SkillUP Partner Convening January 2019 - Missouri


SkillUP PartnerConveningJanuary 2019Ideas Generated and InformationRequested At:SkillUP Partner ConveningJanuary 29-31, 20191

REGION 1: NORTHEASTActivity 1: Regional UpdatesxxxxReported 24 enrolledo 19 Educationo 15 TREo 5 WREo 17 Community ActionMWA, Community College, and Community Action Agency came togetherFebruary-Hannibal Regional Hosp. ʹSupportive Serviceso Manufacturing production training and interviews- 1 week trainingProbation & ParoleͶ15 CohortsActivity 2: The Future of SkillUP1. If the sky was the limit, what would YOU do to make this program successful?a. Promotion of SkillUP at point of recertification of Food Stampsb. Desk aid with steps and screenshots doe navigating MoJobs from beginning process toend (simple version)2. In the last 6-9 months do you have any lessons learned or best practices?a. Continue to work with partners, media, judges, PA, schools, homeless shelters, reentry houses, and coordinated entry.3. Do you have any ideas from previous programs you oversaw that could enhance the vision ofSkillUP?a. Look to older workers to engage in employmentb. Go beyond lists for recruitment (LIHEAP apps, also look to existing clients)4. Do you have a failsafe marketing plan that gets people in the door?a. Go where the people are. Offer food, door prizes, and incentives for completion.5. How do you increase trust in your participants and create enthusiasm for change?a. Assessment to show transferable skills.b. Constant contact6. How do you keep participants engaged and continuing when they may reach hurdles orbarriers along their career pathway?a. ZĞĨĞƌ ƚŚĞŵ ƚŽ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ ƌĞƐŽƵƌĐĞƐ͘ ͞ǁĂƌŵ ŚĂŶĚ-ŽĨĨ͟ ĂŶĚ ĨŽůůŽǁ ƵƉREGION 2: NORTHWESTActivity 1: Regional UpdatesxJob Centero 15 enrolledo 1 HiSeto 1 LPN2

o 1 CNAo 1 CompletedActivity 2: The Future of SkillUP1. If the sky was the limit, what would YOU do to make this program successful?a. Get more people in the doorb. Expand program training timec. Have a mentor to help with getting more schools on board2. In the last 6-9 months do you have any lessons learned or best practices?a. Make sure to keep access currentb. Still hard to get them through the doorc. Being able to look at past information from hard file3. Do you have any ideas from previous programs you oversaw that could enhance the vision of SkillUP?a. Another support person in holistic practice (i.e. homeless/health issues, more staff betterservices)4. Do you have a failsafe marketing plan that gets people in the door?a. Social media pushb. Subsidized employment-pay client directly, no cost to employerͶincentive for employer5. How do you increase trust in your participants and create enthusiasm for change?a. Follow throughb. Expand workforce development collaborationsc. Environmental openness6. How do you keep participants engaged and continuing when they may reach hurdles or barriers alongtheir career pathway?a. Regular contactb. Celebrate successc. Non-monetary incentiveREGION 3: KANSAS CITY & VICINITYActivity 1: Regional UpdatesxxxLINC Works/FECo 300 stipend, 2 weeks, 12 of 16 enrolledo Resiliency training through Midtown Psycho Soft skillsMCC-Penn Valleyo 4 non-credito 35 enrolled9 CDL-A, CNA, Phlebotomy, Pharm TechFECo 11 Class Trainings9 CDL-A, CNA, Phlebotomy, Pharm Tech3

