Comercial Identity Verification (CIV) Credential Program


National Cancer Institute - Shady GroveNCI Shady GroveComercial Identity Verification (CIV)Credential ProgramShane HebertProgram ManagerPhysical Security/Emergency Preparedness/Business ContinuityNCI - Shady Grove

NCI Shady Grove-CIV Program OverviewUse Environment New Build-to-Suite 575,000 Square Foot Administration Building Two Hundred Seat Auditorium & 80 Seat Auditorium Multi-Room Conference Center Expectation of 50-75 visitors per day (not including conference visitors) Expectation of a large amount of regular (non-Contract) visitors Badge In/Badge Out facility with HID PIV Class Readers (fully FICAM CompliantPACS)

NCI Shady Grove-Badge Use CasesCurrent Badges Available for use PIV Cards-Physical and Logical Access Any “Suitable” Federal Employee or Contractor (contracted over 6 months) Restricted Local Access (RLA) Cards-Physical and Logical Access Foreign Nationals (not able to have a “suitable” background check) Summer Students Short Term Staff CIV Card (used as a local facility “gap” card)-Physical Access Only Short Term Visitor Badges Temporary Badge for Forgotten/Lost PIV cards Reoccurring Non-Contract Service Providers (UPS, FedEx, Office Supply,Shredding, food delivery)NIH PIV BadgeNIH RLA BadgeNIH CIV Badge

NCI Shady Grove Campus-Badge Data FlowHHS/NIH PIV & RLAQ-SafeWri te-DBiPIV CheckPKI ValidationOnlyi reictaonlBiBi-Dii-DrerctieconntioalLobby KioskNon-HHS PIV· al· · Write OnlyCcure-9000EasyLobbyCIV Identity BindingCIViaBNCI Shady Grove CIVCreation· Issues CIV Credentials toVisitors without a PIV orPIV-I cardIssues CIV Credentials toVisitors with Un-trustedPIV or PIV-I CardProvides revocationinformation to PKIValidation Engine.Pushes Credentialinformation to the Cccure9000 through PIV-Check

NCI Shady Grove-CIV Card AdvantagesAdvantages Follows PIV Distribution Model (can be altered for need) Convenient-Can Be Produced On-Site in One Visit Cost Affective Secure (PKI based solution) Can Be Used With PACS/PIV Infrastructure (important forbade in/badge out) Interoperable (if accepted) Can Be Used with Emergency Mustering System (visitoraccountability)

NCI Shady GroveShane HebertProgram ManagerPhysical Security/Emergency Preparedness/Business ContinuityNational Cancer l:240-508-8508

" Pushes Credential information to the Cccure-9000 through PIV-Check B i - D i r e c t i o n a l B i - D i r e c t i o PIV Check n a l PKI V al id t on Ccure-9 0 Q-Safe W r i t e O n l y B i-D r e c t i o n a l Write Only EasyLobby HHS/NIH PIV & RLA Non-HHS PIV NCI Shady Grove CIV CIV Identity Binding Creation