A Wrinkle In Time 123movies - Christembassydocklands


A wrinkle in time 123movies

Loading video, please wait. 1080p.Blu 720p.Blu 42%344 reviewsAll reviews on Rotten TomatoesMadeleine L’Engle’s 1962 novel is a sprawling fantasy, encouraging young readers to use their imaginations and embrace individualism. Trying to squeeze the whole book into just under two hours of gaudy CGI results in an experience not dissimilar fromSpielberg’s Ready Player One, wherein the whole thing looks and feels more like a video-game clip than a movie.Full reviewLet me put a more positive spin on a negative review. The book is still out there for everyone to read: Please do so.Full reviewA Wrinkle in Time is wildly uneven, weirdly suspenseless, and tonally all over the place, relying onwall-to-wall music to supply the missing emotional connection and trowel over huge plot holes.Full reviewAva DuVernay's film adaptation of it catches the sense of exhilaration and wonder that arises from the story's elements of fantasy.Full reviewFans of the book and admirers of Ms. DuVernay's work - I include myself in both groups - can breathe asigh of relief, and some may also find that their breath has been taken away.Full reviewThe film has the feel of a iPad video pawned off on a toddler so Dad can make comforting mac and cheese - here's a bite-sized lesson about loving yourself and a jumble of pretty colours.Full reviewA smart, funny, spectacular and deftly done film.Full reviewEverygeneration gets The NeverEnding Story it deserves. This one may very well be ours.Full reviewA profoundly satisfying, imaginative and beautiful film.Full reviewBy turns gorgeous, propulsive and feverishly overwrought, "A Wrinkle in Time" is an otherworldly glitter explosion of a movie, the kind of picture that wears its heart on its tie-dyedsleeve.Full reviewOnly the faintest glimmers of genuine, earned emotion pierce through the layers of intense calculation that encumber Ava DuVernay's A Wrinkle in Time.Full review A Wrinkle In Time is available to stream in Australia now on Google Play and Apple TV and Disney and Prime Video Store. A young girl and her genius kid brother areaided by three curious witches in their search for their missing scientist father, captive of an omnipotent otherworldly villain simply called 'It' whose evil is slowly infecting the universe.Meg and Charles Wallace are aided by Calvin and three interesting women, Mrs. Which, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Who in the search for their father who disappearedduring an experiment he was working on for the government. Their travels take them around the universe to a place unlike any other. They must learn to trust each other and to understand that everyone is different. Wow. Something went wrong here. For a movie with the backing of Disney and all the resources that they poses, they must have turneda blind eye to this film, or they must have tried to manipulate and control it super tightly. This movie shocked me with how bad it was, and how Disney would release a movie this bad. They don't do it often. From start to finish, this movie is disorderly, and confusing. Maybe because I didn't read the book, but I shouldn't have to read the book in orderto enjoy the movie. The actors all seemed to lack chemistry and understanding of the role. The three children just couldn't carry the plot along. It was a disaster around every corner. A Wrinkle in Time could easily be turned into a rated R film in my opinion, the one thing holding it back was the fact that it was kids and Disney. But had this been TimBurton like Alice in Wonderland, well it would have been better directed, but it would have set in on a specific style and flow. A Wrinkle in Time never really planted its feet into a specific feel. It seemed to take itself super seriously, but what was happening on screen didn't match up. The score really didn't help. The movie was scored as a dramatic,serious, epic, however, on screen it was kids running around to "save the world". The effects were beyond cheesy. I countlessly had flashbacks to the fantastic hit "Spy Kids 3: Game Over" and its partner "Shark Boy and Lava Girl". In all regards, this movie could rival those movies on the Disney Channel, but this one is too messed up and twisted forkids to even enjoy it. They managed to make a movie that both adults and children could dislike. Disney seems to achieve first still today. 120 out of 151 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. Permalink My sister and I were ecstatic when we found out that they were finally playing this. We took time out of our busy finals week tosit down and watch the whole thing. And while it kept us entertained for the whole 3 hours, there were a lot of times we were like "Was that in the book? Where are they getting this stuff?"So I guess my advise is, if you're a book purist, try to forget this is based on it and enjoy it for the cute fluff piece it is. The book is a whole different (and better)experience.On to the movie. I think Gregory Smith was good as Calvin (even though he isn't a redhead) and the little kid was good too. Meg was a little forced I thought. Maybe it's the inexperience of the actress, but she didn't feel like the stubborn but warm Meg of the books.All in all, it was a pleasant experience. Home Movies TV-Series GenreCountry IMDB Top MOVIES BY LETTER 18 Movies

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sleeve.Full reviewOnly the faintest glimmers of genuine, earned emotion pierce through the layers of intense calculation that encumber Ava DuVernay's A Wrinkle in Time.Full review A Wrinkle In Time is available to stream in Australia now on Google Play and Apple TV and Disney and Prime Video Store. A young girl and her genius kid brother are