xxo FEC Online Apps9 CNT, Java, Customer Service Project ManagementMWAo 1014 outreacho 183 contactso 170 enrolledo 15 trainingso 30 employedo 11.26 average wageSkillUPo 4147 outreacho 56 contactso 13 enrolledo 2 in trainingo 6 employedo 13 average wageActivity 2: The Future of SkillUP1. If the sky was the limit, what would YOU do to make this program successful?a. Outreach call center with incentivesb. ůŝŵŝŶĂƚĞ ͞ǁŚŽ ŐĞƚƐ ƚŽ ĐŽƵŶƚ ǁŚŽ͟ ĂŶĚ ŵĂŬĞ ŵŽƌĞ ŽĨ Ă ƌĞŐŝŽŶĂů ŽƵƚĐŽŵĞ͖ ĐůŝĞŶƚ ǁŽƵůĚ ďĞ able to receive wrap around services from beginning to end.2. In the last 6-9 months do you have any lessons learned or best practices?a. Barriers exist because of silos which ties directly to student completion and job placementb. Need to get out in the community more for outreach and recruitmentc. Asking participants upon arrival to agency if they are on benefits3. Do you have any ideas from previous programs you oversaw that could enhance the vision of SkillUP?a. Continue Intentional Support Model in trainingb. Continue student success planc. Continue wrap-around services4. Do you have a failsafe marketing plan that gets people in the door?a. Word-of-Mouthb. Outreach teamsc. MCC info lined. /E ͛Ɛ ƉŚŽŶĞͬĞŵĂŝů ƐLJƐƚĞŵ5. How do you increase trust in your participants and create enthusiasm for change?a. Relationship building: accessibility, follow through, consistency, reliable, trustworthy, realisticgoals, relatable, enthusiastic, believe in them, praise them, etc.6. How do you keep participants engaged and continuing when they may reach hurdles or barriers alongtheir career pathway?a. Keep reinforcing the positiveb. Finding commonness4

c. Affirmationsd. Reminding them of the goals and helping them set new onesREGION 4: WEST CENTRALActivity 1: Regional UpdatesxxMVCAA, WCAAA, JC, ResCare, STCC, WDBo Nearly 100% of outreach contacts email, phone calls, textso 49 enrollmentso 3 Comp Trainingo 19 Employmento 15 in trainingSFCCo Training opportunities9 10 different departmentso Hosted multiple eventso Targeting career transfer fairs9 Seeking new ways for collaborationActivity 2: The Future of SkillUP1. If the sky was the limit, what would YOU do to make this program successful?a. Reorganize the program structure9Regional umbrella-credit sharing9Increase participation with incentives9Magnetic marketing swagͶinformation that sticks!2. In the last 6-9 months do you have any lessons learned or best practices?a. Regional collaboration meetingsb. Referral formsc. Comprehensive contact list3. Do you have any ideas from previous programs you oversaw that could enhance the vision of SkillUP?a. Continued program fundingb. Support of the top down, bottom up approach4. Do you have a failsafe marketing plan that gets people in the door?a. Build relationships one person at a timeb. Use incentives and other programs to further market SkillUP!5. How do you increase trust in your participants and create enthusiasm for change?a. Develop relationships-great customer service-salesmanshipb. Consistent, reliable contactͶdevelop & organize support systems and resources6. How do you keep participants engaged and continuing when they may reach hurdles or barriers alongtheir career pathway?a. Job CoachingͶintense case management-address barriersb. Build trusts by being there when they need us!5

REGION 5: CENTRALActivity 1: Regional UpdatesxxxxxxGoing to cohorts of eligible participants (e.g. re-entry & spouses of incarceratedWorking with area collegesWorking with HPOG granteesCreative outreach to community organizersSocial media outreachWorking with job centersActivity 2: The Future of SkillUP1. If the sky was the limit, what would YOU do to make this program successful?a. Mobile learning centersb. More money for marketingc. Job center rep-career counselor at all correctional facilitiesd. Mobile job coache. Access points in rural areasf. Resume interface with all job posting websites2. In the last 6-9 months do you have any lessons learned or best practices?a. Basic marketing does not workb. Use all available marketing resources-phone calls, emails, post cards, etc.c. Need to be better prepared-ready to go as soon as contract is final3. Do you have any ideas from previous programs you oversaw that could enhance the vision of SkillUP?a. Innovative collaboration and partnerships focusing on non-traditional studentsb. Expanding WREc. More/better training for front line staffd. Incentives for success ʹincentives for employers4. Do you have a failsafe marketing plan that gets people in the door?a. Nothing is failsafe but policies are in place to try to make it that way5. How do you increase trust in your participants and create enthusiasm for change?a. Show previous and relatable success storiesͶtestimonialsb. Enthusiasm on a personal levelͶbe excited to help change a life6. How do you keep participants engaged and continuing when they may reach hurdles or barriers alongtheir career pathway?a. Intrusive Advisingb. Ask pointed questions with frequent contactc. Hand holdingd. Be available and give attention to participantͶadequate staffinge. Incentives for overcoming barriers6

