ESAU-EDOM ROME : The Hidden Identity Of The Man Of Sin


ESAU-EDOM ROME : The Hidden Identity of the Man of SinCopyright 2019 by Dr. Beneyah Yashar’el.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever withoutwritten permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.For information contact :P.O. Box F-60419Freeport, Grand BahamaThe Bahamashttp://beneyahyasharel.home.blogISBN : 9781082500596First Edition : July 2019

TOTHE MOST HIGH YHWH ANDHIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON YHWHSHIAnd now I know this mystery, that sinners will alter and pervert the wordsof righteousness in many ways, and will speak wicked words, and lie, andpractice great deceits, and write books concerning their words.But when they write down truthfully all my words in their languages, anddo not change or minish ought from my words but write them all downtruthfully all that I first testified concerning them.Then, I know another mystery, that books will be given to the righteousand the wise to become a cause of joy and uprightness and much wisdom.And to them shall the books be given, and they shall believe in them, andthen shall all the righteous who have learned thereof all the paths ofuprightness be recompensed.Enoch 104:10-13“Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, andunderstanding.”Proverbs 23:23

CONTENTSPREFACE. VIIINTRODUCTION .XIIIC H A P T E R 1 . 1IDENTIFYING ESAU . 1Identifying Esau in Childhood . 13Esau Replaces Nimrod . 16Identifying Esau with Blessings he Received . 17Identifying Esau and Jacob Through the Promises . 20Identifying Esau by Different Names . 21Identifying Esau in Prophecy . 25Prophecy Predictions for Edom-Rome . 30C H A P T E R 2 .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.EARLY HISTORY OF JACOB AND ESAU . ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.Esau Goes to Meet Jacob . Error! Bookmark not defined.Promises Made by Esau to his Parents . Error! Bookmark not defined.Jacob and Esau Share the Inheritance. Error! Bookmark not defined.C H A P T E R 3 .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.HISTORICAL PROOF THAT ESAU-EDOM STILL EXISTSERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.How Building Structures Identify Esau-Edom. Error! Bookmark not defined.How Esau-Edom Took Over Mount Seir . Error! Bookmark not defined.Edom Secures King Angeas Help . Error! Bookmark not defined.Identifying the Sons Of Esau-Edom . Error! Bookmark not defined.How to Identify the Offspring of Esau-Edom . Error! Bookmark not defined.The Genealogy of Esau-Edom . Error! Bookmark not defined.The Kings of Esau-Edom . Error! Bookmark not defined.The Results of Esau’s Mingled Family . Error! Bookmark not defined.Esau-Edom Overspreads the Earth . Error! Bookmark not defined.The Reason Edom-Rome Created Different ReligionsError! Bookmark not defined.ii

DR. BENEYAH YASHAR’ELEdom-Rome – Jacob’s Adversary . Error! Bookmark not defined.Impact of Esau-Edom on the Lands they OccupiedError! Bookmark not defined.Zepho’s Role. Error! Bookmark not defined.Zepho Goes to War with Egypt and the Sons of JacobError! Bookmark not defined.Zepho Dies . Error! Bookmark not defined.Edomites Migrate into Japheth’s Land . Error! Bookmark not defined.Identifying the Orginal Founders of Rome . Error! Bookmark not defined.How Edom-Rome Impacted the Lands and People of JaphethError! Bookmark notdefined.Impact of Edom-Rome on Present Day PalestineError! Bookmark not defined.A Different Form of Judaism. Error! Bookmark not defined.No Claim to the Land of Palestine . Error! Bookmark not defined.Historical Evidence Relative to Edom and IsraelError! Bookmark not defined.C H A P T E R 4 .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.BIBLICAL ACCOUNTS OF WARS FOUGHT BY THE EDOMITES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOTDEFINED.Kittiym-Rome Goes to War With Africa . Error! Bookmark not defined.Hannibal, King of Carthage Goes to War with KittiymError! Bookmark not defined.Israel Encounters Edom on the Way to CanaanError! Bookmark not defined.Amalek Goes to War with Israel . Error! Bookmark not defined.King Saul Subjugates Edom . Error! Bookmark not defined.King David Defeats the Edomites . Error! Bookmark not defined.King Solomon Rules Over Edom . Error! Bookmark not defined.Edom Rebels Against Judah. Error! Bookmark not defined.C H A P T E R 5 .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.EDOM MOVES INTO JUDEAN TERRITORY . ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.Judeans Return Home . Error! Bookmark not defined.Idumea is Edom . Error! Bookmark not defined.Hebron Controlled by Edomites . Error! Bookmark not defined.Antipater the Idumean Takes Down the House of JudahError! Bookmark not defined.How Antipater Divided the Hasmonean BrothersError! Bookmark not defined.iii

