feel organized and in control best of all, the post-holiday belly bloat will be gone!I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOUR DETOX CHECK-IN'S!PS. Remember to post all your check-in pics on Instagram @courtney rowsell #21DAYDETOX

Detox Q & AFresh juices and smoothies are perfect pick-me-ups!when should I work out? This is up to you and your schedule! I recommend wakingup 45 minutes earlier (so going to bed 45 minutes earlier), so you can crush yourwork out first thing in the morning! If you need to work out in the afternoon orevening, go for it! Just make sure to stay hydrated!can I have coffee?YES! I recommend black coffee or espresso with a splash of almond or coconut milk.Try cutting your normal caffeine consumption in half over the next two weeks. Ifyou normally have just a cup, try having some green tea or black tea instead.when should I eat my meals?Depending on your schedule, space your meals out by about three-four hours.Remember to have water with lemon with you at all times and sip all day!Fresh juices and smoothies are perfect pick-me-ups!when should I workout?This is up to you and your schedule! I recommend waking up 45 minutes earlier (sogoing to bed 45 minutes earlier), so you can crush your work out first thing in themorning! If you need to work out in the afternoon or evening, go for it! Just makesure to stay hydrated!do I have to do the detox workouts?While it is said that diet accounts for 80% of your results, exercise is also a veryimportant component to your overall health and well-being. If you'd like to follow adifferent exercise program or attend a local fitness class and just incorporate the14-day detox meal plan, please make sure to tweak the preset detox meal plan tosupport your workout volume and intensity, as additional calories maybe requiredto support healthy workout recovery.

Detox DON’TS D on’t w orry, t his is j ust for 21 days! Bal ance is k ey. Added Suga r: Avoiding added sugar w il l hel p you so much for t hese next 14 days! Your bl ood sugar l evel s w il l st ay bal anced, giving you more energy and k eeping your cravings in check .