Vocabulary And Word List SSAT, ISEE, HSPT, SAT, And ACT .


Experts are here to help you, Call (800) 501-PrepHOMEABOUTTEST PREPGet your free 15 minute consultation.ADMISSIONSSUCCESS STORIESLOGINLEARN MOREO ff i c i a l : 3 6 5 M o s t F re q u e n t l y Te s t eOfficial: 365 Most Frequently Tested Vocab WordsVOCABULARY:AllA B C D E F G HIJK L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZAAbdicate - (verb) to cast off or relinquishAberration - (noun) a state or condition markedly different from the normAbject - (adj.) sunk to a low condition or in miserable circumstancesAbolish - (verb) do away withWord of the Dayre uetdi(adj.)Having or showing greatknowledge or learning.Abridge - (verb) lessen, diminish, or curtail; reduce in scope while retaining essential elementsAbstemious - (adj.) sparing in consumption of especially food and drink; marked by temperanceAccent - (verb) put stress on; utter with an accent; to stress, single out as importantTry This!Accolade - (noun) a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinctionVocabulary FlashCard ExerciseAcquiesce - (verb) to agree or express agreement; rest satisfied12Each day, write downone new word.3Try to use this new word at least5 times in your daily conversations.Acrimonious - (adj.) caustic, biting or rancorous in language or expressionAcumen - (noun) shrewdness shown by keen insightAffable - (adj.) friendly; outgoing dispositionPractice& Repeat!Come up with a shortsentence using thisword.Af rmation - (noun) a statement asserting the existence or the truth of somethingAlacrity - (noun) liveliness and eagerness; youthful energyAlleviate - (verb) provide physical relief, as from pain; make easierAloof - (adj.) remote in manner; distantGet Your "100 Most Tested WorAmass - (verb) collect or gather; get or gather togetherAmbiguous - (adj.) having more than one possible meaning; often misleadingYour Name *Ambivalence - (noun) mixed feelings or emotionsAmbulatory - (adj.) relating to or adapted for walking; able to walk aboutPhone Number: *Ameliorate - (verb) get better; to make betterAmity - (noun) a cordial disposition; a state of friendship and cordialityYou need help with? *Anchor - (noun) a central cohesive source of support and stabilityAnchor - (verb) fix firmly and stablyEmail: *Antagonize - (verb) provoke the hostility of; act in opposition toAntediluvian - (adj.) so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period; of or relating tothe period before the biblical floodAntediluvian - (noun) a very old personApathy - (noun) the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally; an absence ofenthusiasmApocryphal - (adj.) of doubtful authenticityArcane - (adj.) requiring secret or mysterious knowledgeAscendancy - (noun) the state that exists when one person or group has power over anotherAtrophy - (noun) any weakening or degenerationconverted by Web2PDFConvert.com

Augment - (verb) enlarge or increase; grow or intensifyAvuncular - (adj.) like an uncle in kindness or indulgence; being or relating to an uncleBBane - (noun) something causes misery or deathBelie - (verb) represent falsely; be in contradiction withBelittle - (verb) lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of; express a negative opinion of; causeto seem less serious;Bellicose - (adj.) having or showing a ready disposition to fightBelligerence - (noun) hostile or warlike attitude or nature; a natural disposition to be hostileBenign - (adj.) pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence; kindness of disposition or manner;not dangerous to healthBizarre - (adj.) conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusualBlatant - (adj.) noisy in a vulgar or offensive mannerBlunder - (noun) an embarrassing mistake; verb utter impulsively; make one's way clumsily orblindlyBrevity - (noun) the attribute of being brief or fleeting; the use of brief expressionsBucolic - (adj.) relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle; used ofidealized country lifeBucolic - (noun) a short descriptive poem of rural or pastoral lifeBungle - (verb) spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly; make a mess of, destroy or ruinBungle - (noun) an embarrassing mistakeBurgeon - (verb) grow and flourishCCajole - (verb) to deceive or persuade with false pretensesCallous - (verb) make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or moralsCallous - (adj.) emotionally hardenedCandid - (adj.) openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness; informal ornaturalCantankerous - (adj.) having a difficult and contrary disposition; stubbornly obstructive andunwilling to cooperateCapitulate - (verb) surrender under agreed conditionsCapricious - (adj.) determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason;changeableCensure - (noun) harsh criticism or disapproval; the state of being excommunicatedCensure - (verb) rebuke formallyChagrin - (noun) strong feelings of embarrassmentChagrin - (verb) cause to feel shame; hurt the pride ofCharlatan - (noun) a quack or one showing false pretensesChicanery - (noun) the use of tricks to deceive someoneChurlish - (adj.) having a bad disposition; surly; rude and boorishClairvoyant - (noun) someone who has the power of clairvoyanceClairvoyant - (adj.) foreseeing the futureClemency - (noun) leniency and compassion shown toward offenders of rule or lawCoalesce - (verb) fuse or cause to grow together; mix together different elementsCohere - (verb) cause to form a united, orderly, and aesthetically consistent whole; come in closecontactconverted by Web2PDFConvert.com