C H A P T E R 6 .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.THE HERODIAN DYNASTY . ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.The Herodian Dynasty . Error! Bookmark not defined.The Fate of the Hasmonean Dynasty . Error! Bookmark not defined.Herod the Great, The Idumean King of Judea . Error! Bookmark not defined.Formation of The Herodian Tetrarchy . Error! Bookmark not defined.Map of Palestine Under the Herodian Dynasty Error! Bookmark not defined.Roman Wars with the Judeans . Error! Bookmark not defined.The Wars of 70 – 117AD . Error! Bookmark not defined.The Judean War of 133AD. Error! Bookmark not defined.Jacob’s Trouble – The Impact of Edom-Rome on IsraelError! Bookmark not defined.The Role of the Arabs in Jacob’s Trouble . Error! Bookmark not defined.Obscure Labeling . Error! Bookmark not defined.Rome Incorporates Edom . Error! Bookmark not defined.C H A P T E R 7 .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.HOW CHRISTIANITY IMPACTED ISRAEL . ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.Israelites – Followers of Yahusha, Not Christ . Error! Bookmark not defined.Christianity, The Religion of the Edomites . Error! Bookmark not defined.Wheat and Tares Represent Jacob and Esau. Error! Bookmark not defined.The Messianic Synagogue . Error! Bookmark not defined.Hebrew Isralites Live by the Laws . Error! Bookmark not defined.Effects of Judaism and Christianity on Yahusha’s FollowersError! Bookmark notdefined.Early Latin Becomes New Testament . Error! Bookmark not defined.Doctrines of The New Testament . Error! Bookmark not defined.Rome, A Christian Center . Error! Bookmark not defined.Emperor Constatine Converts to Christianity . Error! Bookmark not defined.The Council of Nicea, 325AD . Error! Bookmark not defined.Papal Rome . Error! Bookmark not defined.The Impact of Mystery Religions on Judaism and ChristianityError! Bookmark notdefined.Esau-Edom Represents Rome . Error! Bookmark not defined.iv

DR. BENEYAH YASHAR’ELIsrael’s Life Prior to the Influence of Pagan ReligionsError! Bookmark not defined.C H A P T E R 8 .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.HOW ESAU IS RECOGNIZED TODAY. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.Edomites Dominate the Earth . Error! Bookmark not defined.Red People of Antiquity . Error! Bookmark not defined.Teachers of Judaism . Error! Bookmark not defined.Teachers of Christianity . Error! Bookmark not defined.Arab Muslims and Ottoman Turks . Error! Bookmark not defined.Inquisitors of Roman Inquisition . Error! Bookmark not defined.Transatlantic Slave Traders . Error! Bookmark not defined.Haters of True Israel . Error! Bookmark not defined.C H A P T E R 9 .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.HOW JACOB AND ESAU IMPACTED THE EARTH . ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.Deception in the Garden of Eden . Error! Bookmark not defined.Two Nations . Error! Bookmark not defined.Predestination . Error! Bookmark not defined.Curses for Disobedience . Error! Bookmark not defined.What is the Deception? . Error! Bookmark not defined.Why the Deception? . Error! Bookmark not defined.Why Hide the Purpose for Jacob and Esau? . Error! Bookmark not defined.C H A P T E R 1 0 .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.HOW EDOM-ROME REVISED HISTORY AND DECEIVED THE WORLDERROR! BOOKMARKNOT DEFINED.Changes in Ways we Know the Truth . Error! Bookmark not defined.Theory of Evolution . Error! Bookmark not defined.Old Age of the Earth . Error! Bookmark not defined.Changed Cosmology of the Earth . Error! Bookmark not defined.Recasting and Relabeling People . Error! Bookmark not defined.Replacing the Black Israelites with White EdomitesError! Bookmark not defined.Altering the Icons and Artifacts of History . Error! Bookmark not defined.Changing the Identity of Yahusha to Jesus ChristError! Bookmark not defined.v

