Artisan ProviderNetworkHealth Plans andFee SchedulePO BOX 911WITTMANN, AZ 85361602-538-3864www.ArtisanProviderNetwork.com
HEALTH PLAN LIST AND FEE SCHEDULEArtisan Provider Network Start up GuideHealth Plans and Fee Schedule: The following is a current fee schedule and list of Health Plans that Artisanhas contracted with on behalf of our network Providers. Changes in this document are available on our websiteat www.ArtisanProviderNetwork.com Within this document the contract is listed the Fee Schedule indicateddirectly under each contract heading. Specialties, states applicable, reimbursement, claims submission and patientidentification are also listed. The payers the contract represents are then listed for a complete plan overview.Artisan Provider Network: is not an insurance company, we are a provider network. The Health Plan Listand Fee Schedule contain the current list of payers. Artisan negotiates the patient contracts and completes thecredentialing for these contracts including a monthly update of our providers. Our doctors bill the payers directlyand the payers pay the doctors directly. Claims do not flow through our offices. You will be listed in the PreferredProvider Directory with each of these 2700 payers within 30 days of completion of the credentialing process.Future contracting: Artisan continually contracts with new payers on behalf of our network. When a newcontract is acquired:1.Artisan will release the contract to our providers, our providers then have the right toaccept or declineany of the contracts or products we offer.2. Artisan provides monthly updates electronically to our payers to ensure that your information is currentand up to date an in the patient directories.Patient identification: Patients seen as a result of your Artisan Provider Network agreement unless otherwisenoted will be identified on the patient ID card with the insurance carrier or PPO. This will be the PPO listedin this document as well as any of the thousands of payers they service to which Artisan Provider Networkhas contracted and listed you as a preferred provider. The following list provides you with the names of payersthrough these contracting efforts. You may opt out of any contract or product of any contract at any time byadvising Artisan in writing naming the specific contract and product. If you are already listed with any of thecontracts or payers, that agreement will supersede you’re the Artisan Provider Network agreement.Claims Submission: All claims must be forwarded to the payer and address indicated on the patient ID card, ifapplicable.The Provider Network Handcrafted for you!Our mission is to continue the American tradition of healthcare with integrity. Simply put we offer high reimbursementfee for service contracts coupled with top notch customer service and the basic philosophy to do every job right!PO BOX 911, WITTMANN, AZ 85361 V 602-538-3864 F 623-465-4737 WWW.ARTISANPROVIDERNETWORK.COM2
