SL NOHealth Plan NameCMS 15001A & I Benefit Plan Administrators23AAA Minnesota/IowaAAA Northern California, Nevada &Utah Insurance Exchange456AARP Dental Insurance PlanAARP MEDICARECOMPAARP UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co7ABC Const. 336273AARP1ABC Health Plan of New YorkAbrazo Advantage Health PlanAbrazo Advantage HealthcareAbrazo HealthcareAbri Health PlanAbri HealthplanAcadia Insurance 01AHS01202122232425ACCESS ADMINISTRATORSAccess Administrators (CA)Access Behavioral CareAccess Medical GroupAccident Fund Insurance Company ofAmericaACCLAIMAcclaim IPAAcclaim IPA (MHCAC)Acclaim RepricingAccountable HealthAccuride Corporation26Ace Property & Casualty Ins Co272829Ace USAAce Usa (Rocklin Office)ACEC Health Plans (Salt Lake City,3031Acordia NationalACS Benefit Consulting Services, Inc.3233343536ACS Benefit Services, inc.ACS Benefit SolutionsACS Benefits Payer CompassActiva Benefits Services, LLCACTS Retirement - Life Communities37Acuity, A Mutual Insurance Company383940ACWA JPIAdmin oneAdministaff41Administrative Services Only (ASO)42434445Administrative Services, Inc.Adminstrative Concepts, Inc.AdminsureAdmiral Linen & Uniform Service46ADP Total Source sCX076J1242YesYesWorkersCompensationHealthEC , LLC. All Rights Reserved.
SL NO47Health Plan Name4849505152535455Advanced Auto Parts - All statesEXCEPT TX MNAdvanced Auto Parts - TX MNAdvanced Data SolutionsAdvanced Medical ManagementAdvanstaff, Inc.Advantage by SuperiorAdvantage Care IPAAdvantage Dental Plan, Inc.Advantage Health Solutions, 34J2161Yes9352435209Advantage Preferred PlusAdvantek Benefit Advantica BenefitsAdvantra FreedomAdvantra/Health America, Inc./HealthAssuranceAdventist Health SystemADVICA - New York HospitalCommunity Health PlanAdvica/Northeast Georgia HealthSystem, Inc.Advocare MCO IncAdvocate Health CentersAdvocate Physicians Partners (PHO)J189636320J1896363206509365093676869Aegis Administrative ServicesAetnaAetna Affordable Health ChoicesCB637600546005457604576047072Aetna Affordable Health Choices (SM) SRCAetna ASA PPO/Assurant Health(Signature Admin)Aetna Better Health - CT Medicaid73Aetna Better Health - PA etna Better Health of NJAetna Better Health of OhioAetna Better Health of West Virginia828384Aetna DMOAetna Health Plan - PPOAetna Life and Casualty Company8586Aetna TX Medicaid & CHIPAF Specialty – Assigned Risk Solutions87Affiliated Doctors of Orange County888990Affinity EssentialsAffinity Health PlansAffinity Health Plans (TMG althHealthHealthHealthMedicaid ILMONYof Michiganof onalInformationCMS CS2333413334133341333313333HealthEC , LLC. All Rights Reserved.NoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesNo
SL NOHealth Plan NameCMS 1500UB-0491Affordable Benefit Administrators,92AFL - CIO Food & Beverage DealersTrust Fund (Toledo, OH)93949596AFLAC of GeorgiaAFLAC of New YorkAFTRA Health FundAG Facilities Operations, LLC9798AGIA IncAgri Beef Co.9524199100101102AH and LAHPO (Cleveland, OH)AIG-Chartis8070531138194028070531138Air Liquide USA LLCJ1516J1516103104AKM Medical GroupAlameda Alliance (Admin by LIBERTYIP080105106107Alameda Alliance for HealthAlaska Childrens Services, IncAlaska Electrical Health & Welfare9532791136108Alaska Electrical Health & Welfare Fund109Alaska Laborers Construction IndustryTrustAlaska Pipe Trades Local 375Alaska United Food & CommercialWorkers Health & Welfare WorkersCompensation41556CardenasMarkets 91136112Alcoa Fasteners Systems113114115Alex Lee, IncAll Savers Insurance Co.All Savers 0116117AllCare PEBBAllegheny 0Allegian ChoiceAllegiance Benefit Plan Management,IncAllen CanningJ1740J1740121122123Alliance PPO Inc.Alliant Health Plans of GeorgiaAllianz521495823458234124125Allied AdministratorsAllied Administrators of San Francisco94177126127Allied Benefit SystemsAllied Construction128Allied Insurance Companies129130Allied PhysiciansAllied Property and Casualty Ins mpensationHealthEC , LLC. All Rights Reserved.