Complacent - (adj.) contented to a fault with oneself or one's actionsCompress - (verb) squeeze or press together; make more compact by or as if by pressingCompress - (noun) a folded cloth or pad applied so as to press upon a body partCon de - (verb) reveal in private; tell confidentially; confer a trust uponConfound - (verb) mistake one thing for another; be confusing or perplexing toCongeal - (verb) to change from a liquid to solid stateCongenial - (adj.) used of plants; suitable to your needs or similar to your natureContaminant - (noun) a substance that violates the purity of an itemConverge - (verb) come together so as to form a single product; move or draw together at acertain locationConvivial - (adj.) occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good companyCopious - (adj.) large in number or quantity; affording an abundant supplyCorroborate - (verb) support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm;establish or strengthen as with new evidence or factsCorrugated - (adj.) shaped into alternating parallel grooves and ridgesCorrupt - (verb) alter from the originalCorrupt - (adj.) lacking in integrityCowardice - (noun) lacking courageCredence - (noun) the attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as trueCryptic - (adj.) having a puzzling terseness; of an obscure nature; having a secret or hiddenmeaningCupidity - (noun) greed and strong desire for wealthCursory - (adj.) hasty and without attention to detail; not thoroughDDaunt - (verb) cause to lose courageDauntless - (adj.) invulnerable to fear or intimidationDebilitate - (verb) make weakDecorous - (adj.) dignified in conduct, manners or dispositionDelusion - (noun) deception by creating illusory ideas; a mistaken or unfounded opinion or ideaDeplete - (verb) use or exhaust resourcesDerelict - (adj.) abandoned duty or neglected by owner or occupantDeviate - (verb) to stray from the norm or standardDictum - (noun) an authoritative declaration; an opinion voiced by a judge on a point of law notdirectly bearing on the case in question and therefore not bindingDidactic - (adj.) designed or intended to teach; making moral observationsDiscrepancy - (noun) a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions; an event thatdeparts from expectationsDisdain - (noun) lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislikeDisdain - (verb) reject with contemptDisentangle - (verb) smoothen and neaten; free from involvementDisingenuous - (adj.) not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of franknessDistend - (verb) swell from or as if from internal pressure; cause to expand as it by internalpressureDocile - (adj.) easily handled or managed; ready and willing to be taughtDrawback - (noun) the quality of being a hindranceDubious - (adj.) not convinced; fraught with uncertainty or doubt; open to doubt or suspicionEconverted by Web2PDFConvert.com

