VOCAB ACUITY - Elearn.crwilladmin




Convict-(con VIC t) fl¼nks"kMeaning-to say officially in a court of law that somebody is guiltyof a crimeSYN-CondemnedANT-acquit

Conviction-(con VIC tion) /kj.kk ;k nksf"kflf¼Meaning- a very strong opinion or beliefSYN-notion, belief, conceptANT-acquittal, doubt, disbelief

Convince-(con VINC e) euokukMeaning-to succeed in making somebody believe somethingSYN-persuade, prevail, assureANT-discourage, dissuade

Unconvinced-(uncon VINC ed) vlgerMeaning-not certain that something is true or can be relied on ortrustedSYN-doubtful, dubiousANT-certain, definite, sure

Victim-(VIC tim) ihfM rMeaning-a person or animal that is injured, killed or hurt bysomebody/somethingSYN-sufferer, dupeANT-assailant, perpetrator attacker

Victory-(VIC tory) fot;Meaning-success in winning a battle, game, competition, etcSYN-conquest, successANT-defeat, forfeit

Victor-(VIC tor) fotsrkMeaning-the person who wins a game, competition, battle, etcSYN-conqueror, champion, winnerANT-loser, vanquished

Victorious-(VIC torious) fot;hMeaning-having won a victorySYN-winner, triumphantANT-unsuccessful, defeated

Vincible -(VIN cible) ijkt s;Meaning-capable of being overcome or subduedSYN-vulnerable, surmountableANT-unbeatable

Province-(pro VINC e) çkarMeaning-the part of a country that is outside the most importantcitySYN-territory, regionANT-metropolis, centre

Evicted-(e VIC ted) csn[kyMeaning -to force somebody (officially) to leave the house orlandSYN-expel, oustANT-admit, reinstate

Evince-(e VINC e) çdVMeaning-reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling); indicateSYN-reveal, showANT-conceal, hide

Vice-(VIC e) cqjkbZMeaning-a moral weakness or bad habitSYN-evil, hara, badANT-virtue, righteousness

Advice-(ad VIC e) lykgMeaning-an opinion that you give somebody about what he/sheshould doSYN-guidance, counselANT-discourage

Novice-(no VIC e) vkjaHk djus okykMeaning-a person who is new and without experience in acertain job, situation, etcSYN-beginner, fresherANT-expert, veteran

VOCAB ACUITY. Root– . Meaning-success in winning a battle, game, competition, etc SYN-conquest, success ANT-defeat, forfeit . Victor-(VIC tor) fotsrk Meaning-the person who wins a game, competition, battle, et