SL NOHealth Plan Name131Allmerica Financial Benefits Ins Co132133134135136137138AlohaCareAlpha Care Medical GroupAlphaCareALPS CompCare (OH BWC)Alta Bates Medical GroupALTA Health and Life InsuranceCompanyAlta Health Stratagies (First Health)139Alta Healthcare140Alternative Service Concepts (ASC)141Alternative Technology Resource (ATR)142143Altus DentalAlvey Systems (AON Risk)144Alvey Systems (AON Risk) (AUTOONLY)Always Care BenefitsAMA INSURANCE AGENCY, INCAmalgamated Life - PA/AlicareAmalgamated Life Insurance Co.145146147148CMS PlanAmeriben -IEC GroupAmeriben SolutionsAmerica 1st Choice Plans of NorthCarolinaAmerica ericaid Community Care (Maryland)160Americaid Community Care (NewJersey)American Administrative GroupAmerican Administrative Group, Inc.(AAG)American AdministratorsAmerican AirlinesAmerican Apparel, LLCAmerican BehaviorAmerican Behavioral FEP/ITSAmerican Benefit Plan AdministratorsAmerican Benefits ManagementAmerican Benefits Plan Administrators(Las Vegas, NV)AMERICAN CAPITOL INSURANCE uto insuranceSTR01J1550Americaid Community Care (Dallas/FtWorth)Americaid Community Care (Houston)169170Yes37231AmCare Health PlansAMCO Ins 2ERA87043Amalgamated Transit UnionDivision 1001 Health & Welfare 70951703418734187YesYes3418759140AMC11HealthEC , LLC. All Rights Reserved.
SL NOHealth Plan NameCMS 1500172173American Chiropractic NetworkAmerican Chiropractic Network (PAN)174176American Chiropractic Network IPA ofNYAmerican Chiropractic Network IPA ofNY (ACNIPA)American Chiropractic Network, Inc.177American Coin Merchandising, Inc178American Community Mutual Insurance179180American Complimentary CareNetwork, Inc.American 1J1027J1027American FamilyAmerican Family Health Providers5607156071183184American Family InsuranceAMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE COTH095185American Fidelity Assurance Company186187American Founders Life Ins CoAmerican Furniture 636936369193American Insurance Company of TX194American International Group, Inc.195American Liberty Insurance icanAmerican201202203American Postal Workers Union HealthPlanAmerican Republic InsuranceAmerican Sentinel Insurance Company204American Specialty Companies205206American Specialty Health IncAmerican Specialty Ins. / MIB207American Therapy Administration ofFlorida aka ATA-FL208209American Worker Health PlanAmericas 1st Choice Health Plans ofSouth pensation41556GeneralHealthcare AllianceHeritageHome CraftImaging Management, Inc.Auto insurance8194987726LIFECAREMedical & LifeMedical SecurityNationalNational Insurance hEC , LLC. All Rights Reserved.Yes
SL NOHealth Plan NameCMS 1500UB-0455349553492181016120210Americas 1st Choice of South Caroli211212213214215America's Choice NMAAmerica's Health ChoiceAmericas PPOAmericas PPOAmericas TPAAmerichoice - New Jersey Choice of FloridaAmeriChoice of IllinoisAmeriChoice of IowaAmeriChoice of MarylandAmeriChoice of NebraskaAmeriChoice of New Jersey PersonalCare PlusAmeriChoice of New York PersonalCare PlusAmeriChoice of NJ Medicaid & FamilyCareAmeriChoice of NY Medicaid & ChildHealth PlusAmeriChoice of PA Children's HealthInsurance ProgramAmeriChoice of Pennsylvania PersonalCare PlusAmeriChoice of Rhode IslandAmerichoice of TNAmeriChoice PA Medicaid & CHIP877269537887726953788604986049230Americhoice Personal Care Plus PA2517525175231232233234235Amerigroup Amerigroup Amerigroup Amerigroup /New MexicoAmerigroup /236237238239240241242243AMERIGROUP GeorgiaAmerigroup of FloridaAmerigroup of IllinoisAmerigroup of OhioAMERIGROUP TennesseeAmeriHealth - New JerseyAmeriHealth AdministratorsAmeriHealth Caritus VIP Care 7013244245AmeriHealth ConnectAmerihealth District of 250251AmeriHealth HMO New Jersey andDelawareAmeriHealth Mercy Health PlanAmeriHealth NorthEastAmerihealth VIP Care-LaAmerikids-Dallas/Ft. WorthAmeriprise Auto Home Insurance252253AmerisafeAmerisure Insurance254Amerisure Mutual Insurance2222232242252266IllinoisMarylandNew JerseyAmericaid - Ft. Worth,Americaid - 7001Auto ensationWorkersCompensationHealthEC , LLC. All Rights Reserved.YesYes