ARTISAN PROVIDER NETWORKTHREE RIVERS PROVIDER NETWORK (TRPN) - PPOFee Schedule: 125% of the existing Medicare fee schedule as total reimbursement for covered services lessHEALTH PLAN LIST AND FEE SCHEDULEapplicable co-payments, co-insurance or deductibles.States applicable: All StatesSpecialties applicable: All specialtiesReimbursement: Fee for Service. Service’s less any applicable co-payments, co-insurance, or deductible’s.Claims Submission: Submit claim to address on back of patient ID cardPatient Identification: Three Rivers Provider Network (TRPN) will appear on patient ID card.Payer Clients: The following is a partial listing. For the complete list, please visit:www.trpnppo.com(AAA) American Automobile Assoc.3hab Medical Management4most7-Eleven, Inc.A & I Benefit Plan AdministratorA & S Financial ServicesA.E.B.S.,Co.A1 International FoodsAaon Inc.ABPAAcadamic RiskAccess General InsuranceAcordiaACS Benefit Services, Inc.ACS CompiqActor’s GuildAdministrative Concepts Inc.Administrators WestAdminone CorporationAdvanced Insurance AdministratorsAdvantek Benefit AdministratorsAegis AdministratorsAFS Insurance Services, Inc.AG AdministratorsAggressive Medical CostContainmentAIG Hawaii Insurance Company, IncAIG Insurance CoAIM Healthcare Services, Inc.Airborne Freight CorporationAISAlaska AirlinesAlaska Electrical H&WAlaska Forest AssociationAlaska Pipe Trades Ual 375Alaska TeamstersAlaska Ufcw H&W TrustAlbertsons, Inc.ALLCOAlliance International AssistanceAlliant Health PlansAllied National CompaniesAllstateAlpha Review CompanyAlternative Risk ManagementAlzheimer S AssociationAMCC IncAmeriben SolutionsAmerica West Airlines,IncAmerican AdministratorsAmerican Benefits AssociationAmerican Benefits ManagementAmerican Claims ExchangeAmerican Commerce InsuranceGroupAmerican Community MutualAmerican Crystal Sugar Co.American Foodservice Corp.American Golf CorporationAmerican Health HoldingAmerican Medical AuditorsAmerican Medical Bill ReviewAmerican Medical Security LifeInsurance Co.American Modern Insurance GroupAmerican National P&CAmerican National Property &CasualtyAmerican Postal Workers Union(Apwu)American Professional Risk ServicesAmerican Republic InsuranceCompanyAmerican Solutions GroupAmerican Tire Distributors, Inc.American Trust AdministratorsAmerican UnderwritersAmericompAmerihealth AdministratorsAmerisafe InsuranceAMERPRISEAnchor Benefit ConsultingAntares Management SolutionsAPA Partners Inc.Applebee’s International, Inc.Argo InsuranceArgo SelectArgonaut InsuranceArizona Foundation For MedicalCareArtisan ClaimsAsert Benefit ServicesAsmed Health PartnersASR Admin Systems WpASR CorporationAssociated Administrators, IncAssociated Plan AdministratorsAssociation Insurance TrustAssurant / FortisAssured AssistanceAT&T Wireless Services, Inc.Atlanticare AdminstratorsAtlas Administrators, Inc.Auto Injury SolutionsAuto One Insurance CompanyAutozone, Inc.Avis Budget Group, LlcAvmed Health PlansAvmed NorthAvon Products, Inc.Banner Health SystemsBeacon Risk StrategiesBenefit AssistanceBenefit Coordinators CorporationBenefit Management SystemsBenefit Plan AdministratorsBenefit Planning, IncPO BOX 911, WITTMANN, AZ 85361 V 602-538-3864 F 623-465-4737 WWW.ARTISANPROVIDERNETWORK.COM3
HEALTH PLAN LIST AND FEE SCHEDULEARTISAN PROVIDER NETWORKBenefit Services, Inc.Benefit SolutionsBenefit SourceBenefit Systems & Services, Inc.Benesight / FiserveBerkley Specialty Underwriting BmeGatewayBerkley Specialty UnderwrittingManagers, LlcBerkshire Hathaway HomestateCompaniesBest LifeBlue Bell CreameriesBlue Shield Of CaliforniaBME GatewayBMI Health PlansBob Mccloskey InsuranceBoeing CompanyBon Appetit Management CompanyBridge Benefits, Inc.BridgestoneBroadspireBrokerage ConceptsBrotherhood Mutual InsuranceBroadspireBrown RehabilitationBrown ReviewBSI FloridaBuckeye