Altering Ceremonies and Rites of Christianity . Error! Bookmark not defined.Changing Times and Laws . Error! Bookmark not defined.Using Arab Islamic Co-Conspirators Against IsraelError! Bookmark not defined.C H A P T E R 1 1 .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TRUE DESCRIPTION OF ISRAEL . ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.Changing the Color of People in History . Error! Bookmark not defined.True History Proves Yahuah Exists . Error! Bookmark not defined.C H A P T E R 1 2 .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.ISRAEL’S BLESSED HOPE . ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.The Covenant with Israel . Error! Bookmark not defined.The Redemption of Israel . Error! Bookmark not defined.Israel Grafted Back into the Olive Tree . Error! Bookmark not defined.The Hebrew Israelites’ Response . Error! Bookmark not defined.Edom-Rome’s Punishment and Fall. Error! Bookmark not defined.CONCLUSION .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.Manasseh’s Prayer of Repentance . Error! Bookmark not defined.SCRIPTURE REFERENCES.ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.REFERENCES .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.ABOUT THE AUTHOR .ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT

P R E FA C EI write this book to show the identity of the descendants of Esau who isEdom. Esau who is Edom, while an unusual name, shows how Scripturedescribes him, “Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom,” (Genesis36:8). Esau, who is Edom are, the people who came from the east and rulethe earth today. I expect this research to reveal the accurate accounts ofhistory. A history that Esau who is Edom has hidden and distorted as it relatesto the twin brothers Jacob and Esau, and the purpose for which the MostHigh YAHUAH created them, and the role they would fulfill on the earthtoday and in the Kingdom to come.Esau-Edom has concealed the evidence about their identity by replacingthe people of the nations they conquered with the likeness of themselves andthen adopting the history as their own. Much of the information availablewas a challenge to find, because Esau-Edom has omitted or inserted historicalevents to match their narrative. For example, as it relates to the Biblicalaccount of Amalek, and his interaction with Israel, the historians claimbecause the Egyptian and Assyrian monuments survived with records whichlist various tribes and peoples of the area, but no reference was made ofAmalek or the Amalekites then they probably did not exist. Based on thefindings of the archeologist and historian Hugo Winckler who suggested in1895 that there were never any such people and therefore the Biblical storiesabout them are mythological with no historical bases. Because of reports likethis it was necessary to read the entire Books of Scripture available in thecontext of Hebraic history to determine the truth. With patience and acommitment, I persisted in my inquiry to find proof of the identity of thedescendants of Esau-Edom, and the places where they migrated and settledon the earth. Through this process I could put the puzzle pieces in their

ESAU-EDOM ROMEcorrect position which made it possible to see the completed picture, usingevidence from Hebrew Scriptures including the Rabbinic writings and secularhistory.Esau-Edom mixed with all nations and today has rulership over the earthas the revise Roman Empire. They whited out many people of color in thenations they conquered and because they rule, they look like the dominantrace. In fact, they are the minority. Esau-Edom then went about destroyingand changing the artifacts and paintings to look like them. The statues wesee today, with noses destroyed were all vandalized because the peopledepicted in them all had Negro features and did not resemble the whiteEdomites. The reader will learn the truth about Esau-Edom. They will alsogain knowledge of the thorough job Esau-Edom has done hiding the factsabout themselves while impersonating the descendants of Jacob-Israel. EsauEdom deceived the entire world by making the inhabitants of the earth believethey are the original people who evolved from nothing. They call this theoryof evolution the “Big Bang.” Yet, they believe they are the “holy” people, thechosen vessels of YAHUAH the Most High ELOHIYM of the Universe.Esau-Edom carried out this deception in part, to hide and then replace thechosen people of YAHUAH and to eliminate the Creator of the Universe.The book will substantiate what is truth from a Biblical and historicalperspective. It will also show and prove the identity of the descendants ofJacob also called Israel. Hebrew Scriptures identify these twin brothers Jacoband Esau and the prophecies feature them as important characters on theworld stage, as we come to the close of this age. Without Esau, there is noJacob. Both are vital to the prophesied events that have taken place, andprophecies that will come to past. Esau-Edom has tried to hide the identityof Jacob-Israel’s descendants. They know who the descendants of Israel areeven though the Israelites do not recognize that they are the sons andviii

