Masala PowderManufacturing Plant Detailed Project Report,Profile, Business plan, Industry Trends, MarketResearch, Survey, Manufacturing Process,Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study,Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenuewww.entrepreneurindia.co
IntroductionSpices are non-leafy parts (e.g. bud, fruit, seed,bark, rhizome, bulb) of plants used as a flavoringor seasoning, although many can also be used as aherbal medicine. A closely related term, ‘herb’, isused to distinguish plant parts finding the sameuses but derived from leafy or soft flowering parts.The two terms may be used for the same plants inwhich the fresh leaves are used as herbs, whileother dried parts are used as spices, e.g.coriander, dill.www.entrepreneurindia.co
Spices are no longer regarded as wonders ofmedicine, but they still play an important part inthe manufacture of many cosmetics and perfumesand are grown commercially for their coloringand preservative properties. Nutmeg and maceare no longer the main crops of the Moluccas, butinstead are grown on a large scale on the WestIndian island of Grenada. Cloves, however, stillcome from Madagascar and Zanzibar-names thatare still evocative and romantic and hint stronglyof spices.www.entrepreneurindia.co
Spices can be aromatic or pungent in flavorsand peppery or slightly bitter in taste. In order tokeep their fragrance and flavor intact, they aregenerally added in the cooking recipes at the lastmoments since, prolonged cooking results inevaporation of essential oils.Spices are being used in the preparation ofseason soups, barbecue sauces, pickling and asa main ingredient in a variety of currypowders.Spices along with some seasonal herbsare being used to enhance the flavor and taste ofvegetable, chicken, fish and meat dishes.www.entrepreneurindia.co
Few Indian Major Players are as underA V T Mccormick Ingredients Pvt. Ltd.A V Thomas Intl. Ltd.Chordia Food Products Ltd.Devon Foods Ltd.Eastern Overseas Ltd.Empire Spices & Foods Ltd.Indian Chillies Trdg. Co. Ltd.Indian Products Ltd.J C R Drillsol Pvt. Ltd.Jamnadas Madhavji Intl. Ltd.www.entrepreneurindia.co
M T R Foods Pvt. Ltd.Madhur Industries Ltd.N H C Foods Ltd.Nedspice Processing India Pvt. Ltd.Ramdev Food Products Pvt. Ltd.S T C L Ltd.Shalimar Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd.Swani Spice Mills Pvt. Ltd.Vinayak Ingredients (India) Pvt. Ltd.Kedar Spices Ltd.www.entrepreneurindia.co
PROJECT AT A GLANCEPROJECT AT A GLANCE(Rs. in lacs)COST OF PROJECTParticularsExistingMEANS OF alLand & Site Development Exp.0.0012.5012.50 Capital0.0059.6659.66Buildings0.0064.5064.50 Share Premium0.000.000.00Plant & Machineries0.0054.6054.60 Other Type Share Capital0.000.000.00Motor Vehicles0. Automation Equipments0.0026.7526.75 Cash Subsidy0.000.000.00Technical Knowhow Fees & Exp.0.0010.0010.00 Internal Cash Accruals0.000.000.00Franchise & Other Deposits0.000.000.00 Long/Medium Term Borrowings0.00178.97178.97Preliminary& Pre-operative Exp0.001.501.50 Debentures / Bonds0.000.000.00Provision for Contingencies0.005.005.00 Unsecured Loans/Deposits0.000.000.00Margin Money - Working 0 Reserves & Surplus55.78238.63 TOTALwww.entrepreneurindia.co
PROJECT AT A GLANCEYearAnnualisedBookValueDebtDividend Retained Earnings PayoutProbable P/E Ratio Yield Price/ BookMarketValuePriceNo.ofTimesEPSCEPSPer SharePer SharePer neurindia.co
PROJECT AT A GLANCEYearD. S. C. R.Debt / - EquityDepositsasDebtEquityTotal ReturnNeton NetWorth WorthIndividual Cumulative Overall(Number of times)Initial(Number of times)3.003.00%%Profitability RatioGPMPBTPAT%%%Assets CurrentTurnover RatioRatioNetP/VContribut .65 2%269.13 8%305.89 1%342.64 5%379.39 14.54%3.241.681.98www.entrepreneurindia.co
PROJECT AT A GLANCEBEPBEP - Maximum Utilisation Year5Cash BEP (% of Installed Capacity)52.83%Total BEP (% of Installed Capacity)56.07%IRR, PAYBACK and FACRInternal Rate of Return . ( In %age )Payback Period of the Project is ( In Years )Fixed Assets Coverage Ratio ( No. of times )28.29%2 Years 3 Months25.295www.entrepreneurindia.co
Table of Contentsof theProject Reportwww.entrepreneurindia.co
1. DISTRICT PROFILE & GEOTECHNICAL SITE mate & RainfallCulture & AttitudesMapTransportation and CommunicationsEconomy & Industry2. INTRODUCTION3. USES & APPLICATION3.1.3.2.MasalaSpice Blendswww.entrepreneurindia.co
10.FINANCIALS & COMPARISON OF 6.About Financial Statements of CMIE DatabaseProfits & AppropriationsTotal LiabilitiesTotal AssetsNet Cash Flow from Operating ActivitiesSection – I10.6.1. Name of Company with Contact Details10.6.2. Name of Director(S)10.6.3. Plant Capacity10.6.4. Location of Plant10.6.5. Name of Raw Material(S) Consumed with Quantity & Costwww.entrepreneurindia.co