Insurance GroupButler Benefit ServiceC.L. Frates & CompanyC.N.A.Cam Administrative ServicesCambridge Integrated ServicesCanassistanceCapital District Physician HealthPlansCapitol AdministratorsCaprock Claims ManagementCare ChoicesCareingtonCareworks, USACarpenters SouthwestAdministrative GroupCBA, Inc.CBCACBSACCACCL & HCCSICDS Group HealthCelina Insurance GroupCement Masons NevadaCement Masons Of Southern CaCentral Benefits MutualCentury Health SolutionsCeres Health Care, Inc.Cerner CorporationCharter Management ServicesChatwins AdministrationChubb Insurance CompanyCIGNAClaims Applications ManagementIncClaims Benefits, Inc.Clark County Firefighters (Nv)Cleaners Hanger CompanyCnic Health SolutionsCoastalcomp Health NetworksCoca Cola (Manhattan)Coca Cola CompanyColonial Life InsuranceCombined Life Insurance CompanyCommerce Insurance CompanyCommercial Travelers Ins.Community CareComp I.Q.Comp Usa, Inc.Companion Property & CasualityGroupCompensable Benefits LLCCompetitive Health InsuredComplete Benefit SolutionsComplete Claims Solutions IncComprehensive Behavioral CareComprehensive Care ServicesCompstarCompstar Systems IncComptech, Llc.Concise Bill ManagementConsecoConserventConsociateConsolidated Service GroupConstruction Ind & Laborers H & WConstruction TeamstersContainer Store, TheContract Claims Services, IncCooperative Mutual Insurance CoCoresourceCornerstone BenefitsAdministrations, IncCornerstone National InsuranceCompanyCornerstone PreferredCorporate Benefits ServicesCorporate Care ManagementCorrect Care SolutionsCorvelCost Containment Strategies, Inc.Cost ProCostal Administrative ServicesCostco Wholesale CorporationCottingham & ButlerCountryway Insurance Co.Coventry Health CareCrawford & CompanyCross Summit EnterprisesCrum Foster InsuranceCulligan Intl Co.Cwi BenefitsCypress Benefit AdministratorsD. Edward Wright, Inc.Definity Health PlansDel Monte Food CompanyDelta Air Lines Global Svcs., Inc.Denny’s Restaurant ProgramDestiny HealthDh Evans Associates, Inc.Dillard DepartmentDirector’s GuildDiversified AdministratorsCorporationDiversified Group BrokerageCorporationDollar GeneralDr. Pepper/Seven Up Bottling GroupDrake Insurance AdministratorsDunn And AssociatesE.S.I.S.East Coast UnderwritersEBAMEcolab IncEducators MutualElectrical Workers H & WElite Administration & InsuranceGroupElmcoEmc InsuranceEmployee Benefit AdministratorsEmployee Benefit ConceptsEmployee Benefits ServicesEmployee Plans LlcEmployee Security Inc.Employers Life Insurance CompanyEmployers Plan ServicesEnabler Managed Care CorporationEnterprise Group PlanningEquitable Plan ServicesPO BOX 911, WITTMANN, AZ 85361 V 602-538-3864 F 623-465-4737 WWW.ARTISANPROVIDERNETWORK.COM4
HEALTH PLAN LIST AND FEE SCHEDULEARTISAN PROVIDER NETWORKErin Group AdministratorsFair Pay SolutionsFarmers InsuranceFcci Insurance GroupFederated MutualFic CorporationFidelity Insurance CompanyFirefighters Family MedicalFirst Administrators IncFirst HealthFiserveFitzharrisFlorida 1st Service Administrators,Inc.Florida Benefit AdministratorsFmh Benefit ServicesFood Giant Supermarkets, Inc.Ford Motor CompanyFox EverettFringe BenefitsFrito-Lay, Inc.Future Care, Inc.Gab RobinsGallagher Benefit Administrators,Inc.GBSIGeico CorporationGem AdministratorsGenex ServicesGeorgia Administrative ServicesGilsbar Insurance CompanyGlobal AssuranceGlobal CareGlobal Excel Management, Inc.Global