Edict - (noun) a proclamation having the force of lawEfface - (verb) make inconspicuous; remove completely from recognition or memoryEffervescent - (adj.) marked by high spirits or excitement; bubbly and engagingEloquent - (adj.) marked for forceful or fluent expression; well-spokenEnhance - (verb) increase; make better or more attractiveEnigmatic - (adj.) resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought; not clear or understandableEntourage - (noun) the group following and attending to some important personEphemeral - (adj.) lasting a very short timeEphemeral - (noun) anything short-livedEpitome - (noun) a brief abstract in a book or journal; a standard or typical exampleEquilibrium - (noun) a stable, balanced systemEquivocate - (verb) be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withholdinformationErudite - (adj.) well read or esteemed for knowledgeEschew - (verb) to avoid or shunEulogy - (noun) praise; a speech full of praise at a funeralEuphonious - (adj.) having a pleasant sound; pleasing in sound; not harsh or stridentEvacuate - (verb) excrete or discharge from the body; empty completely;Evanescent - (adj.) tending to vanish like vaporExacerbate - (verb) exasperate or irritate; make worseExclude - (verb) prevent from being included or considered or accepted; prevent from enteringExculpate - (verb) to clear from fault or guiltExpedite - (verb) process fast and efficiently; speed up the progress of; facilitateExpendable - (adj.) able to be spent or done away with;Extol - (verb) praise, glorify, or honorFFacilitate - (verb) make easier; increase the likelihood of (a response); be of useFallow - (noun) cultivated land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasonsFallow - (adj.) undeveloped but potentially useful; left unplowed and unseeded during a growingseasonFamished - (adj.) extremely hungryFastidious - (adj.) giving careful attention to detail; hard to please; excessively concerned withcleanliness; having complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificialculturesFathom - (noun) understanding or comprehension; also a unit of length equal to 6 cubic feetFathom - (verb) to penetrate to the meaning or nature of; comprehend;to determine the depth of;soundFertile - (adj.) capable of reproducing; marked by great fruitfulness; bearing in abundanceespecially offspring; intellectually productiveFidelity - (noun) the quality of being faithfulFlourish - (verb) grow stronger; move or swing back and forth; gain in wealthFoible - (noun) a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individualFoster - (verb) help develop, help growFraudulent - (adj.) intended to deceiveFrugal - (adj.) avoiding waste; spendthriftFruitful - (adj.) productive or conducive to producing in abundance; productive of profitFruitless - (adj.) unproductive of successconverted by Web2PDFConvert.com

Furtive - (adj.) marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed;secret and sly or sordidFutile - (adj.) producing no result or effect; unproductive of successGGarner - (verb) store grain; assemble or get together; acquire or deserve by one's efforts oractionsGarner - (noun) a storehouse for threshed grain or animal feedGaudy - (adj.) marked by conspicuous display; tastelessly showyGeneric - (noun) any product that can be sold without a brand nameGeneric - (adj.) applicable to an entire class or groupGenre - (noun) a class of art having a characteristic form or technique; a kind of literary or artisticworkGermane - (adj.) relevant or appropriateGlean - (verb) gather, as of natural products; to pick over in search of relevant materialsGlib - (adj.) artfully persuasive in speech; having only superficial plausibility; marked by lack ofintellectual depthGluttony - (noun) eating to excess; habitual eating to excessGrandiose - (adj.) impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur; used to showdisapprovalGratuitous - (adj.) without cause; unnecessary and unwarranted; costing nothingGregarious - (adj.) enjoying of other peoples’ company or discourseGrotto - (noun) a small caveGuile - (noun) the use of tricks to deceive someone; the quality of being deceitfulGullible - (adj.) easily tricked because of being too trusting; naive and easily deceived or trickedGusto - (noun) vigorous and enthusiastic enjoymentHHackneyed - (adj.) repeated too often; over familiar through overuseHarbinger - (noun) an indication of the approach of something or someoneHarbinger - (verb) foreshadow or presageHaughty - (adj.) blatantly and disdainfully proudHefty - (adj.) of considerable weight and size; large in amount or extent or degree; rugged andpowerfulHiatus - (noun) a missing piece; an interruption in timeHideous - (adj.) so extremely ugly as to be terrifying; grossly offensive to decency or morality;causing horrorHilarity - (noun) great merriment or enjoymentHinder - (verb) put at a disadvantageHone - (verb) make perfect or completeHumane - (adj.) marked or motivated by concern with the alleviation of sufferingHusbandry - (noun) the practice of cultivating the land or raising stockHybrid - (noun) mixed offspring; produced by cross-breeding; mixture of wordsHyperbole - (noun) extravagant exaggerationHypocritical - (adj.) professing feelings or virtues one does not haveIIconoclast - (noun) someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions; a destroyer ofconverted by Web2PDFConvert.com

images used in religious worshipIdiosyncratic - (adj.) peculiar to the individualImperial - (adj.) belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler; befitting or belonging to an emperor orempressImpude

Official: 365 Most Frequently Tested Vocab Words Official: 365 Most Frequently Tested Vocab Words All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A reuetdi Word of the Day Word of the Day (adj.) Having or showing great knowledge or learning. 1 2 3 Try This! Vocabulary FlashCard Exercise Each day, write down one new word. Come up with a shortFile Size: 208KBPage Count: 12