REGION 6: ST. LOUIS COUNTYActivity 1: Regional UpdatesxxxSkillUP Palooza event @ ECCo 10 providersMo Enterpriseo 8 candidates, all offered employment by 8 employersMWA, ECC, JC, St. Louis County, and Community Action Agency working together for successActivity 2: The Future of SkillUP1. If the sky was the limit, what would YOU do to make this program successful?a. ŬŝůůhW ͞DĂŐŝĐ ƵƐ͟ ǁŝƚŚ Ă ŵĂŐŶŝƚƵĚĞ ŽĨ ƌĞƐŽƵƌĐĞƐ onboard9͞ŶŽ ŽďƐƚĂĐůĞƐ͕ ŶŽ ďĂƌƌŝĞƌƐ͟ 2. In the last 6-9 months do you have any lessons learned or best practices?a. Be prepared: have literature, the staff to serve, fluid flowchart, collaboration of resources,knowing what is in your area, get FS-5 form signed during enrollment.b. Communication, communication, communication3. Do you have any ideas from previous programs you oversaw that could enhance the vision of SkillUP?a. Outreach meet and greet picnicb. Educational fieldtripsc. FSD worker located inside the job centerd. Employer transportation van for specific locations4. Do you have a failsafe marketing plan that gets people in the door?a. Back to school (skilling up our next generationb. Head start program, community engagementc. Gas station signs for SkillUP under EBT signsd. Flyers, emails, job/resource fairs, and phone calls5. How do you increase trust in your participants and create enthusiasm for change?a. While assessing, listen, hear triggersb. Make it personal, eye contact, no judgment zone, welcoming atmosphere is important. Paintthe picture6. How do you keep participants engaged and continuing when they may reach hurdles or barriers alongtheir career pathway?a. Follow up, listen to participants talk about barriers or negativity and then resetb. Identify barriers and work to resolve themc. Remind them of what they have accomplished and what they want to do ʹ͞,Žǁ ĚŽ LJŽƵ ĞĂƚ ĂŶ ĞůĞƉŚĂŶƚ͟REGION 6A: ST. LOUIS CITY1. Activity 1: Regional UpdatesxFWCA-SkillUPo 1,225 outreach YTD7

xxxo 725 contactso 12 employed YTDo 4 TrainingͶattended CNA, LPN, HVACo Average wage 13.25FWCA- MWAo 2,089 outreacho 741 contactedo 95 enrolledo Average wage 13.00SLCCo 12 enrolledo HVAC and CDL trainingBFLo 10,119 outreacho 3,509 contacto 150 enrolledo 21 employed2. Activity 2: The Future of SkillUP1. If the sky was the limit, what would YOU do to make this program successful?a. Policy at state level that strengthen employer engagementb. Make it so that multiple partners can get credit for one person when multiple services areprovided by different providersc. Transitional Food Stampsd. Mandatory Participation in SkillUPe. DŽƌĞ &ƵŶĚŝŶŐ ŝŶ ͞ƐĞĐƚŽƌ͟ ƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ /d Ɛ2. In the last 6-9 months do you have any lessons learned or best practices?3. Do you have any ideas from previous programs you oversaw that could enhance the vision of SkillUP?a. STLCC- Checklist for every student to meet, contact information, potential barriers, enrollmentassistance into interested programs, credit & non-credit tuition assistance, informationsessions, online webpage inquiries, and Work Keys.b. BFL/ARCHS- group orientations, faith based recruitment, information sessions and incentives4. Do you have a failsafe marketing plan that gets people in the door?a. Funding dollars for legal services, trauma informed care (continued sessions)5. How do you increase trust in your participants and create enthusiasm for change?a. No-Van Service6. How do you keep participants engaged and continuing when they may reach hurdles or barriers alongtheir career pathway?a. Constant contact, one-on-one, positive reinforcements, intensive case management,reminders of goals and affirmations, be consistent.8