SL NOCMS 1500UB-046409064090257Amfirst Insurance CompanyAmGuard Insurance Company - GuardDBAAmica Mutual Insurance Company258259260261262263264Amida CareAmida Care MedicareAmtrust North AmericaAMVIAmway CorporationAmway Corporation / DentalANACO2481879966J1868IP08038254265Anaheim Memorial IPA (MHCAN)266ANAIC Cibus267268Anchor Benefit Consulting, Inc.Anchor Claims Management269Anchor Glass Container Corporation270271272273274Ancillary Benefits/Arizona Foundationfor Medical CareAngeles IPA (SynerMed)ANPACAntares Management SolutionsAntelope Valley Community Hospital275Antelope Valley Ret.276Antelope Valley Union High SchoolDistrictAnthem Blue Cross (Blue Cross ofCalifornia)Anthem Blue Cross of California255256277278Health Plan ERAEligibilityWorkersCompensationAuto 2197J2197J21853419234192Auto insuranceYesJ2185YesBC001280Anthem Health Plans - HMOD & HMOG281Anthem Health Plans of Kentucky282Anthem Health Plans of KentuckyPPOB283284Anthem Health Plans of VirginiaAnthem Health Plans of VirginiaPPOB285286Anthem HMO Colorado - HMO-B(Admin)Anthem Insurance - OSB High & Low287Anthem Insurance - PPOB & PPOD (Ad288289290291292293Anthem of ColoradoAnthem of NevadaAPA PartnersApex Benefit ServicesAPIPAAPIPA (Arizona Physicians IPA) - 7198Anthem Health and Life InsuranceCompany of New ealthEC , LLC. All Rights Reserved.No
SL NOHealth Plan NameCMS 1500UB-04294APIPA (Arizona Physicians IPA) - Pr295296297298299APIPA-CRS MedicaidApplied MaterialsApplied Risk ServicesAPS Healthcare Inc.Aramark300301302ARAZArbor HealthArcadian Management Services, Inc161205231216120523127704577045303304Areas USA IncArgonaut Insurance Company(ARGO)J1944J19441980119801305306307Argus Dental PlanArgus Health SystemsArizona & 21st Corp. DBA Berkley EastConv. HospitalArizona Foundation for Medical 3324325326327328ASAGEHAAscent BenefitsASEA / AFSCME Local 52Asian American Medical GroupAspenASPIRE HEALTH PLANASR CorporationASRM CorporationAssociated Benefits (IA)Associated Benefits Corp.Associated Industries Of Massachusetts06603329332Associated Third Party Administration(ATPA)Associates for HealthcareAssociation Casualty InsuranceCompanyAssociation Of Ca Water Agencies JPA333Asst Deputy Wardens/Deputy Wardens334Assurance Company of America(Commercial Only)Assurance Resources, Inc.Assurant Employee BenefitsAssurant Employee Benefits.Assurant Health Re-Pricing via 02M3432330331AdditionalInformationTLX06Arizona Physicians IPAArizona Pipe Trades Health and WelfareTrust Fund Local UnionNos. 469 & 741 Pipe Trades HealthPlanArizona Priority Care PlusArkansas BestArkansas Best CorporationArkansas Managed Care Organization(AMCO)Armour RiskArnett Health PC17Auto ealthEC , LLC. All Rights Reserved.YesYesNo
SL NOHealth Plan Name339340341342343344Assurant Health Self FundAssurant Health Self FundedAssurant MiniMed-Key FamilyAssureCare, Inc.Assured Benefit AdministratorsAssured Benefits Administrators345346AsurisAsuris Northwest/MedAdvantage347348349Asuris NW HealthAthensAthens - ABF Freight Systems, Inc350Athens - Alemeda Health Systems351352Athens - American Apparel, IncAthens - American Brass & IronFoundryAthens - Angelus BlockAthens - Bal Seal EngineeringAthens - Bay Area Housing AuthorityRisk ManagementAthens - Bridgepoint ERAEligibilityYesNoTLX8393221SX179Athens - Central County FireDepartmentAthens - Children's Hospital LosAngelesAthens - City of Beverly HillsAthens - City of Mountain ViewAthens - City of San JoseAthens - City of VernonAthens - Community Hospital OfMonterey PeninsulaAthens - County of SolanoAthens - Diocese Of San JoseAthens - East Bay Municipal UtilityDistrictAthens - East Bay Regional ParksDistrictAthens - Episcopal Senior Communities358CMS 2110J2110YesJ2242J2242Athens - Fairmont HotelAthens - FASISAthens - Gar Laboratories IncAthens - Golden Gate Bridge Highway& TransportationAthens - Goodwill Industries (SanFrancisco, San Mateo, YesJ2114J2114YesJ2256J2256J2115J2115376Athens - Hiig-Ca ImperiumAthens - Household Industries SelfInsured GroupAthens - Imperium Insurance CompanyJ2247J2247377Athens - Kings Seafood CompanyJ2116J2116Yes378379Athens - KPC HealthcareAthens - Long Beach PublicTransportation CompanyAthens - McKesson CorporationAthens - NAHCI And 33743753803819HealthEC , LLC. All Rights Reserved.Yes