DR. BENEYAH YASHAR’ELdaughters of the Most High YAHUAH in the true sense. YAHUAH hasremoved Israel from their heritage and placed them in the hand of EsauEdom to fulfill his purpose in them. I hope that YAHUAH reveals the truthabout both brothers in this writing so we can identify with proof that EsauEdom is the man of sin and Jacob-Israel are the true righteous people ofYAHUAH.My research will also show that all things are according to the will of theMost High YAHUAH, and without him nothing is complete. YAHUAHgave Esau-Edom the dominion over the earth for a time and allowed them tosubjugate the children of Jacob-Israel for the period of their rule. As therulership of Esau-Edom over Jacob-Israel comes to its conclusion, YAHUAHwill reveal the identities of both. In fact, this book results from whatYAHUAH is illuminating today as Jacob-Israel awakens to the truth abouttheir identity, “For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginningof it that followeth” (2 Esdras 6:9). YAHUAH chose Esau-Edom to operatein wickedness, as the Prophet Daniel reveals when he explained to KingNebuchadnezzar what the meaning the dream he had was about, “This matteris by decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones:to the intent that the living may know the Highest ruleth in the kingdom ofmen, and giveth it to whoever he will, and setteth up over it basest of men”(Daniel 3:17).I have followed the chronological order of the history of Esau-Edom asfound in Scripture. They made this difficult because the events were notsequential as it included many myths. I concluded that the history of Esau isa mystery wrapped in an enigma having no clear blueprint and therefore, Ihad to research and gather the evidence from all of its fragmented pieces. Bythe grace of the Most High YAHUAH I have tried to put the parts in itscorrect order so that a true picture emerges. In this writing I have also usedix

ESAU-EDOM ROMEthe set-apart names of YAHUAH and YAHUASHA to identify the MostHigh ELOHIYM and his Son. Some subjects, to a certain extent will appearas repeats because I would have dealt with the topics in other areas. The namesused to identify Esau who is Edom differ according to the time discussed. Inthe writing I identify Esau as Esau-Edom, Edom-Rome, Idumea, theEdomites and Europeans. I show the identity of the descendants of Jacob asJacob-Israel, the Hebrews, Judeans, Jews, the Israelites and the HebrewIsraelites. The support of this research came from many different sources,however, the foundation for this study is the TORAH and TANAKH, theApocrypha, New Testament Writings, Epistles and extra-Biblical writingsincluding those identified as Rabbinic literature. YAHUAH created Esau,who is Edom for his purpose and this writing will expose who they are andthe lies they told to hide their identity.I referenced many authors and some authors’ accounts I read but did notuse as references. However, their ideas informed my understanding andexpanded my insight on the topic. This allowed me to write from variousviewpoints. I also used the scholarly work of respected authors, but I was notafraid to disagree with them when I believed they knew the truth but pusheda false narrative. I used the information written by those of the modern Jewishthinkers because I realize many of them would have copied the originalwritings of the ancient writers then added their perspective or just plagiarizedthe information and took credit for the work. Because, in fact, the true writersare all dead and the children of Israel would not know as they are unaware ofwho and whose they are. Therefore, the information gathered from thesesources helps me discern the truth from a Hebrew mindset and history.YAHUAH led me to new information when it was necessary, and I giveall praise and honor to him. I have to thank my brothers and sisters for thematerial I received from their YouTube videos based on research they sharedx