10.7. Section – II10.7.1. Assets10.7.2. Cash Flow10.7.3. Cost as % Ge of Sales10.7.4. Forex Transaction10.7.5. Growth in Assets & Liabilities10.7.6. Growth in Income & Expenditure10.7.7. Income & Expenditure10.7.8. Liabilities10.7.9. Liquidity Ratios10.7.10. Profitability Ratio10.7.11. Profits10.7.12. Return Ratios10.7.13. Structure of Assets & Liabilities (%)10.7.14. Working Capital & Turnover Ratioswww.entrepreneurindia.co
11.EXPORT & IMPORT STATISTICS DATA OF INDIA11.1. Export Statistics Data for Masala Powder11.2. Import Statistics Data for Masala Powder12.PRESENT MANUFACTURERS13.RAW MATERIAL14.FORMULAS FOR SPICES14. Masala (Mango)Chat MasalaSambhar MasalaGaram MasalaThandai Masalawww.entrepreneurindia.co
15.RECIPES OF VARIOUS MASALA POWDER15. Chili PowderSambhar MasalaBiryani MasalaChicken Fry Masala Powder16.AGMARK SPECIFICATIONS16. Grade Designations as per AgmarkChicken MasalaSambhar MasalaPacking of Masala PowderMarking of Masala Packageswww.entrepreneurindia.co
Project Financials Project at a GlanceAnnexure Assumptions for Profitability workings .1 Plant Economics .2 Production Schedule 3 Land & Building . 4Factory Land & BuildingSite Development Expenseswww.entrepreneurindia.co
Plant & Machinery . .5Indigenous MachineriesOther Machineries (Miscellaneous, Laboratory etc.) Other Fixed Assets . .6Furniture & FixturesPre-operative and Preliminary ExpensesTechnical KnowhowProvision of Contingencies Working Capital Requirement Per Month . 7Raw MaterialPacking MaterialLab & ETP Chemical CostConsumable Storewww.entrepreneurindia.co
Overheads Required Per Month and Per Annum . . 8Utilities & Overheads (Power, Water and Fuel Expenses etc.)Royalty and Other ChargesSelling and Distribution Expenses Salary and Wages . .9 Turnover Per Annum . 10 Share Capital .11Equity CapitalPreference Share Capitalwww.entrepreneurindia.co
Annexure 1 :: Cost of Project and Means of Finance Annexure 2 :: Profitability and Net Cash Accruals Revenue/Income/RealisationExpenses/Cost of Products/Services/ItemsGross ProfitFinancial ChargesTotal Cost of SalesNet Profit After TaxesNet Cash Accrualswww.entrepreneurindia.co
Annexure 3 :: Assessment of Working Capitalrequirements Current AssetsGross Working CapitalCurrent LiabilitiesNet Working CapitalWorking Note for Calculation of Work-inprocess Annexure 4 :: Sources and Disposition of FundsWWW.ENTREPRENEURINDIA.CO
Annexure 5 ::Projected Balance Sheets ROI (Average of Fixed Assets) RONW (Average of Share Capital) ROI (Average of Total Assets) Annexure 6::Profitability Ratios D.S.C.R Earnings Per Share (EPS) Debt Equity Ratiowww.entrepreneurindia.co
Annexure 7::Break-Even Analysis Variable Cost & Expenses Semi-Variable/Semi-Fixed Expenses Profit Volume Ratio (PVR) Fixed Expenses / Cost B.E.Pwww.entrepreneurindia.co
Annexure 8 to 11 :: Sensitivity Analysis-Price/Volume Resultant N.P.B.T Resultant D.S.C.R Resultant PV Ratio Resultant DER Resultant ROI Resultant BEPwww.entrepreneurindia.co
Annexure 12 :: Shareholding Pattern and Stake Status Equity Capital Preference Share Capital Annexure 13 :: Quantitative Details-Output/Sales/Stocks Determined Capacity P.A of Products/Services Achievable Efficiency/Yield % ofProducts/Services/Items Net Usable Load/Capacity of Products/Services/Items Expected Sales/ Revenue/ Income of Products/ Services/Itemswww.entrepreneurindia.co
Annexure 14::Product wise Domestic SalesRealisation Annexure 15::Total Raw Material Cost Annexure 16::Raw Material Cost per unit Annexure 17::Total Lab & ETP Chemical Cost Annexure 18::Consumables, Store etc. Annexure 19::Packing Material Cost Annexure 20::Packing Material Cost Per Unitwww.entrepreneurindia.co
Annexure 21::Employees Expenses Annexure 22::Fuel Expenses Annexure 23::Power/Electricity Expenses Annexure 24::Royalty & Other Charges Annexure 25::Repairs & Maintenance Expenses Annexure 26::Other Manufacturing Expenses Annexure 27::Administration Expenses Annexure 28::Selling Expenseswww.entrepreneurindia.co
Annexure 29 :: Depreciation Charges – as per Books(Total) Annexure 30 :: Depreciation Charges – as per Books (P& M) Annexure 31 :: Depreciation Charges - as per IT ActWDV (Total) Annexure 32 :: Depreciation Charges - as per IT ActWDV (P & M) Annexure 33 :: Interest and Repayment - Term Loans Annexure 34 :: Tax on Profits Annexure 35 :: Projected Pay-Back Period and IRRwww.entrepreneurindia.co
Niir Project Consultancy Services (NPCS)can provide Detailed Project Report onMasala PowderSee //goo.gl/5oA7ykwww.entrepreneurindia.co
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