Medical ManagementGlobal Risk ManagementGMACGmac InsuranceGolden Rule Insurance CompanyGrange InsuranceGreat American Insurance Co.Great FidelityGreat West HealthcareGroup AdministratorsGroup Insurance Services CenterGroup ResourcesGuarantee Trust Life InsuranceCompanyGuardianHAA Preferred PartnersHartfordHealth Administration ServiceHealth Choice Of NW MissouriHealth Cost ManagementHealth Design PlusHealth FutureHealth LinkHealth Management SolutionsHealth MarketsHealth Net, IncHealth New EnglandHealth Plans. Inc.Health Reinsurance ManagementPartnershipHealth Special RiskHealth Systems ManagementHealthcare DirectHealthcare Resource GroupHealthcomp AdministratorsHealthFirst TPAHealthplan Of NevadaHealthscope BenefitsHealthstarHIP Of NYHMA, Inc.Horizon Air IndustriesHPS ParadigmHuffy CorporationHumanaHyatt CorporationIACIBAIBEW Southwestern Health &Benefit FundIdaho Pipe TradesImed Cost Containment Solution, LlcImerica Life And Health InsuranceCompanyIndiana Farm BureauIndiana LaborersIndiana RoofersIneticoIngenixInjury Care of NevadaInnovante Benefit AdministratorsInnovated Health StrategiesInnovative Claim SolutionsInsurance Administrators OfAmericaInsurance Design AdministratorsInsurance Programmers, Inc.Insurica Claim ManagementIntegra Admin Group - SuppIntegrated Claims AdministratorsIntel CorporationIntelligent Medical Solutions, Inc.Inter-Americas InsuranceIntercom Hrential Corp.International Monetary FundInternational PaperInterstate Brands CorporationInterstate Hotels & Resorts, Inc.IntracorpIPCIsland GroupItpe Health & Welfare FundIUOE Local 15J. Crew Group-TpaJ.M. Smucker Company, TheJm Family EnterprisesJmh Health PlanJo-Ann Stores, Inc.John DeereJohnson & JohnsonJP Farley CorporationJW TerrillKaiser (Northern California)Kaiser Aluminum CorporationKb Holdings/Kay Bee ToysKeebler CompanyKemper InsuranceKentucky Laborers District CouncilKenworth Northwest, Inc.Key PartnersKey Risk Management Services, IncKraft FoodsL’oreal Usa, Inc.La Quinta Inns, Inc.Laborers Metro Detroit HealthLand O’lakes, Inc.LBA Healthplans, Inc.Leahy & Associates, Inc.Liberty MutualLife Investors Insurance CompanyOf AmericaLifewell HealthplansLittleton GroupLiz Claiborne, Inc.Local Engineers 15Lone Star SteakhouseLoomis CompanyLouisiana Farm BureauMagnaCareMail Boxes EtcMaksin Management CorporationManaged Benefits Administrators &Ins. ConsultantsManaged Health Funding InsuranceAdministratorsPO BOX 911, WITTMANN, AZ 85361 V 602-538-3864 F 623-465-4737 WWW.ARTISANPROVIDERNETWORK.COM5
HEALTH PLAN LIST AND FEE SCHEDULEARTISAN PROVIDER NETWORKMarsh AdvantageMca AdministratorsMcdonald’s CorporationMcgraw-Hill, Inc.Med Claim Partners, LlcMedataMedaudit Services Inc.Medical Administrators IncMedical Claims ResourcesMedical Claims Review ServicesMedical Consultants NetworkMedical Cost ManagementMedical Savings Insurance CompanyMedicor Managed CareMedipac InternationalMelane CompanyMemorial Integrated HealthcareMennonite Mutual AidMercy Care InsuranceMeridican Resource CompanyMet LifeMetropolitan LifeMGISMichaels Stores, Inc.Midest Security AdministratorsMiller Brewing CompanyMitchell InternationalMMOHMMSIMokan Sheet Metal WorkersMolson Coors Brewing CoMonterey Bay Clothing CompanyMontgomery ManagementMorgan & FranzMorgan White InternationalAdministratorsMorris AssociatesMountain States AdministratorsMountain States Insurance CompanyMutual