DR. BENEYAH YASHAR’ELwith all of us seeking the truth. The data they publicized was invaluable andconfirmed by additional research on my part. I would also like to thank mydaughter who helped me edit the narrative and my readers, who did aphenomenal job helping me organize the story to ensure that my writing wasclear and made sense.I hope that this study activates in the descendants of Israel a desire toknow the truth about Esau-Edom, because it is imperative for them toidentify the true enemy of Israel. The offspring of Israel must then dowhatever is necessary to determine if what they read is the truth by provingall things. They must be willing to, “Study to show yourselves approved untoYAHUAH, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing theword of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). I understand that the lack of knowledge ofIsrael’s identity has contributed to Israel being destroyed, and this destructioncame at the hand of Esau-Edom.Israel is the Chosen Nation of YAHUAH, scattered in the diaspora inAfrica and to the four corners of the earth. YAHUAH our ELOHIYM hasnot forgotten Israel. In fact, he challenges anyone to measure heaven andsearch for the foundations of the earth and if they could find the answers tothese then he would cast Israel away. “Thus, saith YAHUAH; ‘if they canmeasure heaven above, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath,I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all they have done,’ saith YAHUAH”(Jeremiah 31:37).YAHUAH’S plan is to save Israel because it is his will to save them. Hecreated Israel to fulfill his righteous purpose on the earth, just as he madeEsau-Edom a vessel for dishonor and to be the wicked upon the earth. TheEdomite Christians do not teach the truth about Jacob and Esau; because itdoes not fit the narrative of them being the superior people on the earth, theyteach lies. However, YAHUAH made them a people fit for an ignoble purposexi

ESAU-EDOM ROMEwhich is the reason for this great deception.As I release this book to my Hebrew Israelite brothers and sisters scatteredto the four corners of the earth and to the strangers who will serve Israel, asit is YAHUAH’S will to choose them, I hope that as they read, it will inspirethem to take part in further research. Scripture establishes truth by the mouthof two or three witnesses. I investigated and wrote to confirm in my mindand heart, that Esau who is Edom is the “white” Europeans ruling on theearth today, identifying as the diverse countries they occupy. They are theenemy of Jacob-Israel and have tried to confuse Israel by changing the historyand recasting the people. YAHUAH is awakening Israel from 400 years of liesand deceit. In fact, Esau-Edom have used many institutions to keep Israel inthis deception including the Christian church, Islam, Egyptology, theinstitutions of learning and by separating us by land borders, so we think weare different nations.We must not allow them to win. We must overcome by the blood of thelamb and the word of our testimony as we seek the truth in YAHUSHA ourelder brother and soon coming King. I hope that this writing acts as a catalystto enlighten the Hebrew Israelites and spur them on to seek the truth andprove all things confirming every word of this study. Truth is singular andeternal and only found in the Most High YAHUAH, and it is not relative toanything else. I pray that the Most High be with you as you read and discernwhat he is saying to his Chosen people. And, I hope that the reader woulduse this information to further increase their knowledge as it relates to theidentity of Esau who is Edom and Rome and the purpose for their existencein these “end” times. I say to the Most High YAHUAH be the glory for whathe has done, for his mercy endures forever. Shalom!xii

DR. BENEYAH YASHAR’ELIN T RO D U C T I O NWhen I understood that the descendants of slaves were the scatteredtribes of the children of Israel, brought to the Americas via the TransatlanticSlave Trade, I thought about writing this book. Not only did I want to knowthe identity of Jacob-Israel, but I wanted to know for sure with evidence theidentity of Esau-Edom and the role they played in the demise of Jacob-Israel.I believed then, as I know now, that the descendants of Jacob are the Negroes,brought to the Americas on Slave ships and scattered throughout thecontinent of Africa in the diaspora and the four corners of the earth. Thepeople, who bought and sold the children of Israel to the Americas fromAfrica I now know, are the descendants of Esau. They are the rulers of theearth today. The Bible says Esau is the elder brother of Jacob, twin boys bornto their parents Isaac and Rebekah. Isaac, their father gave blessings to bothboys, and said the older would serve the younger. In scripture there are manyprophecies relative to Esau and the role he plays in the “Last Days” so it iscrucial to identify who the descendants of Esau are. The questions that needanswering are; who is Esau-Edom or the Edomites, when, where and howdid they originate in history, and what effect did they have on the chosenpeople of YAHUAH, the Hebrew Israelites? The Research sets out to answerthese questions, because if the word of the Highest YAHUAH is true, andthere are many prophecies against Esau, then it is vital for us to know theidentity of Esau-Edom. I will try to answer these questions using the evidencefound in the timeline of Scripture, coupled with historical data, and currentevents.The Most High YAHUAH has declared that we consult his word becauseit stands above his name. In his word we find the truth about how importanthis word is. In Psalms 138:2 there is a prayer by King David reminding us ofxiii