REGION 7: SOUTHWESTActivity 1: Regional UpdatesxxxxCrowderͶTraining ProviderJob Center--- 7 enrolled, 2 employed, 3,000 callsMWAͶ86 enrolled, 639 phone callsHomeless ConnectActivity 2: The Future of SkillUP1. If the sky was the limit, what would YOU do to make this program successful?a. Outsource call list and mailings to a call centerb. Streamline enrollment process in MoJobsͶcross pollinate data to Wagner-Peyser, WIOAc. More funding to hire staffd. Allow long term traininge. Schedule appointments for customers2. In the last 6-9 months do you have any lessons learned or best practices?a. Working together with partner programsb. Outreach with CIRCLES (United Way) etc.3. Do you have any ideas from previous programs you oversaw that could enhance the vision of SkillUP?a. Access Pointsb. Community Day4. Do you have a failsafe marketing plan that gets people in the door?a. Texting clubb. Billboards and commercialsc. Social media5. How do you increase trust in your participants and create enthusiasm for change?a. Believe in them, provide support6. How do you keep participants engaged and continuing when they may reach hurdles or barriers alongtheir career pathway?a. Cheerleader, honesty, push when neededREGION 8: OZARKActivity 1: Regional UpdatesxxxxOTC, MJC, OACACJob Fair 1/22 ʹ45 employers and 8 schools/agencieso 632 attendeeso 70 leadsMJC- info sessionsͶ6-10 average14 enrolled, 20 pending training9

xxRegular meetings/partnership within regionAEL classes (presentation)Activity 2: The Future of SkillUP1. If the sky was the limit, what would YOU do to make this program successful?a. Consistent statewide marketing campaignb. FSD resource centers/handouts on SkillUPc. All schools educated on SkillUP2. In the last 6-9 months do you have any lessons learned or best practices?a. Soft skills9OTCͶĐůĂƐƐ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ͞ŐŽŽĚLJ ďĂŐͬƐǁĂŐ͟9Graduation/mock interviews9MJC- Change 1000b. Hiring Event/SkillUP Fair9Include schools in hiring events9Media CoverageͶ632 attendedc. Go where the people are3. Do you have any ideas from previous programs you oversaw that could enhance the vision of SkillUP?a. Job shadowingb. resource sheetsc. file managementd. internal monitoringe. Forgotten populationsͶAEL students, seniors, other programs4. Do you have a failsafe marketing plan that gets people in the door?a. Biweekly info sessions at Job Center (average 6-10)b. Set up at events5. How do you increase trust in your participants and create enthusiasm for change?a. Personal connection with clientb. Consistent and continued communicationc. Instill confidence6. How do you keep participants engaged and continuing when they may reach hurdles or barriers alongtheir career pathway?a. Provide resources at enrollmentb. Success wallc. Encouragement and recognitionREGION 9: SOUTH CENTRALActivity 1: Regional UpdatesxSCMCAAo 19 enrolledo 10 employed10

xxxxxo 6 in work experience, using head start centers for work experience site, 1 completedCDLWest Plains Job Centero 258 calls and 431 emailso 24 enrolledo Out of WIOAPoplar Bluff Job Centero 737 calls and 1482 emailso 2 enrollmentsThree Riverso 2 short term 8 week programs (industrial prod. Tech & office assistance/adminMERS/Goodwillo New incentive policyo 1211 attempts and 32 contactso 45 enrollmentsWIBo Hosted a convening follow up in Oct and will host another one 2/4/19Activity 2: The Future of SkillUP1. If the sky was the limit, what would YOU do to make this program successful?a. One on one, face-to-face with every food stamp participantb. IncentivesͶenrollment, employment, etc. for participant and employeesc. Mobile unitd. Less restrictionse. Unlimited funding2. In the last 6-9 months do you have any lessons learned or best practices?a. The importance of partnershipsb. Melissa Data- website for state/county non-profitsc. GCF Learn Free- website-work readiness3. Do you have any ideas from previous programs you oversaw that could enhance the vision of SkillUP?a. Good staff with excellent customer service life coaches4. Do you have a failsafe marketing plan that gets people in the door?a. Word of Mouthb. Flyers in food bank boxes around townc. Back up program5. How do you increase trust in your participants and create enthusiasm for change?a. Build rapportb. Support guidancec. Compassion to help the client succeedd. Be happy, upbeat, and excited about the program6. How do you keep participants engaged and continuing when they may reach hurdles or barriers alongtheir career pathway?11