Assurance AdministrationMutual Medical Plans, Inc.Mutual Of OmahaMyerson Stevenson TooheyNabisco Group Holdings Corp.NALC Health Benefit PlanNational Benefit AdministratorsNational Care NetworkNational Comp CareNational Comp Care ( Tyson )National Health AdministratorsNational Roofing Company, IncNational Rural Electric CooperativeAssoc.National Telecommunications Coop.AssociationNationwide InsuranceNationwide Mutual InsuranceCompanyNCASNebraska Farm BureauNestleNew England FinancialNew England Health PlansNew Era Life Insurance CoNGS American, Inc.NNSINoitu Insurance Trust FundNorfolk & DedhamNorth American AdministratorsNova Health SystemsNYCMNYSUTOffice Depot, Inc.Ohio CarpentersOhio Health ChoiceOhio Mutual Insurance CompanyOklahoma Property and CasualtyInsurance Guaranty AssociationOlympus Managed Health CareOne Beacon InsuranceOperating Engineers Health &Welfare TrustOroweat Baking CoOscar Health CorpOshkosh Truck CorporationOutback SteakhouseOutsourced OneOxford Health PlansP5 Health ServicesPACBLUPacific Coast Claims ConsultantsPacific FoundationPacificare Health Systems, Inc.Pacifice Heritage AdministratorsPacmedPainters District Council #2Palm Harbor Homes, Inc.Paradigm Management ServicesParamount Healthcare IncPCM, Inc.Pekin Life Insurance CompanyPenn Western BenefitsPepsi-Cola CompanyPequot HealthcarePerkins Restaurant & BakeryPermanent General Insurance Co.Perrier GroupPersonnel StaffingPetco Animal Supplies, Inc.Petsmart, IncPhelps DodgePhilip Morris UsaPhysician Benefit TrustPhysicians Mutual InsuranceCompanyPier 1 ImportsPioneer AdministratorsPizza Hut, Inc.Planned AdministratorsPlumbers & PipefittersPlymouth Rock Assurance CorpPomcoPrairie States TpaPreferred CarePreferred Medical Claims SolutionsPreffed Medical ManagementSolutionsPremier Comp SolutionsPrime Health ServicesPrincipal Financial GroupPrison Health ServicesPro-Claim PlusProcura Management, Inc.Producer’s GuildProfessional Benefit AdministrationProfessional Benefit ServicesProfessional Claims AdministrationProfessional Claims ManagementPROGRESSIVEProtection OneProvider Benefit PlansPuma Corporation & SubsidiariePupil Benefits Plan, Inc.QualcareQuality Health Management, LlcQuest Medical ClaimsRegional Care, IncResolved HealthcareRetirees Welfare TrustReunion IndustriesReview WorksRising Medical SolutionsRisk Administration ResourcesRj Reynolds Domestic TobaccoRMPGRockford Mutual InsuranceCompanyRoyalty Carpet Mills, Inc.Rubbermaid IncorporatedPO BOX 911, WITTMANN, AZ 85361 V 602-538-3864 F 623-465-4737 WWW.ARTISANPROVIDERNETWORK.COM6
HEALTH PLAN LIST AND FEE SCHEDULEARTISAN PROVIDER NETWORKRural Health Plans InitiativeSafecoSafety InsuranceSAIFSalt River Indian CommunitySara Lee CorporationScot IndustriesScott & White HealthplansScottsdale Insurance CompanyScreen Actors GuildSears Merchandise GroupSecure Health Plans Of GaSecureoneSecuritas Security Service IncSecurity Administrative ServicesSecurity Health Plan Of W.I.Sedgwick Claims ManagementSee’s Candies, Inc.Select Benefit Administrators, Inc.Selective Insurance Group, IncSelf Insured Services CoSeminole Tribe Of FloridaSentry InsuranceServicemasterSheakley UnicompShorman SolutionsSierra Health & Life InsuranceCompanySignature Network PlusSignifica Benefit Services Fka ErinGroup AdministratorsSIHO Insurance ServicesSISCOSkilstaf, Inc.Smc, Inc.So. Ca. Risk Management AssociatesSpooner