Health Plan NameCMS sJ2122J2122YesJ2124J2124YesJ2125J2125Yes388Athens - Orora North AmericanAthens - Palomar HealthAthens - Placentia-Yorba Linda UnifiedSchool DistrictAthens - Presbyterian IntercommunityHospital PIHAthens - San Francisco Unified SchoolDistrictAthens - San Jose Unified SchoolDistrictAthens - Sony Corporation of AmericaJ2126J2126Yes389Athens - Sunsweet Growers, 0J2130YesJ2131J2131Yes394395396397Athens - Temecula Valley UnifiedSchool DistrictAthens - The Conco Companies - ARCHWCAthens - The Conco Companies ZurichAthens - The Permanente MedicalGroup, Inc.Athens - Vintage Senior LivingAthens Health PlanAtlantic Dental (ADI)Atlantic PPO to 21st Century lantic PPO to AAA Mid-AtlanticJ2006J2006Yes399Atlantic PPO to Allstate s402403Atlantic PPOInsuranceAtlantic PPOInsuranceAtlantic PPOAtlantic PPOJ2010J2010YesJ2011J2011Yes404Atlantic PPO to Atlantic Imaging GroupJ2013J2013Yes405J2013J2013Yes406Atlantic PPO to Atlantic Imaging Group WCAtlantic PPO to AutoOne InsuranceJ2014J2014Yes407Atlantic PPO to BMI Benefits, LLCJ2015J2015Yes408Atlantic PPO to Bristol West InsuranceGroupAtlantic PPO to Bunch 1409410to American Commerceto American Independentto Ameripriseto Amica Insurance411Atlantic PPO to Citizens UnitedReciprocal Exch. (NJCURE)Atlantic PPO to Clarendon Insurance412413Atlantic PPO to Concord GroupAtlantic PPO to Country Way / Agway414Atlantic PPO to Elco AdministrativeServicesAtlantic PPO to Electric InsuranceCompanyAtlantic PPO to Encompass PropertyCasualty41541610ADAAdditionalInformationSL NOERAYesADN01HealthEC , LLC. All Rights Reserved.Eligibility
SL NOHealth Plan Name417Atlantic PPO to Esurance Insurance418Atlantic PPO to Farm Family Insurance419Atlantic PPO to Farmers NationalInsuranceAtlantic PPO to Firemen’s Fund /Parkway InsuranceAtlantic PPO to Foremost InsuranceGroupAtlantic PPO to GEICOAtlantic PPO to Hanover Insurance420421422423424425Atlantic PPO to Harford MutualInsuranceAtlantic PPO to Harleysville Insurance426Atlantic PPO to Hartford Insurance427429Atlantic PPO to Hartford Insurance WCAtlantic PPO to HighpointInsurance/Plymouth RockAtlantic PPO to Hortica Insurance430Atlantic PPO to IDS Property Casualty431Atlantic PPO to IFA Insurance Company432433Atlantic PPO to Infinity InsuranceCompanyAtlantic PPO to Kemper Services Group434Atlantic PPO to Lancer Insurance435436437Atlantic PPO to Liberty MutualInsuranceAtlantic PPO to MapfreAtlantic PPO to Merchants Mutual438Atlantic PPO to Merchants Mutual WC439Atlantic PPO to Mercury Insurance440441Atlantic PPO toAtlantic PPO toInsurance CoAtlantic PPO toInsurance CoAtlantic PPO toAtlantic PPO to428442443444445MetLifeNational GeneralNational Liability & FireNationwideNew Jersey Skylands446447448Atlantic PPODepartmentAtlantic PPOAtlantic PPOAtlantic PPO449450Atlantic PPO to NYSIFAtlantic PPO to Ohio Casualty Group451Atlantic PPO to Palisades Insurance11to New York City Lawto NJ-PLIGAto NY City Transitto NYC Dept. of SanitationADAAdditionalInformationCMS esJ2036J2036YesJ20
76 Aetna Better Health NY 34734 34734 Yes No 77 Aetna Better Health of Michigan 128MI 128MI Yes 78 Aetna Better Health of Nebraska 42130 42130; 79 Aetna Better Health of NJ 46320 80 Aetna Better Health of Ohio 50023 50023 Yes No 81 Aetna Better Health of West Virginia 128WV 128WV; Yes 82 Aetna DMO 68246 No