a.b.c.d.Show how far they have comeTake baby steps to succeedMoral supportMy next moveͶ60 questionͶjob search websiteREGION 10: SOUTHEASTActivity 1: Regional UpdatesxxxxxxxxxxxSEMO, Kennett and Cape Career CentersJob Centers, recruitment companiesNursing HomesͶOJTAELMU ExtensionCivic OrganizationsSO MO Trucking, MaldenCosmetology SchoolLow-income housingFood pantries,ŽŵĞůĞƐƐ ƐŚĞůƚĞƌͬǁŽŵĞŶ͛Ɛ ƐŚĞůƚĞƌ Activity 2: The Future of SkillUP1. If the sky was the limit, what would YOU do to make this program successful?a. MoJobs trainings via WebEXb. More short term training options availablec. Building partnershipsͶMERS, child cared. Extend length of short-term trainings to 1 yeare. Build employer relationshipsf. More education for those wanting to be approved ETPS2. In the last 6-9 months do you have any lessons learned or best practices?a. Word-of-mouthb. Social mediac. Promotion of specific training programsd. Referrals from partnershipse. Mailings not effectivef. Brochures in community9targeted locations such as schools, head start, food pantries, libraries, job centers3. Do you have any ideas from previous programs you oversaw that could enhance the vision of SkillUP?a. Using practices and knowledge from MOWINS partnerships from MOWINS continuing4. Do you have a failsafe marketing plan that gets people in the door?a. Word-of-mouthb. Social mediac. Promotion of specific training programs12

d. Referrals from partnershipse. Brochures in community5. How do you increase trust in your participants and create enthusiasm for change?a. Offer supportive servicesb. Follow upc. Rapid attachment6. How do you keep participants engaged and continuing when they may reach hurdles or barriers alongtheir career pathway?a. Hand-holding/guidance throughout trainingb. Regular contactc. Employer conversation regarding challengesͶhow to address concern of working withemployers regarding stigma of training program13

Basic Eligibility Requirements of Benefit ProgramsFood Stamps (SNAP), Temporary Assistance, Child Care SubsidyFood Stamp Program (SNAP): Provides benefits on an EBT card for use on eligible food items.¾ /ĚĞŶƚŝƚLJ ; K / ͕ WŚŽƚŽ / ͕ ĚƌŝǀĞƌ͛Ɛ ůŝĐĞŶƐĞͿ ¾ Apply or Provide Social Security Number¾ Meet Guidelines:Persons Purchasing andMaximum Gross IncomePreparing Togetherper MonthMaximum Benefit perMonth1 1,307 1922 1,760 3523 2,213 5044 2,665 6405 3,118 7606 3,571 913Temporary Assistance: Provides cash on EBT card to care for child(ren) and administeredthrough FSD.¾ Apply or Provide Social Security Number¾ Cannot have felony drug conviction after August 22, 1996¾ Cannot receive for 36 months if individual indicates they are using drugs, choose not totest, and will not participate in follow-up with treatment if needed¾ Must have a child(ren) in the home¾ Meet guidelines which includes be at or below gross and net income:HouseholdMaximum Gross Incomeper MonthMaximum Net Income per Maximum Cash BenefitMonth*per Month1 727 393 1362 1,254 678 2343 1,565 846 2924 1,832 990 342

5 2,078 1,123 3886 2,307 1,247 431*Deductions from gross income include childcare expenses, child support payments, and a work deduction.Childcare: Provides childcare subsidy payments for individuals who are participating inemployment and training activities and administered by FSD.¾ Child in the home¾ Meet guidelines to receive any childcare subsidy:Household Maximum Gross Income per Month1 1,4372 1,9443 2,4544 2,9615 3,4696 3,979*The larger the in

o 4 Training vattended CNA, LPN, HVAC o Average wage 13.25 x FWCA- MWA o 2,089 outreach o 741 contacted o 95 enrolled o Average wage 13.00 x SLCC o 12 enrolled o HVAC and CDL training x BFL o 10,119 outreach o 3,509 contact o 150 enrol