IncorporatedSonoco Products CoSonoma Tilemakers Inc.Source One Computer CorporationSouthern California Pipe TradersSouthern California RiskManagement AssociationSouthern National Life InsuranceSpecialty & Paper Products HealthAnd WelfareSpectrum AdministratorsSpooner IncorporatedStanislaus FoundationStanley SteemerStarbucksState FarmState Of Louisianna OgbState-Wide Insurance CompanyStowe AssociatesStudent InsuranceStudent Plans, Inc.Summit Administrators ServicesSummit Insurance CompanySun Chemical CorporationSun-Maid Growers Of CaliforniaSunmedT.R. Paul Group ServicesTandem Care, LlcTbg Administrative ServicesTc3 HealthTeamster Construction IndustryTeamsters Local 14Teamsters Local 631 Sec FundTeamsters Local 995Texas Farm BureauTexas Industries, Inc.Texas True ChoiceThe AllianceThe ASU GroupThe Claims TrustThe Comptech GroupThe Epoch GroupThe GuardianThe Henry J. Kaiser FamilyThe Pillsbury Co.The Reny CompanyTHIPATitan PropaneTLC First AdministrationTMLIntergov Employee BenfitsTomgass Timber TrustTongass Timber Trust- Alaska ForestAssociationTotal Managed CareToyotaTPA Of GeorgiaTQ ConsultantsTrans World Airlines Inc.Travelers InsuranceTravtens Insurance GroupTrissel Graham & TooleTriStar Health BenefitsTristar Risk ManagementTru Services, Inc.True Course Medical Data AnalysisAnd Claims ServicesTrusteed Plans Service CorporationTyson FoodsU.S. BenefitsUICI AdministratorsUlico InsuranceUltramar CorpUnderwriters Safety & ClaimsUnicareUnified Group Serivces, Inc.United Artists Theatre CircuitUnited BenefitsUnited Claims Solutions, LlcUnitedHealthcareUnitrin Auto And HomeUnity Health InsuranceUniversal Underwritters InsuranceUpstate Administrative ServicesUS FoodsUSAAUSair, Inc.Valero, Inc.Valunet, LlcVanguard Services, Inc.Vermont Managed CareVermont MutualViantVision QuestVista AmericaVista Health PlansVolvo CarsWashington Employers TrustWashington Idaho CarpentersWashington MutualWashington TeamstersWausauWEA TrustWellcompWells Fargo Alarm ServicesWestern BenefitsWestern GrowersWestern Mutual InsuranceWestern Teamsters TrustWestport BenefitsWestport Shipyard, Inc.Weyco, Inc.Worcomp Bill Review ServicesWorkcomp MC/Health Choice OfNorth West MissouriWorldwide Management CarePartnersWPS, Inc.Writer’s GuildXerox CorpYork ClaimsYork Insurance Services Group, Inc.ZeneksZenith AdministratorsZenith Insurance CompanyPO BOX 911, WITTMANN, AZ 85361 V 602-538-3864 F 623-465-4737 WWW.ARTISANPROVIDERNETWORK.COM7
ARTISAN PROVIDER NETWORKFEDMED INC. – PPOHEALTH PLAN LIST AND FEE SCHEDULEFee Schedule: 15% discount off providers’ usual charge for covered service’s less any applicable co-payments, coinsurance, or deductible’s.Patients enrolled: 18 Million nationwideStates applicable: All StatesSpecialties applicable: All specialtiesReimbursement: Fee for Service. Service’s less any applicable co-payments, co-insurance, or deductible’s.Claims Submission: Submit claim toaddress on back of patient ID cardPatient Identification: FedMed shall make best efforts to ensure that Payors clearly ident
Countryway Insurance Co. Coventry Health Care Crawford & Company Cross Summit Enterprises Crum Foster Insurance Culligan Intl Co. Cwi Benefits Cypress Benefit Administrators D. Edward Wright, Inc. Definity Health Plans Del Monte Food Company Delta Air Lines Global Svcs., Inc. Denny’s Restaurant Program Destiny Health Dh Evans Associates, Inc.