ESAU-EDOM ROMEthis truth, “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name forthy loving-kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word aboveall thy name.” Thus, YAHUAH’S word reveals truth, and should inspire uswho want to know the truth to search for the evidence that will identify EsauEdom, the people who interacted and attempted to destroy Jacob’sdescendants. To confirm the truth, I will search Esau’s genealogy and explorehow and when they migrated from place to place and the impact theirmovement had on the indigenous peoples. I will also use secular history andextra-Biblical text to support the Canonized Scripture to verify the facts.The first statement made concerning Esau in the book of Genesis 25:25identifies his complexion. It also establishes that his parents, in fact, namedhim for his color. “And the first came out red, all over like a hairy garment;and they called his name Esau.” This is a telling statement about Esau whichshows that Esau looked different from his brother Jacob in his appearance, asScripture did not describe the color of Jacob. It is also noteworthy that Jacob’sname means “plain” and perfect in all his ways. This difference in complexionplays an important role in identifying Esau and the actions he would takeagainst his brother Jacob based on Jacob’s black skin color. Esau-Edom hasdescribed their skin color as white a color they believe makes them superiorand Jacob’s skin color as black which makes them inferior. Continuing todeny that the white man living and ruling on the earth today is Esau-Edomafter learning the facts would be disingenuous. It is Esau-Edom who decidedin the 18th century to create a science to support the theory that their whiteskin color made them superior to all people on the earth and therefore, wecannot deny they are the people described in Scripture.Before the twins Esau and Jacob were born, Rebekah their motherinquired of YAHUAH why she was experiencing such difficulty with thepregnancy, “And YAHUAH said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, andxiv

DR. BENEYAH YASHAR’ELtwo manners of people shall be separated from thy bowels, and the one peopleshall be stronger than the other people, and the elder shall serve the younger”(Genesis 25:23). The prophecy is clear that there would be two Nations, twodifferent people, not ordinary twins that may have been identical or fraternal,as we understand the terms. Scripture declares the intentions of YAHUAHfor adopting the Nation of Jacob-Israel, the younger brother, “Who areIsraelites to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants,and the giving of the law, and the service of YAHUAH, and the promises;whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh YAHUSHA came,who is over all, YAH blessed forever. Amen” (Romans 9:4-5). YAHUAHcreated Esau for a different role than that of Jacob. He used Esau-Edom as arefiners fire to perfect the righteousness in the children of Jacob-Israel.However, Esau-Edom was brutal in implementing this punishment and wentbeyond what YAHUAH wanted or thought necessary. Therefore, YAHUAHpromises he will have no mercy on Esau-Edom. And, the Prophet Malachistates what the final outcome would be as it relates to Esau-Edom, “Theburden of the word of YAHUAH to Israel by Malachi. I have loved you, saithYAHUAH. Yet ye say wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’sbrother? Saith YAHUAH: yet I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau and laid hismountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness” (Malachi1:1-3). Esau-Edom will receive their just punishment in return for what theyhave done to Jacob-Israel, because what they sowed they shall reap.The study will show the color of both Esau and Jacob along with otherindicators recorded in scripture and in history that are paramount indetermining the identity of Esau in these “last days.” Scriptures also identifiesEsau-Edom with Babylon and the research will show

I write this book to show the identity of the descendants of Esau who is Edom. Esau who is Edom, while an unusual name, shows how Scripture describes him, “Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom,” (Genesis 36:8). Esau, who is Edom are, th