CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:05 PM Page 1NISSANCAPS TONNEAUSTHE RIGHT FITStyle. Security. Selection.
CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:05 PM Page 2STYLING THAT’S AHEAD OF THE CURVE!The Royal is custom-styledto match your specific truck model. SUVinspired side windows have twist-out rearvents with screens. The frameless rear doorhas curved glass with rotary latches and ateardrop handle. The Royal has lots of greatstandard features, value, and impressivelooks. All molds feature a trimless edge andskirted sides to conceal the bed rail caps.Standard Features:l Fixed Front Windowl Side Windows: SUV StylewithTwist-out Vents and Screensl Rear Door: Frameless Curved Glassl Rear Door Hardware: Teardrop TwistHandle with Rotary Latchl Dark Tint on All Glass ExcludingFront Windowl Insulated Roofl Interior 12VDome Lightl Recessed LEDThird Brake Lightl Automotive Paintl Skirted Sidesl Custom Fit Designl Fiberglass Base Railsl Installation Bulb Seall J-Clamp Installationl Limited Lifetime Warranty(Refer to Owner’s Manual)ROYAL2
CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:06 PM Page 3ULTRA SPORTThe Ultra Sportoffers sleek, custom-fit styling with two of thefeatures customers look for the most: 1/3 sidesliding windows with screens for generous air flowand an all glass rear door with a rotary latch.Standard Features:l Fixed Front Windowl Side Windows: Recessed1/3 Sliderswith Screens (Most models*)l Rear Door: Frameless Curved Glassl Rear Door Hardware: Teardrop TwistHandle with Rotary Latchl Dark Tint on All Glass Excluding Front Windowl Insulated Roofl Interior 12V Dome Lightl Recessed LED Third Brake Lightl Automotive Paintl Skirted Sidesl Custom Fit Designl Fiberglass Base Railsl Installation Bulb Seall J-Clamp Installationl Limited Lifetime Warranty(Refer to Owner’s Manual)*Select older model truck caps may feature 1/2 sliders.Note: 2014 models are built with hidden hinges.STANDING OUT COMES NATURALLY3
CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:06 PM Page 4ULTRATRADITIONAL DESIGN MEETS UNSURPASSED VALUEThe Ultra offers aclassic, yet stylish design with1/3 sliding side windows and adependable recessed frame reardoor. Sturdy double T-Handlesprovide secure access to the truckbed. Many options are availableto customize your Ultra to fit yourspecific needs.StandardFeatures:l Fixed Front Windowl Side Windows: Recessed1/3Sliders with Screensl Rear Door: Recessed Framedl Rear Door Hardware:Double T-Handlesl Dark Tint on All GlassExcluding Front Windowl Insulated Roofl Interior 12V Dome Lightl Recessed LED Third BrakeLightl Automotive Paintl Custom Fit Designl Fiberglass Base Railsl Installation Bulb Seall J-Clamp Installationl Limited Lifetime Warranty(Refer to Owner’s Manual)4
CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:25 PM Page 5The High C This mid-rise cap offersa continuous height approximately 3-4” above thecab height and maintains it for most of the bedlength. It’s available for most compact and full-sizedtrucks, it features 1/3 side sliding windows anddouble T-Handles on the framed recessed rear door.The added height and larger door opening allow formore usable interior space for cargo.Standard Features:l Fixed Front Windowl Side Windows: 1/3 Sliders with Screensl Rear Door: Recessed Framed withHIGH CENGINEERED FOR BIG CHALLENGESDouble T-Handleson All Glass ExcludingFront Windowl Insulated Roofl Interior 12V Dome Lightl Recessed LED Third Brake Lightl Automotive Paintl Skirted Sidesl Custom Fit Designl Fiberglass Base Railsl Installation Bulb Seall J-Clamp Installationl Limited Lifetime Warranty(Refer to Owner’s Manual)l Dark TintCAPS TONNEAUS5
CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:26 PM Page 6EXTEND THE CONVENIENCE OF YOUR TRUCKBEDSLIDE is the ultimate CENTURYCap and Tonneau accessory for heavy-duty workor serious play. CENTURY with the BEDSLIDE optionturns your truck bed into an easy access, sliding drawer,making loading and unloading cargo simple, safe and secure.6BEDSLIDE CLASSIC
CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:26 PM Page 7DECKED is an innovative in-vehicle storage system that incorporates two weatherproof,bed-length drawers which roll out to provide easy access to tools, equipment andadditional gear. The smooth rolling drawers can hold up to 200 lbs. each under a2,000 lb. payload deck. Fits nearly all full size trucks and cargo vans. Numerous accessories like the D-Box toolbox are available.YOURREGUREASECIs a ceiling mountedoverhead slidingdrawer storagesystem with a 100 lb.capacity, that's ready to use anytime you need it and out of sightwhen you don't. If you're an avid outdoorsman and love to hunt,fish, hike, or bike, the CAP-PACK can stow all your gear safelyout of the way, locked up tight. On-the-go families will love theconvenience of the adjustable storage dividers; great for travel,sports equipment, beach essentials and camping supplies.DECKED7
CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:33 PM Page 8CENTURY HAS YOU COVERED FOR THE LONG HAULFIBERGLASS TONNEAUSStandard Features & OptionsSilhouette CargoLidSILHOUETTEThe Silhouetteis Century’s premium tonneau. EachSilhouette is designed to incorporatedesign elements and dimensionalfeatures captured from the OEM truckmodel it fits. Easy to operate andbuilt for years ofcarefree service, theSilhouette is the trucklover’s choice forsecurity and style.8Low-Profile StylingDimensional StylinglCENTURY SuperLift SystemlEasy No-Drill InstallationlCENTURY 4-Bar Articulating HingelFlexSeal Front Rail Bed ProtectionlAutomotive Style Rotary LatcheslTwist LockTeardrop Twist LocklCustom Fit DesignlTrimless, Finished EdgeslInside ReleaselInterior Headliner (choice of color)nPull-Down StraplAutomotive PaintlKeyless RemotenBattery Dome LightnPainted Rear Wing (lighted or unlighted)nLimited Lifetime Warranty (Refer to Owner’s Manual)ll Standard Equipment n Optionalllllllllllnllnnnl
CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:34 PM Page 9DESIGNED FOR ACTIVE LIFESTYLESThe CargoLidCargoLid combines aerodynamic styling and fit.It’s easy to open and close, with a powerful liftsystem, a reliable rear-mounted handle anda nylon pull strap. CargoLid is designed tomaximize security and storage capacity,whileincreasing your truck’s utility.CARGO LID4-Bar HingeFlexSealCENTURY SuperLift SystemTwist HandlePull Strap9
CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:08 PM Page 10TRUCK CAPSStandard Features & OptionsROYALCAP FEATURESFixed Front WindowFrameless Curved Rear DoorRecessed Framed Door with Double T-Handle LocksFramed Door with Double T-Handle LocksDark Tint GlassTeardrop Twist LockAutomotive Style Rotary LatchesSide Windows with Twist-Out Vents and Screens1/3 Sliding Windows with ScreensInterior Headliner (Black or charcoal grey)Interior LED Dome LightCustom Fit DesignAutomotive PaintInsulated RoofRecessed LED Third Brake LightFiberglass Base RailsSkirted Rails (Varies by model)Installation Bulb SealJ-Bolt Installation ClampsLimited Lifetime Warranty (Refer to Owner’s Manual)Front Slider WindowRemovable Front Picture WindowRemovable Front Slider WindowRadius Side WindoorsRadius Side Windoor SlidersKeyless RemoteAdditional Battery or 12V Dome Light12V Gas Prop Switch for 12V LED Dome lllllllllnnnnnnl Standard Equipment10llln OptionalULTRA SPORTUltraHigh ClllllllnllllllllllnnnnnlnllllllllllnnnnnnnnnCAP FEATURESInterior Clothes Hanger (Single or double)Blank Sides (No windows)Three-Outlet 12V PowerblockOverhead Gear Net (Requires roof rack)Overhead Storage Bin (One or two, requires headliner)Thule AeroBlade Roof Rack System(Includes locks – choice of brushed or black finish)Thule Tracker II Roof Rack System (Includes locks)Thule Fairing (Fits AeroBlade and Tracker II)Thule Tracks Only - Pair InstalledThule Tracker II Load Stops 503 (Set of four)Thule AeroBlade Load Stops 502 (Set of four)Thule Load Straps 15’ (Set of two)Thule Quickdraw Ratchet System(Two - 13’ HD rope lines and four steel hooks)Thule Big Mouth Bike CarrierThule Side Arm Bike CarrierThule Top Deck Kayak CarrierThule Portage Canoe CarrierThule Snow Pack Ski/Snowboard CarrierThule Snow Pack Telescoping Ski/Snowboard CarrierThule Outbound Cargo Bag (Rack mount cargo bag)Thule Board Shuttle Paddle/Surf Board CarrierThule Canyon Cargo BasketWanderer PackageExpedition PackageScreen ProtectorsCargo HooksCap-Pack Sport*Cap-Pack Sport is available on most High-C models.ULTRARoyalUltraSportnnnnnnUltraHigh n*HIGH C
CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:09 PM Page 11OPTIONSChoose individual options or a package that fits your outdoor lifestyle.Other AvailableThule Optionsl Thule Big Mouth Bike Carrierl Thule Snow Pack Ski/SnowboardCarrierl Thule Fairingl Thule Portage Canoe CarrierFront SliderRemovable Front Picture WindowRemovable Front SliderKeyless Remote – Uses Truck’s Fobwith Tie-Downs and Quick Drawl Thule Top Deck Kayak Carrier withStraps and Bow/Stern Tie-downsRadius Side WindoorSide Windoor SliderFold-down Clothes HangerCargo Hooks - 4 or 8SPECIALEDITIONPACKAGESScreen Protectors3-Outlet 12V PowerblockInterior HeadlinerCENTURY Cap-Pack SportThese combination packages ofpopular options gear up any truck foraction, and are available for virtuallyany CENTURY fiberglass cap.Wanderer PackagellThule Roof RackInterior Headliner (Black or charcoal grey)l Dual 12V Dome Lightsl Gas Prop Switchl Thule Outbound Cargo BagGear NetLocking Overhead Storage BoxFishing Rod HolderBEDSLIDE Expedition PackagellThule Roof Rack with Load StopsInterior headliner (Black or charcoal grey)l Cap-Pack Sportl Dual 12V Dome Lightsl Gas Prop SwitchAll CENTURY Special Edition Packagescan be upgraded to include the Thule AeroBlade roof rack system.Thule Tracker II with Push-button LocksThule AeroBlade with Push-button LocksThule Canyon Cargo BasketDECKED Organizer11
CF NI12pg Summer.qxp Century TO 12 Pg 7/3/18 8:10 PM Page 12COMMERCIAL CAPS – RUGGED & READY FOR THE JOBDCU-MT3Century DCU-MT3DCUThe NEW DCU-MT3 is Century’s first all-aluminum truck cover with modular toolbox capability.Customizable reinforced shelving and accessory kits that include dividers, hooks and baskets provide versatileconfiguration options. Larger side access doors combined with a reinforced super cage infrastructure make itone of the strongest commercial truck covers available.DCU(Deluxe Commercial Utility Cap)Rugged Century commercial aluminum caps are offered with a broad selection of door and window options,storage configurations, rack choices, and optional equipment for any truck or worksite application.Century Ultra CF(Commercial Fiberglass)This cab-high cap has the sleek look of a standard model, but it’s structurally reinforced for commercial use.Solid sides provide a secure workshop; optional 1/3 sliders or a radius side Windoor allow you to customizeto meet the needs of your business.High C CF SeriesThis Century commercial mid-rise cap is reinforced for commercial roof racks, offers optional fiberglass sidedoors, toolbox options and more.www.centurycaps.comULTRA CFAll illustrations and specifications contained in this literature are based on the latest productinformation at the time of publication. Check with your local CENTURY Dealer for complete productinformation. CENTURY reserves the right to make changes in prices, colors, materials, equipment,specifications, and models at any time without notice or prior obligation. 2018 CENTURY,A Member Company of TAG Truck Accessories Group. 7/18 Part #142577, Form #9325Your CENTURY DealerHIGH C CF
Automotive Paint ll Keyless Remote n n Battery Dome Light n n Painted Rear Wing (lighted or unlighted) n n Limited Lifetime Warranty (Refer to Owner’s Manual) ll l Standard Equipment n Optional 8 CF